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Oddest type of meat that you enjoy eating.

Omri said:
Please tell me it's some kind of weird slang for fish sticks. :(

LOL no. We had a guy where I work that old really tall tales and someone asked him what the oddest type of meat he had eaten was since he was in the jungles doing work for the CIA and everything and that was his response. I couldnt help myself but to put it.
i don't know if these are 'odd' meats (at least not by canadian standards...) but i've had seal once and cariboo a few times. the cariboo is gawdawful if its overcooked, but nice and rare its really good.

meat's meat in my opinion, the only type of meat i'd get upset about someone eating is endangered or threatened species.
I just had some escargot (sp?) with garlic butter. Oh god was it so good. I fogot how tatsy these little guys were. I can get them for $0.65 at the local market type place (West Side Market in Cleveland).

GrumpyBear said:
the only type of meat i'd get upset about someone eating is endangered or threatened species.
But those are usually the most tastiest meats around! Hmmm...I wonder what dodo tasted like?
imaguitargod said:
But those are usually the most tastiest meats around! Hmmm...I wonder what dodo tasted like?

i read somewhere dodo was tough and tasted awful but the sailors were so desperate for real meat they ate it anyways. maybe it just needed the right hot sauce...
y'know, if we just started farming endangered animals for consumption we wouldn't have problems with extinction. i mean, i doubt the cow is ever gonna go extinct. and then everyone could feel like they're doing their part to save a species every time they enjoyed a nice juicy panda steak...
GrumpyBear said:
i mean, i doubt the cow is ever gonna go extinct.
Actually they are quite useless as far as nature goes. If it weren't for the cultiavtion of them for eating they probably would be extinct by now. DEATH TO THE COWS!

GrumpyBear said:
enjoyed a nice juicy panda steak...

Mmmm...panda. I would imagine that would be a very soft, delectable meat if cooked correctly. Damn it! Now I want to eat a panda!
stillmanz said:
IGG were they fresh snails? ie still alive/ frozen or canned?
did you catch the species name? ie helix aspersa? (petit gris)alsoAmerican product or import? lots of questions sorry.lol
I have no clue as to the freshness of the snales. They were definitly dead, that's for sure and I don't think they were the canned veriety. You can actually see the shells in the pots on my latest grow log in the gardening section. Don't know the species.

They were imported directly from France, they did not pass Go nor did they collect $200. I'm going back from more latter this week and will ask more questions of them.

stillmanz said:
I'm growing helix aspersa for eating. Got 3 batches of babies on the go.

PICS! We demand pics! I don't know how I would be able to grow anything moving without getting attached to them. I have hard enough time with plants :rolleyes:
Yeh I'd eat horse it just a funny looking cow at the end of the day.

IGG I'll get some photos up eventually my camera died.
I have a breeding program consisting of 6 lrg ie 4cm shell petit gris.
so far I have 4 batches of eggs with the first batch almost hatching completely.
Each batch I have in individual 2 ft tanks with fly screen grills.
Hopefully they willcontinue to breed over winter, they should as they are inside and conditions are controlled. When spring rolls around I have a garden prepared with lettuce spinach brocolli and various herbs. The bed has a pen built around it. When we put the snails in it we will put a shade cloth lid on it so snails can't get out and preditors can't get in.
the beds demensions are 4mtres long by 1.5 metres wide. A good comercial density for snails is about 200 snails per square metre, so I can grow out a heapin that area.
IGG I guess you can get attached but hell you just gotta remember its a snail... I'm either gonna eat it or stomp it lol
Last year in Portugal they were selling these in the markets. It was like one mass snail orgy apart from the runaway ones.
