• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Yes, I said I was going to scale back to maybe even nothing.  But, this is just not going to happen.  I love peppers, love growing them, watching other people grow them, developing new crosses, eating them, talking about them, and yes, I even enjoy some drama from time to time ;)

Here's my tentative grow list for 2016:
C. annuum
Chiltepin x C. galapagoense
Brown Chiltepin
Yellow Chiltepin
Chiltepin Tarahumara
[[Chiltepin x Chintexle] x C. galapagoense] x Negro de Valle
[[Chiltepin x Chintexle] x C. galapagoense] x Chiltepin
Chimayo (two different seed sources)
C. frutescens
Donne Sali
CGN 17020
C. chinense
Smooth Brown Bhut
Bumpy Brown Bhut
Red Bhut
Naga Suomi
Naga Suomi x [Choco Bhut x Douglah] F2
Pink Tiger
Pimenta da Neyde
Red Bhut x Choco Bhut
Naga King
Dorset Naga
[Bhut x Seven Pod Moruga] x Guwahati Bhut F2
[[Bhut x Seven Pod Moruga] x Guwahati Bhut F1] x Choco Bhut
Assam Bhut x [[Bhut x Seven Pod Moruga] x Guwahati Bhut F1]
Impact Bhut
Naga Suomi x Pimenta da Neyde F1
Scotch Bonnet M of A
OCD Chilehead said:
Those are great looking pod's. I like the CAP 501 x Bhut's as well. Look very tasty.
I don't know if Gary ever grew those out...
stickman said:
Are the pods from the Chiltepin x Barrackpore the ones in the bottom left of the picture? How did they taste? I remember Shane saying that the Barrackpores had a flavor similar to burnt plastic.
Lol, not at all.  The Barrackpore I grew were from cmpman1974, and I really liked them a lot.  Of all the Seven Pods, this one came closest to resembling a Bhut IMO.  Here's how mine turned out in 2012:

Here's a review of the pods from a different grower:
Spicegeist said:
I don't know if Gary ever grew those out...
Lol, not at all.  The Barrackpore I grew were from cmpman1974, and I really liked them a lot.  Of all the Seven Pods, this one came closest to resembling a Bhut IMO.  Here's how mine turned out in 2012:
Very interesting. I bet they'd do very well smoked and powdered. Cheers!
stickman said:
Are the pods from the Chiltepin x Barrackpore the ones in the bottom left of the picture? How did they taste? I remember Shane saying that the Barrackpores had a flavor similar to burnt plastic.
(Apologies in advance for highjacking your thread, Charles...I couldn't resist.) Thanks for asking about the Tepin x Barrackpore cross, Rick. It's been a fun one to grow...You may be interested to know that there have been at least 3 distinct pod phenotypes to appear from Charles' original cross: 1) very small, pleated, boxy, seedless pods, similar to tiny 7-Pot peppers, 2) elongated bird-type pods I am calling "Barrackpore Pequin," and 3) my favorite of the three, and the pod I have been trying unsuccessfully for years to reproduce, the face-melting, tapered, "Baby Barrackpore." 
These two photos show my F2 Barrackpore Pequin in full fruit (2014). The heat level is in the pequin range, with a noticeable Barrackpore flavor.


This is the first pod of Baby Barrackpore (2014). The second and third photo following this one are a full reaping I sent to Omar Soto that same year. (The very nice presentation in the final image is his.) The heat level is quite high, and the flavor is the very distinctive Barrackpore palate. As I mentioned above, as of today no one has successfully reproduced this fruit. However, the plant is still alive and well in my garden.


windchicken said:
(Apologies in advance for highjacking your thread, Charles...I couldn't resist.) Thanks for asking about the Tepin x Barrackpore cross, Rick. It's been a fun one to grow...You may be interested to know that there have been at least 3 distinct pod phenotypes to appear from Charles' original cross: 1) very small, pleated, boxy, seedless pods, similar to tiny 7-Pot peppers, 2) elongated bird-type pods I am calling "Barrackpore Pequin," and 3) my favorite of the three, and the pod I have been trying unsuccessfully for years to reproduce, the face-melting, tapered, "Baby Barrackpore." 
 The heat level is quite high, and the flavor is the very distinctive Barrackpore palate. As I mentioned above, as of today no one has successfully reproduced this fruit. However, the plant is still alive and well in my garden.
Thanks for the rundown on this cross Gary. It sounds like a really interesting one. I wonder what would result from crossing a Pequin or Tepin with a Lotah Bih Frutascens? I grew them a couple of years ago, and think I still have some seeds. Hmmm... :think:
stickman said:
Thanks for the rundown on this cross Gary. It sounds like a really interesting one. I wonder what would result from crossing a Pequin or Tepin with a Lotah Bih Frutascens? I grew them a couple of years ago, and think I still have some seeds. Hmmm... :think:
Since you mentioned a Pequin x C. frutescens cross, last year at our office garden we had an accidental cross of Chile Pequin (SoCal variant) and Aji Chuncho (C. frutescens). The plant had the big leaves and bushy plant habit, as well as the very substantial root system, that one expects to see on C. frutescens, but the pods were larger and more cylindrical than Aji Chuncho pods, almost like medicine capsules. The ripe fruit was the typical C. frutescens soft and juicy, but the green fruit was remarkably crunchy and potent, with a nice, clean flavor. My co-worker was so enamored of it that we potted up the mother plant, as well as saved seeds and re-sowed for an attempt at an F2 harvest...I'll post pix of the mother plant ASAP. (but not here, Charles...I'm done hogging your thread now...really!)
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice pod's. Don't know the name, but it's beautiful.
Sanarda said:
What a beautiful grow you have going on Charles.  I cant wait to see the rest.  :dance:
Pulpiteer said:
Looking great once again Charles! 
Thanks guys, aside from not having enough sun on my patio, things are looking pretty good.
stickman said:
Nice pics Charles! The Chimayo pods look right to me... are they the Sandia variety?
Thanks Rick, yep, Sandia.
Patio plants today:

Donne Sali:

[[Chiltepin x Chintexle] x C. galapagoense] x Negro de Valle, flower and pod:


Naga Suomi:

Naga Suomi x Pimenta da Neyde F1:

"Naga Morich Bangladeshi strain '07," I'll just call it Naga Morich from now on:

I bought some Praying Mantis egg cases this year.  I've tried in the past, but they never hatched.  This year they actually did :party:, and now they're everywhere:


Spicegeist said:
That would be cmpman1974.  It's really looking nice now that my temps are on the rise.
Nice! Only quality stuff from Chris!
I've collected some old naga/bhut seeds too from different sources but i'm having an hard time to germinate (still waiting on some from 1 month...).
Your Red Bhut and Yellow Surprise are in the ground instead but i'm far behind this season because an outrageous late start, i hope for a September/October harvest.
Datil said:
Nice! Only quality stuff from Chris!
I've collected some old naga/bhut seeds too from different sources but i'm having an hard time to germinate (still waiting on some from 1 month...).
Your Red Bhut and Yellow Surprise are in the ground instead but i'm far behind this season because an outrageous late start, i hope for a September/October harvest.
That's great to hear!  You may be the only person growing the Yellow Surprise... I wonder how it will turn out.