One of these days I'll get out front to photograph the C. Pubes. I've also got a Thai Super Hot F1 out there that's really nice. In the meantime, I'll write a bit about taking down my patio plants and recycling for next year.
I really liked the combination of coco and smart pots this year. I've compared a few plants and I think the smart pots will keep pace with a rigid plastic container that has about 20% more medium. They also provide good aeration. I'm working on cleaning all the roots out an reusing them for next year. I'm recycling my coco this year and composting my plant waste. Very little is wasted, and I'll save on supplies next year. Here's how I'm cleaning things up. After I pull the plants, I'll rinse and let the smart pot dry out for a week. Then I push the coco through a screen and compost the roots:
After that I run the coco through a NatureMill automatic composter to break down the tiny roots, kill bugs and seeds, etc...
After it cycles through there, I store it away and I'll use it on 2nd pot up next year.
Some coco and roots get discarded or washed away and a lot ends up in the compost that will go into a soil mix, but so much will be reused in future seasons.
We had some very warm weather yesterday, so I gave my overwintering plants and cuttings a bit of sun:
That's about it for now. I might have a few more updates before this season is completely done. I can't wait for next year. I've got so many new seeds to try.