After resisting the urge for the last month, the unusually warm weather we've been enjoying has finally overcome any common sense I may posses. :crazy: Here I am planting seeds a a month or two earlier than necessary. I know the plants won't grow wildly over the winter, but with frequent sunny days in the 60s and 70s, they should do OK. So long as they don't outgrow a ~5 inch pot, shuttling them in and out during freezing weather won't be a problem.
Baccatum, baccatum, which baccatum?
OK, got it down to six. (For today.... :rolleyes: )
Two by two, the seeds went into the ground.... :woohoo:
Updated 12-10-14 - (Oh, dear! The mania is growing worse by the day....)
C.Baccatum Date ...