food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

That stew looks totally awesome! Was it slow cooked for a few hours!?

The beef was, as I used chuck. Onions and potatoes sat in there quite a while, too. However, I don't like for the other veggies to get mushy, so they were in only long enough to get them hot and soften just a tad yet still be crunchy.
I have been hungry for some pork fried rice, sooooo, here it is. First, I marinated then grilled some tequila lime pork loin chops.


While they were on the grill I made the rice.


I was at my son's school for two hours tonight for an open house so it is just Lipton Sides Fried Rice

Next, time to get the wok going. I just used some canola oil, got it hot, threw in some ginger and garlic, then the chopped meat. Stir fried that for a minute, then some stir fry veggies, soy sauce, rice vinegar, hoisin, sriracha, sesame oil, some corn starch, and HBD's new sauce 1841(Review coming soon). Next, the rice. Incorporate it all well and Voila.



I'd mao on that rice. Chinese gal I worked with back in the day of the caveman showed me how she would dice the pork and then dredge in the corn starch and then into the hot oil. Really crisped the pork up nicey nice.
No piccys this time. Boo all you wish.....

Found some MacKays Rhubarb Ginger Preserves at World Market today. Mixed some with garlic salt and cayenne, then slapped it on some pork chops. Then - whoops! Spilt a bunch o' red hab powder on mine. The pork chops were pretty good. However, a couple things I would do differently next time. First is pay more attention to the weight on the package of pork chops - don't ask me why I didn't this time, but they were pathetically thin. Second is I would add more ginger. Although the ginger in the preserves is nice if you just have some straight, it wasn't quite strong enough when put with the other things. Yes, the amount of red hab powder probably made a diff, but I could still make out the rhubarb flavor just fine, so it didn't seem like the ginger should have disappeared as much as it did.

I will try this again another time, and if decent pics are obtained, will post then.
I know you are talking, but I can't make out what you are saying. I keep staring at the LACK OF PICTURES!!!

You know the rules. :lol:
Boo hoo. Although the chops tasted fine (but needed more ginger), frankly, they weren't very impressive to look at. HOWEVER, thought you guys might want to know about the preserves until I make the chops again. Okay?
We tend to prepare big meals on the weekend and then put
them into individual containers in the fridge. In the morn-
ings I am able to grab a couple containers of food and go
off to work, where I eat both breakfast and lunch.

This is a favorite breakfast scramble of ours. It consists



diced red onion, poblano peppers and a couple red potatoes,


two red jalapenos, five cloves of garlic and some tomato,


fresh cilantro and spinach,


and a dozen eggs with a healthy dollop of Ring of Fire
Habanero Hot Sauce.


Saute everything together, adding the garlic, peppers and tomato
near the end, right before the greens,


Then simply add the stirred eggs with hot sauce, scramble and
enjoy the early morning lip tingle!


Top with cheese and more hot sauce, if so desired.
Ballistic Brie Burger


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Tonight we settled upon Sriracha-infused hamburger meat:

( It also included Adobe Seasoning and Garlic Powder )


These were topped with sliced red jalapenos, sauteed
onion and garlic, and cheese:


Iam s so drunk I'm posting with one eye open and should
have put this in the Drunken Chef section.

Word! These tasted wonderfully.