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Windchicken Grow 2011

Awesome WC! Aren`t Congos round pods though?

Thanks! I'm pretty sure the seeds I planted were either mis-labeled or there was a cross during pollenation. In that row of 8 plants that all came from a seed packet labeled "Congo Trinidad" there appears to be 3 or 4 plants producing the those long, pointy pods, and 3 or 4 others producing the below pods, which look more like the Congo peppers I intended to grow:


Beside that, the below pods are on a plant which came from seed labeled "Jamaican Scotch Bonnet." These look a lot like another type chile which is very much in the news these days...


Scotch Bonnet? Really?


I will grow them out just the same, and give them all the love I would give any of my plants...
I grew Lumbre last year and they make a great popper!
And ya already got ripe Limons!! that is awesome.
Great work Gary! your plants look terrific!!

I grew Lumbre last year and they make a great popper!
And ya already got ripe Limons!! that is awesome.
Great work Gary! your plants look terrific!!


Thanks Kevin!
I understand Lumbre peppers are pretty warm...The mildness of most New Mexico types are the one knock I have against them, so a "ripper" of a New Mexico chile would be great! I'm looking forward to my first one.
Today, the first day of summer (funny!), I went down and picked a few pods for lunch.
From top to bottom, Guyana PI 199506, Aji Limon, Caribbean Red Habanero, Cajamarca:

Hey WC.

Congrats on your pickins.

That Cajamarca is pretty cool looking.

How was the taste?
Nice lunch wheres your milk lol. dunkaroo in some ranch and down they go? I'm curoious how you eat them.

I mostly eat them on the side, fresh, with just about every meal. However, in the mornings I like to chop up either a dried or fresh Caribbean Red and stir it into a large bowl of buttered grits. (Gives a real nice body buzz back behind the coffee bump.) My brother likes to cook with the Limons...He makes a thing with white Mexican cheese...pretty awesome

If that is your lunch, you are certainly getting your daily allowance of vegetables

I shared it with my co-workers. Since you said that, however, the Guyana makes a great "food pepper"--not too hot, with a big, juicy crunch. Kind of like a Hungarian Hot Wax, except with actual character and flavor.

Looking Great Man!! Nice pods!

Thanks, Brian! The Limons are just starting to crank up, so I should have enough to send you soon.

Hey WC.

Congrats on your pickins.

That Cajamarca is pretty cool looking.

How was the taste?

Thanks DR! Right now they're pretty mild and bland, I'm sad to say, compared to the Habaneros and Congo Reds. I'm hoping when they get red that they'll have more flavor and heat, because I've got 10 large, healthy plants loaded with green pods...
Man, buttered grits with fresh habbys! Yum
I will use that tip!! :lol:
You got a nice looking batch there Gary!
Is there anything better than a fresh Aji Limon! :dance:

Man, buttered grits with fresh habbys! Yum
I will use that tip!! :lol:
You got a nice looking batch there Gary!
Is there anything better than a fresh Aji Limon! :dance:


Thanks, Kevin! It's hard to have a bad day behind a big bowl of habanero grits.
I'm with you on the Limons...They're definitely one of my 3 or 4 very favorite chiles.

thanks for putting the coin in the picture
now i have pepper envy!

Heh. Those Guyanas do grow really long, and early. They started setting those giant pods while still in the intermediate containers, before I could get them in the ground.