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contest January is Chopped

The first secret ingredient should start with...

  • A

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • B

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • C

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • D

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • E

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • F

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • G

    Votes: 7 20.0%

  • Total voters
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...definantly going to be an odd one this time, so really gonna have to drink about it. :beer:

yep, definitely gonna have to drink about this one!

LOL that's the idea of Chopped, to make them work.

See you next time.
Coupla questions from a newb.

1. When is the cut off for submissions? I work weekends (F-Tu), so I ain't gonna be doing any three-course meals on F, Sa, Su. If it's only weekend, I'm out, which is a bummer, because I want to do some of these things. It looks like a blast!

2. Anyone wanna help a brother out with a synopsis of Chopped? We don't have cable.
Unfortunately it's starts on Fri. evening and ends on Sun. at 2100 EST. I'm gonna have to miss this one myself, got other stuff next weekend. One is getting my seeds in the dirt. I've done 3 or 4 now and they're a lot of fun
Unfortunately it's starts on Fri. evening and ends on Sun. at 2100 EST. I'm gonna have to miss this one myself, got other stuff next weekend. One is getting my seeds in the dirt. I've done 3 or 4 now and they're a lot of fun

That's a bummer! You guys wanna change the rules for lil' ol' me and logchief? Pretty please? Do it for us weekend workers and weekday warriors! All I need is ONE Wednesday, dammit!

Either that or a Thursday evening start. PLLEEEEEEAAAASE. What's one more day? ;)

I do seriously want to do this. It sounds like a riot of a time.
well I really hate chard for one, and for two the rules of the whole throwdown thing have gotten out of hand to the point where its not fun anymore, its just work for nothing
Well I may try and enter anyway, with a one-day-early entry. If I get DQd then so be it. It's the day I have to spend time cooking and it sounds fun...except for the melba toast...shudder.
Hey wheebz, please post the out of hand rules and I'll take a look at what you have issues with.

For the rest of you, it's cool you're up for the challenge! paulky_2000 really wanted to name a TD and his last suggestion was Chopped so this is for him. Can't wait to see the entries!

Well if logchief and Eephus Man both guarantee they will enter, yes, I will start it on Thursday just for you guys. :)
Hey wheebz, please post the out of hand rules and I'll take a look at what you have issues with.

For the rest of you, it's cool you're up for the challenge! paulky_2000 really wanted to name a TD and his last suggestion was Chopped so this is for him. Can't wait to see the entries!

Well if logchief and Eephus Man both guarantee they will enter, yes, I will start it on Thursday just for you guys. :)

I'm in! What are the rules about spousal assistance? That's part of the fun for me. :)

We've already got an idea we think might be either awesome or completely inedible. lol.
No worries man, assistance is cool beans. And inedible really doesn't matter, a good picture does, so you may have a chance :lol:
No worries man, assistance is cool beans. And inedible really doesn't matter, a good picture does, so you may have a chance :lol:

Sorry, but after being on vacation for the last 3 weeks got too much catching up to do. Won't be long and I'll be retired and won't have any flimsy excuses.
Haha, caught! So that really wasn't the problem ;)

No worries I'll still start it early for Eephus and some others.
melba toast is easy to make if you can't find it. Only having a hard time find chard around here, found plenty of spinach. Though even then none of it was fresh =P
Holy Yoda in a paddle boat...I hate to say it, but I had a flash of inspiration the second I saw the 3 ingredients. I'm gonna have to search my ass off to find Swiss Chard that doesn't taste like grass-clippings...but I have a an idea that will send my wife and 3 year old running down the street...

If I can find what I need...I AM IN.
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