• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


Start a Grow Log for your growing season.
Moshmans 2010/11 Grow Log
So far my grow season has been satisfying for me. I must say though, with out my overwinters, I would probably not be as happy as I am My grow list goes a little like: Douglah (Tooninoz) Fiji Embers (Tooninoz) Red Habanero (Market bought pods) Big Reds (Market bought pods) Yellow 7 Pot (Gasificada & THSC) Bhut Jolokia (Ebay) White Hab (Ebay) Chocolate Hab (Ebay) Orange Hab (Bunnings) Morouga Red (Niel THSC) Bonda Ma Jacques (THSC) Burkina (THSC) Aji Lemon (THSC) Peri Peri (Ebay) Yellow Bhut (Gasificada) Jalapeno (Woolworths) Trinidad Scorpion (THSC) My overwinters were: (x1 each) Long Green (Woolworths pods) Birdseye (Woolworths pods) Trinidad Scorpion (Ebay) Bhut Jolokia (Ebay) Chocolate Hab (THSC) White Hab (THSC) My seedling...
This is the official start to my grow log, and I'm starting the log off early by asking for some input. I'm about to order my seeds from peppermania and wanted to know what you guys think. Is there anything I should not bother with? Goats Weed Lemon Drop Fatali Pimento Peruvian White Habanero Chocolate Habanero Brazilian Starfish Cajamarca and though it's no longer on the site the "garden of fire" with i think 3 different 7 pots and another superhot that I can't recall. And to continue in the spirit of my grow log both of my overwintered plants seem to be doing well a bhut and a plain Habanero.
Ratatosk 2011 grow log
Hi, I first tried growing hot pepper last year, in center of Belgium. Very interresting results and quite good crop, but I started to sow too late. I overwintered the best varieties with success, for now. Just had to get rid of aphids one time. This year I modified a very small room of my house, for my sowings and seedlings : (Coca-Cola for the scale :-) The lights can be adjusted in height and the room can be warmed up to 30 °C. On the walls : Mylar Diamond ( http://www.cultureindoor.com/rouleau-10-m-mylar-diamond-easy-grow-1-25m-x-1m.html ) Lights : T5 Superplant 216 watts Grow 6500K 120 cm x 35 cm ( http://www.cultureindoor.com/eclairage-lampes-kit/t5-superplant-48-96-216-432w/t5-superplant-216w-croissance-6500k.html )...
TheChilliRat's 2011 Grow Log
Ok, First organized grow this year, already started some plants, but I'm holding off on the rest cos' ive ran out of room inside and its far to cold to be even letting them thinkabout going outside yet. I also have some overwintered cayenne types from last season. My plants this year shall be: Trinidad Scorpion Naga Morich Bhut Jolokia Red Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Red 7 Pot/Pod White Habanero Scotch Bonnet Ring of Fire Jalapeño So far I've started on my Scorps, the Morich and my first batch of scotch bonnets, I've got eight small scorps going strong but only one very sickly Naga morich (it got a roll of carpet dropped on it, all chilli growing should be done away from family members) Although I'm hopeful it will...
Peppermanbaha's Back in Bussiness Winter gro Log
Hey yall. i'm back . Did you miss me? i havent been on the forums since july . Feels like forever !!! and I decided to start it up again. I'm bac at growing though i'm starting over from scratch. i just set some orange hab seeds and last year i though i would never grow another one of them again cuz i had so much.Now i'm groeing them again. I had an old aquarium and i set up a germinator. Temps dont drop very low so growing chillis in winter here is more than acceptable. Pics of my rig. i germinated two seeds they got leggy under the fluros a bit cuz i kept cutting them off when i left in the morning so i set them out side. i have one going good now. I think i'll leave the light on in the day thank you. i picked upa pack of scotch...
Celeste grow log 2010
I been encouraged to post my progress. well, I have seedlings so I guess I'll start! So, I know I have here somewhere when I started these- I guess its been a week or two? I'll look it up I was told to start my scorpions now- so here are my Trinidad scorpions that patrick sent me and Yellow Scorpions-CARDI from Cappy: and first up- THE YELLOW! as of 02.01.10 I had three seedlings, and this evening, 02.02.10 I have two more. They are in a kritter keeper (with plastic wrap on top to holdin humidity) in a large aquarium in a cold room in a south window (but we aint been getting no sun) so they have a hermit crab heater under them and a full spectrum 40 watt above them and been staying between 80 -90 F, I think thats good? and...
I've needed to get this going so here goes. The following list was started Jan. 25. It is my first time trying hydro. Got it pieced together just in time to get my chinense varieties started. It's an ebb and flow setup in nursery trays placed end to end with heat mat, under 40w flouros which I later added a six position bath bar with cfl's to the wall behind my plants in the grow area which is 5' tall 6' wide and 2' deep. If my lumen math is correct for adult plants (3000 lpsf) would be 180,000 lumen s total and @ 2000 lpsf I would need 120,000 lumen s. That is seven more of the twenty dollar 6 pos bath bars. Two on the ceiling and 5 more on the wall. That is just insane which is sad because I think my wife already thinks I'm...
Well here are a few pics of my DWC grow at the moment. The seeds were sown on 17-18 Aug 2010. They are doing better than any other plants I have going at the moment. The roots are going nuts in most of these buckets but some barely have any roots at all. There will be more pics to come tomorrow when my camera's batteries are charged. This is the biggest of them all, it's a Bhut x Giant White Hab and it stands 16-17 inches tall. Comes courtesy of a VERY generous member down in Victoria. These pictures don't do the amount of buds any justice bud he we go. This is not the best shot but will get more tomorow. Some of these pics aren't focused very well but others are quite good. I like this one, it was unintentional but i got almost...
ya, I know what you thinking; "Oh my god thats to soon", but last year I plantet my hab's way to late in the season (was my first season ever) and they flately refused to grow. I was forced to buy grown plants to get any hab's at all :oops: So this year I have decided to start the season already now, and these where just plantet: Amazon Chile Roma x 10 scotch bonnet x 10 mustard habanero x 8 orange habanero x 8 devils tongue x 10 congo black x 10 Later, in januray these will be plantet (list might change): Sweet Pepper Diablo Rodeo F1 Sweet Chocolate Black Hungarian Padron Numex Big Jim Redskin Dwarf Bell Chili Powder Pepper Krimzon Lee Monkey Face NuMex Conquistador Numex Espanhola NuMex Heritage cyklon holy mole ancho mulato As...
salsalady's first grow log
This whole forum has inspired me to attempt to grow a few peppers. After receiving some seeds from another forum member, I decided to give it a go myself. The original plan was to have a local farmer grow them for me, but I'd feel real bad if they did a ton of work all season and they only produced a few pounds of peppers. SO~ Here we go! The seeds I received are- Red Savina habanero bhut jolokia trinidad scorpion 7 pot- homegrown 7 pot- other I printed out the growing instructions from Peppermania to have something to work with, bought a couple 72-cell starting trays, some germination mix, recruited SalsaNut0.5 to help, and set to work. We set the seeds to soak in warm bleach water, filled the trays with dry germination mix...
Hey there guys! I know all my grow logs that I had started well, I never really kept up with them or I couldn't get the pics to upload. But this time I'm going to list all the varieties I got, and if you guys could, help me pick out some to grow... I'm kind of suprised people respond onto my thread that I've posted, seeing as how I'm new and never posted anything significant enough to be good enough for uhh, I do not know the word but yup. Anyways, here's my Varieties, some it tells me what kind they are like the Chineses or Annuum or something, but some don't unfortunately. Oh one question is the Naga Jolokia PC-1 same as the Bhut Jolokia or are they completely different? Sugar Banana (rainbow.com) Big Chile (why don't they make a...
Decided this would be a fun way to keep records of what I thought of particular chiles. Unfortunately I do not have video capability so it won't be as fun but hopefully I will be able to take pictures of what I'm eating once my camera is charged again at least. So here's my first, it's the Chocolate Bhut Jolokia. Cut in half and removed seeds, ate one half. Yeah I'm a pussy and won't do the whole thing. But half is better than a sliver. :cool: Good aroma, not very fruity, nutty though with a faint smokiness. Nice flavor at onset, mostly nutty without much fruitiness as smell would suggest. Heat onset was quite delayed, I thought I had escaped it for a second, but not at all! A minute in and I am burning horribly. Hiccups, eyes...
Well guys, I know I have started a lot of topics and none of them really ever gotten anywhere but well, I thought I'd have a grow log of my glow in the dark pepper and some other plants that I'm going to be growing through out the year, and it's all indoors unfortunately, unless during the winter here and its not too cold out I might put some of my plants outside for them to try to enjoy the sun haha. But, there will be many pics to come! The camera that I'm using is a Nikon D-5000, pictures are really good with that beast of a camera haha :D
Hey there guys! since some people wanted me to let them know about this plant I thought that I'd make a grow log about it and here it is! :D Although I have never gotten around to planting them or trying to germ then but just a few minutes ago I had plopped them in some water and now they're going to be soaking and sitting in it 'till the sprout. I know some of you guys say thats not necessary to do that, but the last time I soaked all my pepper seeds they all had 100% germ rate, they prolly would've had 100% anways but, oh well... And in my other grow log I think I'm going to quit posting in that one and focus all my time into this one... Well hope you guys enjoy it! I just hope this plant does glow in the dark, becuase that would...
Hey there, I'm going to start grow log about what I'm growing so far. Unfortunately, its going to be a indoor grow. Temps outside have only been above 40 F, and thats warm for us haha. What I have going so far right now is: 1 x Black Pearl Pepper (I'm going to start more soon) Lots of Bell Peppers, red, orange, green, yellow 2 x Georgia Flame 2 or 4 x Habanero Pepper 2 x Jalapeno 2 x Marble Non Pepper 2 x Strawberry Fragissimo 24 x Mugo Pine Blooming Idiot Spider Plants Tulip Cactus from seed Tobacco Rustica Tobacco Black Mammoth i think I would upload some pics but can some one please tell me how to upload some pictures, if some one can tell me how I would upload some pics, the camera I'm using a D 5000 Nikon...
2010 charlesNYC's Grow Log AKA My Ugly Little Fire Escape
So here it goes. I'm a bit late to post and I don't have as many good pictures as I wish I did. On top of that, my garden is nothing compared to what many of you guys are working with. I don't have a backyard, or even a balcony. I've planned out a Fire Escape Garden for this season, while hoping that next year, I'll be at an apartment with a backyard (not as hard as it sounds, noting I live in Brooklyn). I'm also very late to the seed-starting party. I sowed my seeds at the beginning of the month; but took care to choose varieties known for setting fruit out early (Tomato's are Early Wonder and New Big Dwarf, and the basils should be ready by the end of next month.). My super long list of varieties being grown in my Fire Escape...
BillyIdle's Autumn Grow Log
Howdy! Haven't been on the forum for ages, mostly due to a longer break from chili growing. After having to tear down the grow room for the second time due to insects (trips), I just needed som distance from the hobby. Yesterday, I felt the distance was right :) The growing area was sprayed down heavily with anti-bug spray (pyrethrine++), the smallest pots were chlorinated, and I went through my seed collection to find some suitable species to grow this autumn. Out of about 25+ different choices, I ended up with the following: Top four: Super Chile, Hot Lemon, Pimenta Da Neyde, Yellow Burkina Bottom four: Ring of Fire, Fatalii, Bird's Eye Baby, Stipe (baccatum) Each bag contains two seeds, and at some point in time I will cull away...
Fade's Grow Log 2010
Well its been a long time since I last posted on the forum due to being very busy. I hope all is well with everyone, and that you had a very happy new year! Here are some pics of what I'm currently growing. My Yellow Scotch Bonnets that are planted in ground are loaded and continue to be heavy producers. Some Chocolate Habs
What's up all?! I'm pretty excited about this years grow season as it's gonna be my first year that I'm actually able to put most if not all my plants in the ground! I put in a 15'x25' garden this year and it's pretty much gonna be dedicated to just peppers and a few tomato varieties. Got a late start getting my seeds germinated this year. They've only been up for about a month now but it looks like they'll be ready for plant out in a few weeks. Thanks to all who hooked me up with seeds for this season after my wonderful ex tossed what seeds I did have out lol. I'm not growing anything too exotic this year but I'll have a pretty good variety: Bhut Jolokia 7 Pod Trinidad Scorpion Dorset Naga Chocolate Habanero Fatalii Red Savina...
1st year grow - Log + pictures
I was away for 2 weeks and when i got back i was surprised to see how much they grew! I left them in the care of my brother who didnt do as good a job as i had hoped but with a little care they should bounce back to their former selves! they're in 1.5 gallon pots with peat, coco coir, and i feed them hen fertilizers once a month. Enjoy! Here's a list of what I have: White Peruvian Habanero Chocolate Habanero Reb Habanero Orange Habanero Mustard Habanero Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnet Orange Scotch Bonnet Fatali Bhut Jolokia Dorset Naga Yellow Cayenne Red Cayenne Jalapenos De Arbol unknown F1 hybrid + a couple of weird hybrids White Peruvian Habanero (in hydro bucket, no air pump, no ph adjustment, same nutrient solution for well over...
nff's grow log '10
well lets get the bad news out of the way. here's what dident germinate. how sad. video of what germinated when i last checked on them at grandma's (she has a greenhouse so i got her to try and germinate them for me) watch in 720 or higher. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hOnRV3owdk&fmt=22 and this is what they look like now. and the newsest sproutling is my congo black. oh and the douglah is aparently still alive i just couldent find it oh yea and my indoor serano. its just starting to pod up..... yes it need to be pruned badly.
Ajarn V's 2010 Grow Log
Well, I'm finally at a place where I feel I've made some real progress. Due to Thompson-Morgan's mis-labeling annums seeds as Habanero's a friend and I lost 3+ months growing annums we thought were chinense. Okay here are some pictures; The potting mix is identical for all 5 plants, but the 2nd Costa Red didn't get egg shells under it like the other 4. I top dressed the egg shells for that one.
Barrackpore 7 Pot Global Grow Log
So Trinicoolieboy was generous enough to send a bunch of seeds to a bunch of folks here and there around the world. Thought it would be interesting to have another one source/ world wide multi grower thread in the spirit of the Nova's Naga thread. Didn't see one going yet, and figured why not? Just planted the seeds I received a bit ago. Blank peat pellet shots aren't that exciting, but you gotta start somewhere, right? So get planting!!! Hope it's cool to start 'er up and get the ball rolling on this. Kinda just did it without any clearance and will defer to the source! Pretty excited to get some seeds direct from Trinidad though, so couldn't help it! Many thanks Trinicoolieboy!
a beginners grow log (chefben4)
I am a new guy to the site and the whole pepper growing thing, or growing at all for that matter. I know I am late but I am going to pick up where I can and kind of start a grow log. I have learned so much from everyones grow logs on here! I figured I'd start my own and get help when needed or suggested.. I very proud of my plants since Im new to this lol, so I hope I'll have a lot of pics to post. Here is my list this year (for a first timer I think I got carried away, but live and learn!) Tabasco Chili Red Bell Green Bell Jalepeno Habenero Pepperonchini Gypsy Nu Mex Big Jim Trinadad Scorpion Belgium Carrot Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Hot Cherry Pepper As you can see in the pictures I am growing them in a multitude of ways... Earthbox...
Hey All! This is my first grow log. I started growing peppers last year, when my wife picked up a few from the local feed store. I immediately fell in love with growing and caring for my pepper plants. So, this year, I decided to grow some from seeds, and see how well they do. A late start, I know. The reason for that is because I had decided not to do it, but just couldn't stand not doing it (and visiting this forum certainly contributed to making me want to do it)...so, a month late, maybe 2, but I have planted a lot of pepper seeds...mostly Annuum, but a couple Chinense, See below for my complete grow list of whats planted and what is yet to be planted. I have planted 108 peat pods with 6 of each variety. Ill be giving some of these...
Well i decided to create separate grow log for tomatoes since i collected so many varieties. i'm actuallt little short on space so i will have to cut back on something and put them away untill next year. any ideas what varienty isn't worth growing so much? aunt giny's purple aunt ruby's german cherry marianna's peace magnum aussie mexico big beef hybrid brandywine / sudduth reisetomato costoluto genovese super marzano VFNT early woonder russian rose believe it or not giant belgium berkley tie dye old german copia orange russian ananas noire opalka paul robeson blank from tula black sea man chernyi mavr cherokee purple cherokee chocolate moonglow timy tim pappy's amarillo lady liberty thessaloniki
Ballzworth 2010 Grow Log
Things are off to an early start. Here's the grow list: Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut 7 Pot Trinidad Scorpion Naga Morich Red Savina Yellow Devil's Tongue Fatalli Orange Habanero Paper Lanter Habanero White Habanero Caribbean Red Jamaican Hot Scotch Bonnet (2 varieties) Tasmanian Habanero Pumpkin Habanero Aji Limon Mustard Habanero Bishops Crown Ancho Poblano Tabasco Bonda Ma Jacques Cili Goronong Here's what I got growing on so far, primarily the super hots...excellent germination rate, all of them between 6 and 9 days. I have a bunch of 42 watt CFL's as well once they get a bit bigger. Should be a good year. Best of luck to everyone else! ;)
Hi everyone, Have decided (been inspired by everyone else, really) to keep a thread here about my attempt to grow plants this year. Most of the weird, off-topic stuff I normally babble about I'll confine to my blog, but I'll share the photos and interesting capsicum related anecdotes here as well. I managed to overwinter (of sorts. I'd call it more a random collection of stems with little green shoots still growing on them) some plants from last year, mostly the ones at the office. Among them were an Orange Habanero, a Chocolate Habanero, a Caribbean Red Habanero, a Naga Morich and a Rocoto Rojo. There was also a Datil* I overwintered at home (which I started really late last spring). To my surprise upon returning from X-mas break...
Bruces Grow log 400 watt hps, ebb and flow hydroponics setup, Naga morich and more
I will be growing naga morich,trinidad scorpion,and tabasco peppers, along with a couple skullcap lateriflora seeds. I just started them on the first of June from seed. I will be using General hydroponics Floranova grow and bloom. I also have a few choice additives I will be adding to see if it will add an extra punch to the heat. Growing inside a secret jardin DR80 fully equipped with a 400 watt hps with cooltube reflector and exhaust fan. Here are a few pictures. Sorry about the quality of the pictures but they were taken with my cell phone. I have a usb cable en route to me for my camera so better pics will be coming soon. Please feel free to drop in and offer any advise,criticism (Good or Bad) Any and all comments are welcome...
i started to sow my new seeds from Neil of thehippyseeds just about a couple of days ago, got 4 types, bhut jolokia, naga morich, choco hab, and red savina. place all 4 inside a container to maintain humidity, with the temperature here in philippines, i think no need for heating up, like what my other countrymen who have experience growing peppers. always follow their advice. will post pics as soon as my pepper have germinated. :)
So i've begun my 2010 and probably into 2011 plant grow and I will be over wintering them to grow again next summer. I'm using an aerogarden ag7 pro200 and the stock nutrient tabs until I run out of them. Got my letter of seeds from neil @ HSC today and installed/planted them into my aerogarden deck. Ill be growing the following: Fatali's Bonda Ma Jacques 2x Yellow 7's Trinidad scorpions Chocolate habanero and lazienfat is sending me some scotch bonnets. :-D those will be added later. Thanks a lot! If anyone wants to send me another variety I'd greatly appreciate it! I'll remove one of the yellow 7's and plant it in soil to compare its growth with the yellow 7 in the aerogarden. Heres a video of the setup ive got going...
Maligator's Grow Log
Well, I figured I should probably begin an online growlog. I have been keeping a personal grow log in MS Word but it's time to share my adventure with those of you that have helped make it an easier task. I would also like to thank those of you that have been so keen to answer questions and help out someone who is trying this for the first year! I planted my first seeds on 13 Mar 2010. Here are a few photos I have taken since then:
ok so i ended up planting 3 seeds into 95 jiffy pellets tonight, labled and under lights with a heat pad. i still need a timer but since its just the germinating stage i should be ok for a few days. so here is the "official grow list" jalepeno serrano cayenne lemon drop scotch bonnet roccoto fatalli thai hot bhut jolokia big orange(dont have the actualy name yet) carribean red habenero naga morich chocolate habenero(long version) chocolate habenero(short version) bolivian rainbow unknown peruvian(need to get the name) unknow(have to wait for possible I.D.) pequine red bell sorry for the long list. lol but anyway, il keep you all updated on my plant progression. thanks for looking