• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Hi guys   Greetings from New Zealand We are about a month away from the shortest day so its almost time to start up some chillis. This is my first real attempt at growing chillis so it should be fun. I will be starting off under lights,then moving into a greenhouse that i have yet to build before moving them outside. I have received all my seeds and just need to decide which ones and how many to grow. These are what I have:   Numex Big Jim Cayenne long Red Jalapeno Bhut jolokia Red Habenero Ancho ST Luis Dorset Naga Red 7 pot Fatalli Aji lemon drop Naga Morich Yellow Morich Scorpion Bishops crown   Will keep you posted.  :)
Ginux 2015
Good morning guys. for the first time this year I have found the time to open my topic of cultivation. now are years that I sow but I never had time to post photos and be very active on the forum but this year I promised myself that I have to be more present.   I started January 5 with sowing in paper towels without pre-treatment, I wanted to sow a lot of variety and I did not have time to do the various steps   varieties are sown: douglah billiboy 7pot primo 7pot bubblegum 7pot brain strain yellow 7pot white 7pot primo yellow PI281317 trinidad parfume carolina ts moruga caramel jays peach ghost t.scorpion orange t.douglad strain1 sunrise scorpion jafish black bhut cappuccino fluorescens rocoto giant rocoto canario cgn23769 cgn23258...
BurkeasaurusRex 2015 Glog: First time
So this my first time growing peppers…. Well technically second, last year I just threw some seeds in a pot and hoped for the best. Results were less than impressive to say the least. With countless hours spent researching on THP I think I came up with a strategy for my grow this year and I’m all in!   Enjoy!   Peppers Sown:                              Chinese 5 Color                              Serrano                              7 Pot Brain Strain Red/Yellow                              Fatalii Yellow                              Bhut Yellow                              Giant Carrot                              Czech Black                              Jalapeno                              Cayenne                              Urfa...
Aridzona 2015
After resisting the urge for the last month, the unusually warm weather we've been enjoying has finally overcome any common sense I may posses.   :crazy:   Here I am planting seeds a a month or two earlier than necessary.  I know the plants won't grow wildly over the winter, but with frequent sunny days in the 60s and 70s, they should do OK.  So long as they don't outgrow a ~5 inch pot, shuttling them in and out during freezing weather won't be a problem.   Baccatum, baccatum, which baccatum?       OK, got it down to six.  (For today....  :rolleyes:  )   Two by two, the seeds went into the ground....  :woohoo:           THE GROW LIST    Updated 12-10-14  -  (Oh, dear!  The mania is growing worse by the day....)   C.Baccatum   Date ...
Lemming's 2014/2015 Grow
I have a grow log elsewhere, so I won't bother posting all of my older content. I'll start fresh on here.   All my plants are currently indoors. Here's what I have inside my hydro tent:   ^    ^ Pink Tiger, HP22B Reaper & Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion. Currently sat under a 400W Metal Hallide, which won't be switched over to a red HPS until all the plants are roughly the same size and bushy. I've been trimming the top off the PGS to stop it outgrowing the other two height wise.   Here is my smaller propagation tent / temporary hold tent:     ^ Yaki Blue Fawn, Elephant's Ear, Mojo Blackie, Farmer's Market Jalapeno, Aleppo & BBG7 MAMP F2. These will be staying in here until the weather warms up outside, again i'm keeping them trimmed and...
Shurb's 2014 GLOG
Well, I guess I'll get started seeing as I've now got my first hooks well before season start.   So, I got me one of them heated propagator thingimadoobawackies and popped in 3 Habanero Orange seeds and 3 Whippets Tails for a test. The Hab's decided to work it out. No go on the Whippets, but I think that's because it dried out at one point. Oh well, one pod has thousands of seeds, so all good :D   Here's the Habanero Orange hooks in soil next to an avocado the missus is trying to get started.     And here they are. Ain't they cute?     Here's the indoor setup   Top: Them ones I did dun just showed you. Middle: Pubes - Red Rocoto, Yellow Rocoto, Rocoto San Isidro, Canario, Mini Rocoto. Bottom: Habanero Chocolate overwinter. It got a...
filmost 2014 - Year of the Pepper Podding Up!
--- In case just stumbled on to this, my 2015 glog is here ---   Hey all, figured it was time I started my glog. I will be managing it off site since I plan to translate the content later in hopes of connecting with the locals here in Japan. I will post short blurbs here with links back to my site; feel free to comment here or on the individual posts. Since updates will be in the comments of this thread, I will also post a link to the specific comment entry here as well. And on we go!   Blog Posts:   2014 The Year of the Pepper   Keep Calm and Grow On (3/6/2014) - (forum post here)   How do you harden your plants? (3/13/2014) - (forum post here)   2014 Glog Update #4 (3/23/2014) - (forum post here)   2014 Glog Update #5 (4/30/2014) -...
AdamStl's 2015 Glog (from a Cheapskate)
I thought it's time for my very first glog on T.H.P.  First of all, I have to admit I am a complete cheapskate. There I said it. Always have been, always will be I guess.  I think there is always a cheaper way to do things, doesn't always mean the best way or the quickest way.    I could have nice setup up with lots of money invested into it, but I actually enjoy the thrill of the hunt for cheap stuff. A heat mat for twenty bucks? Nope, an old Christmas rope light for one dollar.  Metal shelving for fifty bucks? Nah, Rubbermaid storage container from Goodwill for two bucks a piece. High Output light system? Not for me, 2 two-bulb T8 (6500K) strip light with 6 replacement  bulbs  for 10 bucks at a church rummage sale a few years back and...
Glog of small things - Now with pods
Last year was a pretty mixed bag.  I hope to put what I learned into practice.  I have a few over winters in my corner like this chap:   Red Jonah   I also have around 100 new starts this year:   Pubes and bhuts   Scorpions, 7 Pods and Reapers   Some annuums, not very exciting at this stage. They grow so quickly when it warms up I reckon I could have started the annuums in September.   I also have a few thing out in the little green house although it might be a touch early.    The yellow traps are for the fungus gnats I am fighting again this year.
RocketMan 2014 - Resurrection
Wow, first growing season in the new house and I'm totally stoked for this one. Lots of prep work still to be done but there's plenty of time to get it done before plant out. So, here is a pic of where Pepper Row will be going in: I'll be coming out about another 18 to 24 inches from the fence. The brick line will move out to the new edge and the Ivey will be kept cut back to wher it is now so the fence doesn't show through, she who must be obeyed has made it known that she doesn't want to see it :) I'm still working on the list and as these will probably be in for a while I'm actually thinking about rather a short list using the peppers I use most often in sauces but can't get locally like Fataliis and planting 3 or 4 of each. The...
Matthew_293 2015 Grow Log
Hello everyone, I finished putting together some plants I plan to plant outdoors in a few weeks. I put them in rockwool and I'm gonna plant them in coco and just feed them at each watering. Shout out to smokenfire for hooking me up with some seeds! My list is the following: Inca red drop (2) Trinidad scorpion sweet (2) Lombok (2) Kashmiri Mirch (1) Kashmiri Mirch *another source (2) Trinidad scorpion (2) Ají lemondrop (2) 7 pot brain strain (1) 7 pot chaguanas (2) Cumari pollux/wild brazil (2) Trinidad perfume (1) Wiri wiri (4) Chocolate habanero (2) Syrian three sided pepper (2) San Marzano lungo #2 tomatoes (2) Swiss giant snow peas (2) Blue lake bush green beans (2) Clemson spineless okra (2) Pineberry strawberry (2) This is...
A new season begins.  It's a work in progress, but here's my 2014 grow list as it now stands.  It will certainly have some additions as I'm still expecting some more acquisitions.  I hope it will have some deletions, too, because it's just too ridiculously long as it is now.  My hope is/was to grow at least 10 of each variety I grew and saved seeds from in 2013, in order to characterize the extent of cross pollination.  I may have to cut that back to 5 each, at least for some varieties.  Without further ado, here are the contenders:   2014: 7 Pots: (3)Barrackpore Brain Strain Yellow Brain Strain Red Brown (3 types) Burgundy Caramel (3)Chocolate Barrackpore (2 types) Congo SR Gigantic (1,12)Douglah Jonah Large Red Large Yellow "not Red"...
Kinda Strange Noobie Setup 2015
Alrighty! This is my first time starting from seeds indoors, and my first time growing hot peppers as well! I recently got bit by the spice bug, and luckily last year I was able to mostly keep my plants alive (sort of.) so let's see how this goes!   My list isn't very long, as I live in a one-bedroom currently and don't have tons of room for a large germination setup, but I'm excited about it! I'm using a T8 shop light in some cardboard boxes to prevent the light from keeping me up at night. I had a week or so of really slowed growth and some yellowing, I think I may have transplanted too early and didn't fortify my soil enough, but things have picked up now!    -Chocolate Fataliis -Garden Bird Thai Chilis -Filius Blues -Black Jalapenos...
Manzano Glog
I got to thinking there are a lot of people growing this pepper and I think for the first time for a lot of us.  Thought it might be neat to see everyone's Manzano as they progress through the year.   I have three plants, all yellow.  My first plant was sowed in Octobish of last year and I have two that are from around Christmas time.   So who all is trying to grow these long distance runners of the pepper world? Here are my three babies.  The two smaller ones are the same age, but the smaller one had a massive helmet head and I didn't think it would survive.    
It's that time of year again, although a couple weeks behind. I just arrived in Tennessee, moving from Wisconsin not even two weeks ago. The fam and I are all settled in and I'm officially ready to start some seeds! Being in a completely different part of the country, and growing in completely different soil than I'm used to, I still have high hopes. I'm sure I'll be able to whip a garden into shape in no time. I'm def gonna have to get out there very soon and till a large plot. Enough blabberin, I'll get to a list. I'll also list the seed source if I'm sure of where I got them. Seeds are going to soak in distilled water for 20-24 hours starting tonight or tomorrow morning and most will be put into Rapid Rooters soaked in a weak...
²⁰¹⁵EnZyMe X ᵖʳᵒʲᵉᶜᵗ ʲᵘᶰᵍᶫᵉ «Favorites and new Trips»
Here is my adventure this year!   I started in December with the species/varieties slower, now I'm waiting for the germination of different wild, for now under the lamps are some rocoto and some wild. Despite lover chinense (love, gnarly pods choco/brown) this year I tried to enclose in my list all five common species + wild peppers. Much more selected than the past season.   Still have to prepare the labels for all varieties, for now I scored the container lol, are the few born, for now!   I will start the weekend with all the other species, soon my list! all for now .. big hug, Enzyme X .)
First time growing
I started 42 seeds a few weeks ago. I have 29 that thave sprouted. I seem to get one a day to sprout up. Nothing yet today. I have a heat mat under the tray. A single T5 light on a 16/8hr. timer. I haven't really had to water them much at all. I've been keeping some water in the bottom of the tray with the clear lid on. It has been keeping them moist. I am thinking of taking the larger ones out and putting them in larger cups. Any advice is appreaciated.  The Moruga Scorpion in the top left seems to have some burning maybe. I'm not sure what it is.
Coming from 2013 http://thehotpepper.com/topic/37278-justaguys-2013-garden-season/page-7 Feb. 25th- On February 16th I dropped my seeds into the soil. Pics will come as I have time. I am prepping this in Notepad as I have time. Going to try to get pics in this year. Life has gotten more stable and yet busier, so hopefully I can get some eye candy up for everyone. This year is a sampling year with seeds for 29 varieties in the soil. Hope to find some new loves and gain a good many isolated seeds. March 20- Well the germination has been hell so the garden will be smaller this year. I will try to get some pics, but work is wicked. Been working nonstop since March 1st and April will contain the next day off hopefully.
Captain's Glog Stardate 1/14/15: 5 months later = HUGE update and lots of pics!  Bowers, OW'ing, and
Hello fellow pepperheads!   :welcome:  to my glog for the 2014 season.   Last year was my first time growing peppers and the results were fantastic!  What started as tiny seedlings from Lowe's became large and extremely productive pepper factories (check out my 2013 glog for details).  As the end of the season approached I did some research and was able to create a nice indoor setup resulting in the (so far) successful overwintering of all four plants.  This year I knew I wanted to take the next step and try my hand at growing peppers from seeds as opposed to buying seedlings.  Thanks to the generosity of THP member Cone9 I was able to procure seeds for a variety of peppers, thus beginning my 2014 season!  I check this site almost...
D3monic's 2014 Glog n Gardening bonanza
Hi I am D3monic, I am new to this forum. I just moved into our new home this November and the back yard was an absolute barren mess. Just grass.. and oh do I hate grass.    Winter finally began to release its icy hold and after a lil begging I convinced the my lovely girlfriend to let me dig up the back yard.    I framed out a few beds to start from 1x8x8 cedar and mapped out where I wanted it.          First time building any type of a fence. Mistakes were made but none that were un-salvageable.        I decided to go with drip lines so I wouldn't have to deal with lugging a hose around. Trenched a line in with 1/2" and ran it as a main feed around the beds. I still need to run some more around the fence beds.      Here she is...
Vertically-challenged Carolina reaper indoor grow 600w HPS's LED Vegatitve growth
It all started here http://thehotpepper.com/topic/50475-vertical-chilli-grow-indoors-600w-mhhps-lighting/   Then I donated my last grow to an active grow shop owner I knew so I could start seedlings and redo the grow with carolina reapers only.   these are the plants a few weeks ago itching to see them now will update next week on them     It's impossible to see but their are 10 reapers in the tent from pucketbutt seeds.  The plan is to grow them up under LED for 2-3 weeks then pot 9 best ones in 9 of my planters and squeeze them in this tent with a 250w hps pointing at them for 2-3 weeks then I shall clone them 70-100 times over the next week or 2 and fill 72 planters with clones from the reapers and add 2 or 3 600w hps.   There are...
Cape Town, South African Summer
I have been growing these peppers in Cape Town, South Africa.      Bhut - thin variant of the Bhut. This is a super hot one. It is much thinner than the regular bhuts, almost looks like a cayenne. I have made the mistake of putting these in a curry, thinking they were cayennes. The plant is an incredible producer, with over 400 pods last summer. This plant is over 2 years old now and still producing.   7 Pot Brain Yellow. One of the best tasting peppers I've ever had. Citrus, pineapple, tropical taste - super hot.    Aji Cito. Amazing citrus, tropical flavor and medium hot. Nice yellow pods and white flowers with green coloring. The plant itself is quite tall and lanky. The amazing color of the flowers:   Chilhuacles. This is an...
Straw's glog 2015
Here's my first glog, and first time starting seeds indoors - any suggestions/constructive criticism is appreciated... I can take it :) Grow space: I'm in a somewhat chilly garage, but have been getting temps around 80 under the lights (hopefully this is warm enough) Lights: One four-foot T5 and one two-foot T5 (both four-bulb) To do: - Resist overwatering :) - Add a fan - Add mylar blankets for reflection - Re-pot seedlings with one set of true leaves into 3.5" pots - Begin nutrient regimen - Germinate new varieties from refiningfirechiles.com when they arrive My list: 7 Pot Brain Strain Aji Lemon Drop Aji Pineapple Bishop's Hat/ Orchid (pi 497974) Brazilian Starfish Carolina Reaper - Buckeye Carolina Reaper - Pepper Joe Cherry Hot...
Jazzman's 2014 Glog
Hey Everybody!   so last year was my first year growing peppers, and i had a blast throughout the season with what quickly became a large collection of pepper types.   This year, for Christmas, my parents surprised me with a triple tiered growing unit! this inspired me to up my game and attempt to grow tons of different pepper types. I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by friends and family that have accepted the eccentricity that is pepper growing :P   So, without further ado, i give you... the new grow shelf!   This grow shelf has given me (what i hope) is plenty of space for a few plants from all the varieties that i want to grow, and with the potential to add on to these varieties should i be drawn into purchasing more...
moruga welders 2015 grow
this is where it all starts !   one of 3 trays of little ones ,   brazilian ghost transplanted today ,     grow list : morovars- withywindle red savini x fatili - withywindle72 7 pot primo withywindle72 original7pot- mpicante cbbg7 - 96 strat Kracken - scorpion  - seacowboy caramel madbalz7 - 96strat yellow brainstrain - seacowboy chocolate brain HIXX - j. chapman boc. 005 - j.chapman naga viper - superhot chocolate lava - superhot jays redscorp./ ghost  - superhot bhutlah - pepperlover m.o.a. yellow scotch bonnet - pepperlover peach bhut s.s. - pepperlover peach wasp - ppeperlover 7 pot primo ( yello ) - cmpman `1974 brazilian ghost - habanero guy peach scorp. / ghost - me red nagabrain - wicked mike ( seed train ) aji lemon -...
HellBoar's glog - starting 2014-11-30
Hi folks!! I am so excited!!!! Here is a pic of my very first germinated seed, a pimenta de neyde that took about a week to get to this point. Have some others that are still in the ziplock/paper towel, but this is my first so far!!! Cute lil guy ain't he? I'll transfer him to a DWC bucket when he gets big/old enough. Hoping my lights arrive before then hehe. Woohoo, I am offcially a creator now!!! ;) HB
Background - my wife and I compete in Chili Appreciation Society International (CASI) chili cook offs, primarily in the mid-Atlantic states. I qualified for the 2014 CASI world chili championship in my first year competing and made it to the quarter-finals round which means I finished in the top 60 in the world. I am the current Pennsylvania State Chili Champion. Both my wife and I have already qualified for the 2015 CASI world chili championship and I have qualified for the 2015 World Food Championship.   The chili we cook is Texas Red. In accordance with CASI rules, we are not allowed to put beans or any other fillers in the chili. Judges consider color, aroma, texture, taste, and afterburn when judging. The texture needs to be...
Winter Bhut Jolokia grow.
On July 24, 2014 I started 3 Bhut Jolokia seeds I purchased from Pepper Joes.  The seeds were wetted overnight and then placed in peat quick pellets.  The first seed cracked the soil on August 3, relatively fast from what I understand and have read about the BJ.   After the seeds cracked the dirt all normal precautions were taken with regards to temperature and humidity control until the seedlings were large enough to be planted into small biodegradable pots with a light mix of Sunshine 4 potting mix.  Over the weeks and months the plants grew, first slowly and then as the roots got established the plants took off at an unreal rate and the biodegradable pots were then popped into a 1 gallon pot with a mix of sunshine 4, extra perlite...
Meatfreak 2014 Glog
So I've started my grow a couple of weeks ago, 28th of January. I use the same setup as previous seasons, 2x 125watt CFL 6400K lights, black/white foil. First round were the Chinense, about 22 different varieties, mostly superhots and hots. Almost everything germinated within a week and with a total germ rate of 92% I was pretty pleased. I potted them up last week and they quickly showed new growth again. Well enough talk, this is what the plants looked like yesterday, 10 days after transplant and almost 4 weeks from start date.   Devil’s Tongue White (Jason/GA Growhead) This one is a beast, very rapid growth, big leaves and already branching out? Georgia Black (Jason/GA Growhead)   This season I'm growing out a couple of crosses...
PaulG 2014
Grow List 2014 - Many new varieties and a few repeaters.   This is the third year of my original three year plan to grow a slew of different types to see what grows well here before settling on some consistent performers.   I'd love to grow some of the new varieties from this season again, and some more of my favorites from 2012, but not enough space.  But I have seed for my favorites for season 2015, so I have something to look forward to already!     Major goal for season 2014 - lay in a good supply of super hot powder!   OW Plants: Chocolate Habanero OW, Refining Fire 2012, 3gal. x 2 - 2nd year 2014 Mountain Pepper OW, Honduran Market, 3gal. x 1 - 2nd year 2014 Orange Manzano OW, Shane F1, 3ga. x 1- 2nd year 2014 Goat's Weed OW...
Red Bhut Babies
This is my first grow of anything whatsoever. Im not sure exactly how old they are, but they are still very young. I bought seeds from bhut-pepper.com, not that i recommend them, seeds are extremely overpriced. 10 seeds for $10. I bought them before joining this forum and getting the inside on peppers, so i didn't know any better. According to online reviews, the seeds seem to be the real deal, so hopefully i wont get the "habanero surprise".    Theyre grown in a medium of 2 parts peat moss, 1 part mushroom compost, and a dash of potting soil to retain moisture better. I first tried without the soil, and the medium would be completely bone dry in only about 8 hours after i watered it. I pampered them while also taking on the LITFA...
Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....
Time for the 2014 start...   Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!   I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!   I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.   Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.     Top rack:   Bottom rack:   I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.   Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..   A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!   Choc Hab     Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist       Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist     Yellow Cardi-...
2014 season came to an end...planning for 2015 grow season   I'm trying to work out my final list of peppers for the 2015 season.  I keep adding and removing peppers from the list weekly.   In 2014 I planted 16 pepper plants in my one  8' x 3' bed, and by Sep the plants are pretty full, I think its too crowded.  The plants are all healthy, but there definitely is very little room for air circulation, the potential for disease is probably pretty high, harvesting is also a pain, and some plants are completely covering others, so very little sun is getting down to them.   For 2015 I'm going to build one more 8' x 3' bed, and I'm only going to plant 12 plants per bed and see if that spacing works a bit better.   I also only have one t8...
PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014
Time to get this Grow off the ground...             Well sort of...at least the indoor part of it.  Here's the current look at some of my outdoor containers. We've had higher than normal snow amounts since December. A couple of hard frosts to boot. That may kill alot of the spring White Fly that have been dominant the last 2 seasons.   A Couple Shots from the Most Recent Seasons         I've started out my seeds for many years in Dec/Jan, and no doubt will provide nice plants with rewarding harvests. But when you have to start indoors under lights it comes with a cost of time, material and utilities. With some thought I've finally come to (my senses)  a conclusion. As of Febuary 1st I have roughly 14 weeks to plant out. I'm confident...
Dragon49's 2014 Grow Log
It’s time for the 2014 Chile Pepper Grow Log!  This year, I’ve decided to go with the “normal” F1 Superchiles.  It has been a ton of fun growing from my own saved Superchile seeds year after year, but last season I had too many “runty” plants that did not produce well.  I’m of course keeping all of my seeds.  I’m also going to sprout a few Aji Cereza’s.  These are from Peter Merle:   http://thehotpepper.com/user/6297-semillas/    
Grass Snake's 2015 Glog
My first Glog and maybe my last depending on how it goes in 2015. Still trying to come up with a game plan but went ahead and started most of my seeds. I plan on using mostly pots but a raised bed is likely if I can get my pool demo completed in time. Wicked Mike's seed train helped me get a crap load of seeds to start the new season. Along with my 3 Aji dulce that are overwinters, I'm hoping for 50 successful plants this season. Still some seeds to sow but here it is THP. Meathead1313 hooked me up with some nice pods like cgn21500, SB7J, Jimmy Nardello and others that will fill the open slots. Joemomma also gets some credit for sending me free pods.