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  1. U


    It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything..mainly due to the fact that everything has been going well lol. Well..sort of. My Habs have been flowering well, so with this rain every day I've done some pollinization works with the plants such as shaking and using a small paintbrush. I've got...
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    can ants be beneficial?

    Well, I've been having an extreme whitefly infestation. I've been using neem oil but that seemed to be atemporary fix. So yesterday i mixed the flea shampoo with my neem oil and noticed a good number (maybe just over 30 or so ants on each plant) on each plant. so after a mild freak out i...
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    another flower drop thread :)

    So, learning from here i know flower drop isn't anything to worry about, i kind of expected to see it when my plants started. However, all if my flowers dropped within two days on all my plants. This can't be normal right? All at once? I don't have a single flower left and no hints if new ones...
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    Plant Support

    I know I've seen a topic on here about using bamboo, or wooden stakes to help support your plants. At first I didnt think I would need either, however my plants are going from this      to this      I've tried mounding the soil around the base, but it doesn't seem to help. Obviously it gets...
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    pests Bug ID please

    So I come out this morning to check for catepillars (my morning routine) and I see tiny white moth-like bugs flying under the leaves, i lift up a leaf and this is what I See.  They are tiny tiny all-white moth like flying bugs. Anyone know what these are, good/bad?
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    baby face green

    I'm reading these forums daily now and doing everything I've been advised to do. I've noticed in looking at pictures of everyones plants that mine seem too be holding that baby green. It seems other plants are that dark deep green but mine are the lighter shade. All plants are healthy and...
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    Florida storms

    Hello all, You all have helped me this far and now i need more advice from the pros. I'm in south Florida and for over a week now it's been constant rain and very cloudy weather. My plants (bhut, scorpion, habanero) have been so soaked I've pulled them all in. Thing is, i have no lights, I've...
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    quick question

    I started all my seedlings in 4" pots when they were about 4" our taller i moved them ro 6" pots. This seemed to let them explode in growth. Must of my plants raced to around 8" after they got their bigger homes. However, for a good while now there had been no more growth, I've looked on here...
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    New guy to the world of pepper growing! need advice!

    Good afternoon all, First off I'd like to say thank you for the plethora of information in these forums. It's helped me thus far, I just wish I had researched a bit before jumping in and planting some seeds lol. I have a small dilema that I was hoping someone can help me out with. Im sure its...