food The Count's Drunken Adventures In The Kitchen

I was going to fire-bomb your thread and lay waste to your entire existence for detracting from our beloved Drunken Chef.....
...until I witnessed your complete AWESOMENESS in the realm of impaired culinary artistry!
Carry-On.....I salute you!!!
oil and butter each side
oil only is sauteed :P
Back from the grave!! I forgot I had my own drunken thread here, lol. I was just searching for where to post my fajita pics from later tonight and found this.

Ill start with the tillas....


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MikeUSMC said:
Count, you are KILLING it in this thread! :party:

My God, there are some awesome looking plates in here!

I just went and "Like" bombed the living shit out of everything, haha.

Looking forward to more pics. Keep up the great work!
Thanks! I cook every night, for the most part and have been away too long from here. The Wife went part time vegetarian, so I dont get any feedback about my cooking other than what our daughter eats and my own tummy. Figured Id start sharing again and seeing what others think. I need input as to what looks like its working and where I could improve stuff.
Moving on to the finished results....


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Yep, between plating the goods and rolling it for mouth fisting it, there was a large gulp of bourbon consumed. The Wife ate veggie fajitas with everything but the skirt steak and she said it was delicious. Complained the salsa was a bit too hot though
Flour torts.
Any questions?
I'd hit it with cilantro and cheese.
And splooge it with avocado salsa.
The planet wants this.
The Hot Pepper said:
I think I'd add some sour cream but just to cool the hot.... but damn that is perfect son.
I work with a bunch of Mexicans.
Most days I talk more Mexican/TexMex slang than english/huero/gabacho.
Que onda way?
None of them use sour cream on any 'thang.
But fukm.
I'm a hungarian texan.
Sour cream tastes good!