contest November is The Best Meal I Ever Ate!

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Ok cool I can do this.

I couldn't do the german one because I didn't have the knowledge, resources or time.

I don't expect to win, or even replicate the meal but by gum I'll turn up!
yea i wont be able to recreate this

That looks nice... except for the fact its still moo-ing.

Everyone will say I'm an uncultured idiot who knows nothing about good food but I can't stand bloody steaks. If you are going to cook it then COOK it. If not, then don't pretend you cooked it and just paint the steak grey on the outside and serve it raw. If you want it blue then go bite into the rump of an animal. :rolleyes:

finished ranting
wheebz, why do you think you can't do that? Correct me if I'm wrong but that looks like either a very wide NY or ribeye with what looks like a blue cheese or other cheese type melt/crust with possibly a port demi. If you don't want to go through the hassle of doing up veal bones for the sauce, you might be able to find some commercial brands at specialty stores or online. Just add port or whatever wine or nothing, simmer, reduce and finish with butter.
thats from Carmines Steak House in Chicago

thats also a 55 dollar steak

and hands down the best I have ever had in my life
You can do it wheebz you even have a pic!

That looks nice... except for the fact its still moo-ing.

Everyone will say I'm an uncultured idiot who knows nothing about good food but I can't stand bloody steaks. If you are going to cook it then COOK it. If not, then don't pretend you cooked it and just paint the steak grey on the outside and serve it raw. If you want it blue then go bite into the rump of an animal. :rolleyes:

finished ranting

That steak is barely MR. MR but close to M.
I like my steak "like butta" not "like leatha" but I respect all choices. But you can never say a steak melts in your mouth with anything over MR.
<dusts self off, and looks squinty-eyed around...>

Where the hell am I? What happened?

This should be a fun one. I think I'll make Lebanese...and I'll make it hot as hell too.
Seems there is a lot of interest in this one. Cool.
On this throwdown are we to tell our story of why its memorable? I get we tell where we had it and what we had, but not sure if we tell the story behind the dish.
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