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Beehunters Grow log - Now with Awkward video update.

Hey all. As you can see im new here and new to gardening in general. Ive been lurking around the site for a while now preparing for this grow. Ive got some African birds eye that just sprouted and soaking some other seeds now to go in the incubator tonight. Ill post pics of the sprouts later. Figured this is a good way to get to know people and great place to get advice.
Happy growing!

The Beehunter

Oh, shame on me! Sorry, mate, excuse me, my mistake. I know how annoying it can be, since the people from the west usually confuse Budapest (Hungary) with Bucharest (Romania). :confused: But snow on Easter sucks. We also had minus 2 in the morning, and it climbed up only until 13... :tear:

No problem i think atleast half of my American friends think i live in Sweden :) Lets hope europe decides to warm up soon!

That's great to hear! They're F1, so one is all you need. I'll be curious to see how it does.
Yea im excited to see how they turn out! So far the first set of leaves looks very bhut like to me. but i think all chinese look really simalar at this stage.

Hey, Britt - good luck getting those pot ups done; hopefully end of problems!
Lots of snow in the mountains?

Loads of snow in the mountains! Was really clear here yesterday for a few hours and you could get a good veiw of the big mountains and they are all still covered and fresh looking. I actually uped my does of the cal and mag and the newest growth seems to be coming in normal again. so im guess i just hadnt added enough of these minerals to the soil.
Currently snowing here also... Not enough to fill the mountains but enough to stick to the grass for a few hours. I had some of that mutated growth on a couple leaves but nothing that got out of control. Would be nice if some gave a definitive answer to what it exacty is.
Currently snowing here also... Not enough to fill the mountains but enough to stick to the grass for a few hours. I had some of that mutated growth on a couple leaves but nothing that got out of control. Would be nice if some gave a definitive answer to what it exacty is.

Im with you. And im really bad about isolating my variables... I try three fixes all at once and if it works i dont know which fix was responsible... its a bit stupid on my part...
Glad to hear the plants look like they are on the mend, Britt.
Hope you got to enjoy some of that fresh snow!
Hey Guys here with a monday update! Monday update? Weird. Anyhow been awhile since my last update. Had family in town visiting from the states so that was a full time affair! Always nice to have the family around though. Wasnt so nice for my plants though.... The plants that are still under the lights took two hits. First was from me..... They are Set up in my daughters room (which for now is a spare room since she is 3 months old and still stays in our room) which we are using as a spare bedroom. I was bringing my mothers bags into the room and knocked into there area knocked them into each other and one falling completely out of the tray... The other came from my 1 year old niece. My sister wanted to show her my "pretty green plants" and she thought they were so pretty she needed to take some of the leaves with her.... Oh well. The sacrifices are worth getting to she the little girl :) So other than some minor Damage everything is fine. No causualties so thats good. My Hab plant stepped up to its final pot so im glad to not have to move it again. The other indoor plants also look good. The lighted yellow 7 and TS original are both forking for the first time so that cool. The Butch T under the lights is a bit behind the other plants but still looks strong. Oh Wanted to Show SG his Carbon x yellow7. It is actually sporting a Twin true leave on it. Looks cool. Ok Cant think straight so may have to add more to this update once i figure out what ive forgotten but for now on to the pics!

first up is to show the size of my first few hotwax pods. a bit small but not too bad for first pods.

update shot of a few hab pods for fun

indoor ts leave size

yellow 7 pod indoor

balcony bhuts are all budding like crazy even with the shit weather we been having

balcony plants waiting on the warm weather to return

Forgot to add the Double leave pic and This second pic is showing the deformed leaves that were growing on one of my plants. problem seems to be solved as the new growth looks normal so far. Corrected with being potted up and upping the dose of mag it was recieveing.


My awesome wife thought i need a greenhouse cause its been so cool here. Shes the best! its big enough to fit the plants that have come out from under the lights for sure. Hopefully tomorrow they will get to test it out!

Plants are looking great BEE. Man if I could only get my wife to buy me stuff for my peppers.
You are a lucky man!


Wow 1000 posts. I need to get a life ;)
I got a plant with same double leaf like yours, other growth is fine though. Got a weird one too, only growing deformed, nothing normal looking about it haha

Keep up the growing :)
Eya bee! Nice glog bro! I love to see all dem' flowers and pods poppin' you're doin a great job man. Don't worry I dropped one of my brain strains right on its head a week or two ago....lol shit happens. Glad to get caught up on your glog and your wife is awesome dude! Don't F' that up my friend......hehehe I'll bee checkin back in soon
Hey Thanks Guys. Yea she is one of a kind this woman. Anyway plants are still inside this morning hoping it warms up a bit today so i can get the plants in there little greenhouse for a while today. Might end up buying a little space heater not sure yet though. Thanks for stoppin in guys. Keeps me accountable for updating. Which im sure ill be glad i did when next season starts.
Not much to update on this week. We have had about between 14 and 18 days with little or no sun. Highs only are 10 or 12 degrees thats around 50 F i think. So my balcony plants have stalled out big time. Everything has hovered around the same stage of development for nearly the whole time. But finally the 10 forecast is lookin better!!! looks like a bit of sunshine is comin our way! So in preparation for that im starting to get everyone into the final pots and rotating what plants go into the greenhouse to try and make sure they are all hardened off good in hopes that after this week the lights will go off for good!(well or the rest of the year anyway) Not all my plants will fit into the greenhouse so those that dont will have to spend the bad weather days on the kitchen floor inside the glass door but i think that fine. So hopefully next week ill have a better update. Anyway on to a few pics.

Waiting on better weather. 2 Bhuts A yellow 7 and and Cardi Scorp

Bhuts keep flowering we will see if they actually set any pods

Budding mystery Chinense

Habs Doing there thing.

Secondary Growth on the Hab
Looking good bro. Seems to me that mutated leaves happen on some plants. I also noticed that it can happen when you push the ferts too much. A leaf or two will pucker and turn in on itself. I had this happen to a couple plants of mine but never affect the others. I notice a couple varieties of mine are picky. Good luck.
Gotta love the deep green of those plants....and the fact the wife supports the habit! Never seen a portable size greenhouse, thats awesome....talk about perfect for starting seeds in also! That hab is podding up nicely!
Prod. Yea i notice a few of mine seem to be more finicky with ferts as well.... For instance my scorpion plants will burn if given the same dose that my annums get. Thanks for checking in!

Guns Yea im stocked on this little greenhouse. It was super cheap and has been really helpful with the shit weather we have right now. I didnt even think of using as a seed started but now that you mention it. it you removed the plastic cover and threw a milar blanket over it it would make a great grow box to hang your lights in... Now youve got my brain muscles flexing...
Your plants are doing their thing......Hab's and all!

Your 4 superhots are starting to fork out .......they'll be flowering soon........cool!
Ihope your weather takes a turn for the better

Your plants are doing their thing......Hab's and all!

Your 4 superhots are starting to fork out .......they'll be flowering soon........cool!
Ihope your weather takes a turn for the better


Hey thanks Greg! Yep supers are all forking now. the Butch ts are a bit behind all the others but still looking healthy! Yea i think when this weather turns things will explode.
Awesome pics and plants. Wish my plants can get where you are at. send some of pods this way. Haahah. Good luck with the grow. Will follow up with your glog
Awesome pics and plants. Wish my plants can get where you are at. send some of pods this way. Haahah. Good luck with the grow. Will follow up with your glog

Thanks for stopping in. Dude your plants are lookin awesome and your growing season last till well nov or dec! mine will be over a good 3 or 4 months before that! Ill be the one asking for pods to be sent over :)