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Windchicken Grow 2011

My brother took some photos with his good camera today. This is Day 43 above 100ºF, by Tuesday we will have broken the old record of 46 days, set in 1881...It's amazing to me that these plants are even alive, much less producing fruit, thanks to lots and lots of water...

The Trinidad Row. Nearest the camera are 8 Congo Trinidad plants, in the back are 4 taller, bushier Trinidad Scorpion plants:


Congo Trinidad. I love the intense aroma of these peppers! Next row over you can see the Aji Limon, far and away the most productive plants in the garden:


Trinidad Scorpion. Not many pods yet, and they are small, but what a great flavor and a serious punch:


Jamaican Scotch Bonnet. Very pretty, not as much heat as I was expecting, though:


The many faces of Cajamarca. Here's the purply phase:


Some of the other phases of Cajamarca. This variety is incredibly prolific, and the plants are some of the hardiest I have seen:


Cajamarca porn:


Guampinha de Veado. This C. baccatum just may replace the Thai Chile for me. Nice fruitiness and a real clean bite:


This is the little harvest my brother took today. Scotch Bonnet, Aji Limon, Guampinha de Veado, and a lone Cajamarca:


These are my co-worker's kids. The boy eats Scotch Bonnets! Abigail is our yard dog, and helps keep the deer out of my garden:

Plants and pods looking very good well done! I like the look of the Cajamarca it's going on my growing list for next season. Thx for the update
Nice photo of your family, I bet they help make the salsa, too. I really like the Aji Limon the scent of them when ther're first cut open is incredible!....enjoy
That garden is awesome Gary!!
excellent work man,,That Cajamarca looks great, what would you say the heat is on them bad boys!! :beer:

Gary,those are some beautiful pics and you gotta love those garden helpers. I love my two lil helpers even if they really are not into it. Your garden is extemely healthy! Looks like you are gonna need a bigger freezer soon :dance:
Plants and pods looking very good well done! I like the look of the Cajamarca it's going on my growing list for next season. Thx for the update

Cool, thanks! Cajamarca is super easy to grow...you won't be disappointed. Do you need some seeds?

Nice photo of your family, I bet they help make the salsa, too. I really like the Aji Limon the scent of them when ther're first cut open is incredible!....enjoy

Thank you...those are my co-worker's kids, but they are just like family.

I love Limon, too. I think it will always be in my grow list. Tonight I'm making salsa verde with fresh tomatillos from the garden, and a big handful of Aji Limon.

That garden is awesome Gary!!
excellent work man,,That Cajamarca looks great, what would you say the heat is on them bad boys!! :beer:


Thanks, Kevin...You are so Tha Man! Just got finished watching the video tour of your garden...I'm just awestruck.

I would estimate Cajamarca at around 50,000-100,000 SHU. Maybe about like a Cayenne. The flavor profile is variable...sometimes it tastes spicy, then other times it tastes sweet and floral.

If you would like a sampler of different fresh Cajamarca pods, I'd be happy to send them your way. I've got way more than I can use.

Gary,those are some beautiful pics and you gotta love those garden helpers. I love my two lil helpers even if they really are not into it. Your garden is extemely healthy! Looks like you are gonna need a bigger freezer soon :dance:

Thanks Jamie! Those are some great kids, and they keep me laughing the whole time I'm around them.

Beautiful peppers jungle,lot of nice variety great job. :)

Fantastic grow and kudos to your bro on the photos. That shot of the peppers in the basket is stunning.... :cool:

Your idea of the hardwood mulch paid off, especially in the Big Heat of 2011. Looks like it is breaking down nicely. Do you anticpate adding additional next year, or is it good as is for awhile? Darned if I could find any hardwood mulch here, checked multiple stores--all softwoods. Might have to chip my own!
Fantastic grow and kudos to your bro on the photos. That shot of the peppers in the basket is stunning.... :cool:

Your idea of the hardwood mulch paid off, especially in the Big Heat of 2011. Looks like it is breaking down nicely. Do you anticpate adding additional next year, or is it good as is for awhile? Darned if I could find any hardwood mulch here, checked multiple stores--all softwoods. Might have to chip my own!
Thanks! I'll tell him his photos were appreciated...

I will need to dress the beds next year with some more chips, but hopefully it won't require the massive quantity I used for the ground-up build-out of this year.

One would think that stuff is easy to find, but the only place I've ever seen it is Lowe's. Even at $2-3 for a 2 cb. ft. bag, the cost of the mulch adds up. There is a place in Shreveport that sells it in bulk for way cheaper, but they want $200 to deliver. I found a gas-powered chipper made by DR, which is ideal, but it costs $2000...

Nice hat-trick! Beautiful plants, beautiful pods and a beautiful family! Well done!!!

Great job overcoming the weather challenges. :beer:
I love Limon, too. I think it will always be in my grow list. Tonight I'm making salsa verde with fresh tomatillos from the garden, and a big handful of Aji Limon.

We just made a batch last night using Aji Limons. By far the best salsa I've ever had. The Aji L's are currently my favorite pepper.
Lookin Really nice!
Is that cur dog?
You ever have hogs try to come in with the deer?
Your Aji Lemon looks like it's droping peppers on the ground and still has tons on plant.
We just made a batch last night using Aji Limons. By far the best salsa I've ever had. The Aji L's are currently my favorite pepper.
They are great peppers, and seem to be ideal for salsa. Besides that, they are crazy robust and productive, even in this terrible drought.

Lookin Really nice!
Is that cur dog?
You ever have hogs try to come in with the deer?
Your Aji Lemon looks like it's droping peppers on the ground and still has tons on plant.
Thanks! The dog is a stray that adopted us. We take pretty good care of her, and she and the big white shepherd/chow keep away unwanted guests.

That's a good question, because there are plenty of feral hogs around here (They make great jerk ribs!), but no, not in the garden. The only real problem I've had, aside from stinkbugs and hornworms, have been armadillos digging in the rows.

I was hoping nobody would notice all the Limon pods we are wasting. It's so hot that if you don't pick them the minute they get ripe, they shrivel up into yellow raisins. Probably they are still good for powder, but we have so much Limon that we don't bother. Wasteful, I know. Sinful. Okay, I'm going down there right now to pick those up off the ground... :crazy:
haha Not sinful. Better to have more than you need than none at all.
I just upplanted mine from solo cups to 5gal buckets Thanks to Kevin for the seeds!
Mmmm yummy Jerk ribs sound soo good with a big glass of sweet tea and potato salad. :drooling:
haha Not sinful. Better to have more than you need than none at all.
I just upplanted mine from solo cups to 5gal buckets Thanks to Kevin for the seeds!
Mmmm yummy Jerk ribs sound soo good with a big glass of sweet tea and potato salad. :drooling:

I look forward to the photos of your Limon plants...If you take real good care of Limon they will produce all winter!

Kevin's a great guy...I'm growing a couple of C. baccatum varieties he sent me: Queen Laurie and Birgit's Locoto. Beautiful, tall plants, just beginning to flower and set little pods. I need to take some photos of them...

It's been way too long since I made jerk ribs...now I'm drooling, too!