• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Ring of Fire 2015
Carolina Reapers on the left and Peter Peppers on the right. My salsa tomatoes, Goat Bag on the left and Jersey Devil on the right. January 13- seeds started in Jiffy pellets on a seed starting heat mat inside small greenhouse with a small space heater in the bottom keeping temp at 78°. January 18- 50% of seeds sprouted, humidity dome removed and lights on for 18/6. January 23-15 Goat Bag Tomatoes, 15 Jersey Devil Tomatoes, 6 Carolina Reapers, and 5 Peter Peppers potted into peat pots.
 Hello Guys   I am new here and have grown few peppers in the past   I would like to share my 2015 grow list  * Fatalii Jigsaw * Carolina reaper * Bhut Jolokia * Moruga scorpion yellow * Chocolate Habanero * White Habanero * Devil's tongue     I have started germination 3 weeks ago, some have germinated, and have been planted in soil  fatalii Jigsaw sorry, I don't manage to put my pics, someone can help me on that ?
Real first year of pepper growin for me. Last year I bought some plants for my Mother and kept some for myself to give it a try. Started kinda late, wrong soil, pests, and not so good weather left me with basically a hand full of pods at the end. Learned a lot from readin up on this here forum and hope i can get some pods this time round. I'll be growin them up 4 stories on my balcony facing hmm southeast. Just figured i'd start this so I can have a record of how they do and knowing that everyone luv's pics. So thanks to everyone i've dealt with or not(info)  so that I can try and get some different peppers other than the regular store bought.   Grow List   Aji pineapple B  starfish Red rocoto 7 Pot white & choco Yellow fatalli Yellow &...
So I kicked my season off NYE by soaking all my seeds in a light regular tea solution for 24hrs. New Years day I placed all the seeds in individual plastic containers with scottex kitchen paper and sprayed them with water. Afterwards they went straight onto my "heat mat" (hot water tank). Where they stayed until they germinated. Also I had 3 plants over-wintering from last year. The numbers: From 92 seeds, 68 germinated. 65 have survived . Sources: Seeds I saved from last years harvest, chilli s I bought from markets, European Seed Train, THP members, Jamison, IkeepFish, BeerBreath. Thank you all for trading with me! Here is my list: BACCATUM Bishops Hat Aji Brazilian Pumpkin Aji Amarillo Aji Limon CHINENSE Carolina...
Hey all, so i figured id start a GLOG to track the impending grow.  For now ill post up the details, with pics to follow in the next few days during the build of the cabinet.   Space: 2' x 2.5' x 5' 2 140mm fans exhausting 1 6x16 passive intake w/ soffit cover 24x30 wire rack 8" off deck w/ 24x30 drain pan on top   Lighting: 100W of LED 340W of 6500K CFL 84W of 2700K CFL Lighting ran @ 16/8   The grow: starting with 3 pepper plants in 2 gal pots, 1 goat horn, 1 5 color pepper, and 1 Trini Scorpion I will also be adding different herbs as i go, depending on space   So there you have it, feel free to ask ?'s.  Pics will be uploaded in the next few days here.    
Here's my list for this summer and will post some pics along the way. Some i am not sure what they are because my boy knocked them over during re-potting. ? ?? 7 Pot Barrakpore 7 Pot Chocolate Lava 7 Pot Infinity Black Pearl Cappuccino Scotch Bonnet Chocolate Hand Grenade Chocolate Rennie x 2 Corno De  Toro Cumari x 2 Farmers Jalapeno Fatalii Jigsaw x 2 Filius Blue Jigsaw/Jonah Brain Jonah Yellow Manzano Orange Naga x 3 Orange Scorpion Peach Scorpion Reaper SBJ7 x 2 Seven Pot Brain x 2...
TheFanMan's 2014/2015 - Overgrown Pubes everywhere, some wild things hidden beneath.
Well this last grow season iv been pretty busy, so at the start i decided not to plant any more seeds and just to try and over winter some plants from the year before. This is how those over wintered plants look this afternoon.   Manzano Amarillo out front on both sides of door, ULTRA Pubes round the left side, Rocoto Peru Bitumi round the right side.                          
Growing up in Kansas City
I just wanted to get this up here for now, I'll update with my pepper list and plant pics later. I just got these LED's in the mail from China at about $15 each. I made a simple adjustable mount. I can't wait to see how much better my plants do this year with the LED's. Last year I had OK luck with just my 4 T8 setup.   [Update]Here is this year's grow list, a big thank you to chile_freak for trading me a bajillion seeds for just a few ripe reapers last year. These are almost exclusively the seeds he donated.   Douglah Fatali Red Fatali Yellow Fatali Brown Maruga Black Naga Jalokia Yellow Manzano Red Trinidad Hab Naga Jalokia Blue Mystery Chocolate Bhut Jalokia Maruga Scorpion Chocolate Hab Carolina Reaper Caribbean Red  
PaulS Bonchi Glog
I thought I would make a glog for my first attempt at creating some bonchis and share my experience as I'm pretty excited about the whole thing! I should say I'm following fatalii's growing guide and my own basic plant knowledge! Fatalii's growing guide is here: http://www.fatalii.net/Bonsai_Chiles_Bonchi If you've never seen it, it's well worth a read. These are the plants that have been chosen to become bonchis: a Scotch Bonnet plant. This plant is already two years old which is why I chose to use this one as it already has a thick woody stem and some nice thick roots. A Spike plant. This was grown this year and is ideal as it's got small leaves and small fruit. A Fairy Lights plant. Also this years. This one has got awesome...
this is part of my list dor 2015 apocalisse red gengis khan yellow reaper chocolate reaper borg9 borg9 chocolate 7 pot lava chocolate moruga uv katie defcon7 moruga green moruga mustard 7 bubblegum chocolate 7 bubblegum caramel 7 bubblegum yellow 7 bubblegum burgundy F1 and much more
Lele 2015, easy season..
So I start my glog! My little plants are, already, about 1 month old. They are not so many and also not a lot of cultivars. Above the list: - 4 Naga Viper - 3 Tabasco - 4 Bhut Jolokia - 5 Pimenta Da Neyde - 3 Trinidad Morouga Red - 4 Carolina Reaper - 5 Cornetto Abruzzese - 5 Naga Morich - 5 Pimenta DL - 4 Fuego - 15 Cayenna Long I upload some pics but I'm not at home and they are 1 week old I'll grow some of them in hydroponic system and the others in soil.
Hey THP,   Well, I started a grow for next season a nice little bit ago. I've struggled with growing and my space is limited so I'm wanting to grow out the best plants I can.   It's been rough, but I'm working on stuff and learning.   With this glog, I'm doing things a little differently. I'm just going to do short little update videos here and there. Anything not addressed in the videos I'll type a short spiel on. Sound good!?! GOOD!!!  :)   OK, check it here are the first two videos:       That was a few days ago and here is a recent update. I'm going to keep these around 2 or 3 minutes a piece. Short and effective.       Now that I'm doing a little better here are some little things here and there I'm wondering about.   1) A bunch...
Furry Peppers et al. 2015
Hello Good People,   Well, here we go!   Things have seriously escalated this year :D It's a slippery slope!    I live quite far up north so of course there will be a bunch of Rocotos here. Most of them are already started and are anywhere between the 1st pr of true leaves (most of them) -- 5-6 pr of leaves (only one of them) stage. This one is a particularly hairy one:     Here's my Giant Rocoto that has already been eaten up by thrips when it had just 2 pairs of true leaves, lost those 2 pairs of leaves, but now seems to be growing it out:     and a closeup:     I'll also grow a couple of F1 & F2 crosses (chinense, frutescens x chinense and chinense x baccatum) that have been generously provided by forum members on here and through...
Hello everybody! Welcome to my 2015 Glog! This is my first Glog so bare with me and any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated! I had a seed starting itch so i may have started a ton of stuff a tad bit early........... hahahahaha! *tad bit* Not everything i plan on growing this year has been started yet..... but most of them have been (as far as the C. Chinense go.) The seeds I have started are:    Orange Dorset Naga Big Bang Chocolate Naga Caramel Naga Peach Naga Cappuccino Naga Naga Viper Red Slim Nagalah Brown Nagalah Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Mississippi Strain Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Mustard Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion Peach Brown Moruga Scorpion Hixs Chocolate Moruga...
romy6 2014
 So I guess it is about damn time I started a grow log! Not a whole lot going on at the ranch  :shh:  but hopefully that will change soon. I grow peppers all year around outdoors. I live on the central east coast of Florida. It has many ups and downs but more ups  :fireball: . Bugs such as mites and aphids are always a problem for me. Over the years I am getting better at diagnosing them at a early stage . This Christmas I was lucky enough to have santa bring me an aerogarden and some how managed to make it's nesting place on my kitchen table. I know this is short lived and I will need to find a safer resting spot for it. Here is a pic of my outdoor operation. Most of these plants are between 8 months or older.           They look very...
FireMe - Glog - 2015
Intro   Hi my name is Paul AKA FireMe, I a 26 year old from the United Kingdom. I have no real previous growing experience of any kind always wanted to try it out. I have a love of hot and spicy foods and with a visit to the eden project UK which are artificial bio-domes (pictures below of eden project) last year and looking at the variety of chillies there are. I never really realised the amount that there was.        at the end of my visit I was inspired and decided to purchase some packs of seeds from the shop they had and give it ago. The types I purchased Early Jalapeno, Pencil Cayenne and Prairie Fire.     I was eagerly awaiting as I wanted to germinate the seeds. I did my reasearch and it seemed that UK growers would start...
El viaje caliente de Coki
Hi! Im ending my grow seasson and want to share some of my harvest with you people. Hope you like this :D Im growing in 2 liters containers, regular soil mix, nutes Myr from Italy, plus Crop+ and Superthrieve. Otro día de cosecha! Brazilian starfish Bhut white Aji Artemio Perú scarlet lantern hibridado Haba white Malachoc F1 Im thinking on select the seeds from the pepper with the verticlal strip for the F2. An answer: diferent pods from same plant can have diferent genetic? Well thats all for now, see ya amigos! B)
Growing 2015
  Seeds finally came in from pepperlover, ready to get germinated. They sent me a couple free packets too, peach bhut and sweet cayenne.   Grow list- Chocolate Hab Chocolate Bhut White Fatali Yellow 7 pot Brain Strain Aji Panca Large Thick Cayenne Jalapenos cracked      
Chilinoob two oh one five
Starting early this year, got my first round of seeds sown on Nov 22nd, planning on sowing the second round in Jan. Sowed 24 varieties, one 8oz cup per variety, two seeds per cup. Round two will be another 24 varieties. Didn't get my first hook until day 10 and was starting to think I'd done something wrong, but by day 19 I had 47/48 seeds come up (a few were helmet heads and were pulled). I will thin them to one per cup over the weekend. All seeds seems to be doing OK, apart from the 7-pot yellow, which is runty and slightly yellow. In hindsight, I think the slow initial germ time was because the soil was a little on the dry side for the first week. My seed starting mix was 4 parts MG potting soil, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part...
Hi guys   Greetings from New Zealand We are about a month away from the shortest day so its almost time to start up some chillis. This is my first real attempt at growing chillis so it should be fun. I will be starting off under lights,then moving into a greenhouse that i have yet to build before moving them outside. I have received all my seeds and just need to decide which ones and how many to grow. These are what I have:   Numex Big Jim Cayenne long Red Jalapeno Bhut jolokia Red Habenero Ancho ST Luis Dorset Naga Red 7 pot Fatalli Aji lemon drop Naga Morich Yellow Morich Scorpion Bishops crown   Will keep you posted.  :)
Ginux 2015
Good morning guys. for the first time this year I have found the time to open my topic of cultivation. now are years that I sow but I never had time to post photos and be very active on the forum but this year I promised myself that I have to be more present.   I started January 5 with sowing in paper towels without pre-treatment, I wanted to sow a lot of variety and I did not have time to do the various steps   varieties are sown: douglah billiboy 7pot primo 7pot bubblegum 7pot brain strain yellow 7pot white 7pot primo yellow PI281317 trinidad parfume carolina ts moruga caramel jays peach ghost t.scorpion orange t.douglad strain1 sunrise scorpion jafish black bhut cappuccino fluorescens rocoto giant rocoto canario cgn23769 cgn23258...
BurkeasaurusRex 2015 Glog: First time
So this my first time growing peppers…. Well technically second, last year I just threw some seeds in a pot and hoped for the best. Results were less than impressive to say the least. With countless hours spent researching on THP I think I came up with a strategy for my grow this year and I’m all in!   Enjoy!   Peppers Sown:                              Chinese 5 Color                              Serrano                              7 Pot Brain Strain Red/Yellow                              Fatalii Yellow                              Bhut Yellow                              Giant Carrot                              Czech Black                              Jalapeno                              Cayenne                              Urfa...
Aridzona 2015
After resisting the urge for the last month, the unusually warm weather we've been enjoying has finally overcome any common sense I may posses.   :crazy:   Here I am planting seeds a a month or two earlier than necessary.  I know the plants won't grow wildly over the winter, but with frequent sunny days in the 60s and 70s, they should do OK.  So long as they don't outgrow a ~5 inch pot, shuttling them in and out during freezing weather won't be a problem.   Baccatum, baccatum, which baccatum?       OK, got it down to six.  (For today....  :rolleyes:  )   Two by two, the seeds went into the ground....  :woohoo:           THE GROW LIST    Updated 12-10-14  -  (Oh, dear!  The mania is growing worse by the day....)   C.Baccatum   Date ...
Lemming's 2014/2015 Grow
I have a grow log elsewhere, so I won't bother posting all of my older content. I'll start fresh on here.   All my plants are currently indoors. Here's what I have inside my hydro tent:   ^    ^ Pink Tiger, HP22B Reaper & Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion. Currently sat under a 400W Metal Hallide, which won't be switched over to a red HPS until all the plants are roughly the same size and bushy. I've been trimming the top off the PGS to stop it outgrowing the other two height wise.   Here is my smaller propagation tent / temporary hold tent:     ^ Yaki Blue Fawn, Elephant's Ear, Mojo Blackie, Farmer's Market Jalapeno, Aleppo & BBG7 MAMP F2. These will be staying in here until the weather warms up outside, again i'm keeping them trimmed and...
Shurb's 2014 GLOG
Well, I guess I'll get started seeing as I've now got my first hooks well before season start.   So, I got me one of them heated propagator thingimadoobawackies and popped in 3 Habanero Orange seeds and 3 Whippets Tails for a test. The Hab's decided to work it out. No go on the Whippets, but I think that's because it dried out at one point. Oh well, one pod has thousands of seeds, so all good :D   Here's the Habanero Orange hooks in soil next to an avocado the missus is trying to get started.     And here they are. Ain't they cute?     Here's the indoor setup   Top: Them ones I did dun just showed you. Middle: Pubes - Red Rocoto, Yellow Rocoto, Rocoto San Isidro, Canario, Mini Rocoto. Bottom: Habanero Chocolate overwinter. It got a...
filmost 2014 - Year of the Pepper Podding Up!
--- In case just stumbled on to this, my 2015 glog is here ---   Hey all, figured it was time I started my glog. I will be managing it off site since I plan to translate the content later in hopes of connecting with the locals here in Japan. I will post short blurbs here with links back to my site; feel free to comment here or on the individual posts. Since updates will be in the comments of this thread, I will also post a link to the specific comment entry here as well. And on we go!   Blog Posts:   2014 The Year of the Pepper   Keep Calm and Grow On (3/6/2014) - (forum post here)   How do you harden your plants? (3/13/2014) - (forum post here)   2014 Glog Update #4 (3/23/2014) - (forum post here)   2014 Glog Update #5 (4/30/2014) -...
AdamStl's 2015 Glog (from a Cheapskate)
I thought it's time for my very first glog on T.H.P.  First of all, I have to admit I am a complete cheapskate. There I said it. Always have been, always will be I guess.  I think there is always a cheaper way to do things, doesn't always mean the best way or the quickest way.    I could have nice setup up with lots of money invested into it, but I actually enjoy the thrill of the hunt for cheap stuff. A heat mat for twenty bucks? Nope, an old Christmas rope light for one dollar.  Metal shelving for fifty bucks? Nah, Rubbermaid storage container from Goodwill for two bucks a piece. High Output light system? Not for me, 2 two-bulb T8 (6500K) strip light with 6 replacement  bulbs  for 10 bucks at a church rummage sale a few years back and...
Glog of small things - Now with pods
Last year was a pretty mixed bag.  I hope to put what I learned into practice.  I have a few over winters in my corner like this chap:   Red Jonah   I also have around 100 new starts this year:   Pubes and bhuts   Scorpions, 7 Pods and Reapers   Some annuums, not very exciting at this stage. They grow so quickly when it warms up I reckon I could have started the annuums in September.   I also have a few thing out in the little green house although it might be a touch early.    The yellow traps are for the fungus gnats I am fighting again this year.
RocketMan 2014 - Resurrection
Wow, first growing season in the new house and I'm totally stoked for this one. Lots of prep work still to be done but there's plenty of time to get it done before plant out. So, here is a pic of where Pepper Row will be going in: I'll be coming out about another 18 to 24 inches from the fence. The brick line will move out to the new edge and the Ivey will be kept cut back to wher it is now so the fence doesn't show through, she who must be obeyed has made it known that she doesn't want to see it :) I'm still working on the list and as these will probably be in for a while I'm actually thinking about rather a short list using the peppers I use most often in sauces but can't get locally like Fataliis and planting 3 or 4 of each. The...
Matthew_293 2015 Grow Log
Hello everyone, I finished putting together some plants I plan to plant outdoors in a few weeks. I put them in rockwool and I'm gonna plant them in coco and just feed them at each watering. Shout out to smokenfire for hooking me up with some seeds! My list is the following: Inca red drop (2) Trinidad scorpion sweet (2) Lombok (2) Kashmiri Mirch (1) Kashmiri Mirch *another source (2) Trinidad scorpion (2) Ají lemondrop (2) 7 pot brain strain (1) 7 pot chaguanas (2) Cumari pollux/wild brazil (2) Trinidad perfume (1) Wiri wiri (4) Chocolate habanero (2) Syrian three sided pepper (2) San Marzano lungo #2 tomatoes (2) Swiss giant snow peas (2) Blue lake bush green beans (2) Clemson spineless okra (2) Pineberry strawberry (2) This is...
A new season begins.  It's a work in progress, but here's my 2014 grow list as it now stands.  It will certainly have some additions as I'm still expecting some more acquisitions.  I hope it will have some deletions, too, because it's just too ridiculously long as it is now.  My hope is/was to grow at least 10 of each variety I grew and saved seeds from in 2013, in order to characterize the extent of cross pollination.  I may have to cut that back to 5 each, at least for some varieties.  Without further ado, here are the contenders:   2014: 7 Pots: (3)Barrackpore Brain Strain Yellow Brain Strain Red Brown (3 types) Burgundy Caramel (3)Chocolate Barrackpore (2 types) Congo SR Gigantic (1,12)Douglah Jonah Large Red Large Yellow "not Red"...
Kinda Strange Noobie Setup 2015
Alrighty! This is my first time starting from seeds indoors, and my first time growing hot peppers as well! I recently got bit by the spice bug, and luckily last year I was able to mostly keep my plants alive (sort of.) so let's see how this goes!   My list isn't very long, as I live in a one-bedroom currently and don't have tons of room for a large germination setup, but I'm excited about it! I'm using a T8 shop light in some cardboard boxes to prevent the light from keeping me up at night. I had a week or so of really slowed growth and some yellowing, I think I may have transplanted too early and didn't fortify my soil enough, but things have picked up now!    -Chocolate Fataliis -Garden Bird Thai Chilis -Filius Blues -Black Jalapenos...
Manzano Glog
I got to thinking there are a lot of people growing this pepper and I think for the first time for a lot of us.  Thought it might be neat to see everyone's Manzano as they progress through the year.   I have three plants, all yellow.  My first plant was sowed in Octobish of last year and I have two that are from around Christmas time.   So who all is trying to grow these long distance runners of the pepper world? Here are my three babies.  The two smaller ones are the same age, but the smaller one had a massive helmet head and I didn't think it would survive.    
It's that time of year again, although a couple weeks behind. I just arrived in Tennessee, moving from Wisconsin not even two weeks ago. The fam and I are all settled in and I'm officially ready to start some seeds! Being in a completely different part of the country, and growing in completely different soil than I'm used to, I still have high hopes. I'm sure I'll be able to whip a garden into shape in no time. I'm def gonna have to get out there very soon and till a large plot. Enough blabberin, I'll get to a list. I'll also list the seed source if I'm sure of where I got them. Seeds are going to soak in distilled water for 20-24 hours starting tonight or tomorrow morning and most will be put into Rapid Rooters soaked in a weak...
²⁰¹⁵EnZyMe X ᵖʳᵒʲᵉᶜᵗ ʲᵘᶰᵍᶫᵉ «Favorites and new Trips»
Here is my adventure this year!   I started in December with the species/varieties slower, now I'm waiting for the germination of different wild, for now under the lamps are some rocoto and some wild. Despite lover chinense (love, gnarly pods choco/brown) this year I tried to enclose in my list all five common species + wild peppers. Much more selected than the past season.   Still have to prepare the labels for all varieties, for now I scored the container lol, are the few born, for now!   I will start the weekend with all the other species, soon my list! all for now .. big hug, Enzyme X .)
First time growing
I started 42 seeds a few weeks ago. I have 29 that thave sprouted. I seem to get one a day to sprout up. Nothing yet today. I have a heat mat under the tray. A single T5 light on a 16/8hr. timer. I haven't really had to water them much at all. I've been keeping some water in the bottom of the tray with the clear lid on. It has been keeping them moist. I am thinking of taking the larger ones out and putting them in larger cups. Any advice is appreaciated.  The Moruga Scorpion in the top left seems to have some burning maybe. I'm not sure what it is.
Coming from 2013 http://thehotpepper.com/topic/37278-justaguys-2013-garden-season/page-7 Feb. 25th- On February 16th I dropped my seeds into the soil. Pics will come as I have time. I am prepping this in Notepad as I have time. Going to try to get pics in this year. Life has gotten more stable and yet busier, so hopefully I can get some eye candy up for everyone. This year is a sampling year with seeds for 29 varieties in the soil. Hope to find some new loves and gain a good many isolated seeds. March 20- Well the germination has been hell so the garden will be smaller this year. I will try to get some pics, but work is wicked. Been working nonstop since March 1st and April will contain the next day off hopefully.