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kitchenware Your favorite kitchen knifes...

Me - I don't care! As long as a knife is sharp and is/isn't serrated (depending on what I am using it for!) is fine. My son, OTOH, buys only Global knives. At more than $30 for a 3" paring knife and up to $180 for others, they are too pricey for me. But they do feel great - perfectly balanced, very light weight, super sharp and hold an edge. But he is a chef and figures it is worth it.

Awesome! Before I read the thread I came here to rep Global! They're WONDERFUL knives and SO worth the money. I started out with a chef's knife because I figured that'd be the most useful, but have since added to the collection, even though it's still my most used. I love, love, love them. They're light, they stay sharp a good while, easy to sharpen, easy to clean, I like the grip. They're wonderful!

I originally got into Globals because that's what Anthony Bourdain recommended and I was such a Bourdain fangirl. That hottie did not lead me astray.
I have used some really great knives, Wusthof, Henckels and of course the Gensu (best fillet knife made). But I come to really love the Pamperd Chef drop forged line of knives. They are totally balanced in the hand and the handle fit's my hand perfectly. If you have bigger hands like I do you would like the feel too. I have had mine for a couple of years now and have yet to have to sharpen them. If you happen to be looking for some new knives it would be worth your time to check them out, and the prices are really reasonable too.
Just tried my friend's Misono ux10 chef's knife.This is one of the best I've ever used.Extremely comfortable and rediculously sharp!Still hard to beat my Mac and Tojiro damascus!
We've got one Global knife at the min, slowly upgrading as it's not cheap! But man! It takes and holds an edge so well and is crazy sharp! Defo my favorite!

Also, If you have a Fluted santuko can you just sharpen it normally?
Besides my cheapo knives I don't care for, I have the Shun Elite chef's knife and a Shun Kaji Santoku. Both are super sharp and excellent.

One day I want a real Kramer knife. Not the ones they sell at the stores but one from him directly. Super cool!
I was an extra good boy this year and I was rewarded with an early B-day present of a Shun 8" chefs knife. These things are SOOOOO sweet. Light and sticky sharp right out of the box. You know when you touch the edge it bites in right away... She thought she'd get jealous of my knife so she bought a santuku for herself. There goes her b-day present. Oh well, now I have find something to chop... I guess I'll have to find something for lunch tomorrow as it was leftovers tonight.
Well I guess it's time to make another BIG BOY purchase. Being 32,and stunningly adorable(last part might be a lie)! I've decided my next purchase will be for the Kitchen....Knives.
I've recentlly discovered a likening for Santoku blade styles,with round blunt soft cork handles. I'm not a prof. chef,but when I buy things,it's with the idea"go big or go home"....I learned from my dad at an early age,You get what you pay for.Now over the last 32 years,I've found this to be true for about 85-90% of things you buy. I read on THP,that a guy had a cheap version of this knife,and it sounds like it was a pretty good knife.

So I went to Ye Ole search'ith bar'ith,and poof here I am.

So I was curious if this blade I describe was in any of your kitchen's home/work,and what your thoughts were....

Found the pic:
8" Wusthof Classic chef knife and 3" Wusthof Classic paring knife is all I need to slice and dice. A little fussy to sharpen but really holds an edge.
Well for me it depends lol!

My Daily drivers are a set of Wustfof Grand Prix

I use these for veggies and the basic stuff.

When I need a little more edge for things like sushi of thin sliced tomato then I break out the
Shun Santuko

If I am going to be carving a roast or a bird ill bust out the Forschner 12"

Haha that is my picture

Now my all time favorite knife would have to be a Hattori like this one:
Kitchen "knifes" or "knives".... That is the question! http://www.englishforums.com/English/DoPluralKnifeKnives/xbnhm/post.htm

Does datilpatch have a preference?