favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Spicy Mushroom said:
Is the 'Wild Brazil' a wild type or is the name fooling me? :) That was one of the varieties I had on my list of next seeds to buy.
If you enter "Wild Brazil" into the forum search box while viewing this thread then you'll see it was mentioned a number of times in this thread. I don't know of a way to link to the search query. Here's a quote of a post by Nigel that has grown it:
Nigel said:
Have a look at Pepperlover.com and Rainbowchiliseeds.com. They have an excellent selection of wild Capsicums and both send out excellent quality seeds.

The seeds of some species are a pain to germinate and take 20-40 days, occasionally longer.

I`d recommend a wild Tepin or Calusa Indian Mound (C.annuum), a wild C.baccatum, any C.praetermissum and a wild chinense such as Wild Brazil.

Be prepared to start talking in letters and numbers, rather than normal English; CGN 21503, PI 439528, CAP 501 etc etc etc [/size]

It isn`t nearly as pubescent as [background=#f7f7f7]PI 441654. In fact, the growth is indistinguishable from [/background]PI 596059. I have 3 plants of each and I have to look at the labels to tell them apart.PI 596059 is also supposed to be C.baccatum var baccatum and I have buds on the plants, but no open flowers yet.
Bluesman said:



C.annuum var. glabriusculum. Tepin Guatemala Natl Park of Tikal.

C.sp CGN19198
I have grown 2 versions of CGN19198,both seem to be C.eximium. This season I am growing the version with the pale corolla,it is growing multiple fruit per pedicel. Very interesting plant. Do you have any photos of your flowers?



LA 2 the Bay said:
Where may one obtain some wild seeds
The best place in the US that i know of is Pepperlover.com. By 'best', i speak of seed quality, varieties available, and customer service.
Viewing others' comments, i gather that seed freshness is a particularly important issue with wild Capsicums, and that Pepperlover is also the best in regard to that particular aspect of seed quality, too.

Your next-best choice would probably be Semillas.de -- this is the address for the German-speaking version of Semillas La Palma's website. The English version has less selection, omitting most wild chinenses. He's comparable in all other criteria, but you need to consider that he's outside your country, thus you need to go through paperwork to import the seeds.
This firm carries a few varieties that Pepperlover doesn't (the reverse also holds true), including Aji Charapita and 'Wild Brazil'.

I corresponded with Pepperlover.com last year... i was told that the wild chinenses were about as easy to germinate as the domestic ones. Please note that many wild chinenses have quite tiny seeds. More cautious sowing and watering are needed, and one forum member suggested using a finer grade of seedling mix in another thread.

Research wild strains and species as thoroughly as you can -- this forum is a particularly good database -- before you order. Some don't even taste like peppers. Some are very hard to germinate (ie.: apparently, Capsicum galapagoense is quite difficult). Some taste very good... "peppery", but different from domestic peppers.

Ask some of the forum members who've actually grown them (i haven't...yet).
I had a wild Chile tepin from Guatemala but I forgot to wet the towel back up and they didn't germinate. It was about .25 inch long pointy pepper
AzoreanRuister said:
I am growing out Chacoense "Most Prolific" from Pepperlover. Really small and delicate leaves. I have no idea what the pods taste like or their heat level, but looking forward to experimenting. Anyone grow this out before? I think I will keep one of them indoors and see how it does.
I think they taste really good and have some heat.
It's really tough to say what my favorite is! I think I'll go with capsicum flexuosum. So far they've been growing very strong and one is starting to bud.
Flower open on one of my rocopica.  sorry for the crappy picture I will get some better ones. any thoughts on this?  is this what they refer to as white rocopica? I had seeds labeled as rocopica and white rocopica but none of the white rocopica seeds germinated. Out of the three plants I kept from the rocopica seeds it looks like only this one is going to have the white flower.seed started 2-14-15.  I will say the plant smells much stronger and better then any of my pube plants when brushed against. it's very very pungent,thanks for any help.
None of my very rare peppers have come up yet, I'm pretty sure that the seeds rotted as they were planted in February when I was in the Hospital, all my others like my C. praetermissum, C. eximium, and C. galapagoense   did come up along with some tepins, I will have to look hard to get the Flexuosum, Lanceolatum, Parvilfolium and Tovarii  again. I do know a few vendors that have some of what I want just a matter of finding them and starting over, so I can overwinter them. It took me 4 tries to finally get my galapagoense
to germinate so it will be just a matter of time. I think I will get some C. Rhomboideum also that way I will have a full house..
That's crappy Wildseed57 :( Hope your health is okay, and you find those seeds to grow and overwinter! I'd send some your way but I only have 1 wild and it's CGN21500. It's now my favorite wild since it's my only wild :D Or is it? I just assumed it was. Anyways I was gifted that from the generosity of another member here, so I'd pay it forward if I could.
I have plenty of open pollenated galapagoense seeds along with a boat load of eximium and praetermissum seeds that I will have plenty of them to grow along with the mother plants that I overwintered,  so it will be interesting to see if they grow true as I just let them go last summer and fall as I was not feeling well during that time.  There was some talk about some of the C. cardenasii actually being C. eximium and I was wondering if anyone has found a true cardenasii yet ? Nigel last year had said that he was planning a trip to Bolivia to see if he could find and document a true cardenasii along with two other interesting species, but I have not head from him since last December, so I don't know if he was able to go or not.   I hope he is doing ok as he has not posted in quite awhile, I miss his input here. Well at any rate  I'm hoping that some mystery seeds that I found tucked away, turns out to be my long lost C. chacoense I really like the oily little pods that it had. I lost a lot of my wilds when I moved to another town I was in the hospital at that time and my friends and family made the move for me, but some how my box marked wilds didn't make it, so I have been trying to get restocked again it will just be a matter of time before I get back to having all my favorite wilds again along with some very rare species. 
wildseed57 said:
I have plenty of open pollenated galapagoense seeds along with a boat load of eximium and praetermissum seeds that I will have plenty of them to grow along with the mother plants that I overwintered,  so it will be interesting to see if they grow true as I just let them go last summer and fall as I was not feeling well during that time.  There was some talk about some of the C. cardenasii actually being C. eximium and I was wondering if anyone has found a true cardenasii yet ? Nigel last year had said that he was planning a trip to Bolivia to see if he could find and document a true cardenasii along with two other interesting species, but I have not head from him since last December, so I don't know if he was able to go or not.   I hope he is doing ok as he has not posted in quite awhile, I miss his input here. Well at any rate  I'm hoping that some mystery seeds that I found tucked away, turns out to be my long lost C. chacoense I really like the oily little pods that it had. I lost a lot of my wilds when I moved to another town I was in the hospital at that time and my friends and family made the move for me, but some how my box marked wilds didn't make it, so I have been trying to get restocked again it will just be a matter of time before I get back to having all my favorite wilds again along with some very rare species.
I miss Nigel. He would try and answer everyone's questions. This thread seems to have died off some when he left. I should have extra rocopica seeds here from my plants at some point if you need any.
I might just take you up on the Rocopica  seeds I and Chris grew them years ago, I got mine from Rocoto.com which I believe is still going. I eventually lost my seeds due to a mishap, rocopica is a great little plant and the pods are quite tasty. There is a few different versions of it,  some with smaller pods looking more like a eximium cross with a rocoto than a cardenasii X rocoto and I believe that there is one that has larger pods that are nearly the same size as the rocoto that throws out very small pods, though I may be wrong on this one. I can send you some seeds of what I have either some Eximium or galapagoense if you don't mind the chance of a accidental out cross I have some seeds of Judy's Mystery Blue which is a nice Praetermissum species, I also have another praet. species that may be a unknown out cross of a praet. X ??  as the pods look different from other Praets. it also has the soft flesh gene so you end up with ripe pods that are very juicy and no real flesh to them.

P. S. I forgot to mention that the Owner of Rocoto.com Is based in Calif. not to far from you I think you might want to check it out. He Had a really Big Rocoto plant that He would cut back every year.
Vegas_Chili said:
Me me me! My turn!

Cumari Verdaidera - C. Praetermissum. (Overwinter and seeds from Portuge)

Baccatum pea - C. Baccatum.

CAP 501 x Bhut F3 ( Charles creation and seeds from Portuge 2014).

:dance: :dance: :dance:  Good to see that your kept your plants going Walt... Been away from the site do to work n all, gonna have to get out and take pics of my plants here soon... Keep em happy