event Zestfest 2012

I'll be there and I'm really excited about this event. Such a fine show in my backward pretty much! I loved last years but wondered around blind as I was not educated in the peppers or the products. I just knew I like hot food! Having spent the last year drooling over such things I'll know what I'm looking at this time around.
I can't wait! Ann, you are going to have a booth right? Is that where everyone is meeting? I am going to try to talk Smiter Q to come along as well....

THP... You wanna cover the shirts, and we will wear them at the fest? Give ya some good advertising?
who is going to pay for my beer?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/
This will be the 1st time in 5 years we haven't exhibited at ZF! I love this show in Sept., not so much in Jan. We were lucky enough to get out of the Dallas area before an ice storm hit last year stranding many. I know a local buyer that was stranded for 3 days.

This is still a really fun show! I am bummed that we won't be there. I would have liked to go as an attendee at least. In it's place we will be on a family vacation.

If you've never been to the show before, I have a few suggestions. Bring a backpack or rolling carry on bag to haul your purchases. They will get heavy! Bring a camera, you never know who or what you will see. Sample everything! Make sure you know what you are sampling. Save the extract samples for the end of the day. Get as many phone contacts from friends as you can before hand. If, like most of us you are not local, it helps. You can call friends you know you are going to see and network to make sure and make the most of your visit. eg. "Hey Ann, we are at the liquor store, do you want us to pick up anything for you?", "Hey, our flight is delayed, you wanna meet up for dinner?".

You cannot buy alcohol in TX before noon on Sun. Plan accordingly, it sounds silly, but I have been burned more than a couple times. " AW, F!, I forgot about that!"

My recommendations?, CaJohn's, Capt. Thom's, Cin Chili, Defcon, Flaming Joe's, F.I.T. (chile grills), Intensity Academy, Texas Creek,...(alphabetical order, and I am not sure who else is going to be there, I should check out the website,...)

Have Fun, Travel safely! Enjoy!
Thanks for the tips, Sam. Especially about the Sunday booze! I'm bummed you won't be there, I was looking forward to hangin' with you and Tina.

cory_huck, We'll be in booth #102, right inside the door on the right. I'll have some THP nametags, make sure to stop by and get one.
Like I said, I am planning on being there on Saturday...If I get too Hammered I will stick around!
The only "Problem" with that is, my cousin owns a bar in Downtown Fort Worth....
After-Party at Embargo anyone?
Thanks for posting that...and check your PM's... ;)


Yes yes, sorry, backed up on unread PMs. If it's in there I'll get to you asap LB. Have a long list, just answered AJ from weeks ago and almost missed a holiday gift! Doh! Thanks AJ!
Like I said, I am planning on being there on Saturday...If I get too Hammered I will stick around!
The only "Problem" with that is, my cousin owns a bar in Downtown Fort Worth....
After-Party at Embargo anyone?

Wow, thanks cory_huck for offering free booze at your cousins bar! That's very generous. ;)

Cory, is that the place that used to be an alternative bar back about 20 years ago?...down stairs, kinda like a basement?