food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

What's all this jaw jackin' about girly mon umbrella dranks?

I don't drink no limp wrist pencil neck no load cookie pushin' dreadlocked wuss drinks.

Whup me up a hurricane.

And make it a double.

The link doesn't count.

I saw that sofrito thread before and while its cool and the gang you gotta' post it up with some new stuff.

Like maybe throw it in a big bowl of picadillo.

Or maybe toss it on a poke' chop torta sammich.

That would be killer!
A very powerful girly drink.
I guess it depends upon where you get it. I've never had one that I would describe as "powerful".

And on-topic.... the last "spicy" meal I ate was somehow not very spicy at all. Made a pork shoulder in the crock-pot, with fatalii puree and chipotle bbq sauce on it. Yes, AJ's fatalii puree. That's some pretty hot stuff. But weird, as the pork shoulder didn't seem spicy at all. Good flavor, but no heat. Kind of disappointing, and still weird. I'm pretty sure I've used AJ's fatalii puree in the crock pot before, but with different results. Pretty sure....
C'mon G. No pics AND it wasn't spicy?

You're not setting a very good example.

Walkgood, When you signed up to THP, PAGE 13, Paragraph 3, Line 6,7,&8...

"Thou shalt post pictures of food, when talking about food" etc. etc. etc.

I'm sure you remember. Consider yourself lucky, TB was very nice THIS TIME. ( maybe because it's Thankgiving)...
C'mon maaaaaaan!

Posts removed.

No piccy's.

Where's the love?

We can't get no satisfaction.

And G, who's been mixing your hurricanes?

Richard Simmons?

Have your bartender put on some soothing Barry White and man that drink up for ya'.
Yeah, what TB said. Hurricanes aint no girly drink.

It feels like it sounds... H U R R I C A N E.

One of the few mixed drinks that I love.

Get your Hurricane on!
No pictures, but the last spicy thing I made was a beef and cabbage stir fry the other day, with lots of sambal oelek and some habanero puree to give it a nice burn.