• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Fubarhouse's 2011/2012 Grow List!
Well this season, I have learned how to raise seeds into mature plants, a lot of learning and a lot of seeds... I have ended up with many different things, some were very last minute and got from Bunnings, but I have six seedlings germinating now and I won't reveal those... yet. the 1x just means there is one pot. I know some pots have up to 3 seedlings in each, in fact only two I can think of... 5x Unknown Capsicum Chinenses 1x Trinidad Scorpion (Butch T) 1x Jalapeno (Fire Starter) 1x Habanero (Orange) 1x Scotch Bonnet (Red) 1x Habanero (Red) 1x Brain Strain 7 Pot (Red) 1x Habanero (Yellow Mexican) 1x Hungarian Hot Wax Amongst other things, I am also growing: Beefsteak tomatoes, squashes. crystal apple cucumbers, gold rush zucchini...
Stenno's 2011/2012 Grow
This is my first year growing, I have a fair number of varieties to see how they go and see what I like for future grows. Fingers crossed they make it that far :) Some of these will be going into pots, some in the ground. Basically to see what works best for me. I only recently discovered this board so will add a few pics and descriptions all at once to bring this up to date. The Beginning: Seeds started 11.08.11 On heatmat 10 Varieties -Trinidad Scorpian Butch T -Yellow 7 Pod -Orange Habanero -Hot Cherry -Bhut Jolokia -Chocolate Habanero -Fatali -Jalapeno -Peter Peper -Birds Eye Seeds in basic seed raising mix on a heatmat The Beginning by Stenno4, on Flickr Left Tray Left Side by Stenno4, on Flickr Right Tray Right Side by...
overwintering for 2012
check out the 8 plants i am currently trying to overwinter and so far everything looks good. i cut them back drastically, pruned the roots, sealed the cutting surfaces with wax and repottet them in small pots and put them directly to my glass door. let's see if i can keep them alive until next year ! :onfire: :onfire: :onfire:
My wife's brother in-law and I are in the market for some gardening software. For the most part we want something that we can use to log data such as... -Track seed types -Where stuff is planted (create a graphic of your garden and where plants are) -When compost/ferts get added (user input) -Costs (user input) -Ability to upload pics into journal -Supports all/most popular veges and of course peppers -Can log plant sizes/production -Calendar for when to Sow/Plant/Frost dates/etc. So I think this would qualify as a program that is really an advanced journal of sorts that allows pics to be uploaded and has a built in calendar and graphic representation of the garden(s). Anyone know of any software that would fit this bill? I have done...
Patrick's 2011 Grow Log
Here we are again. I can't believe how fast the time goes by anymore. My pops always said the older you get the faster it passes us by. I am especially excited about this year, I'm going to try and cross a couple of peppers, on purpose! Haven't made the final decisions yet though. Anyway, here's a few that I overwintered. The one on the left came from a 7 Pod Barrackpore cutting. It struggled for a bit but the roots are starting to grow so I'm hopeful. Center front is a "large" 7 Pod, center rear was a very robust Dorset Naga and the one on the right is a 7 Pod Primo. The latter three I removed from 5-7 gal pots, trimmed the roots and cut them down to just the stem. They sat in my foyer where they got some limited sunlight through a...
Grocery store pepper search picture log
Ever since i heard about the Foodarama Scotch Bonnet story and how the pepper was found only 10 miles from me, i decided to pay a visit to Foodarama myself. They did not have it. So i went to Fiesta, another grocery place and found something that looked like them. I did some digging in the basket of cachucas and found a large red one. Maybe a scotch bonnet? Anyways here are the pics. Overview of all Cachucas i picked plus the large red one Underneath shot Close up of big red one Inside big red one - smelled great, like habanero, first bite was not much heat, second bit produced more heat like a hab. The Orange Manzano Inside - tasted good, like a somewhat hot bellpepper The Caribe Inside the Caribe - smell great inside...
MiLK_MaN grow season 2011/2012
Another year.... Last year I used garden beds for the first time, growth was phenomenal, not so good with the pods. I'm going to put this down to having too much chicken manure and also having the plants too close together. This year, I am aiming for 10 plants per bed versus the 18 I went with last year, so we'll see how it all turns out. A bed full of TS Butch T's, started first week of July, been in the beds for about a month now. A bed of overwintered Asian Birdseye. I think I lost 6 of the 18 plants to the cold, but most have sprouted. I will replace the dead plants with replacement Asian Birdseye when they are ready to go. The row closest to the footpath are all Bhut's, all Assam Bhut's I think. All but 1 survived the winter...
My first 2012 plant growing!
Hi Guys, here's some pic of my plant so far. here's some pic of what to come next year! i just made seeds test with ziploc and scott towel... this works very well so that way is my way to go. so here,s the pics... My stackup so far ;) very basic but until i make some cleanup.... that will be it for now! just need the plant to be near the lamp ;)
BigCedar's 2011/2012 GrowLog.
Hey Guys. I decided to start a growlog. I will include up to date pictures of whats going on now, My 40+ variety 250+seeds I'm starting this December indoors, And soon I'll post pictures of either me failing, or successfully keeping my current plants alive through the winter in my garage greenhouse. You all from THP have given me so much advice and help that I figured I'd show what I'm doing here in the Pacific Northwest. show a few things, learn a few things, and hopefully teach some people a few things. The weathers quite a bit different than most of the places I see members posting from. Alot colder, alot wetter, and most of my harvest is in late October(around the same time the frost likes come back into town) but I'm tryin! Seein...
Pauly's Grow Log
Hi all This is my first grow log and im a noob at this and growing. Im growing other plants but have not taken pics. So i will try to take pics every tues day to log their progress. These are from seed i purchased off Ebay from a guy called darwincomedy. i think he is on here under the name craigzee. Soaked the seeds over night in water i kept warm. 6 days later i have these.
2011 Grow log
Starting out w/ a seed that just popped after being underground for > a month. I put both serrano seeds and jalapeno seeds in this pot. They didn't seem to sprout so I forgot about them. I'd be happy w/ either one because that would make the 4th different strain that I've grown. Already had some success w/ Kung Pao, phrik khi nu, & Hab's
BeagleStorm vs 2011 - My Chile Grow Log
Ok first up is some photos of my over wintered plants. Scorpion, Naga Morich, Chocolate Bhut, and 2 x Harold St. Barts. More of an experiment... I have never tried to over winter plants before. Did not super prune the plants or the root balls. I just left them in their pots out in the semi-cold during early November and most of the leaves started falling off. Then I did a minimal prune to remove any remaining leaves and to clean them up a bit. Gave them a cup of water each and threw them in my parent’s garage. I gave them a second cup of water last weekend. They seem to be doing great. One plant had what seemed to be a few Aphids so I sprayed it with Organocide but they have been bug free for the last month. I want to keep them in pots...
Hello! First, I beg apologies for my English. I've been gardening for a lot of years. I grow a wide variety of veggies in raised beds in Central Russia (at the rate of about 4 USDA Hardiness Zone). But I never grow the hot pepper. I am trying to grow my first hot and superhot this year. 2011 C.annuum Tequila Sunrise Poinsettia Cayenne Golden Red Cap Mushroom Vietnamese Candlelight C.baccatum Aji Cito Nepalese Bell C. chinense Habanero Red Habanero Chocolate First sprout was 7 March 2011. Now growing season is concluding already. Weathermen are promise the night frost. Some pepper plants I turn off and install in containers. My harvest is underripe and scrimpy. And I started a new season 2012. :crazy: 10 August were soaked...
Aussie280's first season grow log
Hi guys, I thought I'd share with you a diary of my first years attempt of growing from seed. I am a complete novice and started 3 weeks ago with sowing some seeds directly into top soil and others in jiffy pellets. This included Serrano Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Habanero Tabasco Numex Twilight Cilegia Picante Fatalli Hot Lemon Chilli Aji Amarillo Bishops Crown Birds eye baby Along came a lovely Melbourne storm which pick up my temp greenhouse and moved it a meter or so. The result was my seed trays went flying. I sifted through the remains and replanted what seeds I found. JR also came to the rescue and sent a few more seeds to me. What a great guy !! Anyway the Melbourne weather although spring has been unpredictable with cold...
Got some space in the garden next year along with 24 potted in 5 gallon buckets. -Red Bhut Jolokia -Trinidad Scorpion Butch T -Trinidad Scorpion Morouga :woohoo: -Trinidad 7 Pot Yellow -Trinidad 7 Douglah -Red Savina Habanero -Peach Habanero -Australian Lantern Habanero :woohoo: -Malaysian Goronong Habanero :woohoo: -Yellow Fatalii -Aji Pineapple -CGN 21500 :woohoo: -Orange Scotch Bonnet trying to figure out how to make room for Peach Bhut's! Also growing tomatoes: -Big Raspberry -Hawaiian Pineapple -Paul Robeson -Virginia Sweet -Fireworks -Japanese Oxheart -Stupice -Opalka -Jersey Devil
Sri's 2011/12 grow log
New place ,New area to plant and bigger space :) My mother gave me this place beside her house to start my pepper growing here as i would be shifting here soon or at least about 80 km away from this place.i would be there almost every weekend. at the top corner of the plot there is a lime plant.which just started to fruit. the size of it is about an orange. the other side of the plot has an amazing view. :)Thats Mount Kinabalu with its whole plateau and its peak.
Round two...Indoor!  Nick's Grow Log
Well, after several disatsters and a move it's time to do this right! (or at least a wee bit better) Started late earlier in the year and lost all but three of my outdoor plants to weather. Ironically enough the 3 "runts" survived. A wiri wiri "ma" and two white habs. I just started anew in a 3 bdr with a large backyard with just me, the GF, and my dog.... :woohoo: Here is phase one of the "grow room"; This will be just for growing, mostly peppers and some other veggies for eatin'. Pleanty of room I think. I have about 200 watts of floros up right now for the seedlings, and plan a CMH/T5 combo for bloom. The CMH are ceramic metal halides, a conversiuon type that has an outta this world spectrum good for all stages of growth...
Inca's 2011 Grow Log...  !
2011 ......... here we go : season 2010 Still not sure about the varieties i will grow this season, but i know 1 thing....i want some Tovarii this season ! So i've sowed some seeds (15 tovarii's :D ) just to be sure ...and to my surprise 6 of them have allready germinated ;) this season i will grow some 'common' varieties aswell. I just need a lot of madam jeanette's (all time no. 1 chili, for me) for cooking and sauces, and some Japanese hotties, packed with flavour; Takanotsume and Okinawan hot pepper, later i will sow some Shishito aswell. Here are some pic's of the progress so far :
Thinklikeh20's 2011 Norcal grow log.
Hello everyone, I have decided to try and document my pepper season this year, and although I am a full time culinary student, I will do my best to update. One of the weird things I have to deal with growing peppers in a place like Santa Cruz CA is our extremely mild climate, and our excess of microclimates. Due to this fact I will be growing very few Chinese's at my house and will focus on the Pubescent and Annum species, while all my superhot's will make their way around town to several warmer locations. Like a ranch in Scotts valley CA, And also my student garden in Aptos. I did get an early start however due to the mild weather as most of my seeds were sowed in late dec. I will update with a genetics list once I count em all. Im...
hi all here is my 2011 list Aji Lemon x4 Ancho Gigantia F1 x17 Asian fire x2 Bulgarian Carrot x3 Caballo x7 Cayenne Large Red Thick ? x6+1? Coban / Ancho Gigantia F1 Dorset Naga x8 Naga Morich x4 Fatalii x6 Paper Lantern x4 Jamaican Hot Chocolate x7 Pasilla Bajio x1 Habanero Orange x5 Habanero Red x2+1? Habanero peach x1 Red rocotto x10 Tabasco x3 Trinidad Scorpion butch t x6 Trinidad 7 pot yellow x1+1? 7 pot x3 unknown verity x101 long red and sweet/2-10 heat...
synclinorium's Grow Log 2011
Otherwise known as my first attempt at growing hot peppers; probably a good reason to keep track of my plants' progress. My list isn't quite as hot as the others I see on here, but I'm still at the point where most of the hotter chinense varieties are beyond my appreciation. Hopefully this season will begin to change that. I didn't properly research before buying my seeds/plants, so forgive my naivety with some of my supplier choices; I don't exactly have high expectations when it comes to most of these plants being true to type. Seeds were started intermittently between the first week of February and the second week of March (save the giant Datil plants seen in the photo below, those just recently arrived). Current list: Aji Cristal...
Tonyscoots 2011 Hot Pepper Log
Hello everyone just wanted to say hello and show you guys my collection. Im fairly new at this. I started growing vegetables and peppers after i got hurt from work. (gives me something to do while i recover) i grow all my seeds in the wet paper towel and ziplock bag method then transplant them into a pellet I have a few seeds waiting to pop - yellow hungarian wax - scotch bonnet pepper - Bhut Jolokia (ghost pepper) taking forever :mouthonfire: - serranno pepper As you all can see i love hot peppers and am willing to try to grow other types of hot peppers... at the moment im looking for - trinidad scorpion - and a few other hot ones What i have growing Biker bills pepper (in my aerogarden as well) long hot cayenne early...
My new pepper growing space for 2012
I've finally found a place that so far seems almost too good to be true. A 3br, 2ba, 2 story, 2 car garage, 1500sqft house that sits on 5.7 acres that was bult in 2005 that was never sold by the homebuilders, that was forclosed on is now two steps away from being mine. The property is two lots of which one is a 1 acre lot that was cleared at one point but has become overgrown over the years. That 1 acre lot is where I intend to grow not only peppers next year but also a myriad of other veggies, herbs and fruits. There is about 4 acres or so that is pine trees and other hardwoods. I'm not quite sure what I feel like doing with that just yet as that is years away. Perhaps it would be a good spot to raise catfish or tilapia amongst the...
I will be the first to admit, I didn't have that great of a season last year. I got overly optimistic and crowded my garden with too many plants. I lost over half my plants due to it. Lesson learned and moving forward: I also didn't build my raised bed very well either. The timbers I used to build it, warped and split over the winter, so I am scrapping the entire thing and starting over. Since I am limited to the space I can use, the dimension will remain the same, 8'x16'. I will be making the base out of 2”x12” with a 4”x4” post every 8'. Plus another placed 3' from a corner for the gate. I would prefer to use 1”x2” wire, but can only find 2”x4” locally. The top will be surrounded with 2”x4” to help support the wire. The...
kibaumm 2011/2012
Hello yall!! I live in Brazil, in apartment, so all my plants I grow on pots. I have start my 2011/2012 season 2 month ago... this is my growlist Bacatum Aji Limon Aji Habanero Aji Pineapple Aji amarillo Annumm Praire fire Thai hot Habanero tazmanian Chinense 7 pod classico (jonah); 7 pod long; 7 pod chocolate douglah; 7pot/pod Barrakapore; 7pod red; 7pot/pod Brain Strain; 7pot/pod; Bugundy; Beni highlands; Bih jolokia lemon; Bonda Ma Jacque; Datil Red; Joes long cayene; Habanero black stinger; Habanero giant white; Habanero Francisca; Habanero cancun habanero costa rica Habanero condors beak; Habanero Fogoso; Habanero méxico; Habanero orange; Habanero chocolate Pimento morango; Trinidad scorpion; Trinidad douglah...
My first grow log
My Growing list for this year Aja Lemon Trinidad scorpion Pusa jwala Douglah Scotch bonnet (from a friend) Super chilli (from last years plant) Jalepeno I have been growing super chillies for the last few years with great success and love them. I have decided to expand my selection this year with some interesting varieties. I Invested in a heated propagator that kept the temp at a constant 30c. I followed advice from the guys at the Hippyseedcompany (who provided the TS,douglah, aja lemon and pusa jwala seeds) and used jiffy pellets. After 3 weeks I have had some success. I have potted on some of the stronger ones and they seem ok, I am keeping them indoors in the south facing bay window. Temp is set on my house central...
2010 was my first season of growing anything other than the common jalapenos, serranos, etc. I have big plans for 2011. I'll try to document it here. There are so many top rate gardeners and photographers here that this will pale in comparison. I have some random pics posted here from 2010: My link I have my first seeds down and several plants overwintering that I'll take pics of soon. Still working on my grow list for 2011. So many peppers, only so much room. Toby
BigPhilMD's Grow Log 2011
Hello everybody and welcome to my first grow log! I live in the city and I don't have any land so I'm stuck growing in buckets wherever I can. Last year was my first attempt at growing peppers which resulted in some success. This year I'm taking a giant leap and starting from seeds and growing a ton of plants. I have no idea where I'll have room once I have full grown plants. I started some seeds in small plastic shot glasses on top of coffee filters and didn't get much action out of the seeds. I moved them to here: My pepper-lovin' girlfriend, lellie1o1, bought me a great 72 cell container/germination station with a lid and a heat mat. Soil is Espona Organic Seed Starter. I bought a small clip light with a 60w CFL natural...
First timer grow log
Howdy, My name is Steve i live in Iowa, i have decided to try my hand at growing my favorite pepper this year and after reading many forums i decided to register here and post a pic to get some of you expert's input on my baby habs. This pic was taken today they were sowed 11 days ago, i have never attempted to grow peppers from seed so i am a complete newb and not sure what to look for as far as how things are goin so far. Thanks for any responses and take it easy.
As some of you already know, on April 7 I injured my foot, which caused a lot of nerve damage, but no broken bones. The doc put me into an immobilization boot, which I wore for about a month and a half. Then I started walking. Generally, depending upon available time, I now walk 1 - 3 miles a day, sometimes twice a day. I still have some pain in my foot, but it is much better than it was following the injury. Mostly things like squatting down or turning the foot to the side cause pain, but just walking has been okay for the most part. The doc gave me a program to follow when I was ready to start running again. When I saw it, I thought "LAME", but then, isn't that what one is with a foot injury? :) The program starts with one minute of...
Krazy Medic's Log 2011
I started some new plants in Earth Barrels which are a self watering container made out of a 55 gallon food grade plastic barrel. My growing medium consists of peat, vermiculite, Black Cow, Black Hen & Mushroom Compost. This mix make a very light and airy growing media. I purchased several plants from a local grower and planted these on July 13th, 2011. Below are some pictures about two weeks after planting. Left: Trinidad Scorpion Center: Trinidad Scorpion Right: Black Habenero Back: Roma Tomato Left: Ghost Chile Center: Black Habenero Right: Ghost Chile Back: Beefstake Tomato Left: Fatalli Center: Cali Pedi Right: Yellow Lantern The Peppers seem to be happy already have several pods on the Chocolate (Black) Habenero...
Deep Water Culture T5 Grow Log
Had a bunch of these systems so figured I may as well grow some plants in one Heres the nutes used below applied starting at 300ppm @ 5.9 ph (it drifts to about 6.4 after 4 days then I just give it new solution(always with R.O. water)Now we are on week 2 i have nutes at 600ppm per Willards advice in another thread (thx!) The system with light and stand Banana Pepper Marconi Hab Cubanelle And another Banana with a root poppin through I am learning all things peppers from this site so if anybody sees anything that I am going the wrong direction on please let me know comments/criticism welcome :)
My humble Grow Log 2011
Well guys, I've been lurking for a while, getting awesome info from all of you. Thank you all for being awesome. Anyway last year I talked about growing peppers and was given some Bhut Jolokia seeds by a friend in MI. I'm starting pretty conservatively for my first time. I planted 4 Bhut seeds and only one made it to a plant, my jalapenos did great, I also have a couple nice cayennes with 1 that looks like its going to pop out of the soil any day. I also am growing a few Anaheims. I still have some Bhut seeds in the fridge and I ended up buying some Butch T seeds and am awaiting their arrival. I think I'm going to go ahead and start germinating and try to over winter them. I've learned a lot so far and am sure this is something that...
Well I started most of my seeds in a seed start mix put them in a reused salad tub on the 20th of December. My Varieties for this year: Aji Bonito Aji Brown Bhut x Bell F3 Bhut Jolokia CPI Black Pearl Bonnet x Bell F3 Brazilian Starfish Bulgarian Carrot Cajun Belle F1 CAP 1478 Cappuccino Habanero Cherry Pepper Chile de Arbol Chocolate Fatali Clavo Condors Beak Fidalga Vermelha Filius Blue Fooled You Jalapeno F1 Inferno F1 Italian Pepperoncini Monkeyface Yellow Morouga Blend Yellow Mustard Habanero Numex Heritage Big Jim Numex Pinata Numex Suave Orange Numex Suave Red Orange Hab Padron Peru White Hab Peter Pepper Red Poblano Prik Bra Dap (Charming) Prik Bra Dap (Fak Thong) Prik Ki Nu Suan Prik Sri Num Khao (F1) Prik Wiang...
Nailingtoheaven Grow Log 2011
Here is the start of a more than likely a rarely updated grow log of my attempt to grow a bunch of peppers. I don’t know really anything about growing peppers (having never grown more than a ancho plant) and get fairly busy with other projects, so at times the plants get neglected. I started seeds back in the start of February and have continued to plant more and more seeds but finally have stopped myself. The nights are still cold (was 22 last night) here so I am waiting for a while longer to even leave them in my hoop house at night. They are growing in a room in my basement under a 400 watt HID light. I have good air circulation and flow in the grow room but am slowly running out of room as the plants grow. Hopefully soon...
HabaneroHead Grow Log
Hi Everyone, I've been reading this forum since 3 months, and all I can say is: guys, You are amazing!!! I saw AJ's unbelievable harvests, and all the crazy setups you were made, and they inspired me to start my own growing season. So let me thank you all the knowledge you put together in this forum, and the patience of my girlfriend, who lets me play with these evil plants in our 34 square meters flat. :rofl: I always was a chili fan, but this is the very first year I am trying to grow them. It started with a pack of Red Habanero, in February, which I purchased in a local store in Budapest, which is selling exotic (!) foods. Yes...exotic, but I have to add, that I am living in Hungary, and these kind of staff is quite rare here. It...
Jason's 2010 grow log
How is everyone today? A few of my seed have sprouted for my 2010 season so I thought i'd post a couple of pics. Nothing too flash at this stage but will be sure to keep updating as they progress. Hopefully I will end up with around 50 or so plants (including ones in the groung already and a few Bird's eyes and Orange Habs), however I was going through Timmies thread the other day and I may just regret that many plants. So here is the list ATM Seeds in: 4 x Trini Scorp, 4 x 7 Pot, 4 x 7 Pot "Jonah", 4 x Yellow 7 Pot, 4 x Naga Morich, 4 x Dorset Naga, 4 x Bih Jolokia, 4 x Bhut Jolokia and 4 x Choc Bhut. I'm trialling the aspirin mix on one tray while the other will be getting "normal" nutes. This is Tray #1 (no aspirin) planted 29 Apr...
Yaargh's 5gal DWC grow log
Alright, here's my go at growing a Trinidad Scorpion Morouga and a 7pod SR in 5gal DWC "bubbler" buckets. I started the seeds in rockwool and transplanted into 5gal buckets with leftover STG filler. I am using foxfarm "growbig" as a growth nutrient and will switch to the flowering nutrient whenever. The plants are under a 250w HPS lamp. I recently topped the plants out of curiosity and will upgrade to a darkroom for higher lamp placement and to cut down the glow from the lamp on my tv... Here is where they are at as of now.
nuthead's first grow log
Hi, I'm Michael, I live in Penang, Malaysia. This is my grow log. Everything started with a pepper plant I bought. I don't know much about it, except that it's a chinense from what people told me. Seeing as how that plant has been growing well, I went out and bought a packet of birds eye chilli or cili padi as they call it here. Not knowing any better, I dumped all the contents out into the soil. Well, needless to say, I have alot of small plants right now with true leaves. I have also managed to germinate and sprout some seeds of the unknown Chinense. Overview of my container garden Cili Padi/bird's eye chilli on 13th June Transplanted Cili Padi on 15th June Undetermined Chinense 15th June [has been with me for a month, bought...
BigRob's 2011 Grow Log
Hi there, I went against my better judgement and purchased my seeds from ebay. For around $13 shipped I got 20 Bhut Jalokia Seeds, 20 Trinidad Scorpions and he threw in 10 Tasmanian Reds for free. I started them in Sow-N-Grow Peet Pellets and transplanted them outside after 6 weeks. And so far am very satisfied, except I'm still not sure these are the correct peppers. Ive never grown any of these before and my pods, so far, dont seem to look like anyone else's Ive seen. The Jalokias are a very pale yellow, nearly white and the scorps are very round and growing upside down (see pic)... Anyway heres a look, tell me what you think... After 2 weeks!!! Bhut Jalokia?? Scorps?? Tasmanian Reds. Love the color on these!