• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Planted 18 of each today in Jiffy pellets - 1 per pellet. Soaked seeds in warm water first for 5-10mins (while Jiffy's hydrated). About 4 of the Yellow seeds sunk - the rest floated (for what it's worth). Seeds provided by Jungle Rain (thanks Grant for the freebies as well). Going to leave under the carport - out of direct sunlight - for the time being. Temp today is 37. Let's see what happens...
InfinityHeat's Greenhouse and Garden 2012
Grow log of my greenhouse and garden. I hope people dont mind but not all will be peppers. but dont worry most will be:P i mainly have 7 pot varieties this year. But a bunch of other plants. If anyone wants to know any specifics on some of the non pepper plants just ask:) Will be updating regularly Greenhouse. Got it for christmas. Really nice, 10 x 20. Set up a small potting table in the corner since not allowed to use the sun room anymore Needed two 1500watt? heaters to keep it above 60 throughout the winter. I think this winter im just going to fill it with greens Maybe a few tropicals right next to the heater Some pepper plants i tried to overwinter from late season last year. Did fine but i think i should of taken all...
Hi All, Here's a few pics - as I here you guys like those! Along with my growing log for this year. Chili Twilight Chili Jalapeno Chili Chocolate Habanero Chili Orange Habanero Chili Red Habanero Chili Red Habanero Paper Latern Chili Aji Limon Chili Fatalli Chili Serrano Chili Birdseye / local Sweet Pepper Dwarf Sweet Pepper Bell Pepper Sweet Basil Okra Pumpkin Cucumber Beetroot Lettuce All growing close to the ocean, so have to watch out for salt! The Seed pots: REMOVED DUE TO FLICKR?! Showing the Proximity to water: REMOVED DUE TO FLICKR?! In this bed are about 100 local chilli seedlings to be transplanted later on: REMOVED DUE TO FLICKR?! When potting on i have been adding some organic mumbo-jumbo from ACE Hardware that is...
GL2 - TSBT & Y7P in Jiffy's in W.Australia
This is Grow Log #2. This time I thought I would try the Jiffy's as a seed growing medium. I bought 20 x TSBT and 20 x Y7P from the hippy seed co (always good service - like all the seed people I have dealt with). Step 1 - go and buy Jiffy's. This is where I made my first blue. See if you can spot where... Step 2 - I thought I would give the flotation test a try as it worked nicely for me with some Habanero seeds that I took from a fresh pod last year. According to the theory (as I understand it) if the seed sinks, then it has a high probability of germination. If it floats - not so high. So, I put them all in a glass of water (TSBT in one glass and the Y7P in a separate glass) and swooshed them around with my finger and waited...
Gnomepunter's 2012 GLOG
ok everyone first I want to say it's nice to be back.so lets get started. starting from left to right are 2 rows of douglah's,2 rows of red scorps,2 rows of yellow scorps,2 rows of bhut's and the rest are various other superhots.so how do they look so far?ignore the jiffy pellets im just going to let them die lol i have enough already.
Minnie's pics and chat
I took some photos tonight. I have about 400 peppers and a 1/2 tray of superhots. I am growing about 200 myself for my CSA business and market and the rest will be sold or given away. I like to keep some extras because I usually lose like a dozen to cutworms or whatever. I will be trying to keep a hooped row cover on them for most of the summer until they start to all ripen. I am also hoping to be able to save seeds from some.
Hey guys first post time, First of all the info on this site is incredible and has really got me right into this (always been a bit of a gardener but never chillies/peppers). So anyway this has really sparked my interest so much I got started maybe back in Jan however due to many issues (possums, shading, grubs) I've moved my production to pots where I should be able to cut back the possum and shading issues at least. My main question is anyone on this forum from around Brisbane that has grown through winter? I've just moved up so not sure what it's like. Just wondering if I should be getting my hopes up or be patient that I'll have a mega head start come next summer Here is a link for our climate statistics so other people can voice...
Slowrolling's outdoor overwinter 2011/2012 log
This is a log of my first attempt to overwinter anything, so should be interesting. Since I am in a fairly mild winter climate (high 30's low 40's av. dec/jan low) with usually only a handful of nights below freezing I decided to attempt to do an outdoor overwinter. So far I have: Built a few raised beds out of re purposed fence redwood. After that I placed one of the raised beds over/around my pre-existing in ground pepper plants. Then I shovelled in a bunch of dirt to fill the raised beds and aggressively pruned the foliage on my peppers to make them more compact and fit in a hoophouse with room to grow over the winter months. Then I built a cheap hoophouse using youtube guide using PVC, pipe straps, zip ties, 4 mil clear...
PapaTurk's 2012
Hey everyone, this is my first year growing hot peppers and have found this site very helpful. Thought i'd start a grow log and show you guys what you've helped me achieve in the last month...here goes, Hope you like pictures!! So i ordered some seeds from the chilli peper company in england, seeds are: Orange habanero Chocolate habanero Fatalii Bhut Jolokia Naga Morich (king) Naga Viper Ring of Fire I also pulled some seeds out of some dried peppers after I put them through a blender haha..had about 10 of them germinate, I have no idea what type of pepper they are but they tasted great and seem to be growing at the same speed as ring of fire so im guessing that they're some sort of annum, time will tell. I started the seeds off in a...
Thebats 2012 glog
So this year I wanted to grow some peppers after being bored at work and browsing the internet. I found out that the ghost chili isn't the hottest pepper in the world anymore. That got me interested in what was and all sorts of other things. Then I found this website and am constantly on it reading. Because of this my girlfriend says I have problems because of how much I'm on here. So that's a bit of a backstory on how I got started on this. :) So for my first grow I'll be growing yellow bumpy australian lanterns white habs provided by muskymojo: trinidad scorps red chocolate habs 7 pot barrackpore 7 pot yellow 7 pot douglah 7 pot brain strain fatalii bhut jolokia indian carbon Hoping to have a good grow from this for my first year...
Lets start growing peppers in Alhaurin de la Torre
A few weeks ago we moved from Portugal to Spain. We found a nice place with a garden, and now I start to like peppers........ This is the garden and here I am planning to put some peppers This is a nice place to construct a germination box Ok.... Let's start with the germination box. In a big hurry i made the structure for the box, this was done in no time. There was only a small problem, my car is not big enough to transport all the wood needed, so I ordered it and asked them to bring it. I also ordered the wood that I am going to use for the hydroponics system that I am going to make....later I will post some pics. After two weeks arrived the wood (last friday) this weekend was all about constructing the box The box...
Chilliover's Grow (Attempt) Log
So i've decided to start up a grow log to just show how i am progressing with my attemp. Currently i have the following seedling happening. Hot Cherry Sweet Datil Cap Pub 1486 Bishops Hot Orange Lantern cap 217 hyper po cheong orange t scorpion orange monzano nagabon peruvian white pimenta de neyde habanero orange habanero yellow habanero red habanero choclate Thai chilli Cayenne red (high yield) Store bought (unknown, very hot type) inferno The ones that i am attempting again are : Choc bhut purple tiger primo 7 pot BIH jolokia Black pearl trinidad yellow bonnets martinique trinidad scorpion I have a few images below of what i am currently doing. I will be posting question regularly too. Please help me out if you have answers...
Trinidad Scorpion & Yellow 7 in Perth WA
Combining these two for my first grow log for one reason...I mixed the seeds up...just so there was an element of "I wonder what I will get" (You gotta create your own excitement sometimes). Anyway... Germinated these in the seedling tray shown below outside under the full shade of a carport. I have just moved them back to a shaded corner of the garden among other plants where I have had the most success. They already look better for it - or it could just be my imagination. Have given them one feed of Seasol in total - might give another one in the next week - but will note it here if so. As you can see, not all germinated. Here we go...
CCErnst's 2012
I've started this year off pretty strong so far. Winter has been unusually warm for Kansas City, I started a bit early on the first of Feb. Seeds were started in 3 small makup jars, cleaned out and filled with moistened toilet paper. Took a steak knife and made troughs in the paper. Seeds were put in and TP put on top. Jars were put on a heat pad and heated to 80F. I hadded two more containers using smaller cat food containers (aluminum bottom, plastic lid). One was TP with troughs, the other I made the TP smooth, laid the seeds on top, then used one of my wife's makup removal cotton pads (circular and just smaller than the cat food container). Seeds I started with were Santaka, VBA Jalapeno (family favorite strain), Poblano...
1st off I would like to Thank so many memebers of the forum, without your help this wouldn't be possible. I planted all my seeds today indoors so I'm hoping for the best!!!! Here's the list Negro De Valle Red Scorpin Yellow Scorpin Chocolate Scorpin Jamaican Hot Chocolate White Habanero Chocolate Habanero Fatalii Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Naga Morich Yellow 7 Pot Bonda ma Jacques Yellow Scorpin X Yellow Habanero Filius Blue Red Cheyenne Hawaiian Hot Pepper I'm using a heat mat and 72 cell tray along with some 8once plastic solo cups. Once they start breaking the soil I'll be snapping some pics. Thanks again guys & gals, couldn't of done it without you!!!
The circle of life 2012 has begun again for me . Have got some Bombay morich & Dorset naga seedlings at 1 day old . Used a old method of germination using weak tea solution and it worked fantastically ... From soaking to seedling break through in 6 days is pretty impressive I think . Seeds kindly donated from PIC 1 .... Will try and sort out uploading some pictures later . Used a mixture of John innes seeding compost, then mixed some vermiculite into it ...placed in a polystyrene coffee cup ...placed in the seeds and put it into a heated propagator .
Fathual's Grow Log
Hello I'm new to growing peppers I'm a Bit nearvous showing how im growing and what I'm doing cause I sort of have no idea what I'm Doing, But I know theres great help here and Ive hade allot of help from allot of the members <3 thanks guys :). Heres some of my setup: t12 daylight 40watts 3050 lumens 6500k color temp 4 bulbs 2 fixtures. 7 bags- 1 1/2 cubic feet kellog premium potting soil - Indoor outdoor. These fert pellets with mycorrhizae http://www.gardenguy...%20granules.pdf Plants growing: Trinidad Scorpion Sweet, Aji limon Peru yellow, Haba&ntilde;ero orange, and bhut jolokia, Fatalii. Some are still in the mail with a few surprize seeds i was told :D. A thanks to : Justaguy for the Fatalii seeds, and LanMan For the...
Better Late than Never
Hey all, This is what I am currently working with. 3x3 Secret-Jardin Grow-tent 400w DIGILUX MH bulb (45,000) Lumes Homemade exhaust fan 8inch clip fan for stem training Seedlings started in Jiffy Pucks Transplanted into solo cup with Jiffy Seedling Starter Mix 5.5 x 5.5 pots filled with 707 Organic Potting Mix Started a bit late; but hey, with months to go who cares ? --Mega
Hello everyone! I have been returning to this site a couple of times now and found a lot of very useful information! So i decided to post about my own grow. This is the first real (and rather small) pepper grow that i attempted, other than messing around with store bought plants. I am about 4 weeks into my grow and about 2 1/2 weeks since the seeds sprouted. I currently am attempting to grow 8 seeds of each: -Bhut Jolokia -7 Pot Chaguanas -Fatalli -Trinidad Congo -and random seeds in a free pack They are growing in Jiffy pellets (also a first time for me) with heat underneath. I am currently feeding with fish emulsion at 5-1-1 diluted first at 1/2 strength then using that diluted again into the normal water feedings. I saw this method...
Well as some of you might know I've been bombarding the Grow Tech forum section with TONS of questions as I am a newbie to this realm of growing Super Hots. My buddy has been growing them for awhile, gave me a couple to eat and I got hooked! Here is what I have for a start so far :) And I have to say I'm pretty happy. Yes I know its a later start, just hoping with a bit of climate shift and Texas being Texas that I manage. My version of skittles - YUMMM!
DoubleJ's Hydro/LED indoor GLOG
After learning so much around the forums I thought I would share my indoor setup: System Specs: Flo-n-gro containers 5x10 Gro Tent 11x 135w 5 band LED UFO's (80w of actual power draw) In the 5x10 tent I also have also have another "closet" made out of some old shelving. It's all connected but I'm growing lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and some smaller pepper plants in there. Nutrients: I'm using a method called the Lucas Formula. It uses the General Hydroponics Micro and Bloom and discards the grow. This makes it a little cheaper changing out Nutes on a monthly basis and keeps it simple. The benefit from using this formula is it doesn't change from vegetative state to bloom state. Which is why I can connect my entire system...
Candice's 2010/2011 grow season
Hi all Well this season I would have to say has been my worst season yet mainly due to extremely hot weather (the hottest it has been on record for over 33yrs and no rain for like 2 months). Unfortunately it was the year that I also decided to grow the most. So results are not what I expected but thought I would share some photos of the best outcomes so far. I decided to grow about 1,000 for plant sales through my business Wildfire Chilli (all sold out now), about 500 plants at an organic farm for fruit for my products (sauces, dried chillies, purees ec) and to offer some for sale to customers and as well as my own garden for pleasure and also other plants at home with isolation tents for seed sales. Here are some pics from my home...
Heirloom Tomatoes
So this year I started these guys from seed and have come along pretty good. The two types are Black Krim and German Green. My first time growing tomatoes, anyone else growing these? And what should I expect in the future from them? These ones I'm giving to my friend for her birthday so I transplanted them up to bigger pots so she has some time to figure out what she wants to do with them later. Root shot
Pshngo growlist 2011/2012 and pepper seedling trial
bhut jolokia choc habenero yellow scorp butch t scorp 7 pod brain strain naga morich aji chuncho fatalii capsium praetermissum(cumari) red habenero So I decided to check the germ rate on some of my peppers and got great results. I live in Southern cali so they should do great through our winter Problem is i mixed the pots up and dont know what they are, lol!! I planted 6 bhut 3 from two different supplies and 3 savannah reds, so we will see what happens. this is my closet will have 3 lights and reflective film and be more permanent seddlings up close this is in my garage for more seeds in a month or so with light. I am thinking of enclosing it to hold more heat and doing reflective film(mylar or emergency blankets)
judohero grow log 2012
this is my first year trying to grow peppers. i have learned so much from so many difrent posts on this site. i have gotten free seeds from some of the people on hear. thanks to every one. my first batch off seeds have started to grow i have seven pods trinidad scorpions aj lemon drops and bhutjalokias. used a heat mat to get them going put them in my window and put a small jumpstart light on them. I started off by just puting some seeds from one of the pods i was going to eat in a container. was not even serious abought growing them figured they would not grow wattered then every couple of days. them one day i seen green. after reading the article on the grow tech section about lights and looking around i figured it was...
Ondra - chilli 2012
Hola mates, greetings from Czech rep., :cheers: i am complete novice and beginner., I've not grown anything, much less chili .. I read a forum the cell several times, but valuable advice, experience and criticism of all of you more experienced advice welcome :-) Initially I started using Jiffy peat tablets, "home greenhouse", box of Styrofoam, aluminum foil and special 100w growing light bulbs .. germination success: Naschzipfel / Medusa: 4/4 Bacio Di Satana: 3/3 Pequin: 2/3 Takanotsume: 4/4 Cayenne Yellow: 4/4 Zimbabwe Bird: 4/4 and sorry for my english :-) . . . .
Baysides First Pepper Grow (Indoor)
Hello Everyone, I am new to the site and new to growing peppers. This is my first time ever growing peppers from seed. I placed an order for some seeds from Pepper joes. I planted them a couple weeks ago and now I have some pepper seedlings. I also ordered an indoor greenhouse called the sunhut with 48" T5 HO florescent's to grow the peppers. The Sun hut just arrived today and I spent the evening getting it set up. I took a couple quick pictures with my cell phone. Please feel free to let me know if I should make any changes or adjustments to my setup as this is my first time trying to grow hot peppers. Here is a list of what I am growing: Ghost pepper. Giant ghost pepper. Butch T pepper. Taz hab. Scotch bonnet. Yatsy pepper. 5 color...
This year I'm doing much the same as before. I've germinated several pepper seeds: Orig. Yellow 7 from PepperLover Papa Joe's Yellow Scotch Bonnet from Chris Bahamas Goat from Chris Sport from Tomato Growers Pimenta de Padron from Tomato Growers Along with the peppers I've germinated a few tomato seeds Amazon Chocolate from Diane's Seeds Berkely Tie-Dye Pink from Wild Boar Farms Sun Sugar from Trade Winds I started all the seeds in rockwool but will be growing in pots. A gardening store close by carries the Fox Farm line so I'll be using the Ocean Forest potting mix. Right now the pepper seedlings are fine but my tomato seeds are iffy, I can always start more though. I'll start posting pictures once I've potted them up. The...
Astrotuna's 2012 glog
Hey all, I've been lurking and learning for a couple years, so I figured I'd post my 2012 grow to get some feedback. Living where I do, this hobby has pretty much gotten me through two nasty winters as I eagerly anticipate spring. It's only my second year growing more than grocery-store calibre peppers, so my list isn't all that extensive: Fatalii Bhut Jolokia (Red) Bhut Jolokia (Chocolate) Red Savina Trinidad Scorpion (Red) Trinidad Scorpion (Butch T) Habanero (Red) Habanero (Orange) Habanero (Mustard) 7 pot/pod Brain Strain yellow White Bullet Habanero Dorset Naga Douglah Bulgarian Carrot And a handful of other varieties I don't remember because my "foolproof labeling system" failed horribly when I forgot to save the excel file I...
Yeah I know, real original title. :think: So here's what i'm growing this year. It's a short list because I lack the space...also I couldn't justify spending $14 to cover the minimum purchase requirement for just one strain from nmsu. I started germing 4 of each of these a little over a week ago (friday 2/10) bhut jolokia black pearl caribbean red hab chili de arbol chocolate hab tabasco thai hot Since a couple of them popped yesterday and some today. I decided it was time to plant them and start logging the progress. I didn't start a grow log until today because I didn't want to count my chickens before they hatched. So far the popped list is as follows: all of the black pearls, all the caribbean reds, 2 tabascos, 3 thai, and 2...
Melium's Glog!
Moved my plants into my room today and set up my two 65w Walmart Plant bulbs overtop of them. Here are some pics! These all sprouted at the same time, but I ran out of pots so i've kept the others in small 2in pots. Should I pot them up yet? They're about 4" tall This plant is getting huge! Its over 9" tall, 3x taller then all the others. Here's the grow station, I like to keep the two things in life close to me, my guns and my plants.
Booma's First Grow Log
Thought i start a grow log. First time growing from seeds, have had habaneros and birds eye in the past but were all bought as seedlings from the nursery. I have 8 varieties that i am trying... to grow they are: Dorset Naga 3/3 7 Pot 1/3 Bih Jolokia 0/3 Chocolate Habanero 1/3 Black Pearl 0/3 Black Prince 1/3 Explosive Ember 0/3 Costa Rica 2/3 Having not much experience in this field at all i have tried to keep the plan fairly simple and we'll see how it goes. Total of 24 seeds were to be planted. I soaked 3 seeds of each variety for a few hours first then planted them in jiffy pellets and put them inside the mini greenhouse on a heat mat. Unfortunately the heat mat has no thermostat but sits most of the time at 10deg above ambient...
Helldozer's Semi-homemade Glog
Howdy all. I'm still fairly new here and I have posted a lot of questions. But wanted to begin posting some progress. I have a few other threads where I'm having issues with seedlings, but I have had some seeds turn out. I will post here shortly. So, here we go. These photos were all taken January 15th, 2012. #5 Trinidad Scorpion (Trade Winds Fruit Company) #7 Goat's Weed (Trade Winds Fruit Company) #9 Serrano (I believe these are Burpee or one that starts with a "C" :P) Jalapeno from Hamburger Restaurant This is a Meyer's Lemon Then I built my own grow area:
This is my 1st year growing chiles. I hope that I can have a bountiful crop as I absolutely love a combination of flavor and heat - I'm now find myself using chiles in virtually everything that I make. 7 Pot, Trinidad Yellow, Original 4 Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate 4 Bhut Jolokia, Red 4 Naga Dorset Morich 4 Bhut Jolokia, Yellow 4 Habalokia, Chocolate 4 Habanero, Chocolate Long 2 Red Paper Lantern 2 Scotch Bonnet 2 Thai Mound 2 Thai, Yellow 2 Cayenne, Joe's Long 4 Aji Limo Rojo 4 Anaheim, NuMex, Big Jim 2...
https://picasaweb.go...2133/Plants2012 Various photos of my 2012 grow log as of feb 15 2012. I got fataliis, bhut jolokias Red/choc, naga morich, devils tongue, carribean reds, african birds eye, trinidad scorpions, Morougha red/yellow, habenero mustards, 7pot, madame jeanette and green bell peppers. Started all under three 23w cfls from november 25 -Jan 15. Now got them under a 600w metal halide for the past month
Currently Planted: 4 Trinidad Scorpions 2 Ghost 4 Brain Strain - Red 4 Chocolate Habs 4 Caribbean Red Habs 4 Tasmanian Red Habs 4 Scotch Bonnets 4 Thai Dragons 2 Cutting Board (Could be anything) To be started: 6 Cayenne 4 Purple Cayenne 10 Jalapeno I also currently have a set of twin Bhut Jolokia's growing in a pot for over winter. I will get some pics uploaded, when I'm not on my phone.