favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Not a bad start at all so far. Cumari du Para, Galapagoense and rocopica sprouted so far
What wild varieties grow into large tall plants? I'm looking for a variety that i can plant this year that will last many years and get quite big. Any ideas?
I have no first-hand experience regarding wild peppers, but did notice recently a C. praetermissum (i think that's the correct spelling) named 'Cumari Pollux' in the wild seeds section of Pepperlover.com's online catalogue.

The description sounded very close to your specifications, and i'd guess your Florida location and climate would be an asset to anyone growing this pepper.

The colorful flowers are a nice bonus.
Looks like mother nature wasn't all that harsh on my plants this winter... Did have some cold days, which dropped mostly all of the leaves on my plants..
Glad I won't be starting these from seeds this season, have a lot more fresh seeds to hit the dirt.. Sorry for the poor quality pics, just wasn't my day to get clear shots...


Looks like mother nature wasn't all that harsh on my plants this winter... Did have some cold days, which dropped mostly all of the leaves on my plants..
Glad I won't be starting these from seeds this season, have a lot more fresh seeds to hit the dirt.. Sorry for the poor quality pics, just wasn't my day to get clear shots...



Whoohoo!!! Looking great already James!! Good luck this season!!

:party: :onfire: :party:

Thanks Walt, going to give em another shot. All of these were covered in pods except the Cumari, mother nature decided to throw a cold one at us and that really messed things up....
This thread is great. I'm trying a few more wilds this year, I have a couple of c. rhombs that I started before December that are coming along nicely next to the windowsill. I wasn't expecting them to be as vigorous as they are. Lanceolatums just started poking up so fingers crossed. Galapagoense isn't doing anything yet.

I have a couple wild baccatums overwintered along with a "chile del monte" from somewhere in Texas. They aren't much to look at right now so here's a couple pics from last season.


capsicum baccatum 'Mini mini' (lives up to its name, pods are tiny, super prolific, too much of a pain to bother picking).


Chile del monte

I have to say this is one of richest threads on THP, at least in my opinion. Beautiful pictures and great information. If not for this thread, I might not have picked up some of these amazing types, and I would have been missing out on perhaps some of the best peppers in the world. Thanks to all who shared and contributed. I look forward to 2015 pics, and hope to be posting some of my own.
My limited understanding on wilds is that many of these hold more disease resistance than non wilds. Has anyone noticed this? Are there any particular types that seem to be very hardy and strong?
So Sad, not one of my rare wild peppers have germinated and its been 4 months while all my other peppers have sprouted and are well on there way in fact most has been transplanted already. Last year my
galapagoense sprouted in 3 weeks this year nothing yet. It looks like I will have to replace all my seeds
and buy more. If I can find them I know Judy has some But I will be looking for Lanceolatum, Flexuosum,and Tovarii. for starts.