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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

    Votes: 20 34.5%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 15 25.9%
  • A muppet

    Votes: 23 39.7%

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I'm pretty sure that greenhouse was the one in my dreams! :confused:
Of course I had twenty or so of them and they were all full of chillies.
It looks a little bit more flash than my wooden-pallets-wrapped-in-builders-plastic one :P I call it the SHT 2000
Earlier I have said a lot of my 18mth old chilliseedbank seeds have germinated in the peltier fridge (though not doing that well since the cold weather).

Also recently I said that my next lot of seeds have not (all my own saved seeds from my old annuums, baccatum, and frutescens) have not. Well I did the floats test on all my own saved seeds, and most of them are floaters...

I fully intend to buy all the super hots come closer to spring, fatalii and TS and a few others. ( I prefer to buy commercially to keep those people going in business), but where do I get good verified seeds for annuums and frutescens etc to replace my dead plants with dud seeds? I like growing a few types that the mrs and other family doesn't find too hot. Nearly everyone sells just super hot seeds, chillies and sauces now, not much out there in AU that sells anything else disappointingly)
Really disappointed that my choc hab plant died a few months ago and only now I find out that all the seeds are duds too. :(
Earlier I have said a lot of my 18mth old chilliseedbank seeds have germinated in the peltier fridge (though not doing that well since the cold weather).

Also recently I said that my next lot of seeds have not (all my own saved seeds from my old annuums, baccatum, and frutescens) have not. Well I did the floats test on all my own saved seeds, and most of them are floaters...

How old were your own saved seeds? How long did let the seeds soak for?
Seeds all from this summer, don't bother soaking them directly for more than a few hours, as I put them in a tray with water, in a seedling pot full of seed raising mix, in the peltier fridge. So a 26-30C closed moist environment that stays warm and doesn't dry out, but I do make sure they don't get too wet.
But like I said, even old good seeds germinated fine, main problem I have is with new seeds I harvested myself, so maybe collection/storage was the problem (kept them after drying out in the open in paper towel wrapped up, in a envelope in a fridge). I have had a few germinate only to not live long as well. edit: I don't think anything was wrong with my storage, they were stored alongside the older CSB seeds in the same way afterall.

But the main problem is the viability of the seeds, IE I pulled the lot out tonight and checked most, and most were floaters. I thought that was a good sign of bad seeds, not germinating techniques? Looking back obvisouly some seeds from the jalapeno were harvested green, and the czech black, black, so that's a good reason why the seeds are no good. I'm surprised by the choc hab and others that were fully ripe having low germination rates and high seed floating counts though.
Seeds all from this summer, don't bother soaking them directly for more than a few hours, as I put them in a tray with water, in a seedling pot full of seed raising mix, in the peltier fridge. So a 26-30C closed moist environment that stays warm and doesn't dry out, but I do make sure they don't get too wet.
But like I said, even old good seeds germinated fine, main problem I have is with new seeds I harvested myself, so maybe collection/storage was the problem (kept them after drying out in the open in paper towel wrapped up, in a envelope in a fridge). I have had a few germinate only to not live long as well. edit: I don't think anything was wrong with my storage, they were stored alongside the older CSB seeds in the same way afterall.

But the main problem is the viability of the seeds, IE I pulled the lot out tonight and checked most, and most were floaters. I thought that was a good sign of bad seeds, not germinating techniques? Looking back obvisouly some seeds from the jalapeno were harvested green, and the czech black, black, so that's a good reason why the seeds are no good. I'm surprised by the choc hab and others that were fully ripe having low germination rates and high seed floating counts though.

Some chilli / Capsicum seeds will float initially even when they are viable, if after soaking for 24 hours in a warm environment they still are floating they may (I stress MAY) not be viable.

There are plenty of times when seeds have been a little more buoyant then others for me and they have germinated first!! (case in point every seed I have soaked so far of the scotch bonnets TFM has floated on the surface during the initial soak, however they were also some of the first to sprout from all the 6-7 different varieties put down and got 4 from 4 germination from them)

Also for the best variety of non-superhot seeds from an OZ online shop I would suggest The Hippy Seed Company, if you can't find something on there then you will have to head to overseas shops.
Nah my Greenhouse is a shambles at the moment. Just haven’t had the time to get to it and concentrating on the little babies. You have just reminded me/given me incentive to get it done.
Also got to try and setup some sort of auto watering for the Babies before I go on my Exmouth fishing trip. Damn day job!

Seeds all from this summer, don't bother soaking them directly for more than a few hours, as I put them in a tray with water, in a seedling pot full of seed raising mix, in the peltier fridge. So a 26-30C closed moist environment that stays warm and doesn't dry out, but I do make sure they don't get too wet.
But like I said, even old good seeds germinated fine, main problem I have is with new seeds I harvested myself, so maybe collection/storage was the problem (kept them after drying out in the open in paper towel wrapped up, in a envelope in a fridge). I have had a few germinate only to not live long as well. edit: I don't think anything was wrong with my storage, they were stored alongside the older CSB seeds in the same way afterall.

But the main problem is the viability of the seeds, IE I pulled the lot out tonight and checked most, and most were floaters. I thought that was a good sign of bad seeds, not germinating techniques? Looking back obvisouly some seeds from the jalapeno were harvested green, and the czech black, black, so that's a good reason why the seeds are no good. I'm surprised by the choc hab and others that were fully ripe having low germination rates and high seed floating counts though.
So are seeds better if the pod is either ripe or unripe? I ask because I want to harvest some seeds after this season is over.
Also for the best variety of non-superhot seeds from an OZ online shop I would suggest The Hippy Seed Company, if you can't find something on there then you will have to head to overseas shops.
Hippy has around 120 varieties, surely not all superhots!
OK, didn't know that since they're not listed on the website, link to other seeds appears broken. Nevermind, I was looking at the 'other seeds' dead link, not the 'other chillies' link that works, so forget this post.
Nothing better then to wake up to an extra hot blondie in the house :rofl: but thats precisely what I had this morning a new arrival who was a Blondie ... she's currently lounging in the sun and I am waiting for her to expose her perfect pair.... of cotyledons :lol: :cool:
So are seeds better if the pod is either ripe or unripe? I ask because I want to harvest some seeds after this season is over.
Better ripe.

I have also heard that the best seeds to save are from the first and best looking pod to ripen.... that's instead of the last little weedy pod that the plant spits out before it dies. In terms of evolution it means that any natural development of early setting pods will be carried on to the next generation. We all want chillies to produce quicker.

OK, didn't know that since they're not listed on the website, link to other seeds appears broken. Nevermind, I was looking at the 'other seeds' dead link, not the 'other chillies' link that works, so forget this post.

I have noticed the website is not overly technical but it does the job and gives the impression that its more about the chillies for them and not the flashy marketing. I like their selection of non superhots
Ok just today one of my own old chillies did sprout. It took way longer than the habs, about 2 weeks for my own old jalapeno seed, while the old CSB habs took 4 days.
I turned the temp down a bit and kept them wetter (sat the pots in a tray that I filled a bit of water in every couple of days to bottom water the pots).

In other news, my 400w MH lamp arrived, man is that reflector big. Now to work out a way to suspend the heavy light from the ceiling in the house*...

* /lives in an old shitty wooden house that's going to be knocked down soon, and the sleep out addition that these old houses typically have, has a small 1.5x1.5M room that is currently used as a storeroom.
That's where my smaller plants are right now, small pots in the west facing window ledge, seedlings just recently sprouted in the peltier fridge are in the storeroom in a small heated propagator with a 12W fluoro sitting on the lid, and now I'm going to somehow hang this light from the ceiling in that room and try fit all my plants in there at night.
In the sleep out proper (which is mainly 5m of sash windows all facing west) its full of cupboards against the windows unfortunately. But I might get a row of fluoro tube lighting above all the cupboards to have a row of seedlings across the top of the cupboards in front of the top edges of the windows.
It would be good for summer to have seedlings under flouros across there, but right now too cold in winter in the sleepout, so I'm trying to fit everything in the small storeroom to keep warmer, and using a MH for light and warmth in that small room as there's not much light in there with a small west facing window.
Got a rent inspection on Tuesday so its time for...... Operation Hide the Donkey from the Landlord :D :rofl: :fireball: It's going to be as much fun as all the sitcoms make it seem!

Rather than explain that the purple fluorescents and little green sprouts hidden behind a screen are legit and I'm not growing drugs, I'm going to take it down and stick the lights in my car. I'll put the plants out in the greenhouse and then after inspection I'll put it all back up again... but this time it will be bigger and better. I'll finally install the fan and timers and I'm going to use another double fluro fitting which is even longer! than the existing one.

More light, more awesomeness, more room for my cash crop :D

... legitimate cash crop :halo:
Ya got it all backwards mate! What you do is show them your setup and convince them that it is indeed for chillis. Rattle of a couple of dozen chilli names to get their head spinning. Then you can grow whatever you want! :rofl:

Of coarse you wouldn't do that would you. :halo: