seed-train WILD THING (seed train now boarding)

I met Orekoc today and now have the train. I will get it out on Monday. Thanks to Orekoc for organizing the train and meeting me in FG
Edit:  Thank you to CAPCOM for starting/organizing the train.  Thanks to Orekoc for organizing the seeds in the train before they got to me!
FGpepperguy said:
I met Orekoc today and now have the train. I will get it out on Monday. Thanks to Orekoc for organizing the train and meeting me in FG
Edit:  Thank you to CAPCOM for starting/organizing the train.  Thanks to Orekoc for organizing the seeds in the train before they got to me!
Hey, you are welcome. I just didn't pack it up again, saved me a step.  Really folks, there is so much in this one that you have to organize it some how when you get it. Since there are few S numbered ones, I pulled those out first. Then went and put all the numbered ones in numerical order, so I could find what I was looking for. I printed out the list, three pages!, of the numbered ones. Scorched kept all of his additions in a separate baggie, so it was easy to go through those. The others went into another envelope. I put my additions into a bigger baggie, so they are all together. There is a nice envelope in there, that we don't open as well. I also threw in some more extra baggies. It was hard to chose.
We can switch over to an envelope at any time the need arises. I just happened to have the SFRB on hand when the train started out. I didn't realize how fast this would snowball.
Box is packed and will be on the way to AaronTT tomorrow.  Will soon be time for a padded flat rate envelope.....

Packed to the gillz!  
I just received the train and all I can say is Wow! What a collection! You guys coming up are really in for a treat! Im going to take a day or two max to look through and get my own ready as well and then I will send it on its way.
Glad you got it safe and sound Aaron
AaronTT said:
I just received the train and all I can say is Wow! What a collection! You guys coming up are really in for a treat! Im going to take a day or two max to look through and get my own ready as well and then I will send it on its way.
CAPCOM said:
OH Yeah!!
Can I say that?
Yes, since you said it, it would appear that you are capable of saying it. But if you meant to say MAY I say that, yes you may. You have my permission.
I should never post after a couple of shots of Bushmills. I get pedantic. Mea culpa.
I'm next!!! Getting very excited, just sorting through seeds trying to figure out a plan for 2015. I will be getting out the fluorescents in the next couple of weeks. As I try new pepper varieties, the earlier the sowing the better, seems to be the motto. The timing on the Wild Train is just perfect and the anticipation is so nice. Winter is my least favorite time, today is feeling quite frigid. This train is just what the doctor ordered, THANKS Capcom and all participating. I have much to add along with some surprises. I ordered some of the padded envelopes via USPS for Scorched/Coheeds train which was quite easy to do. Happy New Year !!!
Seed train has left the station with an expected ETA of Wednesday. Fiogga prepare yourself! I sent it in an envelope, as it refuses to go back to that little box. It has earned itself a larger home. Man this one is nice, and quite large, with many interesting varieties. Enjoy!
USPS tracking: 9114 9999 4431 3966 5772 00
Thanks Aaron, can't wait!!! I've got goodies to add, I might actually plant more peppers than tomatoes in 2015. I hope the Scorched train gets back on track, Choo Choo!
fiogga said:
Thanks Aaron, can't wait!!! I've got goodies to add, I might actually plant more peppers than tomatoes in 2015. I hope the Scorched train gets back on track, Choo Choo!
I think I threw in a baggie or two of tomato seeds, unless it was the other train I was on. I can't remember. If you need more tomato seeds, let me know, I've got some to spare.  Read this post to see what I have to offer: