• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Super Hots Canada - Grow 2014-2015 (Starts on Page 12) - I have a greenhouse now! YAY! :D

I suppose rather than starting a new topic each time I update you all on my progress, it's better to stick to one...
So to begin with, I just have a small update for today:
My largest Cayenne (which I just pruned back in the past couple of weeks) is finally growing it's very first flowers. This is one of six Cayenne's that I originally bought as seedlings. This one has taken off the best. The rest seemed to have struggled to grow.

One of my young Jalapeño (I believe) plants is also starting to flower. This is one that I started from seed and it's showing a good many more flowers than the Cayenne, shown above, even though it is far smaller and younger.

Seeing them start to flower, I decided to add some more Tomato mix (5-7-7) to all my plants to hopefully help them along the way.
I water my plants with a 20-20-20 plant feed every couple of weeks, occasionally I'll spray them down with an epsom salt mix and if the roots start to show I'll add some 3-in-1 (or 4-in-1) soil blend to top them off.
How often ought a person add tomato mix/bone meal/soil to their planters (indoors) to keep them growing and healthy - any suggestions?
Damnit, that looks delicious :D A sight for sore eyes.
Totally lacking heat these days, almost out of hot sauce, boring peppers at the grocery store. They did have dried bhuts, but they looked so sickly and un-bhutish looking I decided to pass hehehe.
Good to see someone is getting the goods this far north :)
miguelovic said:
Damnit, that looks delicious :D A sight for sore eyes.
Totally lacking heat these days, almost out of hot sauce, boring peppers at the grocery store. They did have dried bhuts, but they looked so sickly and un-bhutish looking I decided to pass hehehe.
Good to see someone is getting the goods this far north :)
Yeah, I haven't seen any Naga Jolokia at our local SuperStore in a month or two now and most of the peppers they are still carrying all look old, mushy and/or moldy.. Don't know how they are getting with having them on the shelf in that state. Grrr
I have one other Naglah pod growing at the moment and it's bigger & more bumpy than this one and I think another -might- be starting soon. I also have three Reaper pods growing - two of which have finally started maturing - and two Naga Jolokia (one per plant).
I'm hoping this will mean they'll be like my Cayenne's when they first started - produce a few pods at first and then a short time later start to take off.
I cut open the pod a little earlier (still trying to get up the nerve to attempt it lol).. Sadly, only four seeds (that look viable) in the whole pod and it smells very much like a Naga Jolokia:

My girlfriend and I finally went through with giving the pod a shot last night. She took one half, I took the other.
She's only eaten whole Super Chile's in the past and half of one Naga Jolokia, so I'm impressed she managed what she did with this one. All said and done, she only managed about a quarter of the pod.. but managed it impressively! She somehow has a pretty strong natural tolerance, so it seems. lol
I survived somewhere around 2 minutes before I went for the milk (she was chugging the milk before, during and a long time after lol). It definitely proved much hotter than the Naga Jolokia, though it didn't seem -nearly- as hot as I was thinking it might. I will say, this is the very first that caused me to hiccup and I nearly got sick - though I think that's more about the food I had earlier in the night not mixing well with the milk.
It smelled very much like the Naga's and tasted much like them - only more bitter.
To say the least, it hurt like hell, but it was a rather awesome experience in a sadistic sort of way. lol
These are my first two Carolina Reaper pods. I have one more growing that is still green all over. These first two are rather tiny. The one on the left is actually the first to start growing and the first to start changing color. The third one is larger and I think more about the size they're supposed to be. These first two are both around the size of a quarter or a tiny bit bigger.
I'm just wondering about the color - they went from green, to light green (bit noticeable on the first), to yellow to sort of light orange at this point. The plant is right under my HPS, but this photo was taken with that light off. Without the light on they look a bit closer to red but with the light on they both appear more akin to a bold, definitively light-orange.
Are they supposed to progress from orange to red?
Or is this possibly where their progression ends?
Most red peppers go from orange to red, or a red-orange to red. 
Your naglah - appears not to be ripe yet. I grow douglahs, and find there is a huge (to me) flavor difference between not-ripe and ripe with them. You might try waiting a bit longer - let the pod get more on the red side before picking it. 
geeme said:
Most red peppers go from orange to red, or a red-orange to red. 
Your naglah - appears not to be ripe yet. I grow douglahs, and find there is a huge (to me) flavor difference between not-ripe and ripe with them. You might try waiting a bit longer - let the pod get more on the red side before picking it. 
Thanks for the feedback :)
I guess I'll hold out on the Reaper's and see if they progress further. With my Annums (Super Chile, Cayenne & Jalapeno) they all seem to jump from green straight into red, so watching the Reaper's progress from green to yellow to orange threw me off a bit I guess. lol
The Naglah possibly not being ripe might well explain the lack of seeds, for sure. It progressed from green to a light brown to the darker brown when I picked it. The second is progressing towards that darker brown right now, so I'll give it extra long and see if it goes even deeper. I also spotted a couple more pods just starting to form on the Naglah.
.. Scary part is that if that Naglah wasn't ripe then the thought of facing a truly mature one is going to be terrifying considering the pain my girlfriend & I experienced from that one. lol
I don't think not being ripe explains the lack of seeds - you can find immature pods that are loaded with not-yet-viable seeds. Some pods just have a lot while others have very little, and plenty are in-between. 
If you want a really red jalapeno, go for a purple. They progress from green to a very dark purple (almost black) to a red that puts most other jalapenos to shame. Tasty little buggers, too - I always ate them right off the plant so rarely had any available for cooking. Of all the jalapeno varieties, I love the flavor of the purples the best. They're small, though, and very seedy, but to me the flavor makes up for these things.
geeme said:
I don't think not being ripe explains the lack of seeds - you can find immature pods that are loaded with not-yet-viable seeds. Some pods just have a lot while others have very little, and plenty are in-between. 
If you want a really red jalapeno, go for a purple. They progress from green to a very dark purple (almost black) to a red that puts most other jalapenos to shame. Tasty little buggers, too - I always ate them right off the plant so rarely had any available for cooking. Of all the jalapeno varieties, I love the flavor of the purples the best. They're small, though, and very seedy, but to me the flavor makes up for these things.
Well hopefully not all my Naglah pods will be so lacking in seeds. :)
That Jalapeno certainly sounds good. The type I have is a "Jalapa" hybrid bought from Walmart. So far I've found that I don't much care for any of the Annuum's I have growing.. I've found I much prefer the taste of the Chinense's I've tried over the Annuum's.
They're all a mixed bag to me. I find several of the chinenses I've tried have an ammonia-like after-taste - meh. If they tasted 100% like when you first put them in your mouth, though, I'd like them better. But then, taste is so subjective. I really like the flavor of jalapenos, cayenne, ancho mulatto, chile pasilla de oaxaca, and yes, even sweet red bell peppers, and these are all annuums. Then I really like the flavor of douglah, fatalii, congo trinidad….. etc. I also like many baccatuums and pubescens. That's one of the great things about chiles - there are so many varieties, you're likely to find something you really like regardless of the family it falls into.
With my Annums (Super Chile, Cayenne & Jalapeno) they all seem to jump from green straight into red
i've had super chile hold the yellow/orange colour for a very long time before ripening. can't remember now if it was my red douglah or red scorpion that managed the orange stripe in 2013.
good luck
My very first Carolina Reaper pod to grow (and first to be plucked)... Sadly, no seeds. But at least it's a start!
(picked a couple of days ago)

... Poor fella is only the size of a penny. Same goes for the 2nd one to grow. The third looks much better. :)
miguelovic said:
How did it taste?  :fireball:
Admittedly, I haven't given it a try yet.. There's no fresh milk in the house at the moment. I need to pick up some. I think it's going to more potent than the Brown Naglah I posted about earlier - but that's just going by the smell of it. lol
Blister said:
Aw it's just a little guy. Go ahead and pop it in your mouth... What could possibly go wrong... :lol:
I've been sick the past few days, which has kinda ruled out my nerve to eat another super-hot - at least until I recover. Thankfully, I have two more pods on the plant that I haven't picked yet. I just cleared - for now - my Reaper of aphids.. so hopefully that'll give 'em a chance to fill out again and grow some more.
There seems to be a bit of trend.. My very first (and only so far) Bell pod is pretty damn tiny too. Take him a long, long time to mature.. I just picked it tonight:

CORRECTION: That little "Bell" pepper above just proved to be a Habanero. That certainly explains the size and shape... and sadly, that means that somewhere along the way I killed off every one of my Bell pepper babies without meaning too.. I'm kinda sad about that. BUT at least now I have my first Habanero seeds!
.. And my first (and only) Habanero Red pod (correction due to above: SECOND pod) is -finally- changing from green today.. Long time coming for that little bugger, too. It's about half-orange, half-green right now.
jojo said:
You have beautiful looking peppers
Thanks! :D
I try not to edit the color, but I do sometimes adjust the exposure a tiny bit in Photoshop to compensate for the poor lighting in my house. lol
I think my Brown Naglah is becoming my "prize" plant. At around 4 months old, I've already picked one pod, a second looks to be mature now -and- there is another 6 pods (at least) growing at this point. And in the past couple of days I have noticed a whole new batch of buds starting to grow across the plant. It's likely over 5' wide at it's widest points and it's starting to branch out from the stem. If I could get a good picture of it, I would.