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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

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Wonder if I can get seasol shipped to the USA?

You could probably just find another seaweed based fertiliser, I don't think there is anything added to Seasol, so it's the properties of seaweed itself that helps deal with stress, frost etc.

Also, I got sick of using hand pump sprayers, and bought this at a country show a few months back:


Probably one of the best purchases I've ever made, even comes with a filter basket so you never get blockages from particles in the tank.
I know they use a lot of kelp/seaweed from Alaska and nova Scotia for seaweed extract/concentrate that will have very similar properties to seasol. You should be able to find something closer to home rather then get seasol shipped over.
The unopened bottles may be sealed and hence less prone to developing more of a stink. 8 L of it will probably last a very long time.

Mine is in a cask. Goon bag and goon bag-style tap complete.

(Thankfully it doesn't have the sweet, almost alcoholic smell some speak of... wouldn't want to mistake it for goon during a binge one night! :lol: The stink may be not such a bad thing after all....)

Yeah I think there was a noticeable difference within 2-3 days of using the eco-aminogro the first time (used in conjunction with a organic fert
and seasol ) that's when my plants seemed to bounce back from the leaf drop problems and they started cranking out new growth and flowers. About to hit them again so I will see if there are similar results.

Interesting. But doesn't using it in conjunc with other ferts and whatnot make it a little hard to gauge just how effective it is? :P

I can't talk though, I'm in the same boat with Go Go Juice... been using in conjunc with Seasol and worm jizz. Next season I'm thinking experiment time... grow five plants of the same, do the whole Dynamic Lifter thing as usual, but use only worm jizz on one, Seasol on one, Go Go Juice on one, all three products on one and sans all on the last. Results should be interesting to see.

Still smells the same as if it was brand new.

And what is that like?

Wonder if I can get seasol shipped to the USA?

Yeah, any liquid seaweed feed should do the trick. Definitely do your plants the flavour... the stuff rocks!
You could probably just find another seaweed based fertiliser, I don't think there is anything added to Seasol, so it's the properties of seaweed itself that helps deal with stress, frost etc.

Also, I got sick of using hand pump sprayers, and bought this at a country show a few months back:


Probably one of the best purchases I've ever made, even comes with a filter basket so you never get blockages from particles in the tank.

They look unreal, me thinks I'm going to need one...how much was it?
$199. Absolutely rocks, and knowing that fertiliser uptake is higher with foliar spraying, it's a very worthwhile investment.

I've probably used it 10+ times, and still haven't had to charge it. The water droplets are extremely fine as well.
I don't really mind pumping pressure sprayers.... it's just hand trigger sprayers that annoy me.

even comes with a filter basket so you never get blockages from particles in the tank.

But *that* sounds awesome. I tell ya, the amount of times I've been in the middle of spraying and a blockage strikes.... :banghead:
Interesting. But doesn't using it in conjunc with other ferts and whatnot make it a little hard to gauge just how effective it is? :P

I can't talk though, I'm in the same boat with Go Go Juice... been using in conjunc with Seasol and worm jizz. Next season I'm thinking experiment time... grow five plants of the same, do the whole Dynamic Lifter thing as usual, but use only worm jizz on one, Seasol on one, Go Go Juice on one, all three products on one and sans all on the last. Results should be interesting to see.

Yeah it does a little. However I have used the seaweed and organic fertiliser together before and the results were not noticeable like they were with the eco-aminogro. It could be a synergistic thing as well with the other products I am using, but I am sure it has made my plants much healthier and the amount of flowers and new growth it has produced (considering they were sick at the time of application just before Christmas) is nothing short of amazing to me. It will be interesting to see the results after this morning soil application of the same combination. (I did cut back the amounts of seasol and Organic Mist fert this time by a third though as I don;t want them getting too lush in foliar growth at the expense of flowers/pods and promoting aphids and other sucking insects)
Yeah it does a little. However I have used the seaweed and organic fertiliser together before and the results were not noticeable like they were with the eco-aminogro. It could be a synergistic thing as well with the other products I am using, but I am sure it has made my plants much healthier and the amount of flowers and new growth it has produced (considering they were sick at the time of application just before Christmas) is nothing short of amazing to me. It will be interesting to see the results after this morning soil application of the same combination. (I did cut back the amounts of seasol and Organic Mist fert this time by a third though as I don;t want them getting too lush in foliar growth at the expense of flowers/pods and promoting aphids and other sucking insects)

Ah, fair enough.

Might pick up a bottle after all and use it in rotation with Go Go Juice. I wonder what exactly "marine waste" is though? Animal? Plant? Both? It sounds like Aminogro and Go Go Juice are much the same thing except Go Go Juice includes digested manure as well as "marine."

Also gonna try and track down some Superthrive soon too. Should be interesting to see what kind of a difference that stuff makes...
One thing that made me go for the eco was the fact it is certified organic. It basically was the tipping point I know it is only a label thing but it is some sort of assurance to me that it isn't fortified with any synthetic rubbish.
Gogol juice has the bacteria in it where as eco only has the food for the good soil bacteria so they might work well together who knows.
Another thing is I couldn't find an analysis of gogo juice anywhere. I like to try to balance my soil ammendments as much as possible
One thing that made me go for the eco was the fact it is certified organic. It basically was the tipping point I know it is only a label thing but it is some sort of assurance to me that it isn't fortified with any synthetic rubbish.

Yeah, fair enough. All organic certainly is better.

It raises some questions too when some of Neutrog's--the makers of Go Go Juice--other products are in fact certified organic (see here).

Gogol juice has the bacteria in it where as eco only has the food for the good soil bacteria so they might work well together who knows.

Good point. Just don't want to go overkill is all.

Another thing is I couldn't find an analysis of gogo juice anywhere.

Yeah, I went looking for an analysis too only to find one doesn't exist!

Might have to flip 'em an email at some stage and see if I can't get some answers. :think:
Speaking of Neutrog, I bought some Rocket Fuel the other day. I've got about 9 Assam Bhuts in pots, I put Rocket Fuel in 5 and then covered with some additional sugar cane mulch, and put some Grow Better "Organic Fertiliser" on the other 4. Will be interesting to see any differences...
I'm interested in trying out eco-aminogro I seen in Bunnings about 2 months ago and thought about buying it but wasn't sure, and I was in a hurry so I left it. I used some Nitrophoska on my plants about 3 weeks ago, just spread on top of soil and water in, not a spray. ATM my plants are looking pretty good, well good for my standards lol. Think I will get eco-aminogro once I get back from my Holidays. I'm heading to the Hunter, then Brisy in a afew days. :cool: Hoping when I get back my Zimbabwe pods will be ripe. :hell:
$199. Absolutely rocks, and knowing that fertiliser uptake is higher with foliar spraying, it's a very worthwhile investment.

I've probably used it 10+ times, and still haven't had to charge it. The water droplets are extremely fine as well.

Thanks for the info Cameron, I checked out the website and sent them an email...gotta get a new toy
Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year everyone!

I hope all had a good one with lots of food and booze. It was nice to have a break and relax!
Unfortunately back at work now but have to earn some dosh somehow.

Happy new year micca. I know the feeling first day back at work for me today and it was as average as I remembered it. If not more so :) hope the growing season is going well for you
Cheers Trippa.
I'm having a pretty good season, not so darn hot over here so far. 32Deg at X-Mas was much better than last year.

Looks pretty up and down with peoples grows. It's a real pain trying to get a pest and disease free garden.

Well I've learnt a lot, I can now turn most seeds into nice green plants instead of yellowed coloured fail.
Shame about the huge aphid invasion that went through all my potted plants making them look like crap though now. But they were looking great beforehand, so not my fault.
Actually strange, as I have about 15 or so plants in the ground, and aphids never bothered them, only the ones in the pots. Anyone found similar? Either they love potted plants, the potting ssoil, or just prefer hot chinense chilli plants more than the other types of chilli plants.

Also I moved all of the plants and most of the smaller seedlings into an area that gives them more sun light. They were getting a few hours of direct sunlight, a couple more shaded patches of sunlight, and then some serious low light level shade sfter 12PM. Not only were they slow in growing, but super slow in recovery from the aphids and other lost/distorted leaves.
They are now getting more light throughout the day, including the afternoon (but through a semi opaque lazerlight poly sheeting verandah. IE get no direct sun on them, but more all round light throughout the whole day.)

Guess what happened today? One of the seedlings carked it due to to much sunlight. Strange that 2 hr of direct sunlight fine for it, but 4 hours of softened diffused sunlight killed it.
But no, it wasn't the annuums or battacums or the peruvian chinenses that curled over and died.
It was the last Trinidad scorpion BT I had.
Weak arse plant I say, it's the 6th I've lost from too much sun, or other mysterious causes, when every other plant just toughens up and deals with it, or even loves it.