I had to go with Guat's entry. Juicy lucys are one of the best inventions known to man. The meat looked a little dense (as someone who grinds my own beef regularly), but when making a burger like a juicy lucy the patty is the full on point. Also he used a very high fat content beef which keeps the juicyness even when cooked through. The bacon weave was off the hook, with the Jals and the pepper in the cheese. I had to think "Which burger here would I just eat pretty much every week?" And it was GIP.s
D3 was an ultra close second. Man you guys are killin me with these entries

The fried portabella mushroom was a great touch. Also the thing that almost got my vote was the smoked burger version. So much misinformation on smoked burgers being dry. That is ultra false. Using high fat content fresh ground negates the problem when cooking through and through.
As I said the cons from Gips: A bit to dense. Cons from D3. way to crumbly for my liking on the non smoked one. Cons from Grants: it looks amazing but has way to much foofiness going on for me. And the grind seemed a bit too coarse so the burger was super crumbly.
For me taking short rib, some triTip, chuck roast AND adding fat trimmings that I save, and grinding together bacon in it, gets a fat content of around 70-74% which is perfect for smoked burgers. Also so the burger stays together I grind twice, once at coarse grind, and once at medium grind. I always shape the patties and handle as little as possible. You need that second grind to get the binders in the meat to work. You smoke them for 20-30min @ 300degrees, they come out cooked through and still explode with juices when you bite in.
If you have a cast iron grate you can set your smoker at 250, take a blow torch to one section of cast iron and sear the bejesus out of the pattys to lock in some moisture, then move them to the cool smoke side.
Anyways. Great work at all, I would not hesitate to put your meat fully in my mouth and swallow your juices.