overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 23 39.7%

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Looks great milk_man.
Is that all down with LEDS? If so, what type are you using? Is your 'greenhouse' just the plastic wrapped 3 or 4 tier type shelving?

All with LED's.

They initially go under a LED light I got from ebay from a commercial lettuce grower in QLD that used them for a trial, specs are at http://www.dhlicht.de/downloads/GreenPower_Production_Module.PDF

When I run out of space in the big grow box in the lounge room, I move to a small 0.8m x 0.45m x 0.8m tent in the garage with a 90W LED from Living Apartment. I'm planning on getting another light from him sometime soon, the guy that runs that site actually does the LED designs that end up with a lot of the Chinese manufacturers. I find they are great for good early growth, not powerful enough to really produce fruit, but I'm not using it for that so don't really.

As for the greenhouse, I got it from Plants Plus, and you can see it at http://www.plantsplus.com.au/home/inner.asp?PageID=333. It's got a plastic cover, but it's not an el cheapo greenhouse because it has some sort of material woven within the plastic and is definitely not as brittle and crap as those crappy ones you get from Bunnings etc. This is the first year I've used it, and seems to be going fine for me.
Hmmmm, does that make you a right wing lunatic or just a confused voter? :lol:

Check out this ad..........

Top muppets taken the lead, third muppet is quaffing caviar and drinking champagne whilst muppet No2 has just had her worst public opinion poll results ever! (I suspect the second muppet is Juliar). :lol:
These are my recent sprouts growing well. Mainly because I have haven't done anything to them yet.

Should I give them another week or so and then pot up?


Seriously, I need some advice here. This is the point this season when I have done something wrong and they go downhill. I have used a mix of potting mix and a coir-peat brick. And another mix of that with perlite. I've also given them weak chilli focus in the past. Should I just give them water this time?
I wouldn't pot up yet. I would wait until they have two sets of leaves - but that is just me. But I love the plastic knife tag idea. I suspect they are a lot cheaper than the tags I've been buying. I think I will steal that idea.

These are my recent sprouts growing well. Mainly because I have haven't done anything to them yet.
Should I give them another week or so and then pot up?
i was gonna say like the knife idea too!
Iwould wait until they have 2 stes of true leaves and a bit bigger than the scotch bonnet pictured. Pot on too early and they can rot from being too moist and it can set them back cos it takes longer for them to spread their roots.
If they are just in jiffies atm give them some chilli focus or seasol. they need nutes to grow well.
Feel free to steal the knife idea - I stole it from someone on here :P Don't get the woolworths home brand ones they have all these bumps and lines on the handle make it hard to write on.

I probably won't have a chance to do any potting up for two weeks anyway.

Wildfire I haven't watered them at all yet. They are still wet from the original jiffy expansion soak. I think they are really liking the humidity. I know that jiffys don't have any nutes and you have to feed them I'm just scared of overdosing them... again! Do you start feeding them weak chilli focus at this stage?

JR what soil do you pot them into?
ok cool well you dont want to overwater them. Yes I would give 5ml/1L water, but wait til they need it (start drying out or perhaps give a light foiliar spray). Make sure they are getting enough air curculation too. I usually have my lid off near that stage or all vents open.
I usually don't pot up until I start seeing roots on the outside of the jiffy (that is, of course, provided some patio-cleaning jackass from above me doesn't obliterate my jiffys first).