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contest June TD - Stump Sum - BURGERS

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baby, baby, baby OHHHHHHHH baby baby baby OHHHHHHH


That's from the 'Kid....

CJ I dint buy out all the good box wine (aka, stuff that was on a really good sale) it was gone b-4 I could get there. BUT!!! Good News...booze on tap on Friday~~~~
Sum's screwed ( but we have the threads that work for him...!)

SL - I rifled away enough hooch to keep us in spades for MONTHS!!!!!!! (ok, weeks...)!
CJ, just cuz you got the hots for Bear, That Guy....don't be workin' those one-way screws for Sum!

He may think he gots the inside track, but he's gonna strip out those screws first time around. And then he'll be Royal-y screwed.

And what kinda hooch you got stashed away there, chica??? I was resigned to beer and wine for the next couple weeks, but it sounds like we'll be back into hooch on Friday. Rum-n-OJ for Sunday fo-sho....
Oh Hellz Yeah! I gotz the Pinnacle, Potter's Crown, some Bacardi, and enuf Gordons' to kill a cow....

...hey, I'm nothing if not anticipatory....jus' sayin'! The wurld could end in December.....and I'd still go out it style! ;)

Plus ingredients for Duck Farts.....

BTW - you've never "cuddled right" if you've never cuddled with Bear. I did...for 45 seconds, then he started licking my face and I got skeered....and hid behind Scovie! hahaha
Oh hell yes, why me never thinky of that?

I never make Bloody Mary's, I only make Bloody Maria's.
Same concept, (Tijuana kidnap).
Duck Farts? Never heard of them... Oh wait. I think I had a truck named Duck Fart run over me when I was in Vegas a couple years ago.
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