Promotion for HP22B

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:doh: ask him, he just posted two above you....Tigahb8 = Butch T

Haha I don't think you read my post. Of course they're different! No two plants grow the same and there are lots of scorpions out there that show astonishingly different traits. The problem doesn't lie in whether or not they are different strains or even the naming, it lies in how someone defines what a unique strain is, which is just too hard to pin down. I like calling them Butch T because not only did he grow them out and select for them, but it gives us a way of tracing back a lineage of a certain type of scorpion.

I don't like using names to identify 'traits' or 'strain' because then you're trying to draw an imaginary line somewhere. You're trying to say that my scorpions are clearly different from yours, or that they're exactly the same. I don't think any two plants are identical and that's why I like the idea of always tracing where your seeds came from and marking the strain as it was given to you with who you got it from. Sure it creates a lot of confusion as to what's what, but I don't think any of that really matters since most of us are just hobbyists. Stability creates a whole slew of other issues. The important thing is to not get caught up in names but rather in how the plant grows.
Butch - I think this is the link you wanted to post, it goes directly to the conversation you were talking about.
36 rounds Kino
wow my record doesnt compete i only got to 24 on kino LOL i havnt played in a month or two though lol

Im growing both this year i think im growing the fathead strain of butch t (i had trouble with the world record strain) im sure its a lot different then the reguler trini scorp based on traits and alleles.
some people say that butch t is the regular scorpion but Judy (pepperlover) has a regular scorpion that is awsome. big plants big pods and great flavour. and it doesn't smash you like the butch and mouroga do.
I do not get this debate as to whether the Butch and regular Scorpion are different. If you are really that curious get some seeds from a reliable source, grow them out, and then pop them in your mouth. Or, wait until the season gets going and buy a few of each from the many growers here and give the same test a shot.

I find the race to the hottest to be interesting. I also have seen how many people it attracts to the pepper scene, and I think that is a good thing. I would love to see a superhot section of peppers at my local grocery store.

That being said, I could care less what a DNA test says if my taste buds and capsaicin receptors tell a different story.

Assuming it exists, I cannot wait until this "new" pepper comes to show it's burning little face. And, if it doesn't we all know that someday soon there will be a new king and I hope along with it will come more media attention on this pepper scene so more growers and consumers exist.

Pepper Joe, you wanted the attention now you got it. Now show us your pepper!!! The suspense is killing me. lol
There are definitely differences in the ButchT scorpion in my opinion. There is a reason many, many chileheads since 2006 or so have singled out the ButchT as a hotter, different looking, different tasting variety. To say they are all the same is saying that years of tests and trials by many experienced members of many forums are all wrong, and I sort of have a problem with that. DNA might say they are close but that does not change the flavor being terrible with the BT and much better with the SR and other variants. Even look at years worth of scorpion pics that are available online and it becomes obvious that there are differences
From a growers point of view the Butch T and other scorpions have clear and obvious differences. Taste, heat, shape, etc. Of course, from a botanical point of view all landrace varieties should show significantly more genetic variability than domesticated strains, and strains will still vary year to year and plant to plant. It's possible that all the different scorpions we have (at least the ones that weren't subject to hybridization or improper labeling) are natural variants of the same strain that different growers selected for.

The question is whether or not we call that a different strain. Strain is a larger category than differences in phenotype, but it really depends on where you draw the line. Do we want to say that there is only one strain that we've bred for select phenotypes, or do we want to say there's a dozen or so, or do we want to go even further and say there's hundreds of scorpions? It all depends on where you draw that line. I can certainly tell you that the Butch T and 'Regular Scorpion' not only show differences, they're not the only two in the ballgame.

Now for things like testing for heat... you can't just lump them all together. If there's an isolated phenotype for greater heat it should be reflected in testing. Butch T's can't be called regular scorpions in that arena, they've been regarded as hotter by a good majority of this forum.

I don't think there's any question that the Butch T and other scorps have some serious differences. It's simply where you draw the line. All the more reason to carefully label your seeds with not only the strain but the grower the seed came from. I get the feeling if we had a side-by-side double blind taste test between AJ's Butch T's and Potawies.... well there's a few people that would argue they were different strains.

Just my $0.02, happy growing everyone.
Can I be a pain and ask you what the difference between a "landrace" and "domesticated" chile is? I think you meant to use different terminology? I'm not trying to be too much of a pain.
Can I be a pain and ask you what the difference between a "landrace" and "domesticated" chile is? I think you meant to use different terminology? I'm not trying to be too much of a pain.

You don't know what a Landrace is....but you think that he meant to use different I don't see why you don't google would have had your answer quicker than the time it took you to type out your post.

Landrace- A local variety of a domestic strain, which has developed by natural processes and adaptation.

Domesticated chile- A variety of domestic strain that has been selectively bred to possess specific traits. Pure breed traits. (Google..... :banghead:)

I have to bust your balls Jesse.... :hell:
I just went to the vault and pulled out 10 ORIGINAL Butch T Trinidad Scorpion seeds from August 2006. We'll see what they produce. :) I already know, but I guarantee they will look different than all the other strains in existence. I still remember when that really mean guy named Butch T handed me peppers that would rip your intestines out, but then he was nice enough to offer a Cajun breakfast to make up for it. He's a damn good cook too.

I just went to the vault and pulled out 10 ORIGINAL Butch T Trinidad Scorpion seeds from August 2006. We'll see what they produce. :) I already know, but I guarantee they will look different than all the other strains in existence. I still remember when that really mean guy named Butch T handed me peppers that would rip your intestines out, but then he was nice enough to offer a Cajun breakfast to make up for it. He's a damn good cook too.


Those must be the original "fathead" strain. Right?

Be sure to lock the vault, people may be watching.
Fathead strain of Butch T? Oh God no.

I got seeds from Novacastrian for both seeds off of the record breaking plant and for seeds of one listed as fathead strain. I cant help the labeling i just write down what the label says. I did not label it and this is my first year growing it and the other butch T.
I got seeds from Novacastrian for both seeds off of the record breaking plant and for seeds of one listed as fathead strain. I cant help the labeling i just write down what the label says. I did not label it and this is my first year growing it and the other butch T.

Can someone please explain the origin of "fathead". If it's bogus we can kill it now. If it's not then, then, who the ef knows? I give up.
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