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Zander's 2010 Season

Zander your garden is sick man! I love the setup and Sooo many supers! Such beautiful healthy plants! Great work!
Thanks for the comments friends. I haven't seen my friend w/ the Rocoto in a while, but I've got a few candidates for my own 20 footer, maybe in a few years I'll get it that big. Thanks Kevin, we've got two very different gardens. I'd love to do em as big as you, but yeah, I'm pretty happy w/ what I was able to squeeze into my back patio. Patrick, thanks again for stopping by, I think I'll do well w/ the overwintering, if not I've got plenty of seeds saved and new ones on the way. Well I normally wait until I've got photos before replying so here's what's new. I finally tried a 7pot SR on it's own yesterday and I'm really impressed. It was very ripe and could have been picked weeks ago. I had some on it's own and the rest in Thai food. The burn was slow until each bite was a like a mouth full of bees. The wife and had to stop and leave some leftovers. This is definately a tasty superhot and one of the best. The pod was so ripe I even had a sprouted seed on the inside, you can see it, and the tons of oil in the 2nd photo below.


Just couldn't eat it all at once:
Started collecting some supplies for next season. I found a nursery pot manufacturer nearby and they were nice enough to let my buy some small quantities. These fit perfectly in a 1020 tray. I can do 18 per with the small or 8 w/ the big. I liked the coir pots this year, but these are really nice too and much cheaper.

And here's a nice big, ugly Scorpion. That's it for today. Have a great weekend everyone.
The food looks great and very hot! Are you gonna plant the little seedling? I havent seen that before,I would prolly have to plant it just for kicks.
I didn't even think of planting it. It's been tossed, but I did save the other seeds. Dang, I wish I put it in a pot. I've never seen it before either, but I know it happens with maters every once in a while.
Thanks SS, I got them from McConkey Co. The 5.5" ones were 30c and the 3 1/3 ones (TSD4) were 10c. I like the TSD4s for seedlings and overwintering because they are a full 4 inches deep. The big ones are widely available in black for about 55c, but TSD4 is very hard to find. Case quantities are high, something like 1375 for $95, but at the local factory they had some available individually. I bought 100 and there were about 50 left on the shelf.
Thanks for the NFO. I use a little smaller one that will fit 32 per standard flat (2.5" x 3.5" deep) with a pocket tray insert. Only 4 flats will fit in my makeshift grow box so have to conserve space.
Those sound like good inserts too. I'm hoping that most of my peppers will survive outside with some TLC and I'll only do a flat or two come February. This was a nice harvesting weekend so I cleaned up a lot of ripe ones. This was the last harvest of the year for my 7pot-SR. Here's 7pot-SR and Fatalii:

These are from a plant that was labeled Trinidad Scorpion - SR, but it turned out yellow. Can't compare to the CARDI variety, but it did produce the largest C. Chinese I've ever seen. Some NOT 7pots in there too.

Just under 6 inches around on the Yellow Scorpion SR:

Yellow Scorpion CARDI, next to the giant Yellow Scorpion SR:
A few more shots. Venezuelan Sweet Habanero w/ 1 Yellow Scorpion CARDI:

A few nice Orange Manzanos. The rains have caused the plant to ripen up nicely. Tons of these will be coming down soon.

Jalapeno Poppers!
Very nice pods, that yellow scorp must have crossed with a pumpkin. :)

Those poppers are making me hungry. Ever tried a Manzano popper?

Maybe one day I'll get Manzanos that large. Quite a few green ones on the plants now, but I doubt they'll ripen before the cold arrives.
Nice harvest Zander! Those Fataliis look painfully good. :mouthonfire:

And I agree with SS, those poppers look delicious.
Hey there all,
Thanks for the compliments. SilverSurfer, I think it was your popper photos that motivated me to make my own. Manzano poppers are awesome. I'll be making some more soon.

Well, I had no room left on the counter and ripe ones outside so I needed to fire up the dehydrator again. Just filling up some space w/ a bunch of soon to be powdered pods.

Here's the harvest that I had no room to store. The second complete harvest from Yellow Scorpion CARDI. I've still got tons of huge green pods on a very healthy plant. This is one great plant and the flavor takes the best elements of all the yellow/orange C. Chineses. I think I said it before, if Fatalii is a lemon, then Yellow Scorpion CARDI is an orange.

First level of the tray was Thais, Jalapenos, Serranos and Venezuelan Sweet Habanero. I remove the seeds from Jalapenos and Serranos. This won't be blended w/ the others, but is instead used to add some bulk and body to blends.

Second level adds some heat; Fatalii, Yellow Scorpion SR, and Red Savina. I sampled some of each while slicing and I really liked the Yellow SR too. It's not as sweet or interesting as the CARDI, but I love this one too. It's very nice as it just turns ripe before it goes orange. Saving seeds for sure, but not sure if it's in the lineup for next year.

The third level is Trinidad Scorpion BT and 7pot SR. This isn't totally filled because I just couldn't bear to dry ALL of my 7pots. Had one again w/ dinner and WOW hot and delicious. I wish the plant was a better producer, but the heat and flavor are definately there with the Bhut and Scorpion. I only grew Jonah before and didn't know what I was missing.
Two more trays to go and they are both 100% Yellow Scorpion CARDI. You can probably see by comparison that the pods are much larger, and I usually kick my smallest into the dehydrator. Another great feature of these pods is that they are so easy to destem and halve. It makes them very easy to prepare for the trays.


The aftermath. I hope the compost will in turn make for hotter peppers next season.

That's it for now. I've got plenty more coming along. I may do another small seed offer in a few weeks, and I may look into shipping some fresh pods out. These are the next harvests coming up. If you really need to try one, or a mix, please send me a PM to reserve before I post in the marketplace.

Orange Manzano
Yellow Scorpion CARDI
Trinidad Scorpion
Venezuelan Sweet Habanero
Bhut Jolokia
Hey all, back again with some new photos. SS, I'll try some YS poppers soon, those will probably burn a bit. I'm also going to start blending hotties in w/ the cream cheese and sausage filling.

Ok, so what's new here. I've had a great season despite the weather so now I've got a pod surplus. Good news is that I've connected with a local chilihead who can put these to good use. I wish I met him earlier because my plants would probably have produced more with more frequent harvesting.

I pulled down my DWC Scorpion-BT Friday. It gave me a good amount of ripe Scorpions for powder. DWC out produced my plants in coco, but all things considered small coco containers in flood and drain are my favorite. They are so easy and the plants are very healthy. I'm recycling all the coco this year too, so it will be more economical next year too.

That's great for my tiny patio, but I need to get out in the soil too. I spent a few hours at the community garden this weekend. Did some weeding, screened a bunch of the local clay and some old container mix, mixed in coco, perlite, and compost in the bed. Hauled in some of my home compost, turned the pile, etc... Things are looking very good there for next season. Got to plant alfalfa soon for the winter.

Ok, so now it's time for photos. I can't seem to get good pod shots w/ my camera. Maybe I need a tripod and some different backgrounds. I've had some really cool looking scorpions that just don't photograph well. No big deal, I prefer harvest shots anyway.

First up some Trinidad Scorpion shots. The seed was from ButchT and the plant lived on from last season as a cutting. I'll try to keep it as a bonchi.
2 shots of the best from this one plant. There's one yellow mixed in one shot:


The plant from cutting that produced the DWC cutting has some pods w/ a Naga Morich shape. My scorpions have cycled through 3 different shapes, I've got some YS pods w/ a new shape too.

The ButchT bonchi:
How about some outdoor shots of the garden?
Still got plenty of plants going out back:

Some crazy shaped Yellow Scorpion CARDIs. These are huge:

Orange Manzano is overdue for a big harvest:

Datil Red Cross (I think) covered in pods:
The dehydrator was running all weekend. I'm drying lots of Red and Yellow Scorpions and Bhuts. My 7pot is done. Oh yeah, found some more sprouted seeds in a 7pot and planted them this time. Still have a decent amount of Fataliis getting dried too.
Here's some of my big Bhuts. These are now insanely hot. I kept the seed from these pods.

Here they are on the tray along w/ Yellow Scorps and some 7 pots:

Drying some BT Scorps:

And some more YS CARDI:

That's it for today. I wish I could attach the aroma of dried scorpions to this post. My apartment smells fantastic right now.