overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

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Just thought I would share a couple pics of where I'm at right now....

Some of my planties just hangin' (and the guard kitty):

Datil x Limon (plant still small as but already wants to pump pods!):

CGN 22795:

Popper time! (Mucho Nacho) :dance:

And a special one... Aji Amarillo x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion parent pod thingy:

And didn't get snaps but picked my first two pods for the season the other day, Yellow Trinidad Scorps. Gotta say after eating them though, not much of a fan.... terrible tasting things they were! :sick:
You are in luck Gassy, i have five more seeds of Pimenta Da Neyde. From memory i got about 50% germ.
I also have Pimento Da Bico (the chinense hot type of Rubber Nipple) here too if you would like those as well.
Addy me bruz!
Awesomeness! Thanks brother! (but think I'll give your nipples a miss though.... not that I don't want your nipples, but not sure I got room for 'em!)

Oh yeah...... empty ya mailbag ya bum! :P
Looks good gas.
I see you haven't had problems with new pod size. All my old hab plants are ripening chillies just the size of a pinky finger nail.
I thought it would just be the first few, but they've made dozens of them!
Should I just rip all the pods off now?

edit: rain in perth again, and expected all next week :(
So the old hab plants gonna get drenched.

Earlier in the week I made a bench out of a pallet too (just rough wood nailed together), for my new repotted seedlings outside, they're going to get wet too, as I have no room inside for the repotted ones, just the seedling still in seedling pots.
I see you haven't had problems with new pod size. All my old hab plants are ripening chillies just the size of a pinky finger nail.
I wouldn't say that.... pods have been fairly undersized on this end too :( (of the two yellow scorps I picked, one was probly about the size of my thumb nail and the other maybe two times that).

Mucho Nacho is probly on the money..... but I did buy the plant already established (albeit sans pods, but still established).
Try now Gassy. Nice plants too ya showoff! :D
Will PM you with my details tomorrow now.... drunk, hungry, in search of a feed, then will probly crash for like 12 hours after that :lol:

Can't imagine it will be long before you overtake me either - your plants last season and the ten billion pods they produced put mine to uttermost shame ;)
Gas send us your mailing address and I'll send you some pimenta de neyde seeds. Just got some from pepperlover.com and I'm never going to use them all.
I think you sent me some seeds last year when I was just starting out so think of it as a payback :)

Oh and empty your mailbox too :rofl:

edit: Your plants are looking good.

Yours too Nova
Thats a nice dainty pipe you smokin there Nova.
Guess I'd better go smoke this bad boy ;)

I'd say be careful smoking tobacco around chilli plants because of tobacco mosaic virus.... but thats not tobacci is it ;)
Looks good gas.
I see you haven't had problems with new pod size. All my old hab plants are ripening chillies just the size of a pinky finger nail.
I thought it would just be the first few, but they've made dozens of them!
Should I just rip all the pods off now?
Do you have any photos of these plants? I had trouble with a Habanero that produced very small pods after dropping too many flowers to count.

edit: rain in perth again, and expected all next week :(
So the old hab plants gonna get drenched.

Earlier in the week I made a bench out of a pallet too (just rough wood nailed together), for my new repotted seedlings outside, they're going to get wet too, as I have no room inside for the repotted ones, just the seedling still in seedling pots.
Do you have anything that could be used to keep the rain off the plants?
Do you have any photos of these plants? I had trouble with a Habanero that produced very small pods after dropping too many flowers to count.

Do you have anything that could be used to keep the rain off the plants?
Yeah they're in pots, but left in a garden bed, so it means pulling any roots that went through the pot into the soil, moving them out of any decent sunlight.

I've got 3, a red that has a very light green immature pod like a carribean, even made a small scorpion shaped pod; an orange (that is dark green before ripening, had massive pods last summer that were very yellow, but now makes tiny pods more orange) and one that dropped all it's flowers and never produced anything last summer.

Ask gassy about his NOT nagas, I probably have the same plants, massive habs last summer on two of them, and the plants grew bigger than anything I have ever had
edit: oh, and I planted 4 seeds from these, 3 orange and one red, and they are easily twice the size of all my other seedlings. That might be the reason unscrupulous sellers sell this variety of plant.

They were very prolific produces (well 2 out of 3 were). They kept podding all through autumn and winter with very little flower drop - just less flowers.
Now it's warmed up, heaps of flowers, but all still the micro sized pods like the odd flower in winter did. I would have though with at least 2 weeks of warm weather they would start growing bigger before ripening. A couple have got just over thumbnail size, but it looks like there's going to be dozens of tiny, tiny ripe pods. I think I'm going to pull them off ASAP I think. Not doing much good for the plant, not doing any good for me.
The rain yesterday smashed three baby seedlings, I moved them all inside. With the larger repotted seedlings, they got water logged, so I moved them out to the front verandah (only place sheltered from rain).
Well 4 of the larger seedlings got leaves eaten by bugs, slugs or snails over night :( Never had a problem with them out the backyard due to other things they can munch on (parsley, basil, mint, old broccoli or rocket, plus a heap of marigolds, nasturtiums out there) so the chillies were never touched by garden pests while in the backyard.
But out the front there's nothing much, so some of the chilli seedlings became dinner for what ever it was.

Edit: Also this morning I planted some jalapenos and bell peppers in the ground (saving my pots and potting mix for the super hots, germinating the capsicums and jalapenos was just a germination experiment). Well earlier today, a kookaburra came and pulled out one of the jalapeno seedlings! I only noticed it just then, hours later. So the seedling is very wilted and probably won't make it...

:twisted: This thread! :scared:
Don't sweat it Pablo, the weather will calm down. The wind ripped a big hole in the side of my greenhouse too. I just taped it up with crappy tape because its only going to be useful for a bit longer before it gets too warm. Hopefully the kookaburra will start eating the slugs and not your plants!

I had tons of slugs in my front yard of my old house but they never went for my chillies. I had some of them up on one of those plastic patio tables and I think the underside had edges too sharp for them to slither around. If you don't have a platform you can probably put out some beer traps or something to drown them.
Poor jalapeno. I just spent the last couple of hours filling a trailer with overwintered plants and a whole garden bed full of weeds. Oh what fun! Found tonnes of snails hiding on the fence near the weeds so gonna put the chooks out the front soon to have a feast. Walked past the trailer and there are about 10 snails climbing up the side wall. Damn things.

Not sure if I will be using my garden beds this season. I will buy some cheap capsicums and plant them, give them a few weeks and if no sign of disease then rip them and plant my babies :)
If you don't have a platform you can probably put out some beer traps or something to drown them.
Yeah, here's the wood bench I made out of a pallet and crate I mentioned before, that I made to put my plants up and away from slugs and snails, with my smaller seedlings sitting on a plastic crate beside it.

Since I seem to be cursed anyway, here's the re potted chillies

Biggest one out the front with flowers is a jalapeno planted April, that has just stayed outside all winter and has had nothing done with it.
Next two biggest are capsicums. The other three large ones are my own habs from my NOT naga plant. They grew really quick, and actually the first plants I potted up and left outside all the time because I wasn't worried about losing them.
Close up of one:

Speaking of potting up, here's my OLDest plant. One of the first seeds I planted in June. It has done terrible, always looked sickly, yellow, I ruined it by keeping it too dry, and burning it under 2x35W CFL lights. Nearly every seedling I had at the same time I threw out, but I kept this tiny one because it is the only aji battacum I have. I repoted that into a 750ml pot a week ago, and even though it's small, it's actually looking healthy now, and growing true sets of leaves! Almost an overnight transformation once I took it out of the seedling pot and put it in a larger pot and left it outside.

poor jalapeno.