overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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Micca302 said:
Hi Harry,
Did you have any luck finding info on your caterpillar friend?
I have had this type of caterpillar before in my garden but never found out what it was exactly.
Luckily for me there were not many of them and got rid of them pretty quickly.
I haven't had any luck finding information on a caterpillar matching its description. A couple of the references that I've looked through thus far:
Good luck in finding some info on him Harry.
It's a real pain when you finally get some fruit only to find out it has a big hole through it from some snotty caterpillar!
Talk about a big thread! I wish I had have come across this before the season started.
I'm only up to page 130, but boy have I learned a lot!
Into my first season growing from seed and I have a few Jalapeno's, an Orange Hab, a few Thai Chili (I think. Previous person who lived here had one dying off when we moved in and I got some seeds from a couple of pods) and quite a few regular good old capsicums going.
Hardening up is a bit of a challenge with Canberra's dumb weather at the moment.
Anyway, not sure if this thread is as active as it once was, but happy to keep popping in and saying hello to the other Aussies here.
:welcome: from Brissy, mate!
Yeah, doesn't seem to be much action here these days. Not that I can talk... I've only just returned after disappearing for a few months.
Stick around, hopefully things will liven up a bit with the new season here now!
Hey shurbryn, there's also another thread called "How are your peppers going in Perth West Oz" but people from all over Australia talk there too!
It's always good to have people to talk to that are growing in similar conditions! I'm no pro by any means but I've learnt alot from this forum ... Only my second season but I've planted a shitload this season! Got close to 80/90 plants! 30 of those are jalapeños as I find them great for everyone to enjoy and so easy to grow :)
gasificada said:
:welcome: from Brissy, mate!
Yeah, doesn't seem to be much action here these days. Not that I can talk... I've only just returned after disappearing for a few months.
Stick around, hopefully things will liven up a bit with the new season here now!
Hi Gas, thanks, will do.
Andy21 said:
Hey shurbryn, there's also another thread called "How are your peppers going in Perth West Oz" but people from all over Australia talk there too!
It's always good to have people to talk to that are growing in similar conditions! I'm no pro by any means but I've learnt alot from this forum ... Only my second season but I've planted a shitload this season! Got close to 80/90 plants! 30 of those are jalapeños as I find them great for everyone to enjoy and so easy to grow :)
Hi Andy, cool I'll check it out.
Yeah, I love me a good Jalapeño. I've got a crap load of them in the freezer from last years harvest still.
Welcome aboard Shurbryn :P
Yeah you can say some aussies have a bit of a Chilli problem.........
Well I definately wouldn't be one of them Hahahahaha
Have fun reading and learning.
Happy Chilli Growing,
Shurbryn, you will find that us Chilli lovers in Australia are only just coming out of hibernation. You will see more of us as we chiili porn to show off.
I got a late start this year, been too damn lazy, lost all my seedlings 3 times now. :(  Good news in I managed to make a new garden bed, wish I had it ready before all this early hot weather started this year.
@ Harry, sry did a google search can't see anything like that caterpillar. All the pictures are of exotic funny looking caterpillars, think yours is just too normal looking, Only good caterpillar is a dead one imo.
Hey Harry I found this little bugger when i went over to my mums to water my Chilli's.

Luckily he was on the fern and not my plants.
He still didn't last too long before he got squished though!
Jayman said:
@ Harry, sry did a google search can't see anything like that caterpillar. All the pictures are of exotic funny looking caterpillars, think yours is just too normal looking, Only good caterpillar is a dead one imo.
I haven't found another caterpillar of the same looper type as yet. With luck that means it's uncommon.
Micca302 said:
Hey Harry I found this little bugger when i went over to my mums to water my Chilli's.

Luckily he was on the fern and not my plants.
He still didn't last too long before he got squished though!
Did it have legs distributed evenly among its body (as in not a looper)?
Micca302 said:
Welcome aboard Shurbryn :P
Yeah you can say some aussies have a bit of a Chilli problem.........
Well I definately wouldn't be one of them Hahahahaha
Have fun reading and learning.
Happy Chilli Growing,
Cheers Micca, will do :)
Jayman said:
Shurbryn, you will find that us Chilli lovers in Australia are only just coming out of hibernation. You will see more of us as we chiili porn to show off.
I got a late start this year, been too damn lazy, lost all my seedlings 3 times now. :(  Good news in I managed to make a new garden bed, wish I had it ready before all this early hot weather started this year.
Haha looking forward to the chilli porn. I hope to have something to show off in the coming months. Damn Canberra cold makes it hard to get started when you don't know anything about growing from seed lol :rolleyes:
In the fight against fruit fly, you seriously believe you let not one piece of fruit hit the ground during the entire previous season and then you see this:

:banghead: hahaha
YES, we LOVE pod porn here, Shurbyn. Please do share your tasty goods! :drooling:
I looked at the Canberra forecast and damn! I can't believe it's still so cool down there. In what area of the grow is the cold causing issues?
After 3 years of unsuccessfully trying to get rid of the $^(&*&^%# whiteflies (and their friend, the broad mite) that have decimated my plants, I think I've finally found something from Bunnings that actually works.
Had heaps of whiteflies on my chillies in September and started spraying with this stuff every 3-4 weeks, haven't seen a single whitefly (or broad mite) since. Hopefully this might end up being a good season.
gasificada said:
In the fight against fruit fly, you seriously believe you let not one piece of fruit hit the ground during the entire previous season and then you see this:

:banghead: hahaha
YES, we LOVE pod porn here, Shurbyn. Please do share your tasty goods! :drooling:
I looked at the Canberra forecast and damn! I can't believe it's still so cool down there. In what area of the grow is the cold causing issues?
Hahaha that's cool!
Oh I shall share when I can.
I really didn't have any idea on all the tips and tricks of getting chillies to get off to a good head start.
Sowed the majority of my seeds on the 9th of September and they're all still only a few inches tall. I only have a propogater. One without a heat mat =\  Bunnings had sold out of the one with the heat pad.
I wasn't really expecting a good outcome, and the only one I really care about is my lonesome Hab that was 1 of 4 seeds to sprout. He's only about 2 inches tall...
But I've learned a lot from this thread and when I can get some money together, I'll work on getting all the heat and light they'll require :D

We had a lot of days where over night was 0 or below, so the house gets very cold.
Last year, October was well into the 30's in the first week, but this year... we had 30's on Thursday and Friday and then back into the 20's we go. It's so weird.
Just found this thread...  Good to see so much information!  I am in Mackay, and in my first year of growing superhots.  Have grown habaneros and jalapenos before, but this year is the first for butch T's, bhuts and fatalii.  Looking forward to having some pics to share, if the hot and humid weather will cooperate.
Spotted this lovely lady while out in the garden today...

I wonder what she was doing away from the nest. Weird, she just sat on the tap the whole day, even while wild crazy storms passed over.
:welcome: ivplay. Yes, we demand your porns too! :)
They'll take off like rockets when the weather improves, Shurbryn. In the meantime, here's the hot tip: stop watching 'em. It's true... a watched plant never grows. ;)
A new avatar Gas. Looking good there!
Is it one of your crosses?
Pod porn someone say pod porn, where where where show show show!!!!!
Nice little self sown blighter in the ground too Gas.
Micca302 said:
A new avatar Gas. Looking good there!
Is it one of your crosses?
Pod porn someone say pod porn, where where where show show show!!!!!
Nice little self sown blighter in the ground too Gas.
Nah, it's actually a cross I got from Grant. Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta da Neyde. Awesome phenotype I lucked out on. I really dig the Bhut-ish shape and the colouring is unreal. It starts off black and ripens with the cream streak. Almost reminds me of a flame. Beautiful berry. Definitely gonna grow it out another generation but only have room for a few plants. If I luck out again and end up with a similar phenotype (or another interesting phenotype), I will surely grow that one on too!
Ordinarily, I reckon volunteers are great... but this means that I let fruit hit the ground last season... and that means fruit fly larvae also hit the ground. Not so great. :(