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Winter indoor grow/ 2020 grow list

Started the carolina reapers a few days ago for a winter grow the temp is averaging 84.6-85.1F. Just fine tuning the station before planting the rest in Jan/Feb 2020.


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    reaper grow.jpg
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  • 2020 grow season.jpg
    2020 grow season.jpg
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Well I pulled the plug on 6 of the 10 damaged plants, leaves 3 reapers and 1 death spiral. They have new growth, the others were to far gone. Think it's time to make a trellis for the gherkins, they are reaching for anything they can get a hold of. All the other plants are doing well, just waiting for all these storms this next week to pass.
You might have saved them by cutting off
all dead ends back to new growth and shaping
the plant a bit. With a good root system, they
would come back, albeit slowly at first.
Glad you saved four good ones, anyway!
Here's an update on one of the damaged reaper plants from May 3rd to May 28th. Slowly but surely it is rebounding. Just letting the plant do it's own recovery process as if it is in nature w/o human contact and see what happens.
Reaper 5 looks good TBF!
The plants will rebound if we don't kill 'em
with kindness, sometimes!
Good luck going forward!
The plants that I pulled the plug on, the roots were all brown all the to the bottom so survival was pretty slim. Transplanted the replacements except for the reapers, for some reason they are being stubborn germinating/growing. They are about two weeks behind the others.
Transplanted the chocolate bhutlah and reaper chupetinho plants to 4gal containers. Topped CB#2 plant May 25th and looks like a good "Y" forming. All this transplanting of the plants made me have the munchies, this beef jerky is really good!
Nice set-up for those new pot-ups, TB!
GhostPepperz said:
That jerky looks delicious
It is really good. The jerky is done perfect, you get the taste of all the ingredients then the reaper hits. The bite isn't to chewy nor too tough, it's right where it needs to be. They are based in OK state, very friendly, and quick shipping. Have some other game and flavors that I have but haven't tried yet: Au Jus, Jalapeno Garlic. Game: Buffalo, Wild Boar, and Kangaroo. I've had buffalo steak on the grill before and it was yummy.
Just a couple more pics of some of the plants before moving them inside house/garage before the remaining of the tropical depression moves through,excepted winds range from 40-50mph. Not taking chances again of damaged plants.  The pink tiger I'm pretty excited about, the foilage is purple/green and what I've seen of the pods on varies sites is gonna be nice..come on 2020 enough is enough let us pepper heads do our thing!!
Question for those who have grown Ghostly Jalapeno plants before. Is the curly leaves part of these plants DNA? They have been like this since they were younger, never over/under watered, no fertilizers, used grow lights with temps in the mid 80's. If you go back to page 3 post# 44 one can see the curls on them in younger stages. The plants are strong but just curious if this is normal foliage for GJ plants?
TattooedBullfrog said:
Question for those who have grown Ghostly Jalapeno plants before. Is the curly leaves part of these plants DNA? They have been like this since they were younger, never over/under watered, no fertilizers, used grow lights with temps in the mid 80's. If you go back to page 3 post# 44 one can see the curls on them in younger stages. The plants are strong but just curious if this is normal foliage for GJ plants?
I started a couple this year for my first time. Mine always looked less healthy than all the rest of my plants under identical conditions. I only kept one of them, since it's outside its looking better and growing so time will tell.
Check them really good for pests and just keep taking care of them, see what happens.
Hey TBF.  I've never grow those before, but from time to time I had varieties do that until the root systems get well established.  This season all my starts of orange spice jalapenos and of a frutescens variety were doing it at a similar size to yours in the picture, but after pot-up and a little time to root in both varieties have worked passed it.
CaneDog, thanks. I'm going to transplant the GJ soon and keep eyes on the foliage to see if anything changes. From what I gathered from yourself and Mr.Joe seems some jalapeno plants are like that.
One a side story from today's events, I had a DOT physical this morning to continue driving food grade tanker. The Dr. and I were conversing of what the weekend plans were, the Dr said he was going to help his neighbor out with the garden putting straw over the tomato plants. I mentioned I was growing hot peppers and his reply was "hot peppers are very good for the well being of the immune system". I knew peppers were good for one, but getting confirmed by a MD just made my day!