favorite Wild Varieties-What is your favorite

Getting closer on the rocopica

Also have my Cumari pollux getting ready to join the party


A huge thanks again to prodigal_son for the seeds!
Agree 100% with Portuge! Fantastic photography! I'll need to check again tomorrow, but if the storms the last 2 days didn't change things I may have a pod started on my rocopica! Need to get a pic of my galapagoense too. For some reason it's struggling and I just can't get it to come right.
I should mention,CAP1530 is C.eximium. My post made it seem like it was a rocopica.

MeatHead1313 said:
Agree 100% with Portuge! Fantastic photography! I'll need to check again tomorrow, but if the storms the last 2 days didn't change things I may have a pod started on my rocopica! Need to get a pic of my galapagoense too. For some reason it's struggling and I just can't get it to come right.
If you are struggling with rainy weather,I would bet on it being that. C.galapagoense isn't as tolerant to wet conditions as a flexuosum or lanceolatum would be.
This season has been crazy so far, just as the weather is warming up we have been hit with lots of rain and I have been busy moving my plants around trying not to let them drown.  I already lost my eximium that I overwintered, but I have little ones coming up around their dead parent plants. My galapagoense are still hanging in there despite being flooded, twice johns right about them not liking wet feet.  if they die I will have to start over with seeds that I got from them last year.
Sadly none of my Lanceolatum, Flexuosum and Tovarii never came up, I do have some strays that are just now popping so I have hopes that a few might be some of them.
I'm really beginning to hate all this rain I have three raised beds that I have been trying to rebuild despite my family  warning me not to push myself so soon from my bout of illness, but just like a bulldog I just can't let it go.
John and the others here have been posting some great photo's, I wish I could take some that were half as good, but I would have to get a much better camera.
Howdy, read through this entire thread, took me a week, a bit at a time.  I planted several pepper seeds (21 varieties) the end of January, then bought 5 plants later on this year choosing a wide variety of seeds and plants including one wild Tepin. At the time I didn't know what a wild was, it just looked like a pepper I wanted to grow.  After that I started wandering around the net reading up on peppers (including watching Nigel's videos), which I guess I shoulda done before I started growing them all because I would have more wilds growing now. Early May I placed an order on ebay for some Aji Charapitas from Peru, but they never made it. Just found another place them get them and some Cumari do Paras (very much liked Nigel's video on them). Ordered some Aji jobito seeds from Lindberg on this forum, but not sure if they will make it past the USDA either. I have a backup of most peppers, (2 of some) so growing over 50 plants.  Anyway I thought i would like to post a picture of each of my 5 1/2 mo old tepins
This is really such a nice delicate looking plant that hardly looks like a pepper, I love this plant. Although I now understand that it may not return my love and try to kill me later on when the peppers get ripe.

This last one was growing straight up and real thin, so I cut it off, you can see where I cut it. Starting to branch out now.

Compared to the rest of the pictures on this thread, looks like I am going to have to study up a bit on how to take better pictures, or I may get a "D" in Wild pepper 101
serious question to the folks that have grown rocopica before. I have this one plant i've been posting pics of in here^^ that while indoors was putting off white/green flowers. The plant didn't set any fruit indoors. Now on it's first round of flowers outdoors just about to open it looks like clearly they are now white/purple.  So flowers were white/green indoors now white/purple outdoors, anyone have any experience with that? 


Some colored-foliage plants are straight green when grown indoors. It's possible that the pigments are intended as a sunblock against UV rays. Since flowers are the reproductive organs of plants, it is likely that they like to protect them against mutation by using the same pigments (probably anthocyanins).

Indoors, no matter how bright the sunlight shining through, the glass filters out the UV, so the plant would not have produced any of these pigments.

This is just speculation, but it seems likely.
new round of flowers opening on my rocopica. At least I'm glad i'm not going completely crazy. flowers are showing green on the inside when they open.
so to recap the flowers on this plant went from solid white/green indoors to purple/white/green outdoors, very cool. Can't wait to see what the fruit look and taste like. 




Pr0digal_son said:
Don't be shocked if they turn white after the anthers dehisce,those flowers look young. They may not but it is not uncommon with pale flowered exim/rocopicas.

I avoided the white rocopica just to see if it was indeed unique,or another pale eximium.

So do you think I have a rocopica plant or a pale eximium?  I have been trying to find pics of other rocopica flowers similar to mine best I could come up with was on another site where you and lonewolf were posting. these flowers just opened last night, i'll take more pics as they get older. thanks for any help/info


FreeportBum said:
So do you think I have a rocopica plant or a pale eximium?  I have been trying to find pics of other rocopica flowers similar to mine best I could come up with was on another site where you and lonewolf were posting. these flowers just opened last night, i'll take more pics as they get older. thanks for any help/info
so far the flowers are keeping their color. Really fun plant to grow, here's a couple more pics of the older flowers. They start to close late in the day. Tomorrow I am going to cover one of the branches with pantyhose for seed. 



First flower dropped this morning on my "rocopica"- happy to say keeping it's color and it looks like fruit set. I'm sure this is old news for most of you but this is a first for me and pretty stoked. It was hard to acquire seed and even harder to get anyone to discuss it.  :P



Currently I have 3 rhomboidum, 1 lanceolatum and 1 praetermissum. lanceolatum did pretty well but seems to dislike something atm, since it's dropping leaves from top down.
"New" plants  (only some weeks old) are: 2 tovarii, 3 cardenasii, 1 eximium
I guess, for next season I'll just save the seeds from the first three (if I'm able to get some) and dismiss them, as I don't really like the "look" of them (i love only the hairy ones :D )
tovarii will become indoor bonchis, next to some mini-thai-bonchis I'm currently onto, I guess.
Cardenasii and eximium are pretty much only there to deliver a partner for my rocoto varities to cross with in order to get different rocopicas für 2016.