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contest June TD - Stump Sum - BURGERS

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And my brother in law got hisself all married yesterday.
I got some of the peppers they use here, the lady called them panamenos.
Very similar to my congo tinidads.
I might just try to bring the seeds home.
After my calf implants and Botox.
I was thinking gender reassignment but perhaps that's extreme.

Good luck with Operation "Seed Smuggler"!
(coincidentally that's what we call Scovie, but for different reasons)
Why not smuggle them the old fashion way.

Eat the chile and then later.... pick out the seeds.

Get lots of beers together and 3 sets of tweezers.

Invite Sum and Bear. That guy.

Loads of entertainment and a great way spend a lazy afternoon.
That's a great idea!
"loads of entertainment". Ha.

Not sure how I'm gonna get em back. Not worried bout that yet.
Beer thirty!
They tell me if you tape them to your skin inside your underwear, you'll probably succeed......
I'm not saying at what, tho!

+1 to what she said.

But to ensure maximum seed viability, you need to get as much of the membrane stuff along with the seeds. That's where the seeds get their vitality from, so if you can plant the membrane along with the seed, you'll triple your chances of success with your new seeds.

Just strip out the whole rib, seeds and all, lay it along a wide piece of medical tape and strap it right up snug at the top of the inner thigh. If you position it right, even if it does fall off, your chonnies will catch it.....assuming you wear something other than boxers....( DON'T ANSWER THAT!!!)
I thought Fitty posted a while back he only goes commando.

And how do we know he's not into wearing kilts?

Eat it Fitty.

Pic it later.

Loads maybe even heaps, of funtasticnessess.
I thought Fitty posted a while back he only goes commando.

And how do we know he's not into wearing kilts?

Eat it Fitty.

Pic it later.

Loads maybe even heaps, of funtasticnessess.

I missed that post. My Bad~ BUT!!!! my method of transport is better. I mean...really...say there's some "movement" on the plane.....Who's gonna go diggin' in there?

Strap up the ribs-n-seeds, good to go! ;)
Hmmmm....I just smuggled a buncha stuff back from Sum and FD's.....I just wrapped in damp paper towels, put that in a ziplock bag, and rolled it up with the dirt laundry bag!!!!!! Oh sure, they'll cavity search on a whim, but no one ever wants to go lookin' thru dirty skivs!!!!!! Hahaha
+2 to that CJ! dirty laundry in the luggage...... free pass~~~

But I still wanna get fd to strap up some trini-scorps on the inside of the thigh. :evil:
FD could walk across the Border from Afghanistan to Pakistan with a few dozen Tscorp seeds in his cheek, and not even break a sweat.
His "tell" would be when they offer him a drink of water.

edit: speling
and his "tell" would be refusing the water, knowing it don't do no good....
Screw that - FD has NO tell...he's just that cooooooool....especially unda pressure!!!!!!! He sweats cucumber juice at best.....!
Scovie's only tell... you have to have an egg handy and crack it on his head to see if it fries.
chica CJ, I'm sending you a virtual Hi-5 right now.

'he's just that hot" ........ :onfire:
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