• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Finally found a site that converts the photos easier! Pics on the way, but the list is as follows; Overwinters 2 x Chocolate Habanero 1 x Orange Habanero 1 x Butch T 1 x Reaper 1 x Bhut Jolokia (red) 1 x Fatalii 1 x Ring of Fire Cayenne 1 x Serrano 1 x Rocoto Roja Newbies 2 x Reaper 6 x Cornish Naga 5 x Peter Pepper 1 x Scotch Bonnet 1 x Ubatuba 2 x 7 Pot 1 x Numex Twilight Non Chillies 5 x Yellow Beef Tomato 5 x Red Beef Tomato 1 x White Grapevine 1 x Black Grapevine With some of the chillies that I have a few plants for, I have planted some in SWPs and some in the ground, but everything is in the greenhouse I spent all autumn and winter building.
Bubba's 1st Random Grow 2015
So i've never been one for being meticulous or well organised which is why i have various plants at different stages, i could blame this on being new to chilli growing, or having 2 children, 2 dogs and a husband to run around after but really it's because that's just how i roll lol   so here are my plants already grown...     ^^ Basket of fire, about 3 months old i think, looking a bit sorry for herself after being re-potted, i'm going to prune her today ^^     ^^ The Scotch Bonnet twins, again about 3 months old ^^     ^^ Cayenne, there were 2 lil fledglings at the start but one morning one had disappeared, i blame the pesky birds! also roughly 3 months old ^^   all of these so far have been grown outside, simply throwing the seeds...
True North's 2015 grow
I have never done a glog or any form of blog. I feel rather embarassed to even post my grow because I cannot even begin to compete with most of yall. However, I got some awesome equipment to work with this year. After my dad passed I inheirited all his gardening supplies. He was an avid indoor grower so I have a lot of sweet lighting to work with including 2 UFO (LED) lights, more florescent grow lights and hoods than I care to count and about half a dozen HPS/MH setups (which won't see any use due to power usage). I also have his greenhouse that he rigged up with auto-watering systems, fans and old fridges that he turned into raised beds. It will be a lot of work cleaning everything up and getting it ready, but this will be hands down...
Started a bit late this year so we'll see how it goes. Just spent the past 40 minutes trying to fix the broken on/off switch on my T5 fixture. $100 piece of equipment taken down by a 2 cent piece of plastic. :banghead: All is well now, at least. Not doing much heat this go around. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'm more of a pepper appreciator than a pepper lover, I grow them for the novelty factor more than anything. I ended up giving a lot away last year, still have tons of superhots in my freezer, think I might invest in a dehydrator this year. Anyway, here's the preliminary list. Overwinters: 2 x Aji Amarillo capsicum baccatum 'Mini mini' capsicum baccatum 'Bolivian small red' capsicum chacoense 'Most prolific'...
DP's 2015 grow
This year I started 50 seeds. 5 each of Primo, Brainstrain, Moruga Scorpion, Butch T Scorpion, Reaper, Bhut, Pimenta de Neyde, Yellow Manzano, Red Manzano, and an unknown black pearl hybrid that I liked the flavor of. There were much less than 50 plants though, the greenhouse where I work has a lot of sub-par temp workers come through and steal a lot of plants. We have plenty of "bad" material we can not sell but is still healthy and you are allowed to take, but they took my custom seeds. Oh well. I ended up with 3 Primo, 4 brain strain, 4 moruga, 2 butch t, 3 reaper, 1 bhut, 2 pimenta, 1 yellow manzano, 0 red manzano, and all 5 of my black pearl hybrids I got most of the plants in the ground a couple weeks ago and have grabbed a few...
Boostdemon's 2015 Garden - North Carolina
Year 3 of trying to yield some good produce from the back yard gardens. I did a massive pile of super hots last year and was giving them away as fast as I could but still ended up tossing a lot of pods simply because i didn't have any good use for them. This years goal was a lot more variety and flavors that could be used in the kitchen and as gifts for non-chilihead family and friends. So heres what I've got going on this year (and where i got the seeds):    New guys for the 12x5 compost filled bed:    Jalapeno (Juanitos) Piment D'Espelette (MarcV) White Bullet Habanero (Juanitos) Chocolate Habanero (Juanitos) Aji Lemon Drop (Wicked Mike) Venezuelan Tiger (Wicked Mike) Corno Di Toro Giallo (Wicked Mike) Aleppo (Wicked Mike) Maras Biber...
Here we go again, Round 2 ding ding ding! If you are interested at all, here's the thread of my last grow. Sometime around mid-summer I got busy and stopped updating for a bit.   This year I am downsizing my grow a bit and focusing more on flavor/uniqueness/everyday useability instead of pure heat; family were complaining they couldn't eat anything I was growing ;-)   Here's my grow list for 2015:   -- EDITED 2/17/2015 -- Ecuadorian Sweet MoA Scotch Bonnet Aji Jobito -- Couldn't get any of these to germinate so have removed them. Goats Weed Jalapeno Poblano -- Swapped these out for Urfa Biber Giant Mexican Rocoto -- OW could be dead, but we will see. Rocoto PI355812 -- OW could be dead, but we will see. Tepin x Lemon Drop (F3) -- This...
Mike's 2014 and 2015 Grow Log!
Hey Everyone!  Looks like its time for round 2!!!  Back this year with a better setup, still fine-tuning the hydroponic system as I go, turns out I took a few shortcuts last year that I'm gonna have to fix this year so I can get the thing up to par again!  Also, Started everything a little bit back, so we'll see how it goes this year!   Ok, First up, my 2013 Jalapeno still catching up from a slow start, putting out some beautiful pods!!!   My 2013 7 Pot, had quite a struggle last year, doesn't seem to be picking up very quick, still only got 1 pod last year.  Can't wait to see how it holds up this season! (Btw, I cut back a good bit of the leggy/dead/damaged growth from last year to try to focus its nutes on getting stronger... Pics...
Hey all,   This is my third year growing hot peppers, but my first glog. Last year I've gone overboard and tried taking care of 50 plants, all in coco - which was a bit much for me and the results were not that great (also we've had REALLY cold weather last summer).   This year I am trying my hand at a RDWC with only 3 plants grown on my balcony.   At the beginning of march I planted 5 varieties in rockwool:    Carolina Reaper (last year's seeds - didn't sprout) Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion (last year's seeds - did sprout) Bubblegum 7 pod Black Naga (which is just hooking right now, after 3 weeks +) Bhutlah SM   Next post I will get some pictures up with the indoors setup.   Thanks!
Breathing Fire? :D
As a start to my participation on the forum, might as well go full on with the activities and stop the boredom trends of whats wrong. Everythinig is going along fine! So far... :D So what's happening here? Here I have a small to medium sized operation mostly in pots. There are few overwinthered plants in the garden but they will get some attention as soon as they perk up from the stresses. :)   In pots, on the pics, we currently have some Douglahs(3), Red Savinas(3), Orange hubs(2), semi hot "sweet" bananas (2). 10 in total which are under the shading control space. This has to happen no matter what! :) There are few reapers, primos, ghosts still there in the gardan which have'nt got any attention picture wise. Time will come... :)...
I have decided I will post some updates on my grow-out this season here after making some more space in my online photo album. :)  It has been a crazy season so far with very big temperature swings, an unexpected frost last week and more.  I have been working hard trying to get this to come together. I have about 90% of my crop planted now.  I'm thrilled the finish line is nearby!   I hope all the hard work pays off and some interesting things coming out of this years' grow-out.  Updates to follow.   If only there were was more time in a day, right?   Chris
So as I mentioned in my introductory post I'm growing on a balcony for the first time. It's not exactly cramped, but there's not a ton of space to work with. Along with some herbs (Thyme, basil, flat leaf parsley, sage, cilantro, rosemary, oregano) and a lonely tomato plant I'm doing four types of peppers; Cayennes, pequins, bonnets, and Butch T scorpions. I really only have experience growing habs, so these are all firsts for me. I'm looking at 3-5 gallon containers for each, and plan on topping once the time is right. Everything was started from seed, and with the exception of the bonnets (they were late it coming up) everyone is on their second set of true leaves.
I have never glog'ed before, but since I'm starting from seeds this year it seemed only appropriate to start now! I've never actually followed a glog, so apologies if mine misses the mark a bit...   On March 8, I started seeds for Dragon Cayenne (I saved these seeds last year and I'm not entirely sure they'll be dragon cayenne, but I'd be happy with either Thai dragon or cayenne so I figured I have nothing to lose!) and Cherry Hot (these guys haven't sprouted yet - hopefully they will!).    On March 15, I started 7 Pod White (yikes!), FilFil Baladi, Tekne Dolmasi, and Turkish Charleston (all from pepperlover.com).   As of yesterday (3/15), I have two Dragon Cayenne hooks sprouting up! Now I'm trying to figure out the best place for...
frank 2015
This picture is old I think from around decemeber! I also have another grow room I think I have close to 60 plants all different varieties from Carolina reaper Kraken scorpion Jays peach ghost scorpion Sapporo hot Serrano Habanero Chocolate moruga 7 pot bubble gum 7 pot madball 7 pot brain strain Brain strain Trinidad scorpion Brazilian ghost Yellow moruga Yaki red Red cherry Chocolate reaper That's my kraken scorpion I will upload more pictures later since I have my plants scattered from my house to my brothers house and mothers house!!
MeatHead 2015-
Hi all. With Christmas having come and gone for another year, it's time to start preparing for the new season. I decided for the 2015 season to grow a lot more sweet-hab range peppers, as we use much more of those than the superhots as that's all my wife can handle. Still growing a few supers for my own use in cooking, sauces and powders though. Anyways enough babbling-this (should) be my list for the season, however based on last year, 1 or 2 may still make their way in- Superhots- Yellow 7 pot-windchicken (OW) * Nagabrain red-windchicken (OW)* Bbg7-kingdenniz Nagabrain yellow-windchicken Nagabrain Chocolate-windchicken Chocolate bbg7 - prodigal_son Hot- Peri peri - Refining Fire MoA Scotch bonnet - Jamison (OW) * Congo red -...
A bit late to the party, but better late then never I guess :D   In no particular order this is my grow list this season:   Giant Mexican Rocoto Cracked Jalapeno Purrira Naranga Poblano Early Jalapeno Malawi Piquante Giant Orange Rocoto Moruga Choc Black Kongo Murupi Amarela Lava Red Djuljunska sipka (Bulgarian variety) Locato 7 Pot Bubble Gum Moruga Scorpion Lava Choc Carolina Reaper Trinidad Scorpion Cardi Dorset Naga Orange Bhut Red Cross 7 Pot Brain Strain Scotch Bonnet Orange Super 7 Bhutlah Red BT Miss Red Peruvian Rocoto Cayenne Red Cayenne Yellow Big Jim Anaheim   Plants are already big, anuums are flowering, so everything is going as it should be,  I just hope I will be able to keep this blog up to date :)   Pics coming later...
Oldsalty Garden pics Thanks to THP members!!!
First let me say THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL MY FRIENDS AT THP YOU ARE THE GREATEST!! Haven't been on in a while trying to finish up a project for the funds to start shipping out GOODIES to those who've been waiting so patiently! To juanitos,SmokenFire,Grant Michaels,jcw10tc, I again would like to say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! :) your in my thoughts every day !! Will repost my grow list later these pic of the raised beds in my front yard are all from you guys!! :) the trellis is for Boston cukes, also some tomato plants from members Will post pics of the rest of my garden in proper forum!! Cheers
TheBuck78's Mighty Niagara Grow 2015
Well hello everyone! Here we go again. So last year was a great year for my peppers. I did over 200 plants and 57 varieties but ya know what.....that was just too much to handle. I made several sauces (still have 4 ferments to run), powders, dried pods, froze pods, you name it. I gave so many away as well. With that said I am cutting it back this year to 25 varieties across 35 plants. I am going to be more proficient with my plants. I want to grow some monsters! I will be growing many other things along with my peppers. I am big into green juices and smoothies so I am increasing that. I kind of voodoo grow as well. Some interesting plants and trees for my region.The weather totally sucks here in the Niagara area. Currently snowing and...
Taz's 2015 attempt
So, first round of seeds went into the ground on dec 25th. Went on vacation on New Year's and came home to hooks galore.     First seedlings transplanted. They were started in MG seed starting mix. I had good luck with it this year. The first transplants went into MG organic potting soil. After that, I bought Sun 4-mix with myco from a local hydro store. Amazing stuff. They younger seedlings were WAY larger than the ones in the MG as seen in the pic below.     got one triple coyt     A group shot     Round two of seeds going into the trays   Hooks on the 2nd round     Needed a bigger better space besides my small closet. So into the spare bedroom closet they went after some building     Silly 6 week old plant thinks its time to...
Good day, this is my first post here but I've been lurking for a couple days to get the feel for what I can tell is a forum filled with nice people.   Having seen Kevin's late start Glog, it kind of empowered me to do the same.   I live in Bakersfield California, which is a desert ecosystem made arable by being situated in a valley and lots of manpower. There's a lot of agriculture here, and it's pretty well known here that we have an especially long growing season, with pepper fruiting temperatures even into December.   I think I have a chance to get some pods, at the least, well established plants for next spring.   I'm experimenting with grow tech, first storebought tech: I'm growing in Topsy Turvy tomato trees, several of them, they...
Hello everyone!   This is my first year growing peppers.  Well at least any "real peppers"  My wife has grown some low heat stuff the last 2 years, but I had no real involvement.   I have a bunch of seeds set to arrive from some great people on this forum.  I am not entirely sure what I have coming, so I will only list what I have currently in my starters for now.   Edit - Updated on 23 Mar 2015   In Ground: 7 Pot Red 7 Pot Bubblegum 7 Pot Madballz Aji Limon Aji Pineapple Bhut Jolokia Red Carolina Reaper CGN 21500 Cherry Bomb Cumari Do Para Devil's Tongue Habanero Red Savina Jalapeno Purple Jamaican Mushroom Red Large Orange Thai Moruga Scorpion Naga Morich Thai Ornamental Trinidad Scorpion Chocolate Zimbabwe Bird In Solos: Almost all...
tommys south texas glog '15--FINAL GROW LIST FRONT PAGE 2/9/15
Well after a few months of research and advice from the fine folks here at THP, I'm happy to start my very first glog! I started the day by building a stand for my lights, now I'm thinking I may need another ballast. After I set up the stand and lights, I laid down some foam, then my heat mat. I filled my 7 cup station with MG seed starter and watered in. After mixing the soil around I laid in my seeds. *Yellow Primo *SB7J *Carolina Reaper *Greek Pepperoncini *Bush Big Boy Tomato Hybrid *Pequin x2 I laid saran wrap over top and tried my best to seal it, but saran wrap and I have never seen eye to eye. Programmed the timer on the light, 18 on, 6 off, going on from 5pm to 11am. I know lights aren't necessary at this point but what the...
Hey guys,  back for another year.  I really downsized this year on the varieties being grown.  Concentrating mostly on flavor for 2015.  I got seeds soaked and started about 1 week ago and have a few sprouts as of yesterday.  I planted directly into styrofoam cups with Ocean Forest soil and placed in a humidity dome with a heatmat underneath.  My other heatmat doesn't work for some reason I couldn't tell you so needed to save space and planted the second round in peat pellets and placed in the same humidity dome.     1st round planted includes:   Bahamian Goat - Jungle Rain Bahamian Goat - My selected seeds from 2014 MoA Scotch Bonnet OG - Steve954 MoA Scotch Bonnet Gen. 2 - My selected seeds from 2013 Red "MoA" Scotch Bonnet -...
Valleyman's 2015 Season
I wanted to share a few photos of the progress of my 2015 chile season. I recently took my wintered over plants from inside the house and moved them into the unheated greenhouse. Since these photos everything has been moved to the outside now that the temps are getting into the 70's Day/45-50 Nighttime temps .           The seedling pics show a combination of stripped and normal growth. They're finally starting to look Ok. Seems like they're taking forever this season to get going.
First time glog (pic heavy)
GOD SPEED!!   These pictures aren't the best, but this is a hectic look at the beginning of my grow. I've been really busy and haven't had a chance to get everything out on time. I'm still waiting on another dome to come in the mail so I can grow some red bhut and some 7pot trinidad yellow/choclate (and probably throw in a bunch of other stuff!) Got a pellet dome started last week as well more choclate habs 7 pot jonah and everything else listed. Nothing has popped yet but i'm being patient for once.   I just changed the water out of this tonight and replaced it with water infused with a weak fertilizer solution now that a good bit of them have a set of true leaves.    Below are some rough pictures of my first dome.I misplaced my layout...
Akalabeth's 2015 Glog
The addiction continues... lol.   Last year, I ended up growing 4 Jalapeno plants and 2 Habanero plants. I gave half to my brother, so I had 3 plants to myself.   This year, I plan on going a little more extreme, as the peppers that I got from last years grow were amazing, but we ate through them too quickly. I also ended up using some inferior soil, which really hurt my grow last year.   Last Year's Plants:           Today I went ahead and started germinating my seeds:     I started with 10 Blut Jolukia seeds, 10 Jalapenos, 10 Habaneros and 10 Thai Chilis from David's Garden Seeds (Enough to account for a possible 20% germination rate).   I put the seeds into paper towel strips and watered them and then put them in plastic...
This is what I am growing out this year this is not a complete list I will be adding to it   Hot Pepper’s   Bahamian Goat Bahia Bhut Jolokia White Bogyiszloi Cumari Du Para Devil’s Tongue Devil’s Tongue Chocolate Devil’s Tongue Yellow Devil’s Tongue White 7 Pot Bubblegum 7 Pot White Carolina Reaper Caayenne Golden Cayenne Red Crimson Hot Fresno Habanero Anitllais Caribbean Habanero Manzano Habanero Orange Habanero White Bullet Hatch Chile Green Hatch Chile Red Jalapeno Early Jalapeno M Jalapeno Tam Moruga Brown Moruga Yellow Mystery 1 capcom Mystery 2 capcom Mystery 3 capcom Patron Poblano Serrano Tabasco Xalapa     Sweet Pepper’s   5.1.1 Dinca 5.1.2 Dinca 5.3.1 Dinca 6.1.2 Dinka 14.1.1 Dinca Anita Autumn Bell Canary Bell Yellow...
Here is the Southern Hemisphere and it is time to start my seedlings. My list of peppers 1 Bishop Crown 2 Blanco de los Balcanes 3 Cascabel 4 Cayena 5 Cayena Gold 6 Chile Caribe 7 Chile de Arbol 8 Chile Isla 9 Chiltepin 10 Cobanero 11 Cornaleto Apendere 12 Czechoslovakian Black 13 Guindilla Pasilla 14 Guindillas de Ibarra 15 Habanero Yellow 16 Habanero Orange 17 Jalapeño Early 18 Jalapeño Purple 19 Jamaican Hot Yellow 20 Jimmy Noedelos 21 King of the North 22 Kitucho 23 Largo de Reus 24 Long Hot Chile 25 Manzano amarillo 26 Morgan Vega 27 Numex Twilight 28 Ñoras 29 Papacella Amarillo 30 Pasilla Bajio 31 Peter Penis Yellow 32 Pimenton Español 33 Pimiento Bugay 34 Pimiento de Padron 35 Pimiento Novosibrisrk de Siberia 36 Pimiento...
Hi Everyone!   In January I began sowing chilli seeds for a community project that didn't exist - We had no name, no greenhouse or poly tunnel assembled and I had very little knowledge of chilli growing.   I've learnt a stack from the Chillis Galore Forum and we are now steaming ahead with our grow with aproximately 650 plants on the go.   I'm still pretty hectic potting up - we have had to pot-up twice so far as we had to save space as we built our heated bench and other infrastructure.   I'll try and get some photos and additional information on our glog but in the meantime here is a video montage of some of our work so far.      
Scandinavian Growlog 2015
Welcome. This is my second year of growing chilies. First year gave a decent yield and a lot of experience (see http://thehotpepper.com/topic/49543-first-year-growing-glog/).   Generally I am very limited in space. For this year I will grow less plants, but in bigger pots, outside.  I intend to have 4-5 outside plants in ~20 liters fabric pouches, and 1-2 smaller plants in 5 liters pots, but i accidentally sowed more varieties than this. We will see how it turns out!     I sowed the following seeds yesterday: Fatalii yellow (pepperlover) Goats weed (pepperlover) Brazilian starfish (pepperlover) Cracked jalapeno (pepperlover) Unknown bird pepper (from pod) Lemon something (pod left by my door along with a note that mentioned this pod was...
7 pot chocolate x2 7 pot burgundy x1 Aji dulce x1 Aji pineapple x1 Apache x1-2 Brazilian pumpkin x2 Chinese pot chili x2 Dutch chili x1 Feher edes x1 Fish x2 Jalapeno x1 Jalapeno TAM x4 Lipstick x2 Habanero golden x1 Habanero chocolate x1 Habanero maya x1 Habanero orange lantern x1 Habanero carribean red x1 Jamaiguinho x1 Kapija x3 Okinawa x1 Peach bhut x1 Peppadew x4 Prik nee noo suan x2 Rehza x3-4 Siberian house chili x1 Spanish mammoth x2 Thai orange large x5 Trinidad morovas x1 Trinidad perfume x1 Venezuelan tiger x1 Yalova x2 Zavory x3     Tomatoes: Cherry tomato round x1 Cherry tomato egg x1 Copia x1 Galapagos x2 Italian tree tomato x1-2 Mystery tomato x2 Opalka x2 Roma x1 Thai pink tomato x2 Winston watts x1     Herbs and vegies...
Howdy and welcome folks!!! I decided to keep this glog going for 2015 instead of starting a new one. This year i will be growing mostly 7 pot varieties, going to try and focus on the 7 pot varieties and 7 pot crosses anyway. I have starts for a few others though. The start for 2015 begins on page 35.   Grow list: 7 pot primo (pepperlover) 7 pot jonah (pepperlover) Defcon 7 (buckeye) MA daisycutter (buckeye) 7 pot original (pepperlover) 7 Pot Barrackpore (pepperlover) Sb7j (meathead) 7 pot gigantic sr orange (refining fire) 7 pot wes (refining fire) Sherwoods Carbonero, carbon bhut 7 pot x orange hab (pepper t sherwood) Bonda ma Jacques x yellow 7 pot (meathead) Non 7 pots: MOA scotch bonnet (meathead) Smokin Eds carolina reaper (Ed...