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off-topic You know what really grinds my gears?!?

Scoville DeVille said:
Hello The Hot Pepper, I would love it if you could send me a The Hot Pepper T-shirt.
That is some funny chit. hahahaha
Mentioning that, you should really get some shirts printed pookie! I would happily scam you for one too (maybe even buy one! Lol)...

So, free T-shirt for a good idea? :D

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So, ahem yea.... if you could just go ahead and send me free shit that would be great mkay
I emailed the dude back and called him on it.

Funny thing - a sauce maker posted an email they'd recieived from someone talking about what a huge fan of their products they were and how they couldn't possibly justify the expense while working two jobs.

Sounded so familiar, so I went back and looked for this email.

To my surprise, it was word for word the exact same, save for the name of the product.

Fascinating, don't you think?
Scoville DeVille said:
Is it wrong that I think that is cooler than shit? I love it!  :rofl:  :shh:
I like to believe there was an awkward *gulp* when reading that, but more likely he chuckled and proceeded to email 11,372 more companies. :doh:

It a real shame mail shenanigans are a federal offense, as dude sent his address. I have so many dog turds in my yard it feels greedy - I'd love to share a couple with him and mark the box "free samples".

But I'm not a fan of prison or fines, so he shall remain turdless. :(
D3monic said:
That's just evil though, glitter is the herpes of craft supplies. 
Yeah - plus then he becomes the victim and LDHS is the mean bully who glitter bombed him.

"A man can.build 1000 bridges, but you fuck one sheep, and you think people will say, 'hey, there goes that bridge-builder!'?"
My boss grinds my gears, dudes a total tool. I've never taken a sick day and constantly getting called in on my days off and he has the nerve to get shitty with me because I told him next friday I have to pick my kids up from school on my day off but we "might" have a train that day. 
My sister's scumbag boyfriend!

37 years old. Never held a steady job his entire life. Has several kids he has never had anything to do with. Earlier this year he broke into my job, did thousands of dollars worth of damage and stole a bunch of stuff. Now he lives with my sister in my mother's second house, much to my disapproval. He refuses to watch my nieces (8 & 10 years old, so they basically watch themselves) for the half an hour between when my sister leaves for her full time job and bed time. My mother recently got a letter from the town that the property is unacceptable due to overgrown lawn and trash and my mother is facing a fine because of the lack of maintenance. Grown ass man (although he is only a man in the sense he has pubic hair), refuses to get off his lazy ass and mow the lawn and clean up so my mother doesn't get fined. So I have spent days out there before work (I work full time, have since I was a teenager) and busted my ass cleaning up their yard, weed whacking through 5 foot grass and picking up trash so my mother doesn't get in trouble. Now my mother has contractors coming to work on the house and they need the furniture moved. Can you guess who sat on his ass and made my pregnant sister move heavy furniture? Yup, same scumbag. When I found out, I made my sister stop and I am on my way up to move the furniture myself.

I stand down to keep the peace for my mother, who has had a rough past couple years due to my father's death. I am not sure how much longer I can hold my tongue.
Jesus H Christ. That grinds MY gears and I don't even know the scumbag!
You need to get that guy out of there. Just don't tell your mom. I mean, if the guy isn't contributing ANYTHING???
Holy hell, hit the road pal!
Scoville DeVille said:
Jesus H Christ. That grinds MY gears and I don't even know the scumbag!
You need to get that guy out of there. Just don't tell your mom. I mean, if the guy isn't contributing ANYTHING???
Holy hell, hit the road pal!
It is unbelievablely hard, but I have respected my mother's wishes to not cause any drama. The day is coming when I go over my mom's head.

I did speak to him just now and he is going to finish up the yard work today. I just have to teach him how to use the weed whacker. You read that right. I have to teach a 37 year old adult male how to start and use a weed whacker.

Is it wrong that I hope he cuts his toe with the weed whacker?