Experiments continuing for me.
I chucked 3 hungarian hot wax chilli seeds into a plastic container with a moist paper towel about a week ago, nothing happening.
So today I chucked another 3 into a pot with seed raising mix. I'll wait to find out which way works better for me.
Also did a whole bunch of seeds straight into seed raising mix, and another bunch with the whole h2o2 short soak and the 12hr chamomile tea soak. I'll wait and see the results for these tests.
Was going to start just planting everything this month, but I spent a lot on seeds so still running experiments with old seeds until september as I don't want to waste the new seeds.
Also I will probably try find some coir to mix with my seedling mix, as I found it just dries up to quick under lights and coir peat may help prevent that?
I can't find anything except the compressed blocks, is it even possible to find the loose bagged stuff? Or should I by the compressed stuff, if so, which one?
Edit: I found a bag of vermiculite in the shed, so I'm going to mix that with the seed raising mix instead, and not worry about the coir peat.