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Zander's 2010 Season

Thanks friends, it was a great season. I've still got a few harvests yet to come. This weekend was pretty busy. Harvesting, final chop, community garden work, drying, etc...

I took down some of my best and polished them up for a group photo. Clockwise from upper left there is Trinidad Scorpion, Datil Red X, Fatalii + Venezuelan Sweet Hab, Yellow Scorpion:

Sri Lankan:

My stash:

Not so pretty pods, on the left is the harvest from a root bound Aji Crystal:

I also did a big harvest of the Orange Manzano and tossed them right in the dehydrator. They shrunk down to some really dense, beautiful slices that smell like figs. Also had a good harvest from Thai Super Hot F1 that was dried. That's it for now.
Nice spread. Checking out your 7pod SR pods is pretty exciting. I hope my 7pod SR I'm growing puts on comparable pods.
Well things are really slowing down now. The trees have grown and the sun has dropped so there's not much direct sun on my back patio. The weather's been getting pretty cold at night so I've done my final harvest and chop on most of my plants. I still have peppers ripening on my Thai #1, Thai Super Hot, Yellow Scorpions x2, Fatalii, Datil Red X and Orange Manzano.

I took these photos a while back when I made some "prig nam pla".

First, slice up a bunch of Thai chilies:

Put them in a jar with fish sauce. Use one from SE Asia (Philippines, Thailand, , Vietnam):

Cover them up and then add a bit more:

That's it. Along with dried powder and hot sauce it's part of a team that keeps my food "ped mak mak"
Some harvest shots.

The Thai #1 from above:

From yesterday 11/28
Bhut, Scorpion, Fatalii, Orange Hab, Serrano:

Datil Red X:

That's about it for now. Check the Market place for a small Yellow Scorpion CARDI seed offer to be posted soon.
Put them in a jar with fish sauce. Use one from SE Asia (Philippines, Thailand, , Vietnam):

that brand's proudly filipino

says right there on the fine print.


but i've had better lol. thai brands are much cleaner tasting for me which i like.
Got to disagree with you on this one, the Mother's Best Patismansi is the tastiest I've ever had and I've used a lot of different fish sauce. There are 20+ different types on the shelves at my local Asian grocer, but I'll only buy another brand if they run out of this Patismansi. The Thai brands are high quality, like most of their exports, but the flavor is boring by comparison.
Got to disagree with you on this one, the Mother's Best Patismansi is the tastiest I've ever had and I've used a lot of different fish sauce. There are 20+ different types on the shelves at my local Asian grocer, but I'll only buy another brand if they run out of this Patismansi. The Thai brands are high quality, like most of their exports, but the flavor is boring by comparison.

sorry i read wrong.

ohh i thought it was just fish sauce. they're the only brand that does make fish sauce with calamansi / calamondin. =D

so i really can't compare them with anyone else. hehe.

unless you get some thai stuff and add some calamansi, if you can find any.
Hey Franz, they're not the only company that makes a patismansi, but they are the one I've tried that I like. You should try it sometime. I have a kalamansi tree and could mix up my own to compare, but the Mother's Best brand is fine by me. Maybe next time I run out of patis, I'll replace it with a bottle of high quality Thai nam pla.

Kalamansi is ripening up nicely:

I've only got a few C. Chinese still around. This Fatalii met the snips yesterday:

Yellow Scorpion CARDI is still alive and kicking. I've got mini pods setting, but I'll take it down after harvesting a few more of these huge beauties:
One of these days I'll get out front to photograph the C. Pubes. I've also got a Thai Super Hot F1 out there that's really nice. In the meantime, I'll write a bit about taking down my patio plants and recycling for next year.

I really liked the combination of coco and smart pots this year. I've compared a few plants and I think the smart pots will keep pace with a rigid plastic container that has about 20% more medium. They also provide good aeration. I'm working on cleaning all the roots out an reusing them for next year. I'm recycling my coco this year and composting my plant waste. Very little is wasted, and I'll save on supplies next year. Here's how I'm cleaning things up. After I pull the plants, I'll rinse and let the smart pot dry out for a week. Then I push the coco through a screen and compost the roots:

After that I run the coco through a NatureMill automatic composter to break down the tiny roots, kill bugs and seeds, etc...

After it cycles through there, I store it away and I'll use it on 2nd pot up next year.

Some coco and roots get discarded or washed away and a lot ends up in the compost that will go into a soil mix, but so much will be reused in future seasons.

We had some very warm weather yesterday, so I gave my overwintering plants and cuttings a bit of sun:

That's about it for now. I might have a few more updates before this season is completely done. I can't wait for next year. I've got so many new seeds to try.
Just snapped a few pictures of these plants in my neighbors front yard. The get hit with the sprinklers, so I don't water them and I haven't fed them since August. Other than the Thai Super Hot F1, they're looking pretty ragged, but I'm sure the C. pubes will be very productive next year. Here's the group shot:

L2R that's Thai Super Hot F1, Orange Manzano, Red Rocoto, 7pod, Yellow Rocoto

Here are a couple shots of the very nice Thai Super Hot F1 in a 15 gallon squat container:


And some nice leaves on the Yellow Rocoto:
Harvested and thoroughly cleaned some the last of my Thai #1 seeds. Only about 50% of the seed made it through the water separation (sink/float cleaning). I had plenty of seed and I just need enough to fill one more offer. Keep an eye out in the market place, I'm thinking of one more offer of Thai #1, Orange Manzano and Yellow Scorpion CARDI. I'll probably do one overseas offer too since my last two have been US only. That's it for now. Hope those in the Southern Hemisphere keep this board rolling through the winter for us.



Hey Franz, they're not the only company that makes a patismansi, but they are the one I've tried that I like. You should try it sometime. I have a kalamansi tree and could mix up my own to compare, but the Mother's Best brand is fine by me. Maybe next time I run out of patis, I'll replace it with a bottle of high quality Thai nam pla.

Kalamansi is ripening up nicely:

with patismansi, we kind of just make our own. fish sauce and calamansi are always readily available here, so whenever we have a need for it, we just get a saucer and make some up.

nice to see someone using some filipino made stuff though. =D
Very interesting way to trim and re-pot peppers. Are those seriously 3.5" square pots? :) If so, awesome!


One of these days I'll get out front to photograph the C. Pubes. I've also got a Thai Super Hot F1 out there that's really nice. In the meantime, I'll write a bit about taking down my patio plants and recycling for next year.

I really liked the combination of coco and smart pots this year. I've compared a few plants and I think the smart pots will keep pace with a rigid plastic container that has about 20% more medium. They also provide good aeration. I'm working on cleaning all the roots out an reusing them for next year. I'm recycling my coco this year and composting my plant waste. Very little is wasted, and I'll save on supplies next year. Here's how I'm cleaning things up. After I pull the plants, I'll rinse and let the smart pot dry out for a week. Then I push the coco through a screen and compost the roots:

After that I run the coco through a NatureMill automatic composter to break down the tiny roots, kill bugs and seeds, etc...

After it cycles through there, I store it away and I'll use it on 2nd pot up next year.

Some coco and roots get discarded or washed away and a lot ends up in the compost that will go into a soil mix, but so much will be reused in future seasons.

We had some very warm weather yesterday, so I gave my overwintering plants and cuttings a bit of sun:

That's about it for now. I might have a few more updates before this season is completely done. I can't wait for next year. I've got so many new seeds to try.
Thanks Chris. Yes those are tiny little 3.5 inch pots. I can fit 18 in a 1020 tray, so everything I want to try and keep for next year can fit in 2 or 3 trays. I don't really have room to bring anything inside, so I keep these outside in a heated "plant tower" greenhouse. I doubt I'll have a great percentage that end up being grown out next year, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. The greenhouse doesn't get much direct sunlight, so I just check them once a week and moisten up the coco coir as needed.