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contest July?

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Oh, I am SOOOO going there!!!! Thanks, LB!

So are we all settled now that the July TD is SPAM?
El Jefe might be taking a reprieve on purpose to let us work this all out for ourselves. If this TD is about food photography... then we have a general direction. I've got a syllabus coming together in my head, but it requires temporarily suspending most of the general TD rules... and possibly the general concept of what the TD's are about (a final plated dish).

I say we open this wide up. Let our inner artist loose. "Photograph something edible" [hot pepper or hot pepper product mandatory in photo]. <---- Let the artist in you interpret that. It can be a final plating, a picture of it cooking, even a prep picture... yeah, raw ingredients. (Technically, this means you really don't have to "cook" anything.)

The PoL pic will have the ingredients/subject(s) of your final entry picture. Final entry will be limited to one picture with a descriptive title of the work of art underneath it. (A sentence, not a paragraph.) No process pic(s) this time... this is purely about the final picture ONLY. No write-up about ingredients or temps/times. Basically, two pics max. "Teaser" with PoL... and final entry post. That's it.

I'm imagining this as the first THP food TD art exhibition. Does this clear it all up... or muddy it all up?

Feedback, please.

I loved this idea. I know that I (for one) could use some photography sharpening skills.
So many blurry pictures that never get votes. So many awesome dishes that don't get served up well enough.
I thought this would be a great time for us to take some time (which we are almost out of for practice) to learn about what makes a great picture.
Wheather you need to steady your tri-pod, or wipe the vaseline off of your camera phone lense.
What have you brought to the TD's in the past year? Like it or not, dark, blurry, pictures suck.
B&W, Sepia, full HD Color. Bring it!

Do you need more light? OR are your camera settings off? LEARN IT! I'M GAME!

I don't know what ISO is but I think Depth of Field and lighting I can figure out.
I was thinking this could have been a really cool learning experience, "reset" button for all of us.

Here's to future TD's! :cheers:

And now.... SPAM..... :drunk:
ISO your SPAM and it's a guaranteed WIN! That's because SPAM is the TD....not ISO's!!!!
I thought that "ISO" meant "In Search Of.." ...like we see on the local bulletin board forum. But APPARENTY>>>>>> ISO also has some other funky meaning known only to photogeeks and those who care to actually USE the internet and do a search.... (that's not me tonight, but maybe on another night...)

So Just get your SPAM on..... ...apparently quite literally as the nude photos thing was getting rave reviews..... ...and IT'S ALL GOOD!

Spam! and breasts
Spam! on hams
Spam! and trotters
Spam! all around
ISO setting determines how sensitive to light the sensor on your digital camera is. The lower the setting the crisper the picture but also requires a lower shutter speed. The higher the setting the faster you can have your shutter speed but it will make for a grainier picture....think of back in the day when you bought film for your camera and you had to pic your film (remember Kodak 200, 400, 800, 1600) If you were going to be shooting outside in the sun, you would get the lower number or if you were going to be shooting at night or in low light conditions you would get the higher number....same thing, just digital now.

I think everyone who has the ability to put their camera in manual mode should take about 30 minutes of online reading and experiment for a couple hours in different situations. It gives way to be a lot more creative with your pictures. Also look into Macro setting if you have it. (allows for up close pictures)

Those pictures were you are focused on the sandwich and the background is blurred out but the sandwich is nice and crisp...can't do that without manual mode. (adjusting the aperture) Or how about having your object lit up and visible but the surrounding is completely dark.... or purposely over exposing the picture....there are so many things you can do manually. Try it out!
ISO setting determines how sensitive to light the sensor on your digital camera is. The lower the setting the crisper the picture but also requires a lower shutter speed. The higher the setting the faster you can have your shutter speed but it will make for a grainier picture....think of back in the day when you bought film for your camera and you had to pic your film (remember Kodak 200, 400, 800, 1600) If you were going to be shooting outside in the sun, you would get the lower number or if you were going to be shooting at night or in low light conditions you would get the higher number....same thing, just digital now.

I think everyone who has the ability to put their camera in manual mode should take about 30 minutes of online reading and experiment for a couple hours in different situations. It gives way to be a lot more creative with your pictures. Also look into Macro setting if you have it. (allows for up close pictures)

Those pictures were you are focused on the sandwich and the background is blurred out but the sandwich is nice and crisp...can't do that without manual mode. (adjusting the aperture) Or how about having your object lit up and visible but the surrounding is completely dark.... or purposely over exposing the picture....there are so many things you can do manually. Try it out!

.6 nailed it. That was everything I was just about to say.

I say get your photography on.
I think everyone who has the ability to put their camera in manual mode should take about 30 minutes of online reading and experiment for a couple hours in different situations. It gives way to be a lot more creative with your pictures. Also look into Macro setting if you have it. (allows for up close pictures)
.... And, if anyone cares at this point....
How you experiment is as important as taking the time to do it. In this case, the best experiment is to slap your camera on a tripod and take several pictures of the exact same thing, with the only thing different each time being a single camera setting. If have an SLR and you've never done this with the f-stop settings, give it a try and you'll learn a LOT about how the f-stop impacts the depth of field. What you'll learn by doing this with the ISO setting, of course, is entirely different - do it and find out!
Spama lama ding dong.
Spam wow.
The united states of Spamerica.
Spamateur pornography.
The wu-tang spam
"Spamarillo by mornin'"
The USS Alaspama
Spamela Anderson

...it's the most versatile of canned pink meat products.
This gon' be good!
Ok Spam sounds fun and all, but maybe for August. Spam is celebrating it 75th birthday, how about the USA celebrating its 236th birthday. I vote for red, white and blue. A meal that contains all three colors. :dance:
Ok Spam sounds fun and all, but maybe for August. Spam is celebrating it 75th birthday, how about the USA celebrating its 236th birthday. I vote for red, white and blue. A meal that contains all three colors. :dance:

Other than blueberries, which is a stretch, there are not many things in nature that we eat that are blue.
I thought that "ISO" meant "In Search Of.." ...like we see on the local bulletin board forum. But APPARENTY>>>>>> ISO also has some other funky meaning known only to photogeeks

ISO setting determines how sensitive to light the sensor on your digital camera is. The lower the setting the crisper the picture but also requires a lower shutter speed. The higher the setting the faster you can have your shutter speed but it will make for a grainier picture

SL it still means In Search Of, in Photography it's In Search Of Light! :rofl:

Spam AKA Mystery Meat in the Army. Good stuff and memories of good times. However, every time someone mentions it memories of the Monty Python Spam skit come back to me.

Yep, good times!
ISO setting determines how sensitive to light the sensor on your digital camera is. .......Try it out!

See, I knew that if I just waited paitently, someone would answer the question for me and I wouldn't have to exert any energy googling it and reading up on it myself. :lol: Thanks, 3/5!
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