• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OKGrowin- Newbie 5 gal pepper journey - Fin

finished nov 10 2014, last post
Hey i'm new here and my 2nd year growing peppers.
Grow list:

pine bark fines
coco or peat
dolomite lime
Dynagrow 9-3-6 Foliage pro
Indoor light (until they can go outside in april):
Sun system T5 4ft 8lamp
1. solo cups
2. Viagrow 5gal bags
Step 1 - Germination:
Got my seeds all in so i decided to soak them in some tea for an hour and now they are in ziploc bags
Can't wait to see those reapers ripe my friend...and that's a shame about that moruga but hey I bet you will have plenty more......
dash 2 said:
     Nice pods, OK! Good to see you're already putting them to good use. How's the flavor of the lantern?
Its good. Not super sweet but has a hint, not bitter at all, heat is tolerable especially if you put it in a sandwich or whatever. 
I had a fresh reaper last night. It tasted sweet i was surprised, Then the heat came and i lasted 2 mins before i had milk. I was fine for an hour then it felt like the pepper exploded in my stomach. Felt hot and my stomach felt like a pot of boiling liquid. I tried for a while to hold it but in the end i threw it up(which is great because then you get spicy X2 and in your sinuses).
I was taking a video but my phone crashed in the middle of the video and it didn't save anything......
OKGrowin said:
I had a fresh reaper last night. It tasted sweet i was surprised, Then the heat came and i lasted 2 mins before i had milk. I was fine for an hour then it felt like the pepper exploded in my stomach. Felt hot and my stomach felt like a pot of boiling liquid. I tried for a while to hold it but in the end i threw it up(which is great because then you get spicy X2 and in your sinuses).
I was taking a video but my phone crashed in the middle of the video and it didn't save anything......
Sounds intense brother! Everything's looking great...including that sandwich ;)
I'm frustrated with my Brazilian starfish.. there are 20+ pods but not one has ripened... that's right they take longer than the reaper to ripen?

this reaper plant is loading up

paper lantern in the 3 gal has got like 10 smaller pods

good pheno reaper

and another

waiting to get like 50 ripe cayenne
Everything is looking awesome man! Great job and healthy plants!
How big are those white bags? Whats inside of them aside from soil?
And aside from the plants.... Lol
One of the pics looks like theres a pipe and some sort of black frame
after viewing lots of glogs i think i need to rethink my drip system / spacing.
the plants that have more space seem to do much better than mine. peppernovice, justfl, smt videos all show the peppers need more like 2x2 or 3x3 area.
In my rows many of the lower leaves are dieing because they are completely shaded by the canopy. Although my plants do need 0 staking because they all support eachother...
Also the area between for my rows is too small, i've broken a couple of the branches that grow in the aisles. 


i'm not saying this method doesn't work, i got lots of peppers and nice sized plants, just maybe it's not ideal
Interesting arrangement. So far the 5 gallon cloth pots have beat the dirt plants to pod production.
I've got 30 in 5 gallon cloth pots, 85 in the dirt, and 17 overwinters in large plastic pots.
The overwinters are going nuts, the 30 in the cloth pots are not as robust (foilage wise) but producing good pods. The ones in the ground are taking their sweet time; growing very large and branching, but just now starting to flower and pod up.
juanitos said:
I had a fresh reaper last night. It tasted sweet i was surprised, Then the heat came and i lasted 2 mins before i had milk. I was fine for an hour then it felt like the pepper exploded in my stomach. Felt hot and my stomach felt like a pot of boiling liquid. I tried for a while to hold it but in the end i threw it up(which is great because then you get spicy X2 and in your sinuses).
I was taking a video but my phone crashed in the middle of the video and it didn't save anything......
Good googlie mooglie! Sounds like one vicious pod! Your grow is going like I expected it would. Once you got that drip system in things started to look up. Once you get it dialled in you'll be laughing. Kinda like I was when I read your above quoted post ;).

TrentL said:
Interesting arrangement. So far the 5 gallon cloth pots have beat the dirt plants to pod production.
I've got 30 in 5 gallon cloth pots, 85 in the dirt, and 17 overwinters in large plastic pots.
The overwinters are going nuts, the 30 in the cloth pots are not as robust (foilage wise) but producing good pods. The ones in the ground are taking their sweet time; growing very large and branching, but just now starting to flower and pod up.
I've noticed this before. The ones in pots (or in your case fabric pots) take off and get a good lead on the ones in the ground. Things look a little bleak. The good news from my experience is that the ones in the ground tend to catch up and pass those in the pots by a little bit.
