• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
With Spring officially arriving I have kicked off the season a couple of seeds from a Red Rocoto pod that found its way to me. The seeds are currently soaking in distilled water after being dipped in H2O2 solution for a few minutes. Many of the plants from previous season remain. The vast majority of the mature non C. Pubescens plants have not regrown thus far. As of Friday I have one Not Locato (plant #2) in bloom with the other (plant #1) developing buds. Today marks the first day an orange Rocoto plant in the garden has re-entered bloom. 2012/2013 Season - Sprouted Capsicum Baccatum: Aji Omnicolor Blondie Capsicum Chinense: 7pot Yellow Biquinho Carmine Limón Capsicum Pubescens: Canario Rocoto Aji Largo Rocoto, Red...
sp33d DIY air prune pot grow glog 2014 (update 9-10-2014)
Ok I'm a newbie around here but figured I would create a glog to contribute...hope you enjoy and I will update it weekly ...hope I'm doing/setting up this glog the right way Ok this is an all organic outdoor grow..yes I am an all organic gardener and landscaper but I do not preach like some do...grow whatever you want to as long as your growing something is my philosophy.. 9- 5 gallon air prune pots, 1- 7-gallon air prune pot and 2- 20sh gallon pots Pro mix HP with 20 lbs EWC and nutrient kit from buildasoil.com, all mixed and then cooked for a week under a tarp Feeding will strictly be alternated every week between Neptunes fish/seaweed emulsion Tea brewed with EWC compost from my worm factory and bat guano Watering and tea will be...
Arctic Chili 2014 ™ORGANIC ™ grow glog
2014 may be the year of the chili! Aiming for 260+ plants this year mainly in polytunnels. So starting off this year:    The complete list   Butch T Red Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Chocolate 7 Pot Primo 7 Pot Red 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Yellow x Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow 7 Pot Smooth Yellow Yellow Datil Fatalii Yellow Peach Bhut Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Jolokia x Pimente de Neyde Butlah African Naga Brain Brain Red Brain Strain Yellow Caribbran Red Thai Red Thai Yellow Jalapeno El Jefe Jalapeno Early Jalapeno Multicolored Aji Leom Drop Aji Pineapple Aji Cajamarla Scotch Bonnet Trinidad Perfume Red Medusa Capanjano Scorpanero Orange Blob Goatweed...
Hello guys, i've started my 2014 cultivation two weeks ago (more or less). I haven't space enough to grow all the varieties that i'd like (i haven't got any garden) therefore the choice of the variety to grow have been very hard.  That's the final list that i "built":    C. Chinenese: - Mata Frade - 7 pot Barrackpore - 7 pot Brain strain - 7 Madballz - 7 pot Bubblegum (still in germbox) - Fatalii White - Black Naga - Red Douglah Billy Boy - Trinidad Perfume - Haba Chocolate - Carolina Reaper  - Jay's ghost scorpion peach - Moruga Red - Moruga Chocolate - Moruga Caramel  - Bih jolokia Caramel (still in germbox)  - Pink Tiger (still in germbox) - Yaki Blue (still in germbox) C. Annuum - Goat's weed - Fluorescenses - Patty (soon in...
Kevins 2014 late start Glog
OK folks I am here with my later then late 2014 grow. My goal is too get a few pods off each of 10 different plants.   I have in the germination bed 5 of each of the following, Jamaican Hot chocolate 2/5 Peach Bhut                      3/5 HP22b (reapers)              1/5 chocolate Bhut                 3/5 Peach Hab                       3/5 7-Pot Joanna                    2/5 Trinidad Scorp M             5/5 Chocolate Hab                4/5  and 3 of the following Tabasco                        2/3 cayenne                        2/3   I am using a dome with heat mat and plugs. Temp is set to 88 or so. sitting on a towl on the counter. When they start I will get the T5 HO light that sits on the dome and blast'em for a week or so 24/7...
So I'm attempting to grow my peppers in double 5 gallon buckets but what I'm looking for is a soil recipe from others that grow peppers in the same fashion. Despite the big movement for this type growing I haven't found a lot of info on soil. I hear you want a light soilless mixture. I found these recipes Recipe #1: Sphagnum Peat 70% Sphagnum Peat 20% Vermiculite 10% Perlite Recipe #2: Sphagnum Peat and Coir 35% Sphagnum Peat 35% Coir 20% Vermiculite 10% Perlite Recipe #3:  Coir 70% Coir 30% Perlite I have also read up about Pro-Mix a soilless all in one. I'm not sure which way is cheaper. Of I make one of the homemade mixture should I add dolomite to the top several inches of the soil and a ring of fertilizer...
dash 2, 2014: You're Doing It Wrong!
The story so far...        I guess we can call this my 2014 glog, but truthfully this started back in late December, 2011. That was when I started to get serious (lol) about gardening. Along with my in-ground garden of peas, tomatoes, chard, beans, squash etc., I had eight peppers planted in 5 gallon buckets, four of which I overwintered. Last year I expanded my garden (I have a REALLY cool landlord - as long as I feed his jalapeño jelly addiction). I added four 4'x8' raised beds and grew 40 pepper plants. Of those, I kept the same four from the year before and added another nine. Also, as an experiment, I started six seedlings in August to get a head start on this season.      This brings us to today.   Back row (white bucket): red...
Here's my preliminary list for 2014 with estimated counts. I hope to get seeds started very shortly, but am still waiting on a few from Buckeye. I am moving out-of-state next month, and plan to haul the seedlings in large tupperware bins.  It's a 7 hour drive.  I'm anxious to see if "Treasure Valley" Idaho holds promise as a superior growing environment. Wish me luck!   First Round Bhut Jolokia (PL) 3 Choc Bhut (Bell) 3 Olive Bhut F2 (Phillips)  1 Bhut Jolokin ? (Dulac) 1 Bhut Devils (Phillips) 2 Naga Morich (ISO Parent) 3 Maldivian Heart x Purple Bhut F2 (Phillips) 1 7 Pot Brainstrain Red 2 7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow 2 7 Pot Rennie (Dulac) 2 7 Pot Congo SR (Phillips) 1 7 Pot Orig x Bhut J F2 (Dulac) 1 7 Pot Bubblegum (Buckeye) 2 7 Pot...
Late season 2014...or early start 2015
Thought I'd join everyone in on the glogging, as it would also help me remember what I did when and how the plants were doing at a specific point in time. A little late in the season, but I'm starting some plants to get a good head start for 2015 (maybe a little too early?) ^--The Incubator. 75-80F at night, 80-90F during the day. 2x 36W 3250 lumens F48T8 tubes (1x 65k, 1x 40k)   To the right, a bunch of 2.5w old habaneros desperately trying to crowd each other out. Chocolate bhuts and red bhuts (4ea, est 2w old) in the backdrop. The seed source wasn't reliable, but at least they don't look like annuums so far. And two queen victoria pineapple crowns I added in hope they would root (not rot). The empty space in the back is where...
z_malloc's grow log for 2014
Hi folks.   Last couple years I've obtained seeds from some members here. Thanks to  griff87, cmpman1974, inolan22!!    This year will be my second grow.  Last year I had decent success.  Yielded about 10 large plastic pasta strainers full of peppers from about 80 plants in 5 gallon buckets and some (10ish) in raised beds.  Choc habs, ghosts, reapers, butch t's, carrib reds, red brain strains, moruga trin scorps.  I made a couple huge batches of sauce but most of my peppers are destined for powders.        The glass viles made for great gifts this Christmas.  Last year I bought a bunch of indoor equipment.  1k watt digital ballast and 8x8 grow tent, ventilation and nice hood.  Living in the Portland OR  area, sun can be scarce.  Last...
Browning's first glog, 2014.  Work in progress
Not really sure what all should be included in these and what not but here's my go at it.  I will get an actual list of everything growing already, and everything to addto a bit later.  For now, the plants I have going at the moment.  Some plants are a bit droopy because they are thirsty.  I like to let them droop a bit before giving them a drink.  The ones I have growing now were started out of boredom and to test some T8 lights.  Iam planning on chopping a few of these in half and trimming them up and keep them alive until they can go out mid April.   A lot of seeds that will make this grow possible came from folks here on THP.  I would like to thank Wayright, Romy6, Buckeye Pepper Company, Denniz, Jerrymart, Dale Baker, Rebelgrower3...
2014 is here, and it behooves us chileheads to get our grow on once again.  I had planned on growing a smaller number of varieties this year, with more plants per variety . . . but there are so many to try.  I will be at least starting several varieties this year (several friends have expressed interest in some plants if I start them).    Grow list: Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Yellow 7 Pot, Large Charapita Yellow   Jimmy Nardello Black Pearl Thai (coworker gave seeds, not sure variety)   Aji Limon   Manzano     so far . . .  
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper
Hey guys. Really wanted to grow some hot peppers this year. Decided to order some seeds off amazon, and sure enough they germinated within 10 days using the wet paper towel method. So far, these guys have been alive for 12 days and are out on the back deck soaking up the Georgia sun.   Really hope to track the progress even further and get some really nice, mean, looking peppers !  
well 2013 was just alright nothign special, just 6 reaper plants and a reg bhut. my other hobbies took away from growing. so i live 3 min from the course and our yard gets much better sun for most of the day. 3-4 weeks ago i cut 5 reapers back and 6 weeks ago the bhut was cut back, so i should have some nice plants this year. i will also be sprouting 5-6 other plants this year(not sure what they will be quite yet, we are still unpacking) so unlike last year, this will contain many many more pictures of the plants, pods!
Winter is on its way out so it's time to start a glog for the new growing season.    Haven't been online for the last few months and haven't had time for chillies.  These last 8 years or so and especially this winter life has thrown some nasty crap my way.  It's taken all my attention but things should be looking up soon.  Can't talk details but you know that film the Shawshank Redemption, when he realises that the wall of the cell is soft and can be tunnelled through? (I think you only see that in a flashback later but..)  I've just had that moment.  There is still a lot of work and a very long crawl through a shit filled pipe to come, but the solution has been found.    Anyway, I won't have enough time for chilles this season so I'm...
JIGSAW Community Grow 2014
Hey everyone...   This is the thread where all the growers will be posting their GLOG of the JIGSAW pepper from seeds they got for FREE from me in this thread.....   http://thehotpepper.com/topic/42377-wanna-grow-the-jigsaw-pepper/#entry890249   I just wanted to get the GLOG started and set up and READY for the 2014 Grow Season! :) Updates coming....       Dale Jr    
Dyl's first grow
Hello! This spring marks my first attempt at a serious grow. I've been reading and studying on Caspicums and hoping to grow a large patch of plants. I am actually 4 monthes into the grow, I started back in January. I think I will post a few pictures of the process so far and hopefully each picture is worth 1000 words.   Back in January I ordered seeds from Pepper Joe's, mostly a mix of Jalapeno, Habanero and a few exotics (Bhut Jolokia, Fatalii). I picked a mix of 15 varieties to grow, with a total of 127 seeds. January 21st was the start, where I soaked seeds overnight before putting them in rockwool blocks. I tried adjusting the pH with lemon as suggested but since I used the liquid pH test I'm sure it wasnt very accurate. I wanted to...
Compmodder26's 2014 Grow Log - Supers ripening
So my 2012-2013 season has offically come to a close.  All of my plants are now composting with the exception of one plant.  I picked the final 3 pods off of my 7 Pot Brown this weekend.  Potted the mother down to a 3 gallon pot and gave her a haircut.  She's in her new home for the winter.  Crossing my fingers as this is my first time to try overwintering a plant.       I will be back on in a bit to post my grow list for 2014.   There won't be much activity on this glog until mid-late January.  That's when I'll be starting my Chinenses.       Stay tuned...
This is the 1st wave of my 2014 grow. (maybe half) It consists of my super hots, wilds? long season chilis and some interesting throw ins. I will update with suppliment list when available. Initial planting will begin sometime 12-25-13.   Aji limon Aji crystal Rocoto yellow Brazilian starfish Apache Red savina Hot lemondrop Pequin Nippontaka Birgits lacoto Dorset naga Scotch bonnet choc Manzano red Rocoto red Manzano orange Devil tongue choc Kori sitakame Limon Naga bon Pequin Chiapas Bakers lantern F1 Aribbi x aji Thai birdeye Hot Portugal Tobago scotch bonnet 7 pot barrackapoire Fatali white Cgn 21500 Tiger teeth 7 pot yellow Chenzo Hp22b F1 Hp22b From Ed Mirasol guajillo Clavo Paquillo Zimbabwe bird pepper Naga morich Patenero Devils...
Swedish roof-top chili patch 2014
Hi all!   Relatively new grower here in Sweden doing my first grow from seed this year. Some of it will be retrospective due to the fact that I did not find this excellent forum until a little while ago!   I live in the middle of the capital of Sweden, Stockholm on top of a five story building. So it's a rather urban area to be growing vegetables in.. Combined with short summers and cold weather it is somewhat of a challenge.   I am growing the following this year;   -Chinenses- Carolina reaper Dorset naga reaper White bhut jolokia Hot paper lantern Peito de moca     -Baccatums- Hot lemon drop Omnicolor   -Frutescens- Dogo nyoni   -Annums- Basket of fire Apache Black pearl Chinese golden dagger Black cobra/Goats weed   -Pubes- Locato...
Newbie bpiela Glog - skipped right to the pods on the plants
Hello all,   This year is my first real hot pepper grow where I started most of my plants from seeds.  I did run into a number of issues that slowed the growth of my plants.  For starters, I tried to overwinter some Ghost Peppers and some Habaneros that I had purchased online.  All of my OW's died.  Lucky me, along with bringing in the OW's, I also brought in aphids.  The aphids hit my seedlings hard.  I tried Neem and it didn't work so well.  I eventually put some netting up and purchased some ladybugs.  They were awesome and took care of the aphids in National Geographic fashion.  Eventually, the ladybugs all passed away.  Not sure where all the ladybug carcasses went...  :eek:   Next, it seemed like fungus gnats became an issue. ...
Capsidadburn 2014
Here we go again.  Seems like it was only yesterday.  I've recieved a lot of pods and seeds from great folks here.  THP and those folks are awesome!   I'll be growing most all of them as well as an order I just placed yesterday with Semillas.   I will seriously have to alter my logistics and layout to grow everything and keep it as asthetic but affordable as possible.  Big problems;  I need to trim my front yard trees to get more morning and mid day sun in the back.  I really need to haul in new soil.  Hello wheelbarrow and backpain.  My city is currently in a stage 2 drought restrictions (once a week watering).  I usually water with drip irrigation everyother day until summer forces me to each day.  Barrel collection (which I've been...
NPG,s Grow Log
i decided to start various types of pepper seeds this year im growing 2 of every plant except for some im only growing 1, im going for variety instead quantity hers my list:     UBSC Moruga Satan Strain White Bhut Naga Viper red brain strain red primo douglah x butch t 7 pod burgandy 7 pod brown chocolate ghost   7 pod douglah  7 pod bubbulegum! Moa scotch bonnet  jays peach ghost scorpian jays red ghost scorpian chocolate scorpian  yellow moruga red moruga yellow billy boy douglah white 7 pod sepia serpent SBJ7 Carolina Reaper monster carolina reaper purple bhut x maldivia brown moruga Yellow Primo Caramel Moruga red billy boy douglah yellow brainstrain billy boy jonah yellow 7 pod yellow scorpion 7 pod jonah     so far my yellow...
Indoor Fatalii Scrog
Hey everyone! I'm back with something I've always wanted to do but have been putting it off for several years, an indoor hot pepper scrog. I've been busy with my greenhouse this year, remodeling my house, work (of course), going back to school full time and last but definitely not least entertaining a new woman. Cross my fingers this one works out, I'm 36 now and hoping for something to stick! lol .... The greenhouse has has been going well but I'm still working on getting it completely dialed in for my very tough climate (Flagstaff, AZ - 7,000' elevation).   Anyway, I had a few extras out in the greenhouse and the remodel on my garage is getting close to being done so I figured I'd give it a go. I had my pick between Pepper Guru's...
Hi guys,   I didnt have enough time to post my growlog on this website but I will try my best to keep it updated.   This year I have got 11 plants growring and most of them are super hots.   I used Biobizz lightmix soil and Flora Nova Bloom fertilizer. Unfortunately we had a couple of rainy days ( stormy weather , heavy rainfalls ) and my plants suffered a lot! Broken stems, some of them lost up to 80% of their leaves and thats why they are kinda small compared to my last years plants. I also pruned my plants right after they started to grow in this Y-shape ( dont know how you call it in English ).   My plants are:   Aji White Fantasy , Scotch Bonnet Peach ( turned out to be a red one and looked more like a Habanero ) , Trinidad...
Hello~ this is my 4th season attempt to grow peppers. 13 I had an ok year but learned allot also. My best plant last season was a bhut jolikia red. It produced around 50 pods in a five gallon bucket. This year i have over 25 plants total from mild to wild. I wanna post pictures.... Do i have to pay? Ive planted some of my peppers in large 10-15 gallon pots. Im hoping to have hundreds of pods on some of my plants. Im gonna overwinter tge best this year. I overwintered an an orange hab from 12'-13' but it didnt preform that well. I think it put out 4 pods total ?! I was planning on having a bunch of overs from last season including my top performing bhut but i brike my foot ladt september which made it impossible to do the basement...
The first round of seeds are soaked and sown.  All chinenses to start off,  other species to start in a month or so.   7 Pot BrainStrain Red 7 Pot Burgundy 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Jonah (spiky) 7 Pot Jonah Yellow 7 Pot Primo 7 Pot Primo Orange 7 Pot SR Red 7 Pot Yellow 7 Pot Yellow (different source) Aji Panca Antillais Caribbean Bahamian Goat Pepper Beni Highlands Bhut Jolokia Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Jolokia x Habanero White Giant f3 Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde Bih Jolokia Black Naga CGN 21500 Datil Devils Tongue Yellow Dorset Naga Fatalii Chocolate Fatalii Yellow Guadalupe Black Habanero Big Sun Habanero Chocolate Habanero Green Habanero Mustard Habanero Peach Habanero Peruvian White Habanero Purple Jamaica...
My Crazy Late Koreansoul Grow Log
So, here I am. I have started VERY late in the season.    At first I was just going to grow bell peppers (I put them in a lot of different foods) and a handful of hot peppers. Scotch Bonnets, Habaneros, Bhut Jolokia, Thai Hots, Gochu (Korean hot peppers), and Cayenne. However, (hysterical laughing) I caught the chili bug.    So, now on my grow list is the following: Red Habenero Yellow Habenero Thai Hot Jimmy Nardello's Cayenne Scoth Bonnets Ghost Peppers (Bhut Jolokia, Red, Peach, Orange, Yellow) Black Naga Bonda ma Jacques Malaysian Goroonong Yellow Scotch Bonnet Datil Fantalii Carolina Reaper SB7J 7 Pot - Yellow 7 Pot - White 7 Pot - Barrackpore 7 Pot - Bubblegum 7 Pot - Red 7 Pot - Primo 7 Pot - Brown TS - Yellow TS - CARDI TS - Red...
Solem 2014
Hey everyone,   Last night I dropped the first 48 seeds for the 2014 season. Over the past few weeks I have put together a grow area using t8's, metal shelving and some other make shift reflective materials I had around the house. I'm looking forward to this year as I am expanding my grow by about 4 times (I may have over done it but we will see).   Here is the home that the kids will be in for the next few months. I plan on adding more lighting on the shelve below the top one when I transfer the plants from solo cups to 1 gal containers.     And here are the kids waiting to emerge.     Here is my current grow list. This may expand if I get some more seeds.   Aji Chuncho (CGN 22792) (Pepperlover) Aji Limon Peru Yellow (Pepperlover)...
Northeast Grow - 2014 - Help a n00b out
Hi!   I've been mostly lurking this site for the past year trying to absorb the collective THP knowledge.  This year I will be attempting to put it all to use as I start my first grow from seed.    I decided to start this glog in order to track my progress so that I can adjust for next year.  The goal is to raise seed until plant out in containers (Zone 6b). I would also love any input and feedback that you have to offer, unlike my plants I am very green.     Grow List:  All seeds were scraped from pods except for PepperJoe seeds.   PepperLover Bhut Jolokia Charleston - Got this as part of a freebie portion from an SFRB from PepperLover.  This one of my favorites for mincing fresh.  If you like cayenne flavor this is a good pepper to...
AJs 2012 Season - A Pictorial Discussion
I am getting a one day jump on last season...today is my 2012 season start... The Germinator has been cleaned, I am using new trays for seed starting and Hoffman's Seed Starting Mix as my grow media... If any of you decide to use Hoffman's Seed Starting Mix, be patient, it takes as much as 24 hours pre-soak to get this light weight mix totally wet...I have said it before and I will say it again...this is the cleanest seed starting mix I have ever used....clean and light weight means better root growth IMO.. All circuits and systems are a go on the germinator...am stabilizing the temperature for the next 24 hours...as you can see, the upper box is about 93F and the lower box is 85F...I have to vent the top to let both chambers reach...
Herpiili's Growlog 2014 [Finland, Europe]
Hi and greetings from Finland!   We are currently heading towards end of the growing season here in Finland, so my growlog won't be as complete as most of you others ;)   I've been growing peppers since 2003 and this year was supposed to be a "Season off growing peppers", but my good friends at a local nursery told me that was quite a bad idea, so I have some plants growing at that nursery greenhouse :D   Here's the local nursery (Taimimoisio) url. We accidentally bumbed into each other as I gave an interview on a local magazine some years ago, they were growing some peppers and they asked one of the nursery interns if he knew any "pepper experts". That intern recalled that I was interviewed recently on a local paper by his sister (who...
Samcanadian's Great White North Glog, 2014
I figured I'd put as much information I can find in this thread, not only to make it easier for others to help me...but to maybe help other growers who are at the noob stage like I'm at.  (Maybe I'll ask some of the dumb questions so they don't have to!)   This year I'm growing Serranos, Habaneros and Jalapenos...having started them all indoors under fluorescent lights on February 28th.  Rather than bore everyone with pictures they've seen a million times of the seeding process, I decided to opt against posting them and just instead mention that I got WAY more seeds sprouting than I had allowed for and was dealing with multiple plants in each little Peat Pot we'd planted them in.   At about two months we transplanted the sprouts into...
Burnin Bob's Ghetto Garden 2014
2014 marks Burnin Bob's first year starting the World Famous Ghetto Garden from seed.  Every year prior I've bought seedlings at my local nurseries.  However, last year I got burned (no pun intended) by one place that sold me what were supposed to be Trinidad Scorpion Peppers but turned out to be some barely hot long pepper. So this year I got seeds from various sellers from ebay and am hoping to have a good season.  The seeds I got this year are:   Carolina Reaper Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Cumari Odham Indian Thai Sun Tepin Bird's Eye   There are also some other random vegetables my girlfriend started such as cucumbers, zucchini, coneflower, milkweed, tomato, tomatillo, bell pepper, and jalepeno.  You know, normal stuff!    Got a late...
A Learning Curve - Physics' 2014 Glog
So, gardening has become a new obssession of mine.  Wife and I did our first last year which consisted of Tomatos, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Squach, and Peppers.  I started researching about gardenting (mostly youtube) and stumbled across videos of chili heads testing these rare varieties of peppers.  I already liked a bit of spice in my food and had made some hot sauces of sorts, so this year I wanted to try some of these "rare" varieties.  So here I am starting my garden for 2014 and am adding a large variety of peppers to my grow.    My last garden mostly consisted of getting plants from lowes and transferring them into some garden beds that I had made.  This year I'm getting an early start and starting from seed.  I'm quite new to...
2014 Grow List. May need to add a few thing's if I can find them  :twisted:   UBSC- Red UBSC- Brown TSMB TSMB- Yellow TSMB- Satan's Strain TSMB- Caramel TSMB- Brown Bahamian Goat Peach Bhut Yellow Douglah Antilles Fire 7 Pod Rennie 7 Pod Chaguanas 7 Pod Bubblegum 7 Pod Orange X 7 Pod Madballz 7 Pod White Sepia Serpent Sunrise Scorpion Red Foodarama Bonnet Yellow TFM Bonnet Douglah x Chocolate Scorpion Butch T x Yellow Scorpion John Doe Cayenne x 7 Pod Yellow Armageddon  Cream Fatalii Chocolate Fatalii SB7J John Doe Cayenne Yellow Manzano Orange Manzano    Happy growing everyone  :cheers:                