seed-train WILD THING (seed train now boarding)

Yeah, I would wait till tomorrow too. All of those great seeds just waiting to be discovered will wait patiently till, tomorrow. What's another day anyway.

Heh, I wouldn't be able to wait.
Had a very difficult day yesterday, taking care of a 93 yr. old aunt. Brief synopsis, up early, loading the bed of the truck with anything not iced to the ground, we had an ice storm here in Indy. Salt shortage here, main roads o.k. side streets not. Door frozen on truck, can't get in, plug in a de-icing device, get in, warm up truck, load up aunt, hour to get to doctors, huge potholes everywhere road crews slowing down traffic, stressed worrying about flat tires. Make it to the doctors, everyone late. Bloodwork,ctscan, infusion therapy, social worker trying to keep me happy (impossible task) for 2hrs. while waiting for the delayed physician trying to explain the morass of medicare! Finally the physician, checking out trying to get them to send her bloodwork to another physician so she won't have to do it again, another nightmare, leaving at 4:00 realizing rush hr. traffic will be a problem. My aunt has had no food all day because of tests, need to try to get her something before the adventure home. They have no change at the Steak and Shake, she only wants a chocolate shake, at the drive-up window too long, had to leave the truck running, her in it and go in to deal with things, heading home. Get home, see the train arrived, big smile on my face. Unfortunately I'm exhausted. I still need to fix dinner, take care of animals, do laundry, get my aunt pilled and ready for bed. If I open the train, it's canned soup and grilled cheese, laundry can wait, animals can't wait, aunt can't wait. I know I will be up most of the night relishing the contents of the train, I'm tired. I want to let everyone know it got here safe and sound because of the problem with the Scorched train so I post. I also decide aunt Edie has had a rough day and I fix her meatloaf, mashed potatoes and lots of gravy and strawberry shortcake for dessert. It's a new day, I'm up early and I open the train with a cup of espresso, Jeff you have been so very generous, OMG!!!! I notice packages from Scorched, Orekoc, Pepperguy. I'm definitely thinking today will be a great one, I have lots to add along with some surprise bonus riders for you tomato lovers. I plan to get it back out Fri. Choo Choo!!!
Just returned from the post office tracking# 9505 5111 3190 5016 4745 06. You will need a priority flat rate bubble envelope for mailing, the train is LARGE!!!!
Many thanks to Jeff for starting this, amazing selections, CHOO CHOO!!!
fiogga said:
Just returned from the post office tracking# 9505 5111 3190 5016 4745 06. You will need a priority flat rate bubble envelope for mailing, the train is LARGE!!!!
Many thanks to Jeff for starting this, amazing selections, CHOO CHOO!!!
Man, that was a fast turn around. You sure you went through it thoroughly?
Took a day to sort through, tried not to include duplicates in my additions, don't think I missed anything? I'll p.m. Charles, maybe I did miss something, the offerings from Jeff are many.
As of Tuesday we will be approximately to the half way point of this train. In the interest of making a conducting a 2nd successful train. I am opening the sign up now. Same rules apply as stated on the OP and any subsequent updates.
Two late comers for the first train have the 1st two slots if still interested.
Zeus, if you haven't been on this train, get on it, if you qualify! YOU won't be disappointed! What are you waiting for?
Have you jumped on this yet? Why not? What is wrong with you people?
I am going to increase the size to 25 seats. and will give past riders their choice of seating location. starting now.
25.Wicked Mike
Back to the station
To all new riders as well as those participating again. Refer to the OP or #1 as this page is where all edits occur. All edits will be in RED.
This was my first attempt to conduct a seed train and have learned from some mistakes and found that it requires constant tweaking to keep new ones from occurring. What started off slow has gained much momentum and attention. The next round is sure to be at least equal. I am going to take this time to address and review a few things.
First, As the train grows there are bound to be duplicate seed types. When I get the train at the mid point, I will NOT combine any duplicate seeds into one envelope. The reason for this is, expl, If Judy was a rider and had put any of her lava strains in. I would not want them combined with anyone elses so called lavas.
Second, participation requirements. The established requirements to participate are the absolute minimum I feel should be in place.(3 months and 100 posts). There is a lot of members hard work in one envelope/box of seeds and in most cases no one knows anyone on the forum much more than a user name. Longevity and character on the forum are the best clues about the perspective rider (but not without its own fallibilities). It is my responsibility to all riders to vet potential riders that just make the minimums. Trust, but verify. I have made exceptions in the past only after much scrutiny.
Third, leave all empty envelopes in the train. this is the fastest way to go through and replenish the train when it comes back. empties dont take up too much room.
bucdout57 said:
Count me in.
and will give past riders their choice of seating location. you failed to specify.

Dulac said:
Still room on this train? I'd like to add a nice pequin (have the cgn number somewhere) from Texas and more.
got ya

coachspencerxc said:
Count me in. Always fun to go through the seed museum, contribute & add to my own.
got you also, special location?
Thanks for doing all of this CAPCOM! I'll be skipping another ride. I've got too many choices already and still some orders to place. Gotta support the vendors too!
Orekoc said:
Thanks for doing all of this CAPCOM! I'll be skipping another ride. I've got too many choices already and still some orders to place. Gotta support the vendors too!
I hear ya bud, loud and clear. Too many seeds can present a challenge.