I think that is a protected pepper thats why no one has it. I know it comes from brazil but I don't think seeds are allowed out of there. If I ever get those don't worry I will sell them to you for a great deal 100 bucks a piece lol
Best area they will find them in are in southern Brazil; Minas Gerais, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina and Sao Paulo. Right in my guys and your ppl's area. It will be a hard one to find.
Chiltepin. Not only my favorite wild, but my favorite chile of all of them. Until I change my mind....
Cool! I'll be anxious to hear how they taste...All I know is the regular CPI red version...
Does Cumari do Para count as a wild? I thought I would love it, and my plants grew big and bushy and produced like crazy...The pods were tasty and real spicy, but I found myself still preferring good ol' Chiltepin...
My plan was to grow a Chiltepin hedge this year, but damping-off destroyed most of my seedlings...Two plants do not a hedge make...
How about Turbocapsicum Anomalum ,,,,I thought I had a shot at em once from a national seedbank,,not to be !If we are talking unobtainable, C.dusenii.