• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Sluggy 2014 Glog
Early this year. Lots of Thai varieties, and superhots under DIY LED setup.  Much to my horror, an aphid infestation seemed to get worse and worse to the point of diaster, resulting in many, many casualties.  ARGH ! DAMN THOSE BUGS !!! I like to experiment with different light sources, indoors.  Left : Brain Strain grown under DIY led panel. Right : Brain Strain from the same batch of seeds, that grew under regular neon tubes (2 x 18 watts). The difference in size is quite dramatic.  3 x Brain Strains and 3 x Habanero Peach in natural light. I'm in hopes of crossing these this year, just to see what happens.  Overwintered Carolina Reaper, recovering from severe aphid damage. It's doing much better now the bugs are...
ChiliNoobs first glog [2014]
Hi all,   I figured I should start a glog this year to document all of the mistakes that I'm inevitably going to make.   This is my third year growing hot peppers, but only my second year growing from seed.  Last year I grew 30 plants but only managed to get pods on ½ of them.    I did pretty much everything wrong last year: Sowed seeds too late Didn’t give seedlings enough light Didn’t harden off the plants sufficiently Overwatered And so on… My goal for 2014 is to get ripe pods from every seedling that I plant out.   Here is my planting list (so far...):   (edit: excel sheet was messed up, it has been corrected and updated)   All seeds were sown into peat pellets with the exception of the Anaheim (paper towel method).  My plan is...
2014/2015 grow log - melbourne, victoria
I'm new here but I wanted to start a grow log to capture what I am doing at home (and hopefully improve next year). I've just bought my first home and have some small space to grow plants in.   As I go, if anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it.   So far, I started germinating seeds about a month ago, and have the following plants: IMG_1430 by coontentment, on Flickr IMG_1428 by coontentment, on Flickr IMG_1431 by coontentment, on Flickr IMG_1427 by coontentment, on Flickr   Growing list: squash - 3 jaune et verte pumpkin - 3 buttercup, 3 potimarron, 1 golden nugget cucumbers - 6 double yield cucumbers, 2 potato cucumbers Capsicum - 1 sweet  eggplants - 5 rosa bianca, 4 snowy, 1 red, 5 ping tung, 5 thai long green chillis - 3 aji...
Wahlee's 2014
So, as I'm already growing Primo's, I thought I might as well start a new topic :party:   It's getting cold and dak and I haven't cleaned up outside yet, cause I can't be bothered gardening in this weather.   Anyway, here's my 2014 list. Will sow the rest at the end of november. Maybe one or two varieties will be added, but I think this is pretty much it.   1.    7-pod Primo                 2.    Trinidad Scorpion Yellow CARDI 3.    Datil                     4.    Aribibi Gusanito             5.    Aji Crystal                 6.    Habanero Mustard     7.    Habanero Peruvian White         8.    Habanero Guadalupe             9.    Papa Joe’s Scotch Bonnet         10.  Reaper                     11.  Bhut Jolokia Caramel            ...
Ferbys Glog 2014 - 30/3
Again this year I'll try to GLOG from my overcrowded dorm room. This year i will try to continue after april too ;) http://thehotpepper.com/topic/37141-overcrowded-danish-glog-more-pics-less-talk/?hl=%2Bovercrowded+%2Bdanish I am growing a lot of blushing and brown chinenses, a full list is still to come. (With blushing i mean e.g. CGN21500, peach color with a purple blush) Also i will grow my possibly crossed mini rocoto again, but since i did not isolate any flowers last year i will grow the F2 again this year. I also have a wild every year and i would like to thank John Fiedler (johnf here on thp) for the C. galapagoense seeds. I have been looking for C. flexuosum the whole last year but without succes. Maybe i'll find it this...
Preparation for the 2014 season in full swing. cleaned all the propegators and heat mats, bought soil, vermiculite, perlite and fertilizer. Made a growlist : The wild species/varieties : c.lanceolatum c.galapagoense c.tovarii c.flexuosum - pi 631154 c.flexuosum - grif 15020 c.cardenasii - rocopica c.eximium - cap 1491 c.eximium - cap 470 c.eximium - cap 503 c.eximium - cgn 21502 c.chacoense - hunz c.chacoense - cap 1153 c.chacoense - pi 260431 c.microcarpum - cap 215 c.parvifolium The "regular" species/varieties : c.annuum - ancho st louis c.annuum - ancho grande c.annuum - veneza piperka c.annuum - chiltepin sonoran c.annuum - chiltepin texas c.annuum - peperone c.annuum - jalapeno mucho nacho c.annuum - jalapeno conchos...
Hello Everyone!   Thought it would be a great idea to start my glog. :P I am going to start my seeds this year earlier, which will be the 31st of December. As the topic title indicates, this year is not going to be childplay, thanks to Rick (stickman) and Conor (Saugapepper) who shared some real kick-ass peppers with me. I am stil using my T5 lamp with a 59 cm long special grow-bulb (Osram Fluora 18W), but I am in the process to create a bigger grow box, to satisfy the needs of the plants. I know it is not the best setup, but according to my experience it is just enough till we get enough sunlight (from April). I am planning to sow 5 seeds per each variety, starting with the Chinenses first, using plant trays. ( I have the 7 Pot...
Murciano 2014
Hi all, one year more here  :party:   Pepper list: Fatalii Yellow  Fatalii White  Fatalii Choco Fatalii Red  Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw  Caribbean red Congo trinidad red Pimenta da Neyde  Habanero Orange Habanero hot Lemon Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion  7 Pot White  7 Pot bublegum  7 Pot BrainStrain  MOA Scotch Bonnet  Jamaican scotch bonnet TFM  Scocht bonnet brown    First season pods              
Bhut_Trolokia and the case of the dying and surviving peppers
I'm trying to home grow some Adjuma Peppers and Jalapeno Peppers on the dirt cheap, to see whether I can get ready to grow superhots next season.   About two weeks ago, I put some Adjuma Pepper seeds onto a damp coffee filter in a plastic container with a lid, as I did not have zip lock bags and thought it would be too much of a fuss to deal with seedlings in zip lock bags. Put it on the radiator on top of a folded towel to keep the maximum heat down. I tried this before, but it didn't work yet at that time. Well, now it seems things did work out and I have two seeds sprouting out and I imagine more will follow.     So it's still a few days worth of waiting before I can transplant those two into soil. I also have Adjuma seeds in a...
Two Zero One Four - now the fatalii ripen !
hi everybody !   on the 20.12.2013 i planted 9 kinds of chili plants, two seeds each to kick off my little babies for 2014 as i didnt have any homegrown chilis last year, a terrible situation which had to be changed !   its a funny mix of peppers, most of them unknown and i got the seeds out of fresh pods i scavenged from a commercial grower (with permission ofcoz) last year and stored dry eversince, so here is what is in the mix, all pictures from the plants i took them from except for a "lemondrop" and a "mild habanero"      
PaulG 2013
We are starting the New Year with a little run of freezing weather; lows in the 25˚F range at night. 1/1/13 - Soaked seeds 24+ hours, put into seed starting mix (BG, peat and perlite mix). The temp in the grow shelf about 72 degrees, the dome trays about 84 degrees. Here's the seed and overwinter list for this season: OW greenhouse plants. Seed source in parentheses, P = plant: Explosive Ember, c. annuum (THSC) NuMex Twilight, c. annuum (CPI from Ken/Siliman) Black Pearl, c. annuum (THSC) Goat's Weed, c. annuum (Shane/Stc3248) Bushy Peruvian Market Yellow Aji, c. baccatum Red Manzano, c. pubescens (Shane) Wild Texas Tepin, c. annuum (THSC) (?) Wild Brazil c. baccatum var. praetermissum (Shane) Fatali, c. chinense...
Proud Marine Dad's organic grow 2014
Here's my Glog for this season. I don't grow a lot of peppers and usually have 10-12 plants each season. I received some seeds from a good member here San Patricio who was kind enough to share his seeds with me. Thanks my friend. I planted the super hots near the end of January as I put the lights on them for the first time February 1st. I am using the old shop light with standard T12 6500k lights in them about 2" above the plants.   The super hots are: Chocolate Bhut, Chocolate Hab, Datil, Red Habanero and SB7J. This is them on 3-16-14. The Datil's are runts so far. Is that common?
my second year, 2014... first pod & video review!
:dance:  Hey! Just made a start on the new growing season, hoping to do things much bigger and better than last year! I've just got 2 lots of seeds propagating so far, scotch bonnet and paper lantern habanero. I've got a few more packs of seeds to play with, Im limited on space as I live in a flat without any outside space but Im going to grow as much as I can. I've already cajoled a few friends to take on plants for me once I get some established.   Its going to be fun!          I still have 14 chocolate habanero plants I have (hopefully successfully  :pray:) over-wintered from 2013, I got them in too late last year and therefore never fruiting. So hopefully they will be good in spring and kicking out plenty of pods later this year...
Amir's 2014 rookie year
Hi All,   I have to start by saying that I am really enjoying this forum, the knowledge and general atmoshphere is great The combination of growing info + hot food is awsome.   Going over threads here I got my mind set on a few varieties and made my first order from pepper Joe. ordered myself: CAROLINA REAPER PEPPER AKA HP22B BUTCH "T" TRINIDAD SCORPION CHOCOLATE HABANERO CORNO DI TORO   Figured it's a nice start for my rookie year. Well... time passed by, i was reading more and more and all of a sudden i felt my order was inadequate. So i sent a mail to Peter at La Semillas and ordered myself:   7pot Primo               7pot Brainstrain Yellow  Jalapeño                 Foodorama Scotch...
Freshman grow.
So I've always liked hot sauce growing up. We always had the standard Tabasco sauce in the house. Friends would have Texas peat or the hot vinegar. When going out to wing places I would sample their hot flavored wings. I've heard about the hot peppers like the ghosts and others on the food network or other types of shows. Never actually sought them out. I knew you could order hot sauces mail order like Dave's insanity but never dreamed of the many many different types of sauces that were out there. While on a trip to NC with my family, I flipped through the advos in the Great Wolf Lodge's guest book and came across an add for a Jerky outlet. It was fathers day weekend and mu wife decided to stop on the way home to the jerky outlet. Not...
In the areogarden sprouters today.   Galapagoense FG Jigsaw BG7 "Boogie (boogie,bogey)man" SB7J (correct pheno) 7P DouglahXScorpion F4 "Wicked Red" SB7J (scorp like pheno) Bahamian Goat Primo BS Yellow BS Red Douglah BB Yellow Douglah Aji Pineapple Doni Sali Goat Weed Goat Pepper Inca Berry Bolivian Rainbow 7P White 7P Merlot 7P Barrackpore 7P Madballz Carolina Reaper Sepia Serpent Thai Dragon Habalokia (Bhut Pheno) Orange Rocotto.     Pix when hooks. :dance:
Hurtsgood Growing Voyage 2014
     This will be a fun year.     So I started this little endvore the beging of december. Like most things I read way to much into it so I decided to jump in. So got hold of the seeds thank judy. 11/03/13   11/10/13-12/02/13    Got hold of grown matt some trays and couple t-5 grow lights from local grow shop. I wanted to start little early becuse I grew some red bhuts last year that were slow growers.   Using solo cups to sprount. Knocked 6-7 1/4 holes in the bottom Using mirchel grow seed mix seems ok for price. Whent to local grown shop bought couple trays with the domes I think they were "12x"24 Got hold of 2 used hydro farm 4 feet single tubes. Ended up needing three so trip back   Seed list from peper lover Bhuta jolokia...
Julie's 2014 Glog
Starting a glog mostly for my own purposes. I've been growing peppers for 2-3 years, so I'm still learning, but this is my first year of recording/tracking in a glog.    Hubby and I planted on January 4th 2014. I'm keeping record best as I can as things sprout.   Here's what we put out: 2/3 Cayenne Purple 0/3 Jalapeno Red 2/3 Jalapeno Purple 3/3 Bulgarian Carrot 3/3 Peter Pepper 2/3 Habanero Chocolate 2/3 Aji Crystal 2/3 Devil’s Tongue White 1/2 Monkey Face - sprouted but had a casualty :( 0/2 CNG21500 2/2 Jamaican Hot Chocolate 0/2 Aribibi Gusano 2/2 Habanero Long Peach 0/2 Trinidad Scorpion 5/5 Bhut Jolokia 1/6 Cayenne Red 0/1 Mystery   The 'Mystery' pepper was a random seed that feel out of a packet while we were seeding. The Bhut...
my plants
thought id post some pics of my pepper plants, i lost a couple and 6 i decided to see how they would do in the ground. so far the pots are better. these are my bhut jolokia (ghost pepper) ">http://   and the bhuts again from a different angle ">http://   ring of fire, with some buds [/URL]">http://   ring of fire, with my moms dog (he eats my plants this again year and he will have a bad ring of fire a long with a bad case of my foot up his arse) [/URL]">http://   my scotch bonnets [/URL]">http://   caribbean red habanero, my hand for reference [/URL]">http://   all 3 of my caribbean red habaneros [/URL]">http://   my thai hots, the one in the back i trimmed some crapy leaves off, so it looks tall and skinny [/URL]">http://   i still...
redbuddha's 2012 Straw Bale Garden
redbuddha's 2012 Straw Bale Garden: 3.15.12 Today was the first day of prep for my no till wheat straw garden for 2012. I'm planting mostly hot peppers and tomatoes, but there will be some cucurbits mixed in for good measure. I'm using fresh, "green" bales that have been stored out of the weather so I need to season them before planting. Here's the 11 day process: Days 1-3 – Water the bales twice daily to make sure they stay wet. Days 4-6 – Sprinkle a half cup of ammonium nitrate on the top of each bale and water it in. Days 7-9 – Cut the amount of ammonium nitrate back to a quarter cup a day. Day 10 – Water in a cup of 10-10-10 fertilizer on each bale. Day 11 – Start planting. Once the bales get...
Wesker95 - 2nd Grow Season 2014 - Container Garden
Last year I grew a bhut and an orange habenero plant.  This year I expanded to 15 plants and I probably should have posted this months ago.  Regardless, I wanted to share some pics with you guys, which were taken this morning.   It's been a bummer.  I've had a wicked aphid and spider mite infestation across multiple plants that I did not have to deal with last year.  Think they were brought in with some brussel sprout seedlings I picked up from Lowe's.     It's my first time combating pests since picking up the hobby and they're driving me nuts.  Some of the plants have been damaged pretty badly.  I've tried to prune and top the hell out of the damaged growth and now I am onto insecticidal soap.  I'm going to continue growing until...
peppers 2014
Little late getting this posted, but better late than never.  Most were started in early February.  I ordered another 20 varieties late and started them in early March.  Plants are looking very healthy now and getting almost too big for their homes.  No room to pot up indoors, so I am hoping to get them in the ground in about 10 days or so.  Have spots in the group prepped for 92 plants.  Might stick a few of the extras in pots or some obscure corner of the yard.     2014 List:   7 Pot Brain Strain 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow 7 Pot Brown 7 Pot Burgundy 7 Pot Chaguanas 7 Pot Chocolate 7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic Yellow 7 Pot Douglah 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Primo 7 Pot SR-Strain 7 Pot White 7 Pot Yellow 7-Pot (Long, large) Antillais Carribbean...
With Spring officially arriving I have kicked off the season a couple of seeds from a Red Rocoto pod that found its way to me. The seeds are currently soaking in distilled water after being dipped in H2O2 solution for a few minutes. Many of the plants from previous season remain. The vast majority of the mature non C. Pubescens plants have not regrown thus far. As of Friday I have one Not Locato (plant #2) in bloom with the other (plant #1) developing buds. Today marks the first day an orange Rocoto plant in the garden has re-entered bloom. 2012/2013 Season - Sprouted Capsicum Baccatum: Aji Omnicolor Blondie Capsicum Chinense: 7pot Yellow Biquinho Carmine Limón Capsicum Pubescens: Canario Rocoto Aji Largo Rocoto, Red...
sp33d DIY air prune pot grow glog 2014 (update 9-10-2014)
Ok I'm a newbie around here but figured I would create a glog to contribute...hope you enjoy and I will update it weekly ...hope I'm doing/setting up this glog the right way Ok this is an all organic outdoor grow..yes I am an all organic gardener and landscaper but I do not preach like some do...grow whatever you want to as long as your growing something is my philosophy.. 9- 5 gallon air prune pots, 1- 7-gallon air prune pot and 2- 20sh gallon pots Pro mix HP with 20 lbs EWC and nutrient kit from buildasoil.com, all mixed and then cooked for a week under a tarp Feeding will strictly be alternated every week between Neptunes fish/seaweed emulsion Tea brewed with EWC compost from my worm factory and bat guano Watering and tea will be...
Arctic Chili 2014 ™ORGANIC ™ grow glog
2014 may be the year of the chili! Aiming for 260+ plants this year mainly in polytunnels. So starting off this year:    The complete list   Butch T Red Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Chocolate 7 Pot Primo 7 Pot Red 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Yellow x Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow 7 Pot Smooth Yellow Yellow Datil Fatalii Yellow Peach Bhut Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Jolokia x Pimente de Neyde Butlah African Naga Brain Brain Red Brain Strain Yellow Caribbran Red Thai Red Thai Yellow Jalapeno El Jefe Jalapeno Early Jalapeno Multicolored Aji Leom Drop Aji Pineapple Aji Cajamarla Scotch Bonnet Trinidad Perfume Red Medusa Capanjano Scorpanero Orange Blob Goatweed...
Hello guys, i've started my 2014 cultivation two weeks ago (more or less). I haven't space enough to grow all the varieties that i'd like (i haven't got any garden) therefore the choice of the variety to grow have been very hard.  That's the final list that i "built":    C. Chinenese: - Mata Frade - 7 pot Barrackpore - 7 pot Brain strain - 7 Madballz - 7 pot Bubblegum (still in germbox) - Fatalii White - Black Naga - Red Douglah Billy Boy - Trinidad Perfume - Haba Chocolate - Carolina Reaper  - Jay's ghost scorpion peach - Moruga Red - Moruga Chocolate - Moruga Caramel  - Bih jolokia Caramel (still in germbox)  - Pink Tiger (still in germbox) - Yaki Blue (still in germbox) C. Annuum - Goat's weed - Fluorescenses - Patty (soon in...
Kevins 2014 late start Glog
OK folks I am here with my later then late 2014 grow. My goal is too get a few pods off each of 10 different plants.   I have in the germination bed 5 of each of the following, Jamaican Hot chocolate 2/5 Peach Bhut                      3/5 HP22b (reapers)              1/5 chocolate Bhut                 3/5 Peach Hab                       3/5 7-Pot Joanna                    2/5 Trinidad Scorp M             5/5 Chocolate Hab                4/5  and 3 of the following Tabasco                        2/3 cayenne                        2/3   I am using a dome with heat mat and plugs. Temp is set to 88 or so. sitting on a towl on the counter. When they start I will get the T5 HO light that sits on the dome and blast'em for a week or so 24/7...
So I'm attempting to grow my peppers in double 5 gallon buckets but what I'm looking for is a soil recipe from others that grow peppers in the same fashion. Despite the big movement for this type growing I haven't found a lot of info on soil. I hear you want a light soilless mixture. I found these recipes Recipe #1: Sphagnum Peat 70% Sphagnum Peat 20% Vermiculite 10% Perlite Recipe #2: Sphagnum Peat and Coir 35% Sphagnum Peat 35% Coir 20% Vermiculite 10% Perlite Recipe #3:  Coir 70% Coir 30% Perlite I have also read up about Pro-Mix a soilless all in one. I'm not sure which way is cheaper. Of I make one of the homemade mixture should I add dolomite to the top several inches of the soil and a ring of fertilizer...
dash 2, 2014: You're Doing It Wrong!
The story so far...        I guess we can call this my 2014 glog, but truthfully this started back in late December, 2011. That was when I started to get serious (lol) about gardening. Along with my in-ground garden of peas, tomatoes, chard, beans, squash etc., I had eight peppers planted in 5 gallon buckets, four of which I overwintered. Last year I expanded my garden (I have a REALLY cool landlord - as long as I feed his jalapeño jelly addiction). I added four 4'x8' raised beds and grew 40 pepper plants. Of those, I kept the same four from the year before and added another nine. Also, as an experiment, I started six seedlings in August to get a head start on this season.      This brings us to today.   Back row (white bucket): red...
Here's my preliminary list for 2014 with estimated counts. I hope to get seeds started very shortly, but am still waiting on a few from Buckeye. I am moving out-of-state next month, and plan to haul the seedlings in large tupperware bins.  It's a 7 hour drive.  I'm anxious to see if "Treasure Valley" Idaho holds promise as a superior growing environment. Wish me luck!   First Round Bhut Jolokia (PL) 3 Choc Bhut (Bell) 3 Olive Bhut F2 (Phillips)  1 Bhut Jolokin ? (Dulac) 1 Bhut Devils (Phillips) 2 Naga Morich (ISO Parent) 3 Maldivian Heart x Purple Bhut F2 (Phillips) 1 7 Pot Brainstrain Red 2 7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow 2 7 Pot Rennie (Dulac) 2 7 Pot Congo SR (Phillips) 1 7 Pot Orig x Bhut J F2 (Dulac) 1 7 Pot Bubblegum (Buckeye) 2 7 Pot...
Late season 2014...or early start 2015
Thought I'd join everyone in on the glogging, as it would also help me remember what I did when and how the plants were doing at a specific point in time. A little late in the season, but I'm starting some plants to get a good head start for 2015 (maybe a little too early?) ^--The Incubator. 75-80F at night, 80-90F during the day. 2x 36W 3250 lumens F48T8 tubes (1x 65k, 1x 40k)   To the right, a bunch of 2.5w old habaneros desperately trying to crowd each other out. Chocolate bhuts and red bhuts (4ea, est 2w old) in the backdrop. The seed source wasn't reliable, but at least they don't look like annuums so far. And two queen victoria pineapple crowns I added in hope they would root (not rot). The empty space in the back is where...
z_malloc's grow log for 2014
Hi folks.   Last couple years I've obtained seeds from some members here. Thanks to  griff87, cmpman1974, inolan22!!    This year will be my second grow.  Last year I had decent success.  Yielded about 10 large plastic pasta strainers full of peppers from about 80 plants in 5 gallon buckets and some (10ish) in raised beds.  Choc habs, ghosts, reapers, butch t's, carrib reds, red brain strains, moruga trin scorps.  I made a couple huge batches of sauce but most of my peppers are destined for powders.        The glass viles made for great gifts this Christmas.  Last year I bought a bunch of indoor equipment.  1k watt digital ballast and 8x8 grow tent, ventilation and nice hood.  Living in the Portland OR  area, sun can be scarce.  Last...
Browning's first glog, 2014.  Work in progress
Not really sure what all should be included in these and what not but here's my go at it.  I will get an actual list of everything growing already, and everything to addto a bit later.  For now, the plants I have going at the moment.  Some plants are a bit droopy because they are thirsty.  I like to let them droop a bit before giving them a drink.  The ones I have growing now were started out of boredom and to test some T8 lights.  Iam planning on chopping a few of these in half and trimming them up and keep them alive until they can go out mid April.   A lot of seeds that will make this grow possible came from folks here on THP.  I would like to thank Wayright, Romy6, Buckeye Pepper Company, Denniz, Jerrymart, Dale Baker, Rebelgrower3...
2014 is here, and it behooves us chileheads to get our grow on once again.  I had planned on growing a smaller number of varieties this year, with more plants per variety . . . but there are so many to try.  I will be at least starting several varieties this year (several friends have expressed interest in some plants if I start them).    Grow list: Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Yellow 7 Pot, Large Charapita Yellow   Jimmy Nardello Black Pearl Thai (coworker gave seeds, not sure variety)   Aji Limon   Manzano     so far . . .  
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper
Hey guys. Really wanted to grow some hot peppers this year. Decided to order some seeds off amazon, and sure enough they germinated within 10 days using the wet paper towel method. So far, these guys have been alive for 12 days and are out on the back deck soaking up the Georgia sun.   Really hope to track the progress even further and get some really nice, mean, looking peppers !  
well 2013 was just alright nothign special, just 6 reaper plants and a reg bhut. my other hobbies took away from growing. so i live 3 min from the course and our yard gets much better sun for most of the day. 3-4 weeks ago i cut 5 reapers back and 6 weeks ago the bhut was cut back, so i should have some nice plants this year. i will also be sprouting 5-6 other plants this year(not sure what they will be quite yet, we are still unpacking) so unlike last year, this will contain many many more pictures of the plants, pods!