• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
I just started reading this forum last fall after a some what lackluster pepper season and got really motivated by all the info and grow logs. I started off by over wintering a few pepper plants thanks to Pepper-Guru and his guide. Anyways here is what i've managed to accomplish so far this year. I started off by using the raised beds and the square foot gardening method, soil mix is 1/3 peat, 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 food waste compost. lots of companion planting, mainly nightshade family, I have like 6 different types of basils growing along with 14 varities of heirloom tomatos, 45 plants in all, over 100 pepper plants. Biker Billys are freaking insane, never grown a better plant Scorpions and ghost peppers Some of these biker billys...
Hello all, I'm new here and to "extreme" pepper growing and appreciate all of the great info here, I live in North Alabama so have a some good pepper growing weather, I have grown peppers for about 15 years, just the Bonnie plant garden varieties like jalapeno, cayenne, habanero, serrano, thai and tabasco and after discovering the Bhut Jolokia or "ghost pepper" last year I want to grow them too, I am a hot sauce collector/fanatic and have always been intrigued by the hotter the better. So looking forward to jumping in a sharing what I'm doing which of course pales in comparison to everyone else here but just thought why not? I have a few plants in the garden already and am close to having some baby peppers, i planted the plants at the...
One good thing about Florida is the season never ends..... Trinidad Scorpion Red Datil Orange Bell Sorano Finger Hot Lemon Bhut Bhut Jolokia 7 Pot Barrackpore Cayenne Moruga Scorpion Sunrise Scorpion Honkey Hungarian Hot Wax Big Bomb Monet Jalapenos Jalapenos Explosive Ember Thai Hot Butch T Brain Strain Black Scorpion Fatalii Lumbre Chiltenin Yellow 7 Pod Black Pearl Maybe I will start some regular Habs since I do have a few seeds laying around and several unidentified plants that sprouted after I gave up on recycled the soil planted Basil/tomatos/suger peas then had pepper plants sprout with em.....
So im going to just start this off with these 2 pics. This weekend i shall add in all that i currently have growing. So these 6 are from Jim over at Refiningfirechilis. Beautiful plants that i shall be planting in my garden this weekend as well :) 3 Scotch Bonnets 1Bhut Jolokia 1 Fatalii 1 T. Scorpion My 3 lovely Scotch Bonnets Order of the plants follow from left to right.., T. Scorpion, Bhut, Fatalii
I guess I better start a grow log or I'll forget. Here is the list so far: Annuum Beaver Dam Fresno Tunisian Baklouti Baccatum Lemon Drop Chinense Bahamian Goat Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Habanero Chocolate Scorpion Datil Douglah Fatalii Scotch Bonnet 7 Pot Brain Strain 7 Pot Red 7 Pot Yellow Frutescens Zimbabwe Bird Pubescens Red Manzano Non-Peppers Sweet Basil Thai Basil Pineapple Sage Lemon Verbena Fenugreek Cantaloupe Marketmore Cucumber Pineapple Tomatillo Zucchini I'll probably get a few more seedlings in the spring So far, I started the Manzano seeds and one has sprouted. Sometime around Christmas I'll start the Chinenses and Frutescens. I'll start the rest in early February. For now I have a lot of landscaping work to...
So my plan is to see what growing condition work betters than others. From different types of water. Too different types of soil. You can see in the charts what is going to grow with what soil combo and what light timing. 12/12= 12 hours on 12 hours off 24/7= lights on for the whole time the plants are growing. (day and night) (kinda bad but writting) I just planted them today june 18th. (in a baggie) But i ordered 25 3 gallon grow bags to grow them in. Under the lights in my basement. There will be 24 plants. Each one will be under a different variable. I want to see which way the plant produce the fastest, strongest looking plant, and healthiest. I hope all goes well with this. And all the plants will be Trinidad Moruga Scorpions i...
This is my first year growing peppers from seed and I've made a lot of mistakes so far. I've been gardening for a long time and have worked on farms since I was thirteen but these superhots are giving me a it of a challenge. Still, I'm loving every minute of it. In late March I started some Tabasco, Cayenne, and Thai seeds in a jiffy Greenhouse. Not knowing that they need heat to germinate very few did. These are the survivors. The ones on the left just sprouted yesterday. I've checked the soil and none of the seeds have rotted, some are still in the process of germinating now that it's getting hotter. Call me an optimist but I think there'll be more where these came from. Here is my tray of relatively hot/superhots. The labels are...
Here is my first tray. Its basically planted out now. I will be updating today. I overwintered 30 peppers,yeah my wife thinks I'm crazy. This tray has Fish Pepper(Peppergal),Cheiro Recife( Peppermania),Shisito(Baker Creek),Broome (Peppermania),Garden Bird Seed (Baker Creek),Zimbabwe Bird Op from 2011,Hawaiian Sweet Hot (Peppermania),Vietnamese Multicolor (Baker Creek),Bulgarian Carrot Pepper (Peppergal),SerranoTampiqueno (Botanical Interest),Spanish Padron (Renees' Garden)Aji Crystal (Peppermania)
Hi guys and gals! For fun's sake, posterity, and for something to do this lazy Friday afternoon (I'm self-employed and nothing on the agenda today), I decided to chronicle this years gardening adventures. This is the second year I've lived in sunny Covina, CA, and although last years gardening hit several snags, I think I've learned a bit and hope to do better. I also enjoyed my habaneros so much that I decided to jump into the world of super hots! So far I'm growing: 1. Last years standard orange habanero from Home Depot - recently re-potted and heavily pruned due to damage from a freak hail storm 2. Two Trinidad Scorpion Peppers (recently purchased from the Cal State Fullerton Aboreum) The first one is healthier. It had good...
This is my first time glogging, so please be kind and patient with me. I've been gardening for probably five years now, but only got into the good stuff last year when I started half a dozen Bhut Jolokia plants. Let's see how much I can mess up this year! Even though I'm running later than I would like, I officially started my 2012 season last night by settings some seeds out to germinate. I'm trying something a bit different, based off of pepperjam's Cups vs Bags experiment. I took the pellet tray out of a jiffy starter kit and am using it as one large "cup." In my best handwriting, as you can see, I wrote a small description and drew a box for each cultivar I was starting in the tray. My idea is to wet everything, throw it on...
This is my second season growing superhots. I decided to branch out and grow some tasty peppers that others will enjoy. I've been collecting and buying seeds busily! So i decided to start my seeds early-mid january since last frost date last year was in early april. Here is my list. Some i bought, some i got for free from the amazing THP members! Thanks again all, I'll be germinating my seeds in cups. I had great success last year using this method. Once they sprout, i'll move them to my 72 plug seed tray. I'm using gardener's supply germinating mix. It has very fine peat, vermiculite, and trace minerals and is pH balanced. Once they get their true leaves, i'll move them to 3.5x5 inch pots (P86D) and 1 pint root pouches (just to...
Hey everybody! I promised myself that I wouldn't jump the gun and start updating until I had my first cotyledons showing. Today that happened, as my first 7 pot Primo finally coaxed its way out of its seed plug and unfolded its cotyledons to my light. There's still a bunch of growth happening in there so I should have a lot more babies coming in the next 3 or 4 days. It's January still and that means I'm sprouting round one of my seeds. That means I'm doing four each of all thirteen super hot varieties I have. Everything else will come later, although I think I will plant my Manzano seeds today to make sure that I give them a good jump start. I hear they are pesky. THE 2012 GROW LIST! There should be at least 30 of these that I...
Hi all, I mainly signed up to this site for growing advice and assistance, but obviously was pleasantly surprised to see so many cooking and sauce recipes :) So, here I go... This is not strictly my first glog, as I own a pair of traditional dutch shoes crafted out of a single piece of wood. I hope that counts. I got two (non-specific) green chili plants off a friend around mid summer 2011, and didn't buy any chillies for the rest of the year. I tried to over-winter them both, but one died. Here is the one I call, 'The Veteran': I like to tie him down to see if he'll produce more chillies and become more lateral and bushy instead of growing up: This guy inspired me. So on the 6th January,I started off with some seeds a friend...
Well here it is against my better judgement my first ever grow log. I have no green thumb genius, no botany brilliance, and am doing this solely for your amusement. This is not a treatise on pepper perfection but rather, in all likelyhood a pretty detailed journal of what not to do. There will be mishaps, things that defy good sense, and sadly even deaths. In the end however irregardless of your pepper growing skill level, if you check in on my glog from time to time you will undoubtedly go away with a much higher view of your own growing ability. So with the proper expectations set let's get started just remember under no circumstances should you try anything you see here at home. First off our selection started off with all the super...
Well I decided to do a glog half way through. At first I didn't think anyone could learn anything. I guess there is value in what not to do. I start seeds poking holes into styrofoam cups. I stuff promix into the cups and soak the promix then one layer of vermiculite spray with hydrogen peroxide place the seed on the vermiculite add a layer of vermiculite and spray again. I cover the top with ziploc snack bags and place on heating pads. I check periodically and spray with water or peroxide. I use this method because it is simple and requires very little maintenance. Once they sprout they go under grow lights. I do a mix of LED and CFL. I over winter most plants. Currently the over winters are in the ground or buckets and are: Cherry...
This year i am growing to sell pods and to learn to grow effective. I live on a farm in sweden. I have a normal work and this crazy chili growing hobby ;) It started with 1 plant first year, then 3 plants, then 25 plants and last year around 80 plants. I will grow them in my greenhouse and outside. Mostly in containers 10L ones and few plants in 18L i also gonna try some grow bags i bought for fun to see if its any good. And i want to point out a BIG BIG BIG BIG thanks to smokemaster who really helped me out and went out and bought a heating mat for me and went true alot of trouble to get it to me!!! And it might get a bit hard to read its late and i am tired ;) But i will post alot of pictures as always ;)) This year i am planning...
Seeds Started 2/15: Beaver Dam (4/4) doux long d'Antibes (2/4) :confused: Goccia d’oro (3/4) Alma Paprika (4/4) Maria Nagy (4/4) Pasilla Baijo (1/3) Buht Jolokia (4/4) Monster Infinity (1/1) :party: Yellow T-Scorp (2/3) Billy Boy Douglah (2/3) Lg. Yellow 7 Pot (3/3) Brain Strain (3/3) Aji Crystal (3/4) Blondie (0/3) :cry: Aji Omnicolor (4/4) Chiltepin (3/3) White Fatalii (3/3) Donne Sali (3/3) Long Choc Hab (3/4) Peruvian White Hab (2/2) Big Ass Cayenne (1/3) :confused: Wild Brazil (0/3) :confused: PI 653748 (2/2) PI 224444 (2/2) Started 2/5 Pile of store bought Fresnos (a bunch germinated, took a couple weeks w/ no pre-soak) Started 1/25: Jimmy Nardello (5/5) Start received from Scott at Grow Wurks 1/15: Trinidad...
Here is what survived a feral cat attack (they were pissing and crapping on them, using the pots as litter boxes) I solved that problem. :shh: Butch T Douglah BB (PRF) Yellow Scropion CARDI 7 Pod Jonah Naga Morich Orange 7 (PRF) Brain Strain (PRF) Moruga Scropion (Jim Duffy & Dilly's) Chocolate Fatalii Chocolate Hab Cappuccino Hab (Ajijoe) Peach Habalokia (Ajijoe) Peach Bhut Jolokia (Ajijoe) Trinidad Scorpion (4 different sources) Tabasco Fish Thai Yellow Trin Seasoning Aji Omni Color Mustard Hab Lightning Mix Yellow Trin Scorp King Naga Red Devils Tongue Carib Red Hab 102 Plants all in pots.. 6 unidentified because of label missing after planting.. I have more.. I'll post the rest of the list tomorrow..
Hi Everybody!!! Here's a record of my first grow ever. I just started having an interest in horticulture when my girlfriend couldn't get donne sali (a hot pepper from the Marianas Islands) here stateside. So I've decided to grow them for her as well as some others. THE PEPPER LIST: Giant Bhut Jolokias, Peter Peppers, Mulato Isleno, Hot Cow Horn Peppers, and Donne Sali. (All from PepperJoe except for the Donne Sali) THE INDOOR GROW ROOM: 4.5 ft. x 3.5 ft. x 9 ft. (LxWxH dimensions). Covered floor and walls with 5.5 mil Black & White Poly up to 6 ft. high. No venitlation set up as of today, I just have a tower fan to circulate the hot air and I open a door to an outside room to bring in fresh air. Humidity is around 40%, I'm...
So, I figured I'd start a grow log now that I'm having some success despite my own stupidity :crazy: I planted the following this past Monday(only five days ago!!) Poblano Santa Fe grande Purple Jalapeno Hungarian Yellow Wax Pumpkin Hab White Hab Tabasco Butch T All from Pepperjoe.com When I got home tonight there were two of the White Habs, a Santa Fe Grande, and a Pumpkin Hab peeking up at me!
Hey all, frequent this site a lot for info but never posted. First year growing and figured I would start a log. Right now I have 2 reg hab plants and a Bhut that I was growing in soil over the winter. I've decided to step up my game and go full hydroponics. Seeds were started about 3 weeks ago with about half of them germinated. Here are some pics of the setup. Old Lighting:: California Light Works Solarstorm LED lighting. Not enough coverage with this light so I switched it up in favor of the new lighting. New Lighting: 4 Solar Flare Full Cycle LED systems from California Light Works. Hydroponics setup: This is my first attempt at hydroponics and i'm still learning the ins and outs. After doing a bunch of initial research this...
Here is my 2012 growing list: 7pot Barrackpore 7pot Brain Strain 7pot Brain Strain Yellow 7pot Jonah 7pot SR Strain 7pot White JD Acrata Africansk Agnetto Gold Thick Agronaldo de Asti Aji Braz Bonanza Aji Cereza Aji Chilco Calentana Aji Chombo Aji Cito Aji Cristal Aji Golden Aji Habanero Aji Limo Aji Panca Aji Pasco Aji Pineapple Aji Santa Cruz Antillais Caribbean Apache Aribibbi Gusano Aurora Avenir Beaver Dam Beni Highlands Beni Market Bhut jolokia improved Strain II Bhut jolokia improved Strain I Bhut jolokia Stamm Assam Bhut jolokia Yellow Big Bang Chocolate Naga Big Jamaican Birgits Locoto Black Pequin Black Coban Black Habanero Black Naga Black Scorpions Tongue Black Stinger Blondy Bode Amarelo Bolivar de Minas Gereis Bolivian...
Giving indoor a real try this year. Starting these in jiffy pucks, under a dome. After hooking, they're moved under the flouros until large enough for the hid. The nursery is a small fridge converted into a grow room, the hid setup is a 2x3x5 foot tent, 250 watt mh/hps. Cowhorn Bhut Jolokia All three sprouts are 36 hours old, roughly. There are 3 more bhuts and 4 red habs waiting to hook. Any advice you guys feel like throwing my way is more than welcome. After trolling the last month or two, I know the I'm in good hands.
So I am pretty new to this all. Last year I grew about 100 total pepper plants in my backyard and it went well enough. Fatalli, Ghosts, NuMex Twilights, Orange Habs, and a few others. I sold them to friends and family as well as pickled lots and sold them to the co-workers which was a hit. This year about two weeks ago I was given about two acres to plant on. Not knowing if I will ever have this chance again I planted some peppers. Here is what I have so far. 150 Jalapeños, 75 Cayenne Peppers, 75 Thai Peppers, 150 Early Jalapeños, 213 Fresnos, and 213 Pablanos. All planted 6/1 I also have 40 Tabasco, 40 New Mex Eclipse/Sunrise/Sunset, 40 Passilla, 40 Piñata 10 Ghost, 12 White Habaneros, 2 Black Habanero, 20...
Well. Here we go again. Last year I had ordered seeds from Asias Garden off of eBay and they ended up being crosses at best. Oh well, you live and you learn. Thanks to all the people here who helped me get on my way last year. I learned pretty much everything from this site and people were very helpful. This year I got all my seeds but the Red Bhut from Hippy Seed Co. The Red Bhuts came from NMSU. I just started germinating today. I decided to scale it back a bit this year. I started about 20 seeds but will probably only keep 6 and give the rest to friends. Here is what I am growing: Red Bhut Chocolate Bhut Douglah Butch T
This is my first attempt at posting a picture here. If this all works fine I will post more, and if it doesn't work all that well I will go back to the drawing board before trying again. Due to a relatively short growing season in Ottawa, I knew that my ghost peppers would be tough to grow to the point where they produce ripe peppers. I started the seeds in mid-February, and I had three of them germinate. Mental note to avoid using jiffy peat pucks for peppers next year. One of the peppers came up with all of his leaves stuck together in a huge knot. I patiently pulled the leaves apart with a toothpick, and he ended up being a bit smaller than the others but none the worse for wear. This photo was taken on May 3rd when I had the...
Hello everybody - I am new to this forum, and so far my time on it has been exciting. Not long after signing off from my first visit on 05/03, my wife went into labor and hours later we were blessed with the birth of our first child - my daughter Pepper Ann. Why did we choose Pepper for her name? Well, there are several reasons: first, whether spice or vegtable, hot or sweet, fresh, smoked, or sauce - peppers make good food great and are amazing by themselves; second, I have always loved growing a wide variety of them, leading me to specialize in them as a market gardener (and tomatoes, but that would be a less-appealing name); third, we fell in love with the name Pepper after watching the movie Iron Man and had read Iron Man comics...
Well, I decided to make my grow log even though it's a bit late in the season. I think that it might help me keep track of progress because I look at my plants every day, so comparison will be good. Here is one of my Butch T plants: Uploaded with ImageShack.us Here is a giant jalapeno plant, one of the tallest I have. Uploaded with ImageShack.us A habanero plant that is just over 8 inches tall and looking like a juggernaut. This happens to be a carribean red plant and some of it's bros are producing flowers. Uploaded with ImageShack.us And here is a wide shot of the garden. Uploaded with ImageShack.us I finally decided to put in mulch over the entire garden, leaving only the soil rings exposed. It creates a nice...
Thanks to everyone on the site posting all the extremely good information on their grows. I played around a bit last year with minor success but decided to go bigger this season. Here's my set-up & grow list: 1000w HID MH/HPS set up Heating mat & thermostat Rapid Rooter plugs Fatalii Red Savina Jamaican Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion - Butch T Trinidad Scorpion - Moruga 7 Pot - Barrackapore 7 Pot - Douglah 7 Pot - Jonah King Naga
hello :) i thought id start a growlog! i like growing in the ground.. i grow various kinds of veggies depending what season it is. it might be more work to prepare the soil by hand but its well worth it. i grow in raised beds in most cases, but this year im also experimenting with a trench grow. i dug up a 6 feet x 2 feet and 3 feet deep trench that i filled up with compost, soil, potting soil and various other things including carbon from my smoker, ashes, chicken and rabbit manure and perlite.. this last trench is based lightly on the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terra_preta method used by precolumbian cultures oif the americas. chilis beeing one of their main crops, made me think it should be interesting to try to see if it makes...
hello :) i thought id start a growlog! i like growing in the ground.. i grow various kinds of veggies depending what season it is. it might be more work to prepare the soil by hand but its well worth it. i grow in raised beds in most cases, but this year im also experimenting with a trench grow. i dug up a 6 feet x 2 feet and 3 feet deep trench that i filled up with compost, soil, potting soil and various other things including carbon from my smoker, ashes, chicken and rabbit manure and perlite.. this last trench is based lightly on the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terra_preta method used by precolumbian cultures oif the americas. chilis beeing one of their main crops, made me think it should be interesting to try to see if it makes...
I've been reading everyones grow log figured i should start my own. I have already started a few different kinds starting the others tomorrow. I soak my seeds over night in plain water then i plant them in 4in pots 4 kinds per pot 2 seeds each then I transplant them into there own 4in pot when they show second set of true leaves. For lighting i use a double four foot light fixture with 2 daylight bulbs 80 watts. at about 6in they get transplanted into a one gallon pot then they get put under two four foot light strips with three daylight bulbs and one grow bulb. they reside there till they go outside i know its a little low on lighting but its just to get a head start before they go outside once out side they go into 3 or 5 gall on pots...
It's time for my first grow log. Season Starts Capsicum Annuum:Aci Sivri Ebony Fire NotFluorescent NotPurple Goat's Weed JalapeƱo Not Mild Capsicum Baccatum:Aji Amarillo Aji Cristal Aji Omnicolor Bishop's Hat Brazilian Starfish Capsicum Chinense:Beni Highlands Bahamian Goat Pepper Habanero, Chocolate NotHabanero, Peach Jamaican Hot Chocolate Limon (2 sources) Moruga Red Scotch Bonnet TFM Seven Pot (Jonah?) Capsicum Pubescens:Manzano, Yellow (cutting) Rocoto, Orange Capsicum hybrid:NotBhut Jolokia, NotWhite NotScarlet NotLantern List Updates:2011-12-23 - NotLimo NotBlanco tagged as a Not since everything about it screams Annuum. 2011-12-25 - Tiny plant in the garden identified as Aji Omnicolor by leaf structure and first flower...
These are my pepper plants. I'll post updates in this original post and just edit it and make a reply saying "Updated". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 22, 2012 Extra Thai Plants Sunburnt Extra Thai and Bhut Plants (empty pot has some Jalapeno seeds from store bought jals) 3 Nice Bhuts in 1 gallon Pots and my biggest bushiest Thai plant My biggest Bhut in my biggest pot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...