DEFCON-versations is BACK! Listen to 7/14/15's show!

Yup, we got Kendall Brenner, from Hat-Cha-Waa-Cha Sauces joining us this Tuesday, 10/21 at 7pm. Besides being a professionally trained chef, this guy is crazy busy, with all sorts of irons in the fire. It'll be an interesting show, I guarantee.
Link to follow...
Due to technical difficulties with BlogTalkRadio, we have to postpone the show with Kendall Brenner until next week. IF the show is up at 7pm, we will rerun the interview with Johnny McLaughlin from Heartbreaking Dawns. 
Sorry, but totally out of my control.
Ok, after all the tech stuff, we have our newest guest, Jeff Porter, from The Chile Spot, In Pennsylvania. This guys has a TON of different products, and we'll be going over each and every one of them. We will have Kendell Brenner from Hot-Cha-Waa-Cha Sauces on the following week, due to a scheduling conflict.
Ok, next Tuesday, 11/4 at 7PM EST we will finally get Kendell Brenner form Hot-Cha-Waa-Cha Sauces on with us. Besides being another CIA -trained chef on the program, this guy has a tone of cool stuff going on right now. Join us!
Ugh, just got word our host will be out of town this Tuesday. We will be re-airing the interview with Doug Crane, from Dragon's Blood Elixirs. 
Ok, I think we're back on track now. We will finally get Kendell Brenner from Hot-Cha-Waa-Cha Sauces this coming Tuesday, 11/11, and then on 11/18 we bring on Michael from Burnin' Mojo. Kinda cool, people are starting to line up to be on. Must be doing something right.
Just a little inside info, each week I will be discussing a little about the ZERO Batch #6, which we're targeting for the very end of November to beginning of December. 
Ok, our guest for this Tuesday, 11/18 will be Michael Niederriter, from Burnin' Mojo. I met these guys at the Kempton Pepper Jam earlier this year, and they are a lot of fun. 
Unfortunately, our Host, Grilliant Ideas, will be out of town this Tuesday, so Michael from Burnin' Mojo will be with us next Tuesday, 11/18. 
With all the 'views' of this thread, it would be nice to get either feed back, or perhaps let me know of some companies you'd like to see (hear) on the show. Hell, we've been on for 7 months now, and have a VERY healthy listenership. Been on the THP for 10 years, and I'm surprised at the silence. Our show certainly ain't silent on other websites. Most here claim to love the industry, well, perhaps you know someone who needs a little FREE publicity. I just find it very odd. It doesn't bother me, I just find it odd. That's all. As you were.
Very cool show!!! Like how you walked thru their sauces breaking down what to use them with. Maybe some taste testing to get that live feel for what these sauce are like. Nice break down on heat. But really like to have a live taster. Sorry repeating myself writing while listening. Love, made by dirty hippies. And burger farts lol.
Hilarious show !!! Green mayo scary!! Signed up for mailing list. Cool dudes. Zero batch #6!! ?
Thanks. I thought about doing tastings, but, unlike the tidal wave of new 'experts' out there, if I don't like something, it doesn't mean it's a bad product. I'd rather focus on the guest, their company, and what they are all about instead of explaining how my tastebuds work. 
Ok, next up for this coming Tuesday's show are Rene Rohrbach and Chef Ricky Sanders from Madison Chocolatiers West. These guys are awesome when it comes to 'interesting' chocolates. 