food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

I didn't think there were any left after dinner, but there were, so here are a few of the chicken thighs my son made for dinner tonight - chicken thighs slathered with CAJohn's BBQ sauce then wrapped in bacon and slapped in the CI. The pic doesn't do them justice, but so good!

i would have him cook all the meals. looks mighty tasty! i could see myself laying down and getting real close with that plate.
Hey y'all.

Got some hippy black bean hotness here done in my Jezebel Red crockpot.

Soaked black beans over night and then done did 'em up on low for about 5 hours. Then tossed in about 5 fresh 'peno's, red onion, garlic, fresh ground BP and kosker salt.


Add a little scheeze, diced red onion, and a splooge of lime yogurt.

Tres bon!


I ate it like I was the 2nd mouse to the trap!
Looks really tasty, TB. But every time I see a bowl like that from you, I can't help but to think you must be hungry in half an hour after eating that much, unless that bowl and spoon are much larger than they appear to be (you eating out of a serving bowl with a serving spoon??) Tell me you're having fruit or something along with that..... or it's just a snack.
Mebby he just chews reeeeeeally slow, and it takes him a loooooooong time to eat it!

By the time he's done it's time for the next round! ;)
This thread is in immediate danger of getting hippified. I need to rectify this situation. Hold on...

You know, I have to comment that G's kid is a budding chef right up my alley! I got a little gift from a friend today. He is a truck driver and happened to be delivering in Philly this morning. He just so happened to be at Amoroso's bakery. I just so happened to make some chicken cheese steaks and some HOT beef cheesesteaks.




Smoked pork butts in the smoker now, nice hot rub on the outside to get burn your face off bark. Made a batch of Virginia style vinegar hot sauce. Once I pull the pork tonight I will vacuum seal some and off to Va for some midway snacks in the woods while hunting. If a deer decides it wants a bite of my BBQ, that will be its last meal. Oh it is getting close!
I made a lasagna with the usual ingredients but for Madame Jeanette peppers.

Have any of you ever had a Madame Jeanette pepper? I never had until a friend
from Holland sent me a jar of them diced. Imagine a pepper the shape of a bell
but with the heat of a habanero! I've been adding them to everything!

Here's the beef, onion, garlic and Madame Jeanette peppers:



This thread is in immediate danger of getting hippified. I need to rectify this situation. Hold on...

You know, I have to comment that G's kid is a budding chef right up my alley! I got a little gift from a friend today. He is a truck driver and happened to be delivering in Philly this morning. He just so happened to be at Amoroso's bakery. I just so happened to make some chicken cheese steaks and some HOT beef cheesesteaks.





What's a chicken cheese steak?

What part of the chicken that steak come from?

Are chicken cheese steaks like shrimp fajita's?

Neither of which exist.
joyner?? did you end up throwing away your pork? where the pic or we just getting a thermotar pic/ robbie awesome looking lasagna! jayt,t.b. hasnt seen beef in so long he losing his mind.
I can't even tell which one is chicken and which one is beef lol. Never seen them cooked in cheese gunk like that.