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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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I wish you bastards up north would stop talking about the good weather, I'm pretty sure we've hit 0C overnight last week.

Meanwhile, I've already started seedlings for next season, already had 56 out of 60 popped up, started another 60 the weekend just gone.

Invested in a new tent (2.8m x 1.4m x 2m) for the garage..

and 2 new LED grow lights direct from China.... 126x3W with 6 different frequencies.

Pretty lights! :P I'm not even using our weather to my advantage I only have like 6 plants going atm because I was strapped for cash and wasn't too sure how the growing over winter would go.
Good question. :lol:

I had to resort to doing most of my growing at an alternate possum-free location. The handful of plants I grow here at my place, I have to bring inside at night (the beauty of pots--but still a PITA though!).

I actually have one plant in the garden here that remained untouched for a fair while before the bastages got to it. Now it seems they're coming in every night for a nibble around the sides of the plant.
BOM... It's just at night and by cold snap I mean only going down to 7 :P which i think is low for this time of year?

We had 3°C one night last week.

I wish you bastards up north would stop talking about the good weather,

I'm pretty sure we've hit 0C overnight last week.

We had 3°C one night last week.

Hey, it could be worse I guess....we could still be in the UK...lol
Been such bad weather there for soooooooo long now.....so that when I was browsing Facebook last night, loads of UK people were writing stuff like "wow, it's so hot" /. "what great weather, we're off to the beach" etc etc
So I checked the BBC UK website and found it was a MAX of 23 degrees....lol
Oh how we forget....
Hey, it could be worse I guess....we could still be in the UK...lol
Been such bad weather there for soooooooo long now.....so that when I was browsing Facebook last night, loads of UK people were writing stuff like "wow, it's so hot" /. "what great weather, we're off to the beach" etc etc
So I checked the BBC UK website and found it was a MAX of 23 degrees....lol
Oh how we forget....

Yep the Sun newspaper leads with "Phew what a scorcher" LoL

I can look back now & laugh Neil, but the weather was the deciding factor for me moving down under back then as a lily white pomy backpacker in 1995.

I wish you bastards up north would stop talking about the good weather, I'm pretty sure we've hit 0C overnight last week.

Meanwhile, I've already started seedlings ....

I agree! :-((((
Looks like a good start MM, I'll be starting a bunch in the shed soon too!

Ps - How did this season treat you?

Rae is back too.
This is the best thread on THP.

I started my winter grow in april, not a large grow, more of an experiment, because like Mega, I'll have to move soon too. So I was wondering if it really could be done (well, at least in Perth), without heat or lights.
I started a thread in another forum though. http://www.chiligrow...23698&Itemid=21
But the weather here is good still.
Here's a pic of my yellow hab (planted in Dec and with my lemon tree and the huge fig tree that breeds fruit flies in the background) that I literally took 5 min ago. My main issues were small plants because of the 9L buckets, aphids, and a ton of leaf drop that caused the plants to stay even smaller as they were always in recovery mode rather than grow mode. But hey, hopefully move somewhere else soon - nothing under 1500m^2 and will have lots off seeds no to play with in the garden, as whatever survived here, has good genetics IMO
Good question. :lol:
I had to resort to doing most of my growing at an alternate possum-free location. The handful of plants I grow here at my place, I have to bring inside at night (the beauty of pots--but still a PITA though!).
I actually have one plant in the garden here that remained untouched for a fair while before the bastages got to it. Now it seems they're coming in every night for a nibble around the sides of the plant.
Yeah I'm dirty i spent all this money building a fence for the garden bed but it's completely shaded over winter so I've had to go with pots. Your grow list is impressive I'd hate to be carting them back and forth

We had 3°C one night last week...........................................................................................................................

I've had my fare share of those, I'll have to jump over and check your glog it's been a while since I've wandered over.

I'll have to get some time to take some photos of how mine are going on the w.e probably

Not that I follow league much but....

Well my season is well and truly over. It got to - 3 degrees a couple of nights ago, and have had regular - 1 to 1 degree lows. Brrrr!!
Well my season is well and truly over. It got to - 3 degrees a couple of nights ago, and have had regular - 1 to 1 degree lows. Brrrr!!

Sod that, coldest ive had so far was +3 (clear night) last night was +16 (cloud cover) & even warmer in my tent, so much so that all of my plants are budding & flowering? i was not expecting that to happen with winter almost here.

And there lies my next problem (cross pollinating) although there is no wind & no flying insects in there im still a tad worried as they are real tightly packed in there.

Sod that, coldest ive had so far was +3 (clear night) last night was +16 (cloud cover) & even warmer in my tent, so much so that all of my plants are budding & flowering? i was not expecting that to happen with winter almost here.

And there lies my next problem (cross pollinating) although there is no wind & no flying insects in there im still a tad worried as they are real tightly packed in there.


First world growing problem #1 - It's Autumn verging on winter and worried about cross-pollination.

First world growing problem #1 - It's Autumn verging on winter and worried about cross-pollination.



And now I feel like a bad person for laughing at that.

Yeah I'm dirty i spent all this money building a fence for the garden bed but it's completely shaded over winter so I've had to go with pots. Your grow list is impressive I'd hate to be carting them back and forth

Not so impressive is the actual number of plants and pods that survived the onslaught of broad mite and fruit fly I was dealing with this last season. But yeah, moving the plants was a serious PITA. And the worst part is, turns out the effort required was for nothing really more than a big fat bagel!

At one stage I thought about building some kind of cage to protect my plants from possums or at least rigging up some kind of protection net but never got around to it. Doesn't matter now as I've decided I'll be moving from this place once the lease is up.
OK seems your all having a laugh i thought id post another video, so what in say six weeks time (mid winter) will happen to these plants?

Ive asked this several times & still nobody can answer with a definitive answer, has anyone grown through winter before? Obviously not down south but up here possibly? will they actually start growing fruit in winter? surely not.

Yeah, Mezo, some will still produce. Not a great deal or a huge amount or anything but it does happen up here.

I'm a bit confused though. You make it sound like a bad thing! :lol:
I'll take some shots of my plants soon Mezo. My plants are still podding and flowering as well. They have slowed a lot but I have been getting some good mini harvests off them in the past few weeks. I will be culling my plants down to a select few and repotting for the coming season in the next few weeks.

I have decided to up my container sizes ... down my plant/variety numbers and try to get better harvests instead of having multiple plants some of which I don't really need.

Really around here we have 2 months of slow growth and 2 dry temperate summers either side with a hot spring where summer should be :D with no winter to speak of. I know it would be a little cooler inland where you are but I think you will find your day temps will allow some fruit to set but they will simply be smaller in size and quantity.