• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Hey never done 1 of these but have had several of you say try.Photos will follow but for starters For starters I have peppadew 8 started 4 happy piri piri african 8 started and 8 happy Aji pineapple 8 started and 2 so far Aji amarillo 8 started and 1 so far Butch TS 8 started and 3 so far Red bell small 8 - 6 Yellow Bell 8 - 6 Jalapino 8 - 7 Douglah SR 8 - 4 Hope everyone has a great season and can`t wait for the superhots to start really kicking in.
Megamoo's 2011/2012 Grow Log It's the 4th of August and time to start a grow log. This will be only my second year and second grow log. Because I tend to go on and on talking about crap I will make a commitment to only post if there are pictures to post with it so it stays entertaining. I've already germinated some seeds inside and am eagerly awaiting the end of winter so I can begin construction of my forest of chillies :D Firstly a recap of what has happenned up to now. Being bored in the off season I started three Jalapeno seeds in on 17th may. One week later I got a hook. This got me gander up and I jumped in ;) On 7th June I soaked in chamomile tea and planted seeds of: Jaimca Scotch Bonnet Aji Amarillo Aribibi...
Hi everyone on THP! :halo: I found this brilliant website and have been reading through everyones grow logs and thought I had to get in on the chili growing! This is my first time attempting to grow chilies and since I live in cold and rainy old England im not expecting the amazing results some of you are getting but here goes nothing :shame: My grow list is: Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Black Pearl Super Chili F1 Red Caribbean Antilles Hungarian Hot Wax Numex Big Jim Numex Twilight Sweet Pepper- California Wonder I have 2 overwintered Bell Peppers from a shop bought pepper also. Will be updaing shortly with some pics please comment and tell me where im going wrong lol :) Daz
:think: Jan 12 This is my first year growing hot peppers. I found The Hot Pepper website a couple months back and joined. Thanks to several generous members and Judy at PepperLover I was able to get started rather quickly. Yesterday I started many of this year’s seeds. Here is the list of what seeds I set: 7 Pot Jonah 7 Pot Red Aji Amarillo Aji Yellow Bhut Jolokia, Brown Bhut Jolokia, Peach Bhut Jolokia, Red Black Naga 9 seed Black Scorpion Tongue Chapeu Du Frade Chinese 5 Color Congo Trinidad Scorpion Datil Pepper Fish Pepper Brown Habanero Orange Habanero Red Habanero White Habanero Lemon Habanero Naga Jolokia Purple Peter Pepper Red Red Salvina Santa Fe Grande Pepper Thai Hot Pepper Trinidad Scorpion Trinidad...
Well, I finally got motivated and dropped some seeds in my 162 count plug tray this afternoon. Filled up 100 of the spaces. It's always so hard to narrow anything down. I've got the seed tray on a heating mat calibrated to 86 degrees. Sowing so many individual varieties is always one huge chore. I kind of envy people like AJ planting 100 of the same variety. I sowed a lot of C. chinenses, some wild bird types, and wild praetermissums and a few other wild species. There is nothing very common on this years' list. lol. :) Tons of strange super hot cross attempts from people. At least I've got a solid system now as far as spreadsheets and tracking. I wish I had acres to grow all I want. I could really get carried away! I'll...
so, I don't think this is too bad for a first grow...These were germinated in Mid December... Had them under HPS, until recently Yellow Scorp Butch T Choc Hab Another Choc Hab In the Grow Box at the Shop Little Lighting! Upper View of the goodies! Cant Flip the pic.... Zipped up....Sorry again, cant flip it....
Hello all. I figured I will start a grow log seeing that is the thing to do in this thread. This is my first "official" season growing from seed. I have been getting good advice by reading all of your g-logs and hope to have success. Here is my list of peppers that are in germination (mulitple of each). Will post pics soon. Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon Bhut Jolokia Brown Fatali Red Devils Tounge White Habanero Trinidad Scorp. Butch T Trinidad Scorp. Orig. Strain Early Jalapeno 7 Pod Brain Strain
Hi Everyone!!!! This is my grow log for this season. It's not all peppers but I will list the peppers that I just planted..... Moruga Scorp Choco 7 Pot 7 Pod Barrackpore Mustard HAbanero Red Mushroom Pepper Jamaican Hot Chocolate Naga Morich Nagabon Rhoberto Chili Yellow Scorp Red Brainstrain Yellow Bhut Cumari Pollux Choco Bhut Bhut X Douglah Douglah Bhut Indian Carbon Red 7 pot 7 pot Jonah Fatalii Habanero Yellow Cayenne Black Pearl Bhut Jolokia White 7 pot Labuya Amarillo Butch T Yellow 7 pot That's All the chili peppers on the list. I will post pics soon :D
Just waiting to get these started: Jalamundo Bhut Jolokia Trin Scorpion (Butch T) Red Devil Tongue 7 Pot Chaguanas Hungarian Super Hot Sweet Banana Red Bell Cayenne Zapotec Jalapeno Carribean Red Hab I'm going to start about 10-12 0f each but I only want to grow 3-4 of each. The rest will go out to some friends or anyone local to me!
Hello everyone! I'm new here to the forums but I have been browsing for a couple months now. I just recently fell in love with the idea of growing peppers but I live in a very limited space, an apartment with 2 cats. So in order to fulfill my pepper growing need, I set up a little corner in my bedroom just for growing peppers and eventually some other veggies. I currently have 5 of these lights. 2 are over the plants, one is one one wall mounted and the other 2 are on the other wall. For the past 2 months I've only had 3 lights though, I just recently got 2 more. I had to figure out what would be best for growing indoors for a couple months. I was looking up a lot of info on compact plants and ornamental peppers that are edible...
First, let me say I'm glad I found this forum. I've had a blast reading the threads and learned a bunch. This year I will be growing in the ground, in containers and hopefully in an aquaponic setup if all goes well. I should be starting seeds around Feb 1st if I get the greenhouse we picked up on Craigslist all squared away. We affectionally call our pepper plot "Hell's Garden". Seeds: RF- Refining Fire PL-Pepper Lover BC- Baker Creek Heirlooms SSE- Seed Saver's Exchange Heirlooms BTP- Bayou Trader's Peppermania KIT- Kitazawa Seed Company 2012 Hell's Garden --Sweet or Mild-- Sweet Red Stuffing--BC Quadrato D'asti Rosso --BC Kaleidoscope--BTP Bull Nose Bell--SSE Jimmy Nardello's--SSE Sweet Chocolate Bell--RF Pasilla...
With seeds for nearly 400 varieties, it is getting easy to figure out which one's I won't be growing. After going through the list several times, this is what my 2012 list is looking like: ANNUUM Fresno Holland Hot Finger Big Jim Heritage (anaheim) Poinsettia Cherry bomb Maule's Red Hot Fish Pablano Charleston hot Large red hot cherry Guntur Sannam Biber sera Demre Cascabel Aci Sivri Chinense 5 color Giant Jalapeno Purple Jalapeno NuMex Jalmundo Cobra G4 Ring of Fire St. Helena Island Acorn Rooster Spur Super cayenne II hybrid Broome Chili Apache F1 hybrdi Bacio di Santana Cabai Chilli tree Shata Baladi Cabe Kerinting Kung Pao Pusa Jwala ANNUUM VAR. GLABRIUSCULUM UC Davis "Tepin from Peru" BACCATUM Inca Red Drop Champion Aji Cito...
I ahvent been on here in years ! Despite a quick cold ront . My season re-begins. So far these ahve been a couple of the pilot group for the season. Two Pimienta de Neyde , a Hot Fish , and one Blondie ( C.Bacatuum) Go Team Bahamas ! (^) Potting soil and Pilot Group Sprouts. (^)Up Close and Personal (^) Pure organic soil that isn't got tilled after years. It took a year to convert it from pure lime and s and to workable brown organic soil and no after a year of dry dormancy it is being worked again. These have been watered with warm water. Let the season commence
Hi All, I planted some SB7J seeds (thanks Patrick!), yesterday. They are on the right side, top and bottom. I started them off by giving them a nice 3 hour soak in warm water. Then I popped them in Rapid Rooters and under the humidity dome. The temps should stay between 78 - 84. I plan on putting one seedling in a DWC bucket and the other in soil. I'll get into more detail as they progress. Thanks for looking. Edward
Last year I made the cardinal error of starting to plant some six or ten weeks late, and I paid for it, by playing catch-up all year! At the end of it all, my harvest was 60% down on the previous year, though on the plus side, I did sell my product far more successfully, though that's really due to an improved marketing strategy and has little to do with skills in my hobby. Shame on me...! This year, I started one day earlier than my planned date, just to set the right tone, and after nuking the grow mix, pouring myself an Espresso and selecting the seeds, I got down to work...:cool: A long way to go, I know, but at least this train is running on schedule...! :dance:
Well this season, I have learned how to raise seeds into mature plants, a lot of learning and a lot of seeds... I have ended up with many different things, some were very last minute and got from Bunnings, but I have six seedlings germinating now and I won't reveal those... yet. the 1x just means there is one pot. I know some pots have up to 3 seedlings in each, in fact only two I can think of... 5x Unknown Capsicum Chinenses 1x Trinidad Scorpion (Butch T) 1x Jalapeno (Fire Starter) 1x Habanero (Orange) 1x Scotch Bonnet (Red) 1x Habanero (Red) 1x Brain Strain 7 Pot (Red) 1x Habanero (Yellow Mexican) 1x Hungarian Hot Wax Amongst other things, I am also growing: Beefsteak tomatoes, squashes. crystal apple cucumbers, gold rush zucchini...
This is my first year growing, I have a fair number of varieties to see how they go and see what I like for future grows. Fingers crossed they make it that far :) Some of these will be going into pots, some in the ground. Basically to see what works best for me. I only recently discovered this board so will add a few pics and descriptions all at once to bring this up to date. The Beginning: Seeds started 11.08.11 On heatmat 10 Varieties -Trinidad Scorpian Butch T -Yellow 7 Pod -Orange Habanero -Hot Cherry -Bhut Jolokia -Chocolate Habanero -Fatali -Jalapeno -Peter Peper -Birds Eye Seeds in basic seed raising mix on a heatmat The Beginning by Stenno4, on Flickr Left Tray Left Side by Stenno4, on Flickr Right Tray Right Side by...
check out the 8 plants i am currently trying to overwinter and so far everything looks good. i cut them back drastically, pruned the roots, sealed the cutting surfaces with wax and repottet them in small pots and put them directly to my glass door. let's see if i can keep them alive until next year ! :onfire: :onfire: :onfire:
My wife's brother in-law and I are in the market for some gardening software. For the most part we want something that we can use to log data such as... -Track seed types -Where stuff is planted (create a graphic of your garden and where plants are) -When compost/ferts get added (user input) -Costs (user input) -Ability to upload pics into journal -Supports all/most popular veges and of course peppers -Can log plant sizes/production -Calendar for when to Sow/Plant/Frost dates/etc. So I think this would qualify as a program that is really an advanced journal of sorts that allows pics to be uploaded and has a built in calendar and graphic representation of the garden(s). Anyone know of any software that would fit this bill? I have done...
Here we are again. I can't believe how fast the time goes by anymore. My pops always said the older you get the faster it passes us by. I am especially excited about this year, I'm going to try and cross a couple of peppers, on purpose! Haven't made the final decisions yet though. Anyway, here's a few that I overwintered. The one on the left came from a 7 Pod Barrackpore cutting. It struggled for a bit but the roots are starting to grow so I'm hopeful. Center front is a "large" 7 Pod, center rear was a very robust Dorset Naga and the one on the right is a 7 Pod Primo. The latter three I removed from 5-7 gal pots, trimmed the roots and cut them down to just the stem. They sat in my foyer where they got some limited sunlight through a...
Ever since i heard about the Foodarama Scotch Bonnet story and how the pepper was found only 10 miles from me, i decided to pay a visit to Foodarama myself. They did not have it. So i went to Fiesta, another grocery place and found something that looked like them. I did some digging in the basket of cachucas and found a large red one. Maybe a scotch bonnet? Anyways here are the pics. Overview of all Cachucas i picked plus the large red one Underneath shot Close up of big red one Inside big red one - smelled great, like habanero, first bite was not much heat, second bit produced more heat like a hab. The Orange Manzano Inside - tasted good, like a somewhat hot bellpepper The Caribe Inside the Caribe - smell great inside...
Another year.... Last year I used garden beds for the first time, growth was phenomenal, not so good with the pods. I'm going to put this down to having too much chicken manure and also having the plants too close together. This year, I am aiming for 10 plants per bed versus the 18 I went with last year, so we'll see how it all turns out. A bed full of TS Butch T's, started first week of July, been in the beds for about a month now. A bed of overwintered Asian Birdseye. I think I lost 6 of the 18 plants to the cold, but most have sprouted. I will replace the dead plants with replacement Asian Birdseye when they are ready to go. The row closest to the footpath are all Bhut's, all Assam Bhut's I think. All but 1 survived the winter...
Hi Guys, here's some pic of my plant so far. here's some pic of what to come next year! i just made seeds test with ziploc and scott towel... this works very well so that way is my way to go. so here,s the pics... My stackup so far ;) very basic but until i make some cleanup.... that will be it for now! just need the plant to be near the lamp ;)
Hey Guys. I decided to start a growlog. I will include up to date pictures of whats going on now, My 40+ variety 250+seeds I'm starting this December indoors, And soon I'll post pictures of either me failing, or successfully keeping my current plants alive through the winter in my garage greenhouse. You all from THP have given me so much advice and help that I figured I'd show what I'm doing here in the Pacific Northwest. show a few things, learn a few things, and hopefully teach some people a few things. The weathers quite a bit different than most of the places I see members posting from. Alot colder, alot wetter, and most of my harvest is in late October(around the same time the frost likes come back into town) but I'm tryin! Seein...
Hi all This is my first grow log and im a noob at this and growing. Im growing other plants but have not taken pics. So i will try to take pics every tues day to log their progress. These are from seed i purchased off Ebay from a guy called darwincomedy. i think he is on here under the name craigzee. Soaked the seeds over night in water i kept warm. 6 days later i have these.
Starting out w/ a seed that just popped after being underground for > a month. I put both serrano seeds and jalapeno seeds in this pot. They didn't seem to sprout so I forgot about them. I'd be happy w/ either one because that would make the 4th different strain that I've grown. Already had some success w/ Kung Pao, phrik khi nu, & Hab's
Ok first up is some photos of my over wintered plants. Scorpion, Naga Morich, Chocolate Bhut, and 2 x Harold St. Barts. More of an experiment... I have never tried to over winter plants before. Did not super prune the plants or the root balls. I just left them in their pots out in the semi-cold during early November and most of the leaves started falling off. Then I did a minimal prune to remove any remaining leaves and to clean them up a bit. Gave them a cup of water each and threw them in my parent’s garage. I gave them a second cup of water last weekend. They seem to be doing great. One plant had what seemed to be a few Aphids so I sprayed it with Organocide but they have been bug free for the last month. I want to keep them in pots...
Hello! First, I beg apologies for my English. I've been gardening for a lot of years. I grow a wide variety of veggies in raised beds in Central Russia (at the rate of about 4 USDA Hardiness Zone). But I never grow the hot pepper. I am trying to grow my first hot and superhot this year. 2011 C.annuum Tequila Sunrise Poinsettia Cayenne Golden Red Cap Mushroom Vietnamese Candlelight C.baccatum Aji Cito Nepalese Bell C. chinense Habanero Red Habanero Chocolate First sprout was 7 March 2011. Now growing season is concluding already. Weathermen are promise the night frost. Some pepper plants I turn off and install in containers. My harvest is underripe and scrimpy. And I started a new season 2012. :crazy: 10 August were soaked...
Hi guys, I thought I'd share with you a diary of my first years attempt of growing from seed. I am a complete novice and started 3 weeks ago with sowing some seeds directly into top soil and others in jiffy pellets. This included Serrano Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Habanero Tabasco Numex Twilight Cilegia Picante Fatalli Hot Lemon Chilli Aji Amarillo Bishops Crown Birds eye baby Along came a lovely Melbourne storm which pick up my temp greenhouse and moved it a meter or so. The result was my seed trays went flying. I sifted through the remains and replanted what seeds I found. JR also came to the rescue and sent a few more seeds to me. What a great guy !! Anyway the Melbourne weather although spring has been unpredictable with cold...
Got some space in the garden next year along with 24 potted in 5 gallon buckets. -Red Bhut Jolokia -Trinidad Scorpion Butch T -Trinidad Scorpion Morouga :woohoo: -Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow -Trinidad 7 Douglah -Red Savina Habanero -Peach Habanero -Australian Lantern Habanero :woohoo: -Malaysian Goronong Habanero :woohoo: -Yellow Fatalii -Aji Pineapple -CGN 21500 :woohoo: -Orange Scotch Bonnet trying to figure out how to make room for Peach Bhut's! Also growing tomatoes: -Big Raspberry -Hawaiian Pineapple -Paul Robeson -Virginia Sweet -Fireworks -Japanese Oxheart -Stupice -Opalka -Jersey Devil
New place ,New area to plant and bigger space :) My mother gave me this place beside her house to start my pepper growing here as i would be shifting here soon or at least about 80 km away from this place.i would be there almost every weekend. at the top corner of the plot there is a lime plant.which just started to fruit. the size of it is about an orange. the other side of the plot has an amazing view. :)Thats Mount Kinabalu with its whole plateau and its peak.
Well, after several disatsters and a move it's time to do this right! (or at least a wee bit better) Started late earlier in the year and lost all but three of my outdoor plants to weather. Ironically enough the 3 "runts" survived. A wiri wiri "ma" and two white habs. I just started anew in a 3 bdr with a large backyard with just me, the GF, and my dog.... :woohoo: Here is phase one of the "grow room"; This will be just for growing, mostly peppers and some other veggies for eatin'. Pleanty of room I think. I have about 200 watts of floros up right now for the seedlings, and plan a CMH/T5 combo for bloom. The CMH are ceramic metal halides, a conversiuon type that has an outta this world spectrum good for all stages of growth...
2011 ......... here we go : season 2010 Still not sure about the varieties i will grow this season, but i know 1 thing....i want some Tovarii this season ! So i've sowed some seeds (15 tovarii's :D ) just to be sure ...and to my surprise 6 of them have allready germinated ;) this season i will grow some 'common' varieties aswell. I just need a lot of madam jeanette's (all time no. 1 chili, for me) for cooking and sauces, and some Japanese hotties, packed with flavour; Takanotsume and Okinawan hot pepper, later i will sow some Shishito aswell. Here are some pic's of the progress so far :