Starting early this year, got my first round of seeds sown on Nov 22nd, planning on sowing the second round in Jan.
Sowed 24 varieties, one 8oz cup per variety, two seeds per cup. Round two will be another 24 varieties.
Didn't get my first hook until day 10 and was starting to think I'd done something wrong, but by day 19 I had 47/48 seeds come up (a few were helmet heads and were pulled). I will thin them to one per cup over the weekend. All seeds seems to be doing OK, apart from the 7-pot yellow, which is runty and slightly yellow. In hindsight, I think the slow initial germ time was because the soil was a little on the dry side for the first week.
My seed starting mix was 4 parts MG potting soil, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part...