contest Where's The Beef? Throwdown

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JoeyK I love to make curry burgers, and you sir have made me proud. A roo burger Indian style with homemade chutney and raita, and naga wedges. INSANE! Never tried roo, but this is one way to get me to chomp down. You have my vote so far. And it looks fantastic!

JoeyK... JoeyK...JoeyK

Nice job so far everyone! Lots of creativity here.
Awesome Holiday burger......just awesome. Using stuffing that is fried to make buns?????? YOU SIR......ARE AWESOME! Stuffing is.......just...the bees knees. Man, this TD seemed to get the most entries. Even though mine won't raise many eyebrows it was still fun. Next one I know to bring it hardcore.
The Holiday Burger is indeed ingenious. Nice one wheebz!
You will beg for mercy but this lady shows none!
This is one TD I KNOW I can WIN !
I am an amputee but I only need one foot to kick your A$$!
I make beefless burgers twice a week and my last batch were the best yet...if I enter I will win alone!

I think PILE is fitting.
I admire your confidence and fury. Get a camera and BRING IT next time.
Until then you are just Geemeing up the boards.
I think PILE is fitting.
I admire your confidence and fury. Get a camera and BRING IT next time.
Until then you are just Geemeing up the boards.

Hahaha. Oh snap! Anyway.....I was kinda wondering if anyone was going to a veggie burger......not that'd it'd matter but i'm just curious as to how some people would do it.
Veggie burgers? Never heard of 'em.
I've heard they go under the pseudonym "Soyrizo". I wouldn't know, though.
BTW, totally off topic, but I checked out the link on your sig, TB. Good stuff. Especially like the resonator one. I've played that metallic axe many times in the friendly confines of my local guitar center. Me, I'm a Taylor Acoustic man.

Back to the throwdown!! Where you at wicked? I know the awesomeness is about to appear!!!!
How about a fish entry with Spicy Wahoo Sliders, going to be close so keeping the teaser short. :woohoo:

Purple Onion
Slider buns

Cole Slaw
Key Lime
Habby Peach Sauce (Salsalady)
Olive Oil

Key Lime
Habby Peach Sauce (Salsalady)




Okay - not the biggest, not the fanciest, but here it is:

GeeMe's Salute To Tex-Mex

First, a shot of the whole shootin' match:

What's for lunch:
- Grilled Ostrich burger on chile-cheese bun with arugula, grilled tomato, grilled tomatillo, grilled hab and sauce
- Just for Paulky black beans
- Corn-radish-jap salad
- Blue corn chips with simple salsa
- Raging Bitch beer to wash it down

What's for dessert:
- SL-inspired pepper-spiced rum cake with grilled peppers and pineapple marinated in rum
- San Juan rum/espresso/dark chocolate/red pepper salute to FD4

Just an ever-so-closer shot of the burger:

What's in the burger:
Ground Ostrich
Lime zest and juice
Orange Habanero, chopped
Garlic clove, minced
Fresh Basil
Bacon fat


What's on the burger:
Plain yogurt
Red pepper
Garlic powder

Thinly-sliced tomato and tomatillo, briefly grilled
Green Habanero, briefly grilled

The finished burger:

A few more facts:

Chile Cheese Bread
(if you want the actual recipe, pm me. Note this bread takes the shape of the pan you make it in.)

Bread Flour
Fast-acting yeast
Canola oil
Sharp White Cheddar cheese
Finely minced jalapenos

Black Beans

Half pound dry black beans
Thick Bacon, chopped, about a cup (could use ham for this)
More Bacon, for garnish, at least 4 slices
One onion, roughly chopped
Garlic cloves, minced
Chile peppers to taste (I used 2 serranos), seeded and sliced
Smoked sea salt to taste
Cilantro, chopped

Wash the beans, then put into a dutch oven (do not soak overnight.) Cover with 5 cups of water, and remove any beans that float. Add the cup of chopped bacon. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low, partially cover, and simmer 2 hours. Periodically stir the beans, and if the water gets too low, add some. (The water should completely cover the beans at all times.)

Fry the rest of the bacon in a skillet. Remove the bacon once well-brown (should easily crumble.) Drain off all but about 2 tablespoons of bacon grease. Add the onion and fry until golden. Add the chiles and garlic, and continue frying until the onion is nicely caramelized. Stir this into the beans, then add the cumin and smoked sea salt. Let simmer at least another half hour, then cool and refrigerate overnight to let the flavors blend together. Heat beans slowly, then stir in cilantro and tequila shortly before serving. Serve in bowls topped with crumbled bacon.

Simple salsa

Green onion
Lime juice

And just for SL:

San Juan (Rum 1)

6oz Dark Chocolate
6oz Espresso
9oz Silver rum
Chile pepper flakes to taste
Sugar to taste

Combine in a saucepan, and bring just to a boil. Remove from heat, pour into coffee cups, sprinkle with chile pepper flakes. Note this is thick - more like drinking rummy chocolate syrup.

Feisty Pineapple Rum Cake (Rum 2)

1 Golden Pineapple
1 Bottle (375 ML) Gold Rum
Fresh Raw Peppers to taste (I used 2 long thick red cayennes, about 9" each)
Brown Sugar (1/2 Cup or more)

Cut the pineapple into large cubes or wedges. Lay flat in a glass pan. Slice peppers, scatter around pineapple. Sprinkle with coriander, then a generous sprinkle of cinnamon. Sprinkle with brown sugar to cover. Pour rum over all. Cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate at least 36 hours. Stir/mix at least 2x/day.

After the above has marinated at least 36 hours, make the cake. Very generously grease and flour a bundt pan. In a large bowl, beat together the following for at least 4 minutes:

1 Box Yellow Butter cake mix (ignore the directions on the box!)
1 Small Box Instant Vanilla Pudding
Coriander (sprinkle and stir some into dry ingredients - I didn't measure)
Chile Pepper powder (sprinkle and stir some into dry ingredients - I didn't measure)
1/2 Cup Rum (drained from the pineapple/pepper mix)
1/2 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Canola or Vegetable Oil
4 Eggs

Pour into bundt pan, then bake at 350F 50-60 minutes. Note that if you were stingy on greasing and flouring the pan, this next step may cause the cake to stick to the pan.

About 20 minutes before cake comes out of oven, combine the following into a small saucepan:

1 Stick Butter
1 Cup Granulated Sugar
1/2 Cup Rum (drained from the pineapple/pepper mix)
(Note: If you let the pineapple and peppers marinate in the rum for more than 36 hours, you might need more rum at this point.)

Stirring constantly, bring to a boil about 1 minute. (Note this mixture will boil over very quickly - it is important to stir constantly, and lift the pan from the burner as needed.) When the cake comes out of the oven, poke holes into it with a skewer, then pour the rum sauce over it. Let it sit in the pan on a cooling rack until rum has completely soaked into the cake. Invert onto serving ware, and let cake cool completely.

Remove the pineapple and peppers from the remaining rum. Grill them, periodically stirring, until the pineapple is nicely browned. Serve the pineapple and peppers with the rum cake.
Clearly the rum-soaked peppers and pineapples had to start marinating Friday night. The chile-cheese bread was started Friday night, as well, spent Saturday rising, and was baked yesterday. The black beans were started last night, because I find letting them sit in the fridge overnight improves the flavors. The rum cake itself was also baked last night, to let the rum fully soak into the cake. All the rest was made and assembled this morning. You got my "cheat" version of the rum cake, because I don't give away my made-from-scratch version's recipe. Still and all, it's a darned fine thing!

So the only "dish" without chile peppers in it is the beer, and the just the salad and salsa are missing alcohol.
And now I'm going to sit back, page back, and read all the fun I've missed today, while I enjoy another San Juan! :beer:
Let me be the first to congratulate you, Geeme!
You have talked much smack, and have been the ire of many a throwdown veteran, but you had the cojones to post a worthy entry! (unlike a certain veteran)
You almost singlehandedly made this throwdown fun for me!

That being said...lose, and lose badly!
Sweeet! I had an idea for Roobaneros© :lol: , but found out that it took 24 hours notice to get ground exotics because of the holiday today...

WOW that sounds like a great idea

JoeyK I love to make curry burgers, and you sir have made me proud. A roo burger Indian style with homemade chutney and raita, and naga wedges. INSANE! Never tried roo, but this is one way to get me to chomp down. You have my vote so far. And it looks fantastic!

JoeyK... JoeyK...JoeyK

Nice job so far everyone! Lots of creativity here.

Thank you soooo much I am glad somebody likes it :)

@Geeme Nice job looks good

Wow this comp is fierce
Pages? I made a few posts and not much way in the line of smacktalk. No camera, can't participate.
Damn, Pi - pm me your address and I'll send you a camera! :lol:
Really, though, I just bought my digital camera in July, and the cell phone wouldn't cooperating in sending pics to the computer, so I've only recently been able to post, myself.
Let me be the first to congratulate you, Geeme!
You have talked much smack, and have been the ire of many a throwdown veteran, but you had the cojones to post a worthy entry! (unlike a certain veteran)
You almost singlehandedly made this throwdown fun for me!

That being said...lose, and lose badly!
F- - - the burger; these San Juan's are to die for. I think I'll be too drunk several days from now to care! :beer:
BTW - you da winner!
Well, geeme, you got it done on time. I was starting to wonder... :lol:

btw, wasn't the rum supposed to be used in the burger, not just the dessert?

and JoeyK, now I'm mad at you for stealing The Boss's vote, I thought I had that one! ;) Aw, Well....

Excellent entries from everyone. Can't wait to see what PRF brings.
Wow, more entries! I have to see if someone topped JoeyK!

Remember everyone post a name, ingredients, cooking methods (JayT and others), and a plating pic in one post by 6:30 PM EDT.
SumBits' Cuban Burger Plus

Peeps of the Throwdowns... hear me!!!

Break out the beach towels because this post is gonna get your drool on...


Some salt
some pork (I wish it WERE Flamingo) Marinated in Mojo for hrs. then slow cooked and pulled to perfection
some ham [ground to make HAMburger]
Mojo sauce for marinade
Some pickles
Some Swiss cheese
SumBits' Scotch Bonnet Thousand Island Style Super-Human sauce mixed with some slaw sloppy style
and some garlic butter topped yuca fries!!! <-- Whaaaaaat!?!

Some ......... Scratch that. Here are the pics.

SumBits' Scotch Bonnet Thousand Island Style Super-Human sauce in process




btw, wasn't the rum supposed to be used in the burger, not just the dessert?
Nope - if you read my original post, you'll see I said it didn't necessarily have to be in the burger - just any two items, at least one of which couldn't be a beverage. I thought about changing my burger to include rum, but had already been happy with the tequila in it. I've still got a couple packs of ostrich left, so maybe I'll try the rum-soaked-pineapple-and-peppers chopped up inside it. Could be interesting!

And just an additional FYI - ostrich tastes very much like beef, only better! I've never had a beef burger that tastes like a fine steak, but the ground ostrich does.
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