• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

You everyday websites that you visit

So, I have a list of websites I visit everyday. Though I might list them all here. Maybe you would like to share yours as well. Maybe we might find something interesting we never knew was there before:

The Hot Pepper forums
The Hot Zone Online
Cyanide and Happyness
Saturday Morning Breakfest Cereal
Coast To Coast AM
Cliff Pickover's Reality Carnival
Comics Continuum
Aint It Cool News
Woot Shirt
The Chive
I Am Bored
Superhero Hype
Gorilla Mask
Superman Homepage

I have a few others but they are not an everyday visit.
Google (for searches and email)
Sports Illustrated
Too many to list, and most of them are in Swedish including 6 different newspapers. I could mention that I have 100+ blogs in my RSS-reader (on average maybe 25 are updated each day) and of course Redtube and http://www.sickipedia.org/

I find that it is hard to keep up now that I'm working again...
IAC.com (independent artist site)
songplanet.com (independent artist site)
american atheists.com
yahoo news
auto trader
This may sound weird, but I rarely ever check out particular websites "daily". It's an almost 'round the clock thing for me since the internet is tied in so closely with my daily life. Between my PCs and and iPhone apps, here's what I hit:

www.scottrobertsweb.com ;)
www.gmail.com (dozens of times a day for all my e-mail accounts, also check on my iPhone)
www.google.com/reader - Here I have RSS feeds to dozens of sites, including THP, THZO, and many other hot pepper/hot sauce/BBQ sites, plus technology sites, news sites, personal blogs, etc. Seriously, if ANY of you aren't using RSS, then check it out - it can save you hours a day in surfing time.
www.twitter.com (iPhone and web)
www.facebook.com (iPhone and web)
www.google.com/analytics (check stats for all my websites)