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Zander's 2010 Season

Thanks Franzb69, your stuff is looking really great too! I've got to catch up on what you've been doing lately.

My back patio is out of space. I need to chop down some plants, the only problem is, they are all doing great and I can't decide. The Chocolate Bhut would be the obvious choice because is is so late to set pods and takes up the most space. I've never tasted a Chocolate Bhut though, so I may have to choose something else. I may remove the Yellow Bhut after I harvest a few more pods. I have to agree with Cmpman, the Fatalii is better. The TS Moruga Blend may also be ready to go. I love the heat, pod shape and flavor, but it's taking up a lot of space w/o a lot of pods. I won't destroy it, just chop it down, root prune and hope it will return next year. It's very hard to decide. I harvested a strange one, "Datil Red Cross" thinking that I would compost the remains, but it surprised me, and earned a stay of execution. I sampled one and it had no heat at all. I harvested the whole plant and chopped a good bunch up to garnish come chicken tacos. It turns out that some are totally sweet and some have a bit of heat. Taken together it's a great pepper to chop up with cilantro and green onion for a salsa fresca. I may just do some drastic pruning and keep everything. Not a bad problem to have.

Here's a shot of the runt Datil Red Crosses that didn't make it into the salsa, one Billy Goat Hab, and a giant Red Rocoto (thanks OrigamiRN!). This Rocoto won't win the challenge on circumference, but it's huge and very heavy. I'll probably use it in a soup or chili con carne.


A quick note about the Billy Goat Hab. It may be a great pepper, but my neighbor's yard is now almost completely shaded and it's only produced a few tiny pods.

I also got a great package in the mail from P. Dreadie. An awesome collection of Scotch Bonnets. I haven't had a real Scotch Bonnet since I moved out West and boy do I miss them. I'll be growing these next year for sure. Way better than the ones I used to get in NJ.


No reason for me to start a new thread for my tomatoes. This one green Zebra that was mother to at least 15 different cuttings is really something special. Here's a small harvest from two cuttings I planted at the community garden. I plan on keeping this plant alive through the winter.

Tuesday I went to see a lady about some horse poo. I brought her some some maters, basil and a Bhut Jolokia and she helped me load up my truck with some nice aged manure. I brought this down to my new raised bed and filled it in. Then today I added 50 lbs of chicken manure, covered it with cardboard, and filled the edges and cracks with the native clay. Then I watered it down. I'll let it dry out and then begin dumping containers on the top before eventually planting a winter cover crop to bring some extra nitrogen into the soil. I'm trying to keep this bed 100% organic.



Well, that's it for now. I need to take some shots of my back patio and I plan to fire up the dehydrator and make some powder soon. I've also got a Yellow Scorpion, a number of Sevens, and a Bhut Jolokia ready for a big harvest in a few days. Thanks for stopping by.
Everything looks great and the raised bed is coming along nicely. I have two myself and love growing in them.
Hey ZanderSpice , everything looks super. I like your new beds !! I see you have PVC sections fasted to the sides , looks like you're thinking about using PVC hoops if needed.

P. Dreadie
Thanks all,

Josh, I've got to go looking for your garden. I remember your indoor setup and it was amazing. I wish I could rig something like that up some day for 2 or 3 plants in the winter.

Franzb69, thanks, Green Zebras a great tomato. I'll throw some seeds in your envelope. Cherokee Purple's my favorite for flavor, but all around it's Green Zebra for the hardiness.

Hey there P. Dreadie, it was so easy and cheap to add the 1" PVC for hoops I put it in even if I don't use it. There's a bit of a bird problem, so I may use it with some netting in the spring. Easier now than waiting for later. It's a great complement that you like this little bed because yours looks like it will last 20 years.

Thanks SilverSurver, I believe you suggested I go with raised beds many months ago. I didn't have the time back then and did containers, but I knew it was the right idea. I've been reading about biointensive gardening and may try that with the rest of my plot. I'm finally composting and should be able to get down deep in the dirt come spring. I can't wait to do this the right way. I still like the hydroponic stuff for my back patio, but it just feels right to put as much as I can back in the earth.

Thanks for stopping by everyone. I've got some back patio pictures on my camera and I may do a big Yellow Scorpion harvest soon. We had a few cool days, but I think my season will go into late November this year.

Anyone who hasn't contacted me for my seed offer, please don't delay. Once I package up and sent out all these envelopes, It'll be over for a while. I've got enough for 5-10 more. Plenty of OP stuff to, so if you see anything in my garden and don't mind the chance of it being crossed, ask away.
Franzb69, thanks, Green Zebras a great tomato. I'll throw some seeds in your envelope. Cherokee Purple's my favorite for flavor, but all around it's Green Zebra for the hardiness.

thanks zander! =D

your package was sent yesterday. should arrive soon.
Hello Everyone,
I've been busy in the garden and all. My counter is filled up with fresh peppers and tomatoes and I've got plenty of ripe ones yet to be picked. I just fired up the dehydrator for the first time this season. It's a mix with lots of super hots and manzanos and it smells fantastic. Got a bunch of photos to share so here we go:

My Bhut Jolokia has been one of my best this year. I can eat about one a day.

Here's a nice plant, but probably not a keeper, the Yellow Bhut:

I dug up a plant that was started in a coco coir cup. We've seen how roots don't grow well through peat pots, but it seems that coco isn't a problem:

I'm getting tons of ripe Scorpions so there will be some photos of those pretty soon.
It was time for me to clean off my flood and drain setup so I took a few photos. I've really enjoyed this system. Once it's set up it's easier than most other ways I've tried. I don't dump the reservoir, but instead take a little out and add back fresh water on a regular basis.

Here it is before clean up. It looks OK, but it was an overgrown mess and I had some pests that needed to be blasted with water.

Here it is after a major cleaning. The two pipes in the back are the fill (short) and overflow. When the timer switches on a pump in the reservoir pushes water through the fill tube. When the water reaches the overflow it drains back to the reservoir and the pump maintains about 4 inches of water in the table. When the timer goes off the water drains backwards through the fill fitting and back through the pump and bypass into the reservoir.

Under the table you can see the pump runs to a tee w/ one side being the bypass and one running to the fill. The bypass keeps the table from filling too fast and circulates the water. It could also be used to help drain the system. You can add a valve on this to control the flow.

Here it is all filled up again after some major cleaning and pruning. I cover the reservoir with coroplast and a plank.
Finally I picked up a used mill grinder. It's nice and heavy duty compared to those coffee grinders and it was really cheap. Makes a bit of a mess though, but I've got chilies to spare. I needed to clean out some space in my cabinets so I made 4 batches. One with some regular Thais from last year, a 2008 harvest mix, a 2009 harvest mix, and a batch of roasted Paduang. They all came out great, but I think the 2008 mix may be the best. I had a great season and it was filled with Nagas, Scorpions and Sevens.



I just had one of my best single plant harvests ever. See the Yellow Scorpion CARDI thread for more info. It was really big, especially for a plant in 1.5 gallons. Some of the nicer pods:

My Red Scorpions are ripening up. I love when they go green, yellow, red. I'm looking for the 2010 Scorpion thread to post some more pictures, but this one is to good to post just once :drooling:

I had to make some room out back so I chopped down a few plants this morning. The ones I removed were a Trinidad Scorpion that was 70% ripe and identical to another, Yellow Bhut, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend, and Chocolate Bhut. The Moruga Blend was so similar to a 7pot-SR I've got going, I kept the one w/ more pods. Chocolate Bhut was way to slow to set pods and had to go. I had great luck with Yellow, Orange and Red pods this year and a horrible time with Brown ones. I had no germination on the Douglah, Jamaican Hot Chocolate was a disappointment, and Choco Bhut must have been a wacky seed. Who knows, maybe there's something about climate and pod color.

It's always sad to chop them down, but I didn't toss them. I'll let them recover, root prune, re-pot and try to keep 2 or 3 for next season.

The good news is that freed up enough room to put 2 Scorpions and an Orange Hab back on the table. The table is now all red super-hots (Bhut, Seven, Scorps) and one nice Orange Hab. I love having that selection right outside, ripe and ready.

I've had a great season despite the weather. It was a lot of work and expense though. There's no way I can eat all these pods and I need to downsize. Next year will probably not be nearly as large and diverse. If there is anything you'd like to see more of from this season or any questions please ask away. There's so much I didn't show or write about, so before I wrap up this thread please let me know what if anything I should show more of.
An outstanding thread Zander. One of the best I've ever read here. Thank you for the enjoyment of following it along. It's quite obvious you love growing peppers and it shows in your work and your words. A real pleasure.
Thanks Patrick. I really appreciate that. You're a good friend and you've got a pretty great thread going yourself. I'm really happy I found this place, there's so many great gardeners and friendly people. It's a lot of fun comparing our progress and seeing what the real pros can do. I'm really happy with how this season turned out and so excited for the next round.

Right now we came off of record heat and now it's unseasonably cold. We even had a few days of rain. Some plants are giving their final harvests while others are bigger and better than ever. I haven't updated in a while and I've gotten pretty lazy w/ the photos and I'm just letting things go a bit outside.

Here's a nice selection of my better pods from about a month ago. From L-R, T-B we have Yellow Scorpion CARDI, Venezuelan Sweet Habanero, 7pot-SR, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend, Bhut Jolokia, Yellow Bhut, Trinidad Scorpion, Fatalii and one more that's either 7pot-SR or TS Moruga Blend.

Here's another old photo from back when I did some major cleaning. Took a few pods off early, but made for a nice photo:

The superhot table is full of ripe red pods. I need to fire up the dehydrator on Sunday b/c I've got no room for more harvests inside.

Here's my herb table. The holy basil took off recently. Next season, no hydroponic lemongrass or rosemary, those will be in the ground or containers.
My DWC Trinidad Scorpion took off w/ the heat. This plant attracts pests and takes a long time, but what a beauty! The photos don't do it justice.



Some other giants. A Venezuelan Sweet Habanero and Yellow Scorpion CARDI. These have about 1.5 gallons of coco coir but are covered in pods and have 6 foot wingspans. It's amazing to see up close and very hard to fit in frame.
Here's 4 more photos to wrap it up for now.
Yellow Scorpion CARDI under canopy. I love this plant!

Orange Manzano still going strong. If I had thinned the fruit I'd get larger ones, but I'm expecting about 5 more pounds before the year's over.

Still got a Green Zebra tomato going. Not a lot of sun back here anymore so just the tips grow. I bet this measures at least 10 feet. I was giving these away like crazy and still had to many to eat.

I'm keeping copies of my best for next year. We'll see how they do outside. I might need some added heat come January.

That's it for now. I've made some more progress at the community garden and I haven't shown off my Pubescens from out front in a while. I'll try to post some shots of that next week. Have a great weekedn everyone.
Thanks SS, the Manzano is so happy with the weather here. I was told there's a guy nearby with a 20foot+ Rocoto vine.

I didn't snap a bunch of photos this weekend, but I did spend yesterday digging up a bed at the community garden. The cardboard I laid down in the spring was pretty much gone and the soil quality is greatly improved. I mixed in a couple bags of Malibu bio-dynamic compost. That is really nice organic stuff.

Finally took down a bunch of Trinidad Scorpion pods. I fired up the dehydrator and did half mix and half TS. The TS has been kept separate so I can have 100% powder. The Trinidad Scorpions were HOT! My brother was in a spicy food eating battle w/ his wife and they didn't have anything hot enough. I showed up with some Candied Bhut Jolokias and fresh Trinidad Scorpions. After doing a bit of each separately we started doing combos: a slice of TS w/ a chunk of candy. My bro let his wife win; she was doing combos like crazy and no one wanted to keep up. I love when your the heat escapes your mouth and you can feel it working it's way to your brain. It was just one of those days. Crazy what those Scops and Bhuts can do.
Man Zander when you do an update you do an update. I love the look of all those pods hanging off of the Trini scorp--almost as much as the drying tray above full of red ripe pods. That's a fantastic photo. Maybe just a little bit scary.

Good luck to you and the over wintering projects.